The Worst Generation [The Worst Generation: Hippies, Life, Rave and...Magic?!]

pLaStIcSUNDAE posted on Oct 21, 2019 at 12:19PM
1. talk wildly or incoherently, as if one were delirious or insane.
2. speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm or admiration.

(especially in the 1960s) a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs.

1. the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
"the origins of life"
2. the existence of an individual human being or animal.
3. a particular type or aspect of people's existence
4. the period between the birth and death of a living thing, especially a human being.
5. vitality, vigor, or energy.
6. (in art) the depiction of a subject from a real model, rather than from an artist's imagination.

1. the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
2. mysterious tricks, such as making things disappear and appear again, performed as entertainment.
3. a quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life, especially in a way that gives delight.
4. something that has a delightfully unusual quality.
1. used in magic or working by magic; having or apparently having supernatural powers.


~Plot Stuff~
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, there existed an otherworldly arcane essence that existed by the name of Magic/Magick. This essence was a variety of things. Lush and in great abundance, full of life and a energy that science had become a pale reflection of in the years that followed. However, it was also an essence that harbored a wicked face as well, bound to attract misfortune and death to all who were able to understand and or obtain it if not tamed properly. The secrets of this essence falling into the wrong hands would bring nothing but catastrophe.

And catastrophe it brought, those hundreds a years ago. One that thrust magic into an era in which it had began to fade and a new form of energy created at the hands of man became the new. The world in which magic had come from became a myth, magic itself became a myth as time progressed and left it to fade and never be seen again.

Or perhaps....what isn't seen isn't truly gone. And perhaps...the world thought to be myth is much more than just so. But what is certain is that what has lurked in the veils of shadows within the darkness, behind illusions of people, places and things. Forces that had managed to slip into the ages of the new world. Those of good. Those of evil and malice. Those of...magic. And perhaps...hope. But...will the newest of generations derived from those hundreds of years be able to face what comes?

And so we fly ahead in time to the present, where villages have become cities of tall structures, and dreams of flight have become a reality.


~TWG Terminology and Lore~




Sangeon Park
last edited on Mar 11, 2020 at 02:27PM

The Worst Generation 9440 replies

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over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Oh come on, Leo, this again?" Thube rolled his eyes as Leonard held him at gunpoint, not seeming to really be bothered by it. It happened quite often. "Reminds me of New York," he said, an unsettling smirk coming to his face. "Remember that?" And then he answered what Leonard had asked, but not exactly with an answer that answered it. "The real question you should have asked is HOW LONG have I been here. Makes for a spicier answer." His smirk grew into a grin as Kyung-ha had joined in the aiming at him. "And man, have I seen some things. Oh, and Mak's dead," he added casually. But the way he said it, it couldn't be told if he was being truthful or fucking with them on a completely different level as he flicked a piece of popcorn at Leonard's face for the hell of it. "So, should I join in on this Mexican stand off we're having, ooor?"


"No!" Raven had answered immediately, almost tok quickly when Galiah had if it was anything she could get her. Her eyes were tired looking, her hair carrying bits of sand and disheveled.

Edgar was taken by surprise at Raven's sudden answer, and he thought back to what had been said when they were in the basement. He looked towards Galiah. "Some coffee would be nice, and if you can, some painkillers. For two."

Raven didn't know why, but she became embarrassed when Edgar mentioned her in his request to the elf, muttering something that wasn't really understandable.

"As for the others..." Edgar could feel Raven's grasp around him tighten slightly, and he went on to say, "We'll sit down with everyone after we're done and get to the bottom of it."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Ahhh!" Leonard was taken by surprised when Kyung had held his mouth closed. He forgot completely in the heat of the moment that Kyung was technologically challenged, worse than even he was, and had mistaken the situation. He struggled to break from her grip while also still trying to aim the gun at Thube without firing. His hands barely managed to pry themselves from her python like grip around his face as he shouted, "Kyung! For gods sake, it's on mute! He can't hear us! Will you let go of me!"
But at the mention of Makveli's death, he would pull himself from Kyung's hold, looking up at the man with surprise as he spoke, "What? No, that's not possible. He was probably one of the stronger Immortals out there. Surely you have some kind of proof to back this up"
Leo needed to stay calm. He had to. He knew that Kyung wasn't going to be. But it was made harder not just by Thube's lack of respect, but his constant bugging as he had the popcorn thrown at his face

"Painkillers and coffee, understood" Galiah spoke with a bow to them. "Lady Raven, thank you very much for taking care of Sir Edgar. Your assistance is very appreciated. And I do hope that you were well rested sleeping in the sand pit. I suggest a good shower to get the sand from your eyes."
With her statement done, Galiah turned down the hall and made her way back down. It would only be a matter of time before she would walk back into the kitchen to see the events unfolding, with Kyung having Leonard's head in a headlock toward Thube, who was a total stranger, Mason and Yoon both hiding in the corner from the entire situation, and HECTOR continuing to shout, "Fuck the police" over and over in a sign of protest. But seeing as how no one was immediately fighting, she knew none of this was a threat to the Keepers, and therefore, not an issue for her. She walked into the kitchen, pouring two cups of coffee, making sure to add sugar to one for Raven's liking and taking a bottle of painkillers from the cabinet.
"Good morning Lady Yoon, Sir Mason, Lady Kyung-Ha, Sir Leonard, The other two" She greeted with a smile before taking the two coffees and heading out of the room
last edited over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
oh galiah xD over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Evidence? Try a truck full of intensities, bits of brain, and a couple of ligaments here and there with some beard shavings. That enough evidence for ya, Bucky?" Thube answered in his usual monotonous way, pausing when Galiah strolled in to get coffee in the middle of everything. "Nice skin," was the only thing he said as she left back out before his attention turned back to Kyung-ha and Leonard. "So. Are you going to put the guns down, or will I have to make you drop them along with your hands, fingers, and arms?" He asked, his tone becoming more sinister near the end, though he kept eating on his popcorn as if all were well and dandy. And threw a kernel at Leonard's face as he added, "Because I can make a mess."


After Galiah left for the kitchen, Edgar amd Raven started up the stairs towards the second floor, and as they did, they looked at one another as they heard bits of the conversation that came from that direction. And both seemed to agree without saying anything at all that they had enough on their plates already.

"One thing at a damn time, jesus—"

"God," Raven said at the same time right at the end of Edgar's words, which came as a surprise to her as she would pause for a small second.

"Looks like we're on the same page then, huh?" Edgar asked with a brief chuckle.

"Y-yeah, I guess so." A smile came to Raven's face as they continued to the top of the stairs.
last edited over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
Edvan xD over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Unlike before, Leonard caught the kernal that was thrown at him, tossing it to the side as he spoke up, "Thube, for gods sake, how do you know any of this!?" Leo spoke up. "Other then the last time I heard from you was a shooting in Florida and then here you are, back like nothing happened."
Finally after a bit, Leonard lowered his gun, looking to Kyung to see if she would do the same before returning his attention to Thube, "I'm only lowering my gun cause I know you aren't with the agents. And I know that you are reliable. But just know that being a mystery on your own doesn't mean I can trust you still. Especially when you were able to find us when the agents still haven't"

"Hello again" It wouldn't be long before Galiah would return with the coffee and the painkilers, holding them up as the two spoke among themselves. "Here you are, I added some sugar to this one. I assumed Raven prefers her coffee with a bit more sugar in it than the average human" Galiah remarked while also holding the painkillers in her palm . She looked between the two with a smile, but behind it was one of confusion and a bit of frustration at the current events. Even despite her demeanor she was wrapped with curiosity as to who this mystery person was. She knew that there was a person that was out of the picture, but the inability to remember their face and name was odd. "So this person must have used a sort of amnesia spell I assume. That's difficult. And dangerous if in the wrong hands or by a novice magic user"
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over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Why you no say that then?!" Kyung-ha exclaimed, shoving him off her effortlessly, along with her disguise. Her eyes glanced back at Thube, and only then did she lower her weapon realizing how his irksome comments proved it was indeed him. Still, she was cautious and decided she would close the distance between herself and Yoon out of motherly distinct in case it was a set up. She was between Thube and Yoon and Mason, fixing her hair back into her perfect bun before he suddenly mentioned of Makveli's supposed death. Her posture stiffened, and her hands fell from gathering her long hair to turn and glare at him at the casualness behind his tone with a clenched jaw. Her glare never left him even when Galiah came in. The look in her eyes told him she was not to be joked with, unlike Leonard. The short woman approached him and would've quarreled with him then and there if it wasn't for the fact that he was wearing one of her favorite shirts. Instead, she snatched the bag of popcorn out of his hands, tossing it on top of the counter for the time being. She shoved him back so he would straighten his slouched and casual posture against the counter before seizing her teabag mask from his as well. "I no in mood to hear your jokes, Russ." Her tone had shifted.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
She's right" Leonard said, finally holstering his pistol as he approached, knowing that this could get bad at any point and had to mediate the situation. He got next to the two and turned to Thube. "We need more than just words, Thube. Especially if the words are coming from a guy who regularly fucks with us. We need something a little more concrete then that. How do we know that it wasn't just someone else, or even if it was him involved, it wasn't just some decoy to throw the agents off his trail"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Whoa there, Big Cat," Thube's posture fell back into its usual slouch, and he stared at Kyung-ha. In fact unlike many people, he looked her dead in the eye as he reached and grabbed his popcorn back. "I like this popcorn. I'd advise you do that again." The warning behind his casual words was clear, and even more so of a reminder to who she was dealing with.
When Leonard approached and spoke, a sly grin popped onto his face. "So what, you want me to go back and bring his skin? Throw bits of his head at your feet?" He sneered lazily. "What I find funny is the fact that you think Tank of all people goes into anything brains first aside from a floor when he's had too much to drink. So much for not being in the mood for jokes, huh?" He pushed himself away from the counter.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard could already tell there was an anger boiling inside of Kyung. He could tell that things were only going to get bad at this point. He had to pull her back every slightly as she stared him dead in the eyes, hearing the way he disrespected her and others and spoke, "Kyung, your daughter is here. And he's not a threat to us, physically. We need to just... focus, alright? He's a.... well you know, a prick. But we need to think about how this happened and what that means for our safety here"
And even as all this was happening, HECTOR was still shouting fuck the police, louder than before it seemed just to get attention back on him. Mason would take the phone ever slowly and comment, "I'll... I'll turn this off" before he would slide back into place where Yoon was to keep himself between her
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over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Yoon felt queasy upon hearing Thube express graphically what had happened to Makveli. She felt her breakfast almost rise to her throat, having to deal with this sick feeling intertwined with emotions of shock and sadness. She barely knew Makveli, but what she did remember of him was his kindness and helpful hand when she was feeling down. However, she couldn't remember why she had been sad in the first place.

Kyung-ha, on the other hand, was in denial that someone as big and strong as Makveli was dead. She swallowed hard and gritted her teeth to stop herself from wiping the sneer off Thube's face. "Speak." She ordered him.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Hey, uh... We should, a.... we should go" Mason said as he took Yoon's hand and lead her out of the room in a hurry, pulling her along. He could tell that Yoon was going to throw up at some point if she had to keep hearing it, and Mason felt a little queasy as well. He didn't talk to Makveli much, if at all, but even still, it messed him up to hear about someone's death who was close by. He lead Yoon back down the hall where Galiah had gone, only for Sammy to step out of the room, holding the wooden sword in her hand
"What up, are we under attack or something?" Sammy spoke, already prepared for the worst
"Not... particularly" Mason said as he looked to Yoon with a bit of concern for her. "We just needed to leave. Uh, did you see Galiah?"
"Not really. I've just been in here all day under my quarantine" Sammy said with air quotes on her fingers.
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"What it means for your safety?" Thube gave Leonard a rather annoyed look now. "I forget how dense you can be. But you," he turned to Kyung-ha, wiggling a pointing finger at her. "Don't you "speak" me. You, I expected a lot more from the oh so fanged number 2. The ball was set high, and you fumbled and boy, did you drop the ball in one hell of a gaping asshole. So I don't want to hear shit else about your mood Park. Because unless you're ready to jump, and I'll tell you now that's an option you don't want to consider, then you're going to fix it." This was the first time Thube's tone had gained any semblance of anger, as small and almost unnoticeable as it was. When his attention went back to Leonard, there was no longer a grin nor a smirk. "It's time that we all had a little talk." And he said to both of them, "Sit down." And it wasn't a request, far from it. It was an order.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard was almost completely taken by surprise at what he was hearing. This guy who was a constant joke and a endless sea of constant mischief, now snapping a tone at him and Kyung about the whole state of affairs. Faint as it was, Leonard could sense it just barely, but it was how subtle it was that let Leo know that it was serious. He didn't know what was going on. In fact, he never knew what was going on with Thube. He just turned to Kyung with a bit of annoyance in his gaze and remarked, "Perhaps we should just do what he says if we're going to get answers from him. It'll make our lives a lot easier. Trust me, I've had to deal with this guy before back in Florida. Just do what he says so he doesn't run his mouth."
Without much protest, Leonard sat down on the couch, finally pulling the mask off his neck and the sunglasses off his head and setting them to the side, waiting for Kyung to sit down as well
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Yoon remained quiet when she was dragged away, her brain involuntarily processing Thube's words again regarding the agent. She had grabbed her can of soda to help wash down the nauseous feeling, and was too worried to even say hello when she first saw Sammy.

Kyung-ha didn't hesitate to smack the pointing finger out of her face. She was one of the only immortals that wasn't so intimidated by Thube, even if he had forces beyond a regular human being. This was mostly because of the people she had come across in her past, including a magic user like Constantine herself. She complied to sitting down only to hurry the process. "Speak." She ordered again, but this time with a more demanding tone.

over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Trust me. My mouth is the last thing you better be concerned with," Thube said flatly, his dead stare looking a hole through Leonard. But when Kyung-ha would tell him to speak again, he didn't not hesitate with his next words. "Park. Shut your fucking mouth, please and thank you." He went around the counter, and everything on its top, he slid from one end to the other until everything was being shoved off onto the kitchen floor.
But he didn't say anything while doing so and instead let his eyes search around until he found what he was looking for. And then his eyes went back to Kyung-ha with a look that wasn't readable. And then he spoke. "So let's start from the top. Who's bright idea was it to disable the security systems? SpEaK," he mocked Kyung-ha's voice in a horrendously accurate manner, almost down to her exact voice of it weren't for the deeper pitch that he didn't care to hide.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason looked to Yoon who was slurping down a can of soda in her nervousness, feeling a bit of pity for the poor girl. She knew Makveli better then he did, so he can only imagine how she was feeling. He looked to Sammy and requested, "Hey, I'm gonna go see what Galiah is up to. Can you uh... can you hang with Yoon real quick. I'll be right back"
"Uh... yeah, sure, I suppose" Sammy said, still not sure what was going on. And before she could even get a word out of Mason, eh was already hurrying up the stairs to where the elf had gone. Sammy turned to Yoon and gave her a smile, "Hey Yoon. Sorry about training today. Got my neck smacked in to go. How've you been. I see the training is doing wonders for you too."

Leonard looked to Kyung with a bit of confusion. He wasn't present when there were stone statues outside that attacked people. He just assumed they were there for decoration. He looked back to Thube before he looked to Kyung again, "There's security systems here?"
He looked between the two, already sensing the bit of hostility from it as he decided to speak up, "You ever think it might have been one of these damn kids. They're always sneaking off up to shit without our permission. It's like we're trying to run a goddamn boarding school. Always hiding, sneaking, kissing, fucking. Maybe they just turned it off. Thankfully, we haven't had a reason to use any security systems yet, but it'd be preferable if we knew there were ones"
He looked to Kyung and asked, his tone being far less strict then his, "Kyung, did you know about a security system of some sort?"
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over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Leonard. Don't make me reach down your throat and grab those moving chords that's making those sexily raspy but idiotic noises come from your mouth. I wasn't talking to you." Thube snapped at his monotonously, but didn't look at him. Instead, his eyes remained on Kyung-ha's, unmoving. Unwavering. His gaze was dead as it stared into hers. "The systems aren't just something that anyone can get into and just shut off dumbass." And then he spoke to Kyung directly again. "Come on. Let's hear it, Cub of Korea," he mocked the title that had been given to the woman by Constantine herself.
last edited over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I can respect a man who can make flirtatious advances and threats at the same time XD over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"I-I should be ask you that question..." Yoon mumbled with a frown. "Is your head feeling a-any better?"

* * *

Kyung-ha wanted to retort by suggesting Thube to shut up instead, but currently she was in need of information. When he mocked her tone, she stood up almost immediately knowing it had been done on purpose. But when he brought up security cameras being disabled, her brows furrowed. "What stupid thing you speak, eh?" Her head turned to Leonard. "What you think eh? You think I know about stupid security cameras here???" The look on her face told them both she genuinely wasn't aware of what he was talking about. But it was when Thube brought up Constantine's name she had given her that made something in her spark, which was seen in the discreet narrow of her eyes as she approached him. "Take name out of your fucking mouth and explain."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Yeah, sure, aside from having my neck karate chopped like a Bruce Lee film, I feel fucking great" Sammy answered sarcastically as she sat back on the bed, looking at the piano app on her cellphone and trying to strum her fingers alongside it. As she did, she looked up at Yoon and asked, "Hey, do you know anything about playing music, Yoon? You seem like a music kinda girl"

"Enough!" Leonard said as he stood up, his hands raised at the two to try and calm down the whole situation. He didn't want to see where things would go from there, and he was far more worried about what Thube would do to Kyung right now. "Thube, we're under a lot of stress. Not really helped by you telling us one of our fellow men was killed. We don't know anything about the security camera. Now it would be really appreciated if we could stop with the words and the names so we can focus on survivng"
He turned to Kyung-ha and added, "We can't do anything now. But we still have other people we gotta protect. It's best not to let this shit get to you. Just merely words. Nothing else"

Mason walked up the stairs, looking to where he would find the elf. He didn't know where she could have gone. He assumed he was with Edgar right now, those two were always together. But what he was more concerned about was having to tell them about the going ons downstairs. If they weren't aware, he worried it could get ugly. He hurried up the stairs at a little quicker pace now as the thought came to the forefront of his mind and made him panic ever so slightly more
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over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"M-Me?" Yoon was caught off guard by her question as if she wasn't the only other person in the room with her. It was then that she noticed what exactly Sammy was doing with her phone, which she held vertically in her hands while her free one tried tapping through it. "My mom s-signed me up for violin classes when I was younger..." She said. "I-I also dabbled in a little bit of cello and p-piano, but th-that was a long time ago..." She scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, taking another sip from her soda can to ease the silence that came after her quiet voice.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Really?" Sammy said, looking up with a bit of surprise and a genuine sense of curiosity. "My dad wanted me to play piano. Said it wasn't an instrument for gays. His words, not mine" Sammy said, her fingers still strumming along to the piano. "Do you think you can remember any songs you played on piano. Something that sounds... really good"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Or what exactly?" Thube leaned over the counter now, and he didn't hesitate to get into her face. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." His voice was colder now, but his blank expression remained the same. And as Leonard intervened, or at least tried to again, he shook his head. "Just merely words hm? As far as I'm concerned, she doesn't deserve that title anymore." He stood up straight. "Operator A.I..Does that ring a bell in that head of yours, hm?" He asked Kyung-ha. "I'm sure it does, doesn't it," he sneered. "Play stupid with the right ones, not the wrong ones, Parkisons." But then his head turned to Leonard. "Next thing that comes from your mouth, I'm going to focus the ends of this counter on your teeth. You're not providing anything right now but being a simp, AND a simpleton. And as adorable as it may be, again, shut up. Because I'd hate to have to fuck up a face I like and you're really making it seem breakable by all means." His gaze returned to Kyung. "Now, about that Operator A.I. That amnesia clear up yet, or do I need to help you with that?" But the way he said "help", it was clear that it was far from the conventional means of it. He snapped his fingers at her. "Give answers to get them. Earth to Kyung-ha, can you still speak English or do I need to ask in a language you understand better?"
last edited over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I read that as “fuck a face I like” and honestly that still sounds accurate to Thube XD over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
every time I refresh, he just adds another insult xD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I saw that XD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
What’s this House of Leaves shit where the narrative is interactive in literature form XD over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“…” Leonard was locked in a state of confusion and frustration at what he was being referred to. He understood the simpleton part but the other thing was just completely lost to him. Was it some kind of spell he casted on him? He merely chose to ignore it for now and remain silent, his attention turning back to Kyung-ha to make sure she wouldn’t react in any violent way. He knew words would only delay things further and only add to Thubes constant insults. He just stood there, ready to break up a fight if it happened.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Yoon tried to give an effort of a chuckle at her joke, not even sure if it was one to begin with. But her fake smile settled into an anxious frown at her request. "I.... I-I don't know, it's been a while, Samantha..." She said quietly, more to herself than the woman in front of her. She sat her can of soda on a flat surface, gaining the courage to sit down next to her, yet keeping a good shy distance between them. "I-I only know one full song on the piano, r-really... And like, ten seconds to some a-anime intros... T-The song I know isn't really good or e-exciting o-or anything, I-it was just... I-I don't know, IguessIjustlikediteventhoughthemelodyisali­ttl­esa­d..­.&q­uot­; She rambled.

* * *

Kyung-ha didn't flinch when Thube got into her face. In fact, if it weren't for their height differences, they would be inches away from each other. Leonard's words were echoes in her head as she tried to decipher his words through the confusion of whatever gay flirting was going on between the two agents. She kept her face of steel despite his mockery and words that would fail to get underneath her skin. She smacked his fingers out of his face again when he began snapping at her. "Keep sausage fingers to yourself." She warned. "Operator A.I. was destroyed in the apartment we left in Florida." She stated clearly.
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Not flirting XD over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy turned to her with a bit of a smile and a snicker. “Ya know” Sammy said “You really have come a long way from the shy girl I met. It’s really cool to see that. I remember when I had to mention my love of anime to you just to get us to talk… you still haven’t told anyone right?” Not that it really mattered. Sammy assumed the only ones who didn’t know at this point was Kyung and Galiah and even Kyung was a hard maybe. But then, Sammy would pass the phone to Yoon and reply, “Here ya go. It’s a pretty cheap software but I think it could be enough to… get a bit musical. I think an expert like you can make some magic out of it.”
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Oh, you're right. Definitely right," Thube said sarcastically. "But are we on Florida right now? No. We're in Turkey. Here I'll say it slower for you— Tur-Key. I'm talking about the one that was HERE. Or better yet," he went to the counter top, and his fingers grabbed under the edges. The countertop begin to shift much like the own in Florida, a holographic interface popping onto it. "Now let me ask you something. If I were to go into the database and search for the last time the defense systems were online and deactivated, I'm going to be shown that it wasn't anytime between your arrival here, now is it?" The question was rhetorical, and he said it as if he already knew the answer to it. "Operator, begin scanning of activation and deactivation database."

A mechanical Constantine voice spoke. "Error, security measures have been deactivated. Reactivation required for further actions."

Thube looked directly at Kyung-ha again. "I bet they have," he said with venomous sarcasm. He spoke back to the AI. "Operator, activate systems under override code 0001."

"Code 0001, override activated. Authorization requires. Scanning for Facial Recognition." Much like the door upon their arrival, a red beam shot out of the center of the counter, spreading into a holographic laser that scanned Thube's body. "Facial Recognition undetected. Fingerprint Scan Required."

Thube placed his hand onto where the blue hand print appeared on the counter, the red line beneath it moving up and down rapidly.

"Voice recognition required."

"You eat ass like a donkey eats grass."

"Vocal pattern identified. Welcome, Agent Unknown," The voice said, not addressing Thube by his name for some reason as it had done before with Kyung-ha. "Continue to activation and deactivation database?"

"Yeah, no shit," Thube answered clearly.

"Scanning activation and deactivation database history. Please standby."

Thube crossed his arms, the green tea face mask now hardened on his face as he watched the holographic screen change into one that presented the percentage of its scanning.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
It was in Leonard’s own mindset to want to ask questions. How long has this been here and how would they have been able to activate it or deactivate with all the locks behind it? The body scan, the voice recognition. Just the sight of all this technology like something out of Star Wars in this old historical manor was enough to make Leo’s mind spin. But the real confusing one was the name, or rather the lack of one. Agent Unknown. What did that mean? Was Thube so cautious to hide his identity he had his whole name wiped. But even still if he was here it meant he was here prior. These thoughts raced and ran through Leo’s mind like a speeding car on a race track, but he knew better than to ask Thube. Especially right now. Instead he just shrugged and paced around the room, trying to understand how this was hidden for so long after he was so sure he checked every ounce of the manor for any secret passage ways or hidden hiding places. And yet despite all of those questions the only thing he could think of at the moment was why that ridiculous thing was on his face. He chose not to say it, knowing it would anger him and Kyung-ha both if he used the word ridiculous
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha decided not to bother bickering with Thube, even if he spoke to her as if she was a child, in order to avoid delays in the information given. It oddly reminded her of George for some reason. Yet she didn’t move from her spot or slouched in her posture as the man continued. However, her eyes followed his hands when it placed itself on the counter and flipped it over to reveal the holographic interface. She had been cutting and serving so much food over the counter without a clue of what was laying beneath it. At this, she could only close her eyes and internally sigh to herself before reopening them to see the percentage on the screen fill.


Yoon’s cheeks grew a soft red when Sammy recollected their first encounter with each other. She did feel a little guilty for telling Mason about her liking of anime, hesitantly grabbing the phone that was handed over to her while mumbling a ‘thank you’ in the process. She stared at the screen below her with the coded and cartoonized version of a piano, not really sure where to begin the melody she had in mind. She took a deep breath to ensure she wouldn’t freeze Sammy’s phone in the process, finally resting her fingers on the screen. Yoon warmed up by touching a few keys to recognize and become aware of what each key sounded like. The pitch of the keys was slightly higher than she liked, but considering she would be playing through a phone, she couldn’t judge too harshly. “O-Okay… Okay, h-here I go…”

She closed her eyes to recollect her muscle memory of playing the piano seven years ago. Her toes curled while doing so, her body becoming slightly stiff to put in all her concentration on playing the link. But the more she strummed her fingers along the keys, the more her body began to relax. She visualized herself playing an actual piano, where she produced a soft set of melodies that were equally as quiet and shy as her. Her nose wrinkled slightly at the few keys she got wrong, but by keeping herself calm and collected, she was able to carry through and pull off the first three minutes of the song. However, the more she listened to her own playing, the more memories began to seep through of her time playing the piano. It was during the same time period she was severely self-conscious about herself. A period where she was still deeply depressed from leaving her home country and having to adjust to a new life without both her parents together. A period where she had been crying herself to sleep after being shut in lockers and discriminated against at school. And the more she played, the deeper her heart sank while taking a trip down memory lane with the room they were in becoming colder. She thought about her mother, and how far they had grown apart since she was a little girl. She thought about her father who she missed every day. She thought about Clark who she grew to like as a friend before he was stripped away from her. She thought about Abel and how much trouble she had caused him. She thought about Yash––

––Prrkk. The off tune key squeaked, Yoon’s watery eyes suddenly shooting open. She noticed the chilliness she had caused, her voice cracking as she spoke and quickly handed the phone back to Sammy. “I-I’m s-so sorry––” She apologized for causing the drop in temperature. She breathed in like she did during her meditation to control and regulate her surroundings. “Imsorry––” Yoon apologized again and stood up to retrieve a sip of her beverage in hopes it would calm her down. “I-Itshouldgoupsoon––"
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy listened closely as Yoon played the piano. Despite the technology and despite the way she moved her fingers in the moment, Sammy couldn’t help but sit there, stunned at what she was listening to. But even as she did she would feel the cold around her start to invade the room. It was a surprise to her, moreso that she was so enamored by Yoons ability to play on a phone that she tuned out the things going around her. It wasn’t until the one missed key brought her out of it did she. Price just how cold the room At gotten. With the phone back in her hand, she checked it over to make sure it hadn’t frozen before she spoke. “N-No don’t be sorry” Sammy said through a few stutters now feeling the cold. “That was awesome. I had my suspicions that you were good but holy shit! That was awesome, Yoon. How did you do that?”
But as Sammy would get up and pat Yoon on the back she would see the tears in her eyes, seeing that something about it really touched her. Sammy looked at it and using the sleeve of her shirt, she wiped some of them away, "Uh.... no, I'm sorry Yoon. I uh... didn't know that would cause some uh... memories to come back up."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
As Thube would wait, he started to peel away the face mask instead of washing it away, some of his skin pulling with it until the green was ripped away, taking a little of his mustache with it. He tossed it away carelessly. And then he spoke to the screen again. "Operator. While you're at it, scan for any intrusions into the system while offline."

"Affirmative", the A.I. answered the request, a 'Pending Task' sign appearing on the screen.

Thube sucked his teeth. "Outdated piece of shit—" He commented. But then he paid more attention as data on the security system begin to pop up. His brows lifted for a second. "Oh would you look at that," he said loudly. "Not only deactivated, but damaged too. Gofer's going to lose his shit when he sees this. I can already see it now." He shook his head with an amused chuckle. "I thought it was just bad, but no. But you know, this is actually pretty pathetic."

"Database scan complete. Compiling data."

Numbers, words, and dots begin to pop onto the screen, which expanded upwardly as more came. Thube begin to shift through all of it with pokes and swipes. But then he stopped as he saw the last time he was activated, as well as the code that was used, and who it was used by, and the dates. "Like I thought."
His gaze slowly lifted to Kyung-ha. He didn't say anything for a long moment, his expression blank.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
As Thube looked over the reports, Leonard was left to merely pace around the living room, waiting impatiently for Thube to give them anything at all. It was only until he would finally start speaking did he turn his attention back to the man. And moreso when he was still giving vague responses to the numbers and images on the screen. Leo was behind Kyung now as his pacing had stopped him there when Thube spoke. And as Thube would glance up, Leo could only make a gesture of his hands out with a slight shrug, as if he was waiting for a response of some kind from the man
over a year ago afewseconds said…
As Thube would stare at Kyung-ha, his gaze would begin to become colder, and colder. "Ironic." he said blandly. And finally, he moved. He paced back and forth slowly for a few seconds, muttering something before coming to a stop where he had started. And as the AI started to scan for possible intrusion s into the system, and then spilled it's results, his eye gave a twitch.
His hand dug into his pocket, and when it came back, he had Makveli's Constable's badge, burnt and stained and bloody. And he threw it against her chest. "Wait until we arrived. You had one job, one job, Park. And you somehow managed to steer it off of a bridge and into the biggest fucking hole that you could find. This is on you."
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over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard didn’t want to look at what was thrown, the quick motion of Thubes hand from his pocket making the object a blur, mixed with Kyungs body blocking it. He didn’t want to confirm what he saw. But he was a detective. He was curious. And as he looked over Kyung due to her short height, he would see the badge in her hands, burnt and bloodied. No way anyone would just lose that unless they were trying to disappear completely or if they were dead. And Leo doubted Makveli would have turned to hide permanently after his promise to help. The sight was enough to instill some worry in Leo now as he looked at Kyung. His face was stoic. He knew that Kyung wasn’t going to show much expression either. It was not her way of expressing pain. But he knew that she was. In her own way there was some pain
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"It was as simple as ABC. 123. You know, juuust like the Michael Jackson song," Thube continued. "See, down in Florida, we were ambushed. Three times. And then I thought about it some. These databases, these AIs that Kyle's nerdy ass built, they were always connected to our burner numbers. Our communication. Our data, our locations and whereabouts when we tapped in. And something that I do know, is it's that same nerdy shit from Kyle has gotten us out of a looooot of shit, both in the Order, and as it's runaways. Something that I do know, is that Kyle had built a failsafe that only had to stay activated to keep all of our information more secured than the CIA's most confidential files."
"Now let's play some Jeopardy. Technology for 500 for the Korean almost widow with a crisis. What happens when that failsafe is hmm, let's see, TURNED THE FUCK OFF!?" Thube raised his voice for the first time. And then it went back to it's normal deadness. "And for what, almost three months now? So you see, I'm a bit pissed honestly. Juuust a teensy, tiny bit. In other words. I want a really, and I mean REALLY good reason, why I shouldn't gut you in front of your children. And then use your skin to become their new mother." He then looked to Leonard. "And then fuck your face so you at least got to hit before I kill you too." He then looked at them both. "So let's start there."
last edited over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
And it all comes full circle XD over a year ago
afewseconds commented…
Yes. Yes it does. over a year ago
afewseconds commented…
And quite nicely may I add XD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Yeah that was very nice. Bravo XD over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard felt a bit of fear drop into his chest at the idea of a mistake he could have caused costing more lives than ever intended. It was bad enough what happened in Florida but he wasn’t sure how bad it could have gotten. Makveli was already a good example of how bad it got but he didn’t even want to image how much worse it was. His fingered gripped tightly in frustration at the idea. He took in a deep breathe, looking over at Kyung to get a read on how she was handling the information and dared to ask. “How… bad did it get?”
last edited over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
lemonade xD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Why the fuck did it auto to lemonade XD over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"How bad?" Thube scoffed, and for a moment, a hint of pain broke through his demeanor. He reached into his pocket again, and he tossed down another badge, one that was much clean and well kept than Makveli's. "Mak had this with him. Zombie. Gone. And this hasn't exactly been a very fun last few weeks." He said. "But that's not what asked, is it?" He reached behind his neck, cocking it to the side before a gleaming handled and black bladed carving knife that was an inch or two longer than average from under his skin. "You can start with that explanation, or I can start with your dick. Not chopping. Just skinning. I won't let it go to waste though. Either way, somebody better start talking or things are going to get real Holmesy in here."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard had looked at the ground at the badge, another of their own that was killed in the fighting. It was enough to make his heart and his mind sink deeper into despair. He didn’t want to believe that some misstep in their direction or something they had messed with had caused the death of their Allie’s, but the evidence was staring at them dead on the floor. It was enough to make his stomach churn. More than when he looked up and saw the knife that was brandished from Thube. Leo was quick to reach for his gun again. He didn’t take it out but his hand was resting on it, “Hey, hey, there’s no need for that”
Leo said, his hand shaking from the stress, really not wanting to fire upon another ally especially now. “Listen, whatever happened, it was probably an accident. It wasn’t something that needed to happen. Probably happened during the whole place being turned the fuck upside down by constant magic bullshit happening with giant animals, our memories getting wiped by something, one of the only people with any sense losing it and being MIA and on top of all the Keeper shit. I don’t know if it was more or if it was Kyung, but we can’t start fighting each other. That’s probably what the unit wants. We can’t fix what happened, but we can prevent it from happening again. Cause it won’t matter what happens now, the Constables will still be after us. We need to be prepared for when that happens, and throwing insults and threats is going to get us nowhere. Same for you, Kyung” he added if only to keep Thube slightly less upset. His eyes turned to Kyung, as of hoping she would have an answer that would make things a little more simple. Something that would get them out of this current problem on the ever growing list of problems
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"That's deeply assuming of you to think that I didn't wake up to day and choose violence after being here for three fucking days and finding out that surprise, you've all been doing jack shit," Thube retorted. "And it's actually astounding to me that you think I give a flying fuck about what goes on here aside from the fact that the stupid of an Asian woman and her gang of failures here have not only screwed some of the only people that I tolerated enough to care about, but, have put everything that we've been working towards into the fucking toilet. If you think I'm here to be nice about it, then your ass is truly one of your only redeeming qualities. You got one more try at that really, really good reason." he said, tapping the tip of the knife against the back of his hand.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Three days? Three days and you didn't-" Leonard was already commenting. He struggled to find the right reply to it, but at this point, he just couldn't fathom how he had been hidden for three days, saw all that was happening, and still had little reason to care. Regardless, Leo just had to drop the thought for the time being, and think of the reason. He doubted Thube would be much of a challenge, but at the same time, his last encounter in New York ended with him on the floor. Leonard had to take in a deep breathe and reply, "Thube, we believe that these Keepers are the only thing keeping the Droven from completely killing this entire planet. If they die, that's it. You, me, Kyung, and everyone else in this world are fucked. We won't even have time to regret our mistakes cause I feel the Droven would just get it done like that. The worst part is we don't know how they attack or when they'll attack. There are things far worse than the agents. They're just an extra headache compared to them. We need the Keepers and you don't need me to tell you they trust me and Kyung a hell of a lot more than they trust you. And they're pretty unstable as is. You kill us, and it'll just be a fucking circus before the Droven just come and finish the job. We've been here waiting for months for answers, and we've been constantly getting fucked around with this magic shit. Mistake it for lesser work cause we weren't out on the field. We have our orders from the late Constantine, to protect the Keepers with our lives. We don't know when the agents or the Droven will show up, and we don't know what kind of force they'll bring, but Kyung and I have been preparing for when that happens. And you know that the others knew that too. They put their lives on the line for that, just like we are. I'm sorry that whatever happened here lead to... this. But killing us won't help anyone. Killing us will just ensure they died for nothing. If you really tolerate those people, you'll direct your anger to the people who pulled the trigger instead of us. That reason good enough for you? Sure hope so, cause it's the only fucking one we got, okay?"
afewseconds commented…
That's hilarious XD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
It's actually quite pathetic how desperate he was for an answer XD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
It is, but that's why Kyung is here. For moral support XD over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"So let me get this straight. You really expect me to believe that any of the people in this place is capable of anything except some of the most soap opera induced bullshit that I have ever seen in my life?" Thube's brows raised over his lazy expression as he whistled. "Not only is that a new low, but you seem to miss two things. I don't fucking care about the Droven. In fact, hell, I'd encourage him to burn this piece of shit world to the ground as long as he doesn't do something as fucking dumb as you people did."
"You also seem to forget that I don't fucking work for Constantine, genius. And you think the others did? You think they were doing this out of any other reason than to pay back a favor? Unlike some, we don't get to just start families after fucking foreign men. We don't get that luxury. What? You think half of the immortals were doing this shit after finally being able to leave the Order because they had to? No. They were DRAGGED back into this shit, and now their dead over a "mistake" that shouldn't have been MADE. Hell, I say both of you are just as bad as the ones who pulled the trigger, and I don't give a fuck about any Keepers or none of that shit you keep talking about, Leo. Hell, I'll kill them too if that makes you shut the fuck up about it." He scratched at his scalp with the tip of the blade.
"So no. That answer was completely garbage. Because I don't care about sides, Leonard. I care about the ones responsible. And like I said, I'd say you meet that to a lower case T. The uppercase one is for the Order. You almost had it until that last bit. So killing you won't bring them back or nothing, no. But I'll have a few new suits and a thrill while I'm doing it." He disappeared suddenly, out of sight and out of mind in the most literal of fashion. All that was there were the badges and the sense that someone had been there.
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"H-Huh–what––n-no––" Yoon shook her head, wiping at her face with her sleeves to rid the last of tears. "Don't worry, th-they weren't memories." She lied. "I-I guess I-I just got too emerged into the s-song, heh..." It was when she took in another breath did the condition of the room begin to regulate. "This is embarrassing..." Yoon blurted out awkwardly, holding her can of soda now with two hands as she took another sip. Another blush had coated her cheeks both due to Sammy's compliments and her own shame of messing up.


The woman, still with her raven hair down, grinded her molar teeth as she was forced to witness the holographic display speak and display itself in similar ways it had done in Florida. The operator had been right underneath her nose the entire time… literally. Kyung-ha was sure that there wasn’t a replica of Florida’s in the manor she and the keepers inhabited, but it was clear to her that she was wrong based on what her eyes witnessed. She didn’t even remember turning off this machine. But she had miscalculated, and it cost the lives of many. Her eyes gazed upon Makveli’s badge on the floor, not even flinching when it was tossed at her. And all she could do was initially stare at it and Leonard and Thube went back and forth. She couldn’t conjure the tears because she promised him if it came down to it, she wouldn’t cry. Her keen ears heard Thube retrieve his knife, and for a moment, being skinned alive sounded better and more merciful than living the rest of her life with this guilt. Kyung-ha leaned down to pick up his badge from the floor since there was no place an agent belonged, along with Zombie’s. She kept them there in her warm hands, even going as far wiping and cleaning them the best she could with her shirt. Her tight-lipped attempt of a trembling grin let them know that she was sorry. Her melancholic eyes finally lifted to land on Leonard who defended her name. And then to Thube who held the knife. If she didn’t have children, she would’ve accepted her fate for failing Constantine and her associates. It was the worst betrayal in her opinion and thus deserved the worst punishment. But much to her dismay, she would need to continue living with this guilt and hatred against her. But not Leonard, for he was still new and didn’t know the things Kyung-ha did. “Spare him.” Was all that she said at first to Leonard. “I is the only one who was given the task and failed it, costing lives of our companions.” She admitted in her broken English, her hands discreetly tightening their grip on the badges she held. “And I’ll make sure I pay for it fully, for their lives.” She sighed. “But only after I secure the situation with my children and their enemy. After making sure they no die in vain I will take care of my own wrongdoings and make sure their deaths are avenged by the person who murdered them––Me.” She said.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Hey now, nothing to be embarrassed about." Sammy said with a reassuring smile, making sure to wipe the last of Yoon's tear with her sleeve. "Everyone is touched by something. And I think you did pretty damn well with a child's app. Honestly, I'm kind jealous Yoon. Hell, I'm jealous about a lot of things about you, You just... seem to at least know what you want to be. Even as a Keeper, you can say to yourself, "I'm Yoon Park and I'm gonna fuck this joint up". Ya know, not exactly that but you get the idea. I'm just Sammy. I don't know what I am. I guess I'm just the loud bitch who thinks girls with freckles are hot. That's really all I got as far as anything worth a damn. So don't be too hard on yourself, Yoon, I think you are pretty cool, even if you cry to a phone" She attempted to joke with a bit of a chuckle, which would slowly wither into an awkward sigh.

"Bullshit" Leo said as he turned to Kyung. "Blame yourself all you want, but there's a big difference between an accident and having the intent to kill. Don't go throwing your own life into the grinder to make up for it". He turned to Kyung, even turning her to face him, his hands on her shoulders as he turned her to face him. "Thube is a fucking... thing, I don't know what. He can be pissed one minute, and then off in fucking la la land the next. Hell, I'm shocked he had any decency for human life. But I know that Mak and Zombie didn't die for nothing. They died for a reason. They died to help people. And you have a family, you have a life outside of this Keeper stuff. No matter what you believe, Kyung-ha. You are more than someone who has to live and die on the battlefield. Despite all you've sacrificed, you were able to walk away from it..."
As he looked at her, he let out a sigh. "I don't... I'll take the fall for this. If I live through this, somehow... Then Thube can do whatever he wants. Skin me, eat me, use my corpse as a pincushion, fucking whatever. You have a reason to live, Kyung. I'm sure everyone, Mak, Zombie, Clark, Constantine... They knew the cost of it. The knew it and they did it willingly. Even if they were dragged back in, assuming Thube's words are right, they still knew of it and still went with it. They had a reason to come back and a reason to make sure everyone here was safe. Like I have a reason. It's sad, it's fucked up, but... when everything is at risk.. we do what we have to do."
As he looked to her, feeling the pain in her words from before, he patted at her shoulders, doing what he could to comfort someone who had already lost so much in so little time. He could never understand. At least not like this degree of pain. "I'm really sorry about Mak and Zombie, Kyung... really, I am. Just... remember what they were doing this for. What we are doing this for. And please... I dunno, just... don't blame yourself. Blame the fuckers that did this. Keep that in your mind, so that when you see them, you can tear their fucking heart out and show it to them before they die."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Thube looked at the two with almost utter disgust, watching for a moment. And it was there that he pondered for a couple of seconds on what the use of letting either continue to live would be. The setback caused by them was major, so much so that two of the people that he trusted with certain information were gone. They were the only two Immortals that had bothered to find him after they had all initially went their separate ways after their years of serving the Order. In a way, he didn't care about if it was intentional or accidental. In this case, the "accident" was something he deemed not only illogical, but as such a rookie's mistake that it was infuriating that it came from an Immortal. If more attention was paid, it all could have been avoided. If the AI would have been shut off to begin with, the Constable's wouldn't have had anything to go off of, and if they had nothing to go off of, then it wouldn't have happened. And so he weighed both equally.

He left the kitchen, and instead started up the stairs, his expression void and the sound of his knife dragging against the rails of the staircase nonexistent.
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
“This no typical accident. I no different than what that two-faced gemini Bravado did.” It physically pained her to say it out loud. “I killed our friends, Leonard. Murdered them. I have more blood on my hands than Bravado does. I have reduced our forces by helping capture agents. Because of what, hm? Because I no able to find Operator A.I. No believe it was here. No believe that I had possibly shut it down. Still had audacity to wonder why they no contact me sooner. But they couldn’t, because they were dead.” She said. “I would kill anyone who had committed the same mistake as I did without second thought, even you.” Kyung-ha brought up to show how serious she was.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"I'd kill me too" Leonard spoke as he kept his hands resting on Kyung's shoulders. He looked at the poor woman, hearing for the first time pain in her voice as she expressed her own guilt out before him. She didn't know what he could say. He knew that Kyung was stubborn, that she never changed her mind. But this, this was the worst thing for her to be stubborn on. He looked at her as she poured it all out. For some reason, he was compelled to just offer the best support he could. He pulled the poor Korean closer, holding her in a lazy hug for sorts, looking forward without even looking directly to her. It was like he stared through the wall as he spoke clearly, "I can't deny that this caused their deaths. It's just an unfortunate thing we'll have to live with for the rest of our lives, Kyung. We didn't cause their deaths, but it sure didn't help. But you are the only Immortal there is that we can get ahold of. You're the only one here. And if you die now, who's going to protect your kids. If you want to punish yourself, you can take up where they left off. You can't take this back. But if you really believe you are at fault, then take responsibility. Pick up the mantel. The Cub of Korea. Use that anger, that hatred, use it to protect those closer to you. use it to kill those that have wronged you. Become a vessel of vengeance. When they come, you will be ready. And when you've taken the lives of those that took theirs with your own hands, then your debt will be paid. Just don't throw your life away. Cause then the fuckers who made this happen will win. And we aren't going to let that happen, Kyung"

Sammy let out a sigh as she patted Yoons shoulder. “Hey Yoon are you going to meet with the others? If you can, can you go and check on Raven. Don’t tell her anything, don’t mention me. But just… check on her for me. Alright? Least that way I know someone’s looking out for her?”
last edited over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Missed the nonexistent part XD over a year ago
afewseconds commented…
Oh don't worry, I was going to ignore it XD over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Thube said nothing as he passed by Sammy, not really having any interest in her in the slightest. Blondes weren't his type anyways. But he did pause to look at her features for a moment. too many Asian ones as is. And it wasn't the one that be wanted either, though the one that he did would still be only for temporary use. He thought about slicing open her throat specifically because of the fact that she was Kyung-ha's student. And if she was taught to done the idiocy that he had witnessed, then he saw it as a mercy kill either way. But then he heard the other voices from further down, and he spotted the two that he had seen yesterday. The ones called Edgar and Raven. And slowly, a grin spread across his face as he seen them going off into one of the rooms. And he followed.
last edited over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Am I going to dislike everything about this encounter XD over a year ago
afewseconds commented…
Adultnapping, possible murder, yeah. Probably XD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Well you see Makveli Russian. Kinda comes with the territory XD over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Galiah sat by the door as she watched as Edgar and Raven had walked into the room, unaware of the looming presence just beyond the hall. She looked between the two as they had settled in, the coffee and pain killers set neatly on the table for the two as she would finally speak up. “So you were both in the basement all night? Raven that wasn’t save, you need you rest, and a sand pit is not a very comfortable place. I promise you, I’ve had experience when I awoke on the Florida beaches”
She then turned her attention to Edgar, “And Edgar it’s a miracle of the gods you did not break you neck”
She let out a sigh, starting to understand what Kyung meant when she referred to the Keepers. But even still, she was at least thankful they knew something. “So what have you learned? If you feel it is important then we should all be made aware of this as soon as possible”
Mason had also found his way up to the room after he was quick to get out of the room with the others, far too awkward after HECTOR and was glad to find some solace with a more jovial Edgar and Raven. As he looked at the table, he turned to Galiah and asked in a joke, “Don’t I get coffee”
“In time, Sir Mason” Galiah responded
last edited over a year ago
afewseconds commented…
Adding Mason does nothing XD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
It can XD over a year ago
afewseconds commented…
...No XD over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha was limp in Leonard's embrace, not even realizing he was hugging her. She had many things on her mind now. She finally pushed herself off Leonard, her touch soft for she was still holding the badges of her comrades. The woman clipped them on her waistband for now, and only then did her eyes lift to interlock with the detective's. "We have no time to dwell on this." She pushed her emotions aside. She had to. "Russ has left. But without either one of us, which means he going for someone else. I no want another Immortal to be on my hands, but I must at least do what I can now for the Keepers. He is going to kill them or toy with them until they kill themselves." And with that, Kyung-ha made her departure to follow him, knowing she would need to go upstairs solely based on the location of the tenants.

"O-Omma?" Sangeon was passing by, dragging his blanket and Spiderman action figure with him after recently waking up and exiting the room for breakfast. "Where are you going? Can I have pancakes again??" He yawned.

Kyung-ha's facial features softened only slightly upon hearing her son's squeaky voice. She slowly slid her sword back into its hiding spot to address her son. "Sangeon, go back to your room." She told him quietly. "Go back to your room now, and stay underneath bed please."


"Now, Sangeon." She gritted through her teeth. She was not in the mood to deal with tantrums.

"B-But Spiderman hasn't eaten––"

"Sangeon Park." She hissed his name, which was enough for the boy to recoil a little. He frowned, his stomach grumbling as he was forced to return inside his room. Kyung-ha released a small sigh before she would head up the stairs.

* * *

Yoon nodded softly with her usual timid smile. "Yeah, I am." She said. Usually she would have returned back to her room, but after her mother's comment regarding how proud she was of her for interacting with the other Keepers, she only felt motivated to do so again. "D-Don't worry, I-I will check on her a-and report back, I-I promise." She didn't know why she felt the need to promise her that. The Keeper hopped off the bed and onto the floor with her small feet. "K-Keep messing with the piano, th-that's how I learned anyways." Yoon put in her effort as a joke before she would wave at her to exit the room and seek Raven.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard wanted to say something as he watched Kyung snap at Sangeon. He understood the frustration she was going through, the pain. But he knew the boy was just confused and scared, unaware of just what was happening. He would have to talk to Sangeon later to comfort him. His focus now was on what Kyung had said. Making sure the Keepers were safe. After Thubes comment, he wasn’t sure how far he’d go to get even. And that was enough for him to follow behind Kyung. “Kyung I doubt that Thube is even still here. He already disappeared which frankly I don’t know how he did that…”
But even still there was an itch at the back of his mind, one that was unsure. He turned to Kyung-ha and added, “But it’s best to inform them that there may be a change in the way things are. Can’t be too careful, not with someone as unpredictable as Thube. Don’t know how much of that respect he really meant but we need to be cautious now

Sammy gave a smile to Yoon and nodded, “Thanks, Yoon. I will. And… thank you again. Seriously, it… means a lot”
With a sigh, Sammy would return to the piano, trying her best to play the same song that Yoon did, only getting a few of the notes right before messing up and starting over. “I’ll get this” she said, unaware of the man that had passed the doorway. But a minute later, the footsteps that followed behind were a different one. Sammy would poke her head out to see Leonard and Kyung walking down the halls, a grim expression on their faces
“Uh, hey what’s up?” Sammy said, able to tell what was happening
“If we’re lucky, which we aren’t, nothing” Leo answered ominously. “But better safe than sorry”. We just want to check on the Keepers that’s all”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"But I didn't," Edgar said, standing up rather than sitting down anywhere as he replied to Galiah's comment about about him breaking his neck. It actually made him feel uncomfortable to think about it, and he rubbed his neck in thought.

"I'm glad you didn't," Raven mumbled from where she sat cross legged on the bed, trying not to show how badly her hand was hurting. But she was at least feeling a bit better thanks to her talk with Edgar. And with their plan seeming to already be going along smoothly, she found that she didn't mind when Galiah and now Mason had joined them. It actually felt...kinda nice, for some reason. It wasn't that bad. Like she was having company in her small little studio apartment. It made her smile.

Having taken the painkillers with their coffee, both Edgar and Raven had moved their compiled information into the room that they were currently in, with Raven having papers disheveled within a folder and Edgar having some of his notes that he had left in the library that Galiah had so helpfully grabbed for him upon request.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“Well even still. Next time at least bring more or Mason so you can see for a brief moment. You know how much I worry” Galiah spoke
“Right.” Mason said as he looked to the painter and the elf and jokingly added, “So you two gonna just tell us how long you’ve been dating for or are we gonna keep it a mystery?”
“Wha-What ever do you mean” Galiah said with a blush on her small little cheeks. It only made Mason give a chuckle as he added, “Come on. Edgar could have played it off, but the way you’ve guys have been meeting up. Only a matter of time until you got together. Don’t worry, I won’t tell if you don’t want me to. It’s actually nice to see you guys doing well”
“Well….. your concern is appreciated Mason” Galiah remarked with a hint of embarrassment. “But it is very much an inappropriate time to discuss such things”
“You’re right. Sorry” Mason said with another chuckle. “Just didn’t want to feel left out of the whole mystery solving things you and Raven were up to.”
Galiah blushed with a turn of her head, feeling a little bashful now. “Honestly” she whispered to herself only loud enough for Edgar to hear
last edited over a year ago