The Heroes of Olympus Gods read The Heroes of Olympus

pugluv98 posted on Oct 31, 2011 at 12:42AM
Title:Gods read The Heroes of Olympus

Rating: T cuz im paranoid


THIS IS TO darkrai6543 and bornhuntress: darkrai for telling me to go on and being the first to reply

bornhuntress for being my first fan and the rest of you for boosting my self-esteem about this forum, you guys are the best!!!

SYNOPSIS: the title pretty much explains it, but i will do it any way, it is when the gods receive a package with two books that tells what will happend in the future along with three very familiar demigods..................................­...­...

NOTE: I have ADHD and a short attention span, so don't be dissapointed of if the chappies are short or if it takes me a while to post

last edited on Dec 25, 2011 at 03:16AM

The Heroes of Olympus 940 replies

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over a year ago pugluv98 said…
alright, im starting now, so it will be up in about an houror two
over a year ago jjspecht said…
big smile
Please post now,


Or, now.
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
im posting the rest of the chapter so it might take a while
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^thx for not swearing

that happened too with my story the mark of athena

so good luck re-writing it. *worst feeling in the world becuz u already did it, and now u have to write it again.*

over a year ago pugluv98 said…
^yeah, i dont cuss, its just somethin i dont do
over a year ago jjspecht said…
Sorry about what happened here is a cake to make you feel better.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
I WILL GIVE YOU ANYTHING TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!plz post soon. I can wait just post soon.
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
I hate to even spell this word but flipping*gasp* is a swear I know but watch the language

Jk but can't wait till you post
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post plz! You said you would post 7 hours ago!
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
ok i have calmed down some what, so heres the next chappie

The angry voices coming from the gods could probally be heard from the pedestrians down below. A crashing sound made all the demigods jump.

"What are they fighting about?" Hazel asked nervously.

Beckendorf shrugged "They must've found out about somethin." Percy and Annabeth's faces paled.

Jason raised an eyebrow "How do you know they found out about something?"

"'Cause there was a crashing sound when they found out Hermes spray painted a temple." Will Solace answered.

"I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" Katie said glaring at Connor.

"Well I say we go find out what there arguing about." Travis declared standing up.

"I second the motion." Connor said trying to sound sophisticated.

"What is this? A democracy?" Leo muttered.

Percy glanced around "What the hey" he said standing up and heading toward the door followed by the group of demigods.

As they peered around the corner of the temporary rec. room of the Big House they saw Posiedon and Athena in the middle of an argument.

"This is an outrage" Athena said "I will not stand for this."

"Like it was my idea for this to happend!" Posiedon retorted.

"I say just let them be together" Aprohdite said.

"No!" the two gods said in usion.

"It looks like there not the only people dating" Hermes snorted. Which made Apollo and Ares to break out in a round of laughter. If gods could die and looks could kill, Apollo, Hermes, and Ares would be dead.

Percy turned around and motioned for the rest of the demigods to go back inside.

"So what were they fighing about?" Chiron asked when the group came in.

"I don't know" Piper confessed "But it sounds like something has upset Posiedon and Athena."

"Hmm, I wonder what could have caused that?" Nico asked mockingly looking at Percy and Annabeth.

"Anyway" Piper said picking up where they left off.

"We go to the 'Wilderness School'"-Leo made air quotes with his fingers.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Clarisse asked.

"Which means were 'bad kids.'"

"Well I guess that answers that question." Connor said snootily.

"Shut up!" she growled.

"Children!" Chiron said quieting the two demigods bickering.

Your family, or the court, or whoever, decided you were too much trouble,

"Connor belongs there" Katie muttered.

"Aw don't act like you don't want me Kate," Connor said "your only acting like this, 'cause you know you can't stand not to have this." he mocked leaning back in his chair.

Katie decided she had enough and kicked one of the legs off off of the chair.

"Ow, what did I do to deserve that!" he yelled rubbing his back.

"One: I can't stand you. period. And two: because you were getting on my last nerve." Katie shot back at him. "And by the way, it's Katie, not Kate."

Piper decided the best decision would be to pretend nothing had happend.

so they shipped you off to this lovely prison-sorry, 'boarding school'-in Armpit, Nevada

"Is that an actual place?" somebody asked. Surprisingly, it wasn't either one of the Stolls, it was Beckendorf.

Piper shook her head "No but that place stunk so bad, that's what they should have named it."

where you learn valuable nature skills like running ten miles a day through the cacti and weaving dasies into hats!

"That's actually very good nature skills" Grover murmured. Everyone gave him a strange look. He blushed "not the weaving dasies into hats part, bout you know, the running ten miles every day through cacti."

"How?" Travis asked

"Duh, if you can't kill the monster, than you can run away from it like the wimps you are." Clarisse answered.

Piper cut Travis off before a fight could break out.

And for a special treat we go on 'educational' field trips wit Coach Hedge, who keeps order with a baseball bat. Is it all coming back to you now?"

"You think after all that he would've remembered" Nico muttered.

"NO." Jason glanced apprehensively at the other kids: maybe twenty guys, half that many girls. None of them looked like hardend criminals, but he wondered what they'd all done to get sentenced to a school for delinquents,

"Dude, you go to a freaking boarding school, not jail." Percy said.

Jason shrugged "Same thing."

Percy grinned "Touche"

Piper and Annabeth rolled their eyes at their boyfriends.

and he wondered why he belonged with them.

"Your really gonna play this out, huh?" Travis said looking at Jason.

Leo rolled his eyes. "You're really gonna play this out, huh?

There was an outburst of laughter fro the young half-bloods.

Okay, so the three of this started here this semester. Were totally tight. You do everything I say and give me your dessert and do my chores-" "Leo!" Piper snapped.

"Why did you do that? When somebody loses their memory you take advantage of them!" Connor and Travis chorused. All the girls decided to hit them in their shoulder.

"Fine. Ignore the last part. But we are friends. Well, Piper's a little more than your friend, the last few weeks-" "Leo, stop it!" Piper's face turned red. Jason could feel his face burning too. He thought he'd remember if he'd been going out with a girl like Piper.

"I would have too, except I am" Percy confessed.

"That is so sweet" Silena said.

"Alright that's it" Clarisse said.

"What's it?" Thalia asked

"He keeps dropping hints about his girlfriend, but won't tell us who!" Clarisse said exasperated. "Tell us beofore I run my spear through you!" she threatend.

Y Annabeth straightend in her chair. *She really wanted to know who is girlfriend was*

Percy just chuckled "Alright, I'll tell you. My girlfriend is"

DUN, DUN, DUN!!! this is another end of a chappie but heres something to think about: will percy tell them who his girlfriend is? If he does, how will the rest of te demigods react when they find out? post wat you think will happend and i will post the next chappie as soon as i can!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Yes post soon!!!! Within the hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I luv this!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! Y anabeth is going to like be soooo shocked!!! This is amazing!!! Post more!!!!!!!
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
Annabeth! and then a stunned silence and Y annabeth turning completely red! or it could be a U'll find out soon!!! and then Clarisse attacks and he defeats her!
Oh! Epicness!! Awesome chappie!!! Sorry u lost what u wrote before!! Hope u can post soon!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago universalpowa said…
ohh epicness and awesomeness!!! post soon i wanna know what happens next REALLY REALLY BAD!!

post soon!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
I will die if u don't post soon!!!0
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
^now you guys know why it took so long for me to write it, i think im gonna edit the summary at the top
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
O_O Just read the upper text... The one Way up there.^^^^ Sorry for not noticing the dedication before pugluv98!! I feel embarrassed now... And also, I feel so honored!!!! So THANK YOU!!!! And YOUR WELCOME!!!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
By the way, you left us hanging!!! I need to know what happens!!
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
^thats the point of a cliff hangar hehehehehehe
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
But I don't like cliffhangers!
over a year ago Child_of_Hermes said…
your as bad as rr with cliff hangars!!! great chappie btw
over a year ago AceJackson said…
COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!
over a year ago AceJackson said…
ITS BEEN 9 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
over a year ago AceJackson said…
sorry im in a bad mood
over a year ago AceJackson said…
i lost some of my homework
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
i might post tonight, i dont know, my mom got mad at me and now i can't get on the internet after 8, and it wasnt even my fault for what i got in trouble for
over a year ago AceJackson said…
over a year ago jjspecht said…
big smile
Why do we all have short atention spans ..... look a, what the heck is that.

It was just a squirel

Ps. I know that I spelt squirrel and attention wrong it's just my nook.
over a year ago PerciusJackson said…
what luckey my mom would have took all my electronics if i pissed her off
over a year ago MythicLover said…
POST soon
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
post soon! i hope u dont get into too much trouble
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
alright guys im working on the next chappie, but i cant give out how long it will take cuz im not sure
over a year ago kittyhawk09 said…
I'm a new reader and just started reading your story and love it. Thanks for writing this story and I love the cliffhanger
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
^SEE!!! someone who appreciates the cliff hangar!!!
over a year ago jjspecht said…
Please post I would really like to read about their reactions.
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
how about this i will post their reactions so far k?
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
You know what'd be funny if Percy was like "my girlfriend is....none of your beeswax!" and then clarrisse would try to kill him....good times good times
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
UGH!!!! I once again want to throw my laptop against a wall!!!!!
over a year ago jjspecht said…
Don't get to teed of here you might not be able to post if you do.
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
heres the continuation..........................

"Well!" Clarisse asked angrily "Who's your girlfriend?"

"I'm not going to tell you" Percy said. Clarisse charged at him. "Unless you can guess who she is. I'll give you three tries."

"Um, okay, is it somebody we know?" Silena asked. Percy nodded.

"I bet it's Katie!" Travis yelled.

Leo snorted. "No, that's Connor's girlfriend."

"I know! It's Thalia!" Connor shouted. The older demigods looked at each other real serious like than started laughing hysteriically.

"P-P-Per-Percy.....a-and.....Th-Thal­-Th­ali­a!&­quo­t; Nico choked out from the floor.

"Yeah right!" Jason yelled banging on the wall.

"Please, I would never date Percy" Thalia said.

"Why not? He's a good looking guy" Silena stated.

"For one, I'm a Hunter of Artemis and two, Percy's my bestfriend" she said.

"People can become more than friends" Silena shot back.

"Exactly, Percy and his girlfriend used to be bestfriends than they started dating" Grover said.

"Is your girlfr-" Travis started to say but Clarisse cut him off.

"No more guessing till we get more hints" she growled.

Percy smirked but let Piper to continue reading.

He's got amnesia or something," Piper said. "We've got to tell somebody."

Nico snorted "Who, Coach Hedge?"

Leo scoffed. "Who, Coach Hedge?

There was an out break of failed-to-conceal-laughs from the half-bloods.

He'd try to fix Jason by hitting him in the head."

"What's wrong with that?" Frank asked trying to sound innocent. Hazel playfully hit him in the arm.

"Jason needs help," Piper insisted.

"Yup, Jason needs help alright" Nico said nodding. Annabeth, once again, kicked one of the legs off the chair causing him too topple over and bang his head on the wall.

"Is he okay?" Piper asked trying to look over the ping pong table.

Percy looked over his shoulder. "Yeah, he's fine, he's getting up."

"He's got a concussion or-"

"Or he's an idiot" Leo concluded. Thalia caught Piper's look and sent a bolt of lightning at Leo.

"OW! Hey, i'm smokin hot!" Leo announced, who indeed had smoke rolling off him. Thalia rolled her eyes and motioned for Piper to continue.

"Yo, Piper." One of the other guys dropped back to join them as the group was heading into the museum. The new guy wedged himself between Jason and Piper, knocking Leo down.

"Jerk" Silena muttered.

"You have no idea" Piper replied.

"Don't talk to these bottom-feeders. You're my partner, remember?"

"Bottom-feeders?" Thalia asked.

The new guy had dark hair cut Superman style, a deep tan, and teeth so white they should've come with a warning label: DO NOT STARE DIRECTLY AT TEETH. PERMANENT BLINDNESS MAY OCCUR. He wore a Dallas Cowboys jersey,

"Who likes the Dallas Cowboys?" Leo asked. "I'm more of a Georgia Bulldogs fan."

"I'm prefer baseball," Percy said. "You gotta love the New York Yankees." Everybody nodded in agreement.

Western jeans and boots, and he smiled like he was God's gift to juvenile delinquent girls everywhere.

"I swear, when I find out what god sent him there, their gonna get a slap upside their head." Hazel said. Everyone nodded.

"But you gotta admit, he sounds hot" Katie said dreamily. Everyone except the guys, Annabeth, Piper, and Thalia sighed.

Jason hated him instantly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Jason" Connor mocked. "No girl likes the jealous type."

"For once, Connor is actually making sense." Katie said causing everyone to gasp. Katie never agreed with the Stolls.

"Go away, Dylan," Piper grumbled. "I didn't ask to work with you." "Ah, that's no way to be. This is your lucky day!" Dylan hooked his arm through hers and dragged her through the museum entrance.

Katie wrinkled her nose. "Nevermind, he's a jerk."

Piper shot one last look over her shoulder like, 911.

"You should've called 911" Leo muttered.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Demigods can't use phones, Leo."

"That's too bad, otherwise me and Connor would have stolen every phone by now." Travis said.

Leo got up and brused himself off. "I hate that guy." He offered Jason his arm, like they should go skipping inside together. "'I'm Dylan. I'm so cool, I want to date myself, but I can't figure out how! You want to date me instead? You're so lucky!'"

"You're weird, Leo." Nico told him.

He shrugged "I know."

"Leo," Jason said, "you're weird."

"See, Jason agrees with me!" Nico said.

Leo rolled his eyes. "I know, I just said I am."

"Yeah, you tell me that a lot." Leo grinned. "But if you don't remember me, that means I can reuse all my old jokes. Come on!"

Grover shot him a pity look "That must've sucked."

"You have no idea" Jason groaned.

Jason figured that if this was his best friend, his life must be pretty messed up; but he followed Leo into the museum.

"Than I guess your life must still be messed up!" Connor joked. Y Annabeth got up and cuffed him on the arm.

"OW, jeez, you hit hard for a girl" he complained rubbing his shoulder. There was a rush of scraping as all the girls jumped out of their chairs and slugged him in the arm. A few minutes later Connor was rubbing a numerous amount of bruises on both of his arms.

This is the end of the chappie, hoped you enjoyed it!!! this is my longest one by far
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Child_of_Hermes said…
awesome chappie!!!
over a year ago Child_of_Hermes said…
if you need help writing chapters, you should turn this into a forum where anybody can post
over a year ago PerciusJackson said…
big smile
loved it!!!!
over a year ago hippocampi1 said…
big smile
hey just started reading this its AWESOME! PLLLLLLZZZZZZZZ post soon it so funny i love it!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm laughing SO hard right now!!!!
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
Plz, plz, plz post soon!!! This is sooooo funny!!!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
I know right!!!
over a year ago PerciusJackson said…
laughing so hard it herts ow my stomache and cheecks
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
OMG!! So did mine^
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
Haha knew it but seriously you should have wrote none of your beeswax anyways I liked the chapter POST SOON