The Worst Generation [The Worst Generation: Hippies, Life, Rave and...Magic?!]

pLaStIcSUNDAE posted on Oct 21, 2019 at 12:19PM
1. talk wildly or incoherently, as if one were delirious or insane.
2. speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm or admiration.

(especially in the 1960s) a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs.

1. the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
"the origins of life"
2. the existence of an individual human being or animal.
3. a particular type or aspect of people's existence
4. the period between the birth and death of a living thing, especially a human being.
5. vitality, vigor, or energy.
6. (in art) the depiction of a subject from a real model, rather than from an artist's imagination.

1. the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
2. mysterious tricks, such as making things disappear and appear again, performed as entertainment.
3. a quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life, especially in a way that gives delight.
4. something that has a delightfully unusual quality.
1. used in magic or working by magic; having or apparently having supernatural powers.


~Plot Stuff~
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, there existed an otherworldly arcane essence that existed by the name of Magic/Magick. This essence was a variety of things. Lush and in great abundance, full of life and a energy that science had become a pale reflection of in the years that followed. However, it was also an essence that harbored a wicked face as well, bound to attract misfortune and death to all who were able to understand and or obtain it if not tamed properly. The secrets of this essence falling into the wrong hands would bring nothing but catastrophe.

And catastrophe it brought, those hundreds a years ago. One that thrust magic into an era in which it had began to fade and a new form of energy created at the hands of man became the new. The world in which magic had come from became a myth, magic itself became a myth as time progressed and left it to fade and never be seen again.

Or perhaps....what isn't seen isn't truly gone. And perhaps...the world thought to be myth is much more than just so. But what is certain is that what has lurked in the veils of shadows within the darkness, behind illusions of people, places and things. Forces that had managed to slip into the ages of the new world. Those of good. Those of evil and malice. Those of...magic. And perhaps...hope. But...will the newest of generations derived from those hundreds of years be able to face what comes?

And so we fly ahead in time to the present, where villages have become cities of tall structures, and dreams of flight have become a reality.


~TWG Terminology and Lore~




Sangeon Park
last edited on Mar 11, 2020 at 02:27PM

The Worst Generation 9440 replies

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over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Of course I shower" Leonard spoke as he would close the door behind her, having to make sure he tightened the towel around his waist in case of any accidents. "Sure, never in a mansion before, mostly just any place that offered showered for free. But I make it an effort to try and get a shower in a day. Helps clean the body and cleans the mind and all that"
As he would walk through the room, he would already try collecting a good set of fresh clothes, setting them on the bed. He was certain he caught a glimpse of Kyung examining his scars. And he was extra certain that she did NOT want to talk about the one from Oregon. Instead he just joked about it, “I take it you’ve never seen another man naked aside from your ex? Trust me, I’m glad I look mildly decent, let alone fit despite the years of eating shit food just to save money.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
“I see your scars have healed nicely.” Kyung-ha commented much to Leonard’s disbelief. She didn’t ask permission to enter his bathroom as she collected water from his sink that she would be using to shave him. She also took the liberty to sit on the edge of the bed to sort out her tools she hadn’t used in what felt like forever. When he made his joke, her right brow raised and she crossed her legs. “I’ve seen many men naked. Most of which I’ve castrated. Some in which I’ve dug my heel so far into their urethra that they can taste the flavor of suede from them. Not to my ex though, no.”
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard was a bit surprised at Kyungs comment to the scars on his chest, looking down at them again before looking back at her, “uh, yeah, I guess so”
He would watch as she would casually walk around the room, setting up the necessary tools while making her usual morbid comments on the different met and the different outcomes for all of them. He scratched at his cheek slightly before joking again, “Guess I should be lucky then that I’m merely getting a haircut”
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
“You know what’s even funnier? Is that they all requested for it.” Kyung-ha said regarding her previous statement. Whether she was joking or not would be a complete mystery. “Trust me, you no would want to ask for that.” She joked. “Anyway, what kind haircut you want, eh? What size blade guard you usually use for sides?”
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“What kind of fucking line of work were you in to meet freaks like that?” Leonard asked with a raised brow, not really sure what to make of a statement like that. And he didn’t try to press her further find the answer for it. He was more disturbed by that than any of the morbid comments he was used to. He shook his head and replied, “don’t worry. I’m pretty lax in my desires. Won’t see me asking for that shit. Speaking of” Leonard remarked, taking out a pair of socks from the drawer and setting them aside as he answered, “nothing too different. A trim will suffice. Keep it short and professional”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
“Oke, I just shave your whole head then.” Kyung-ha joked when Leonard specified he wanted to keep it simple. “I joke, I joke.” She said. She had been cutting hair, performing massages, painting nails, and waxing for so long that taking a break from it seemed odd to her. She almost missed how busy her shop would get and how some clients of hers were nice enough to leave a big tip or even bring gifts. With those thoughts, she plugged the chord of the clippers into an outlet by the room’s desk, laying the rest of her tools on top it once it was organized, almost like a surgeon displaying his tools for surgery. “Well? You going to change or what?”
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“Hey don’t even joke about that” he remarked with a sort of chuckle, already preparing to sit down at one of the chairs before he heard Kyungs question. Leonard looked to Kyung with a bit of confusion at her comment, but as he remembered his current attire, or rather the lack of, it almost hit him how casually she spoke to someone only clothed in a towel. “Oh shit, right.” He spoke, taking his clothes and heading into the bathroom. “Just one seconds he remarked before closing the bathroom behind him with his foot, moving in too much of a hurry that he didn’t even close the door completely. He tossed the towel into the hamper and set out his clothes that he had folded neatly and would start with putting on his socks”
last edited over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
who the FUCK starts dressing by putting on SOCKS FIRST?!?!? ahhhh hell nahhhhh xDDD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I dunno. Floors cold? XD over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"What? Mother fucker you're the one who wanted to talk, what do you mean 'do I want to talk about anything else'—" Roux said, looking at her with a humored smirk. "You really just wanna hear me talk about how badly things got fucked on my end, huh? Asking a girl about something like that after you just sorta lost her," She said, her eyes lingering on Sammy's as she now was the one to lean over onto Sammy, the slits within her eyes sharpening in an unnatural manner. "That's fucked up Samantha. And just when I thought you loved me," she joked morbidly.
There was a moment of silence, and her cold breath blew softly against Sammy's lips. "Or wanna know some more about that bite still," she teased, her body pressing against hers. Sammy would be able to feel that Roux had a few advantages over Raven. " wanted to spend a little time doing somethin'...else." She was trying to hold it back, but she couldn't.

"L-like playing checkers wit-th Yoon and the kid—" She burst out laughing as she ruined the entire mood, falling into a lay across Sammy's lap where she would continue to do so.
last edited over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
hey! they're actually playing 2018 Just Dance, exCUSE YOU!!! xD over a year ago
afewseconds commented…
Well now they can play Just Sit The Hell Down 2023 XD over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy blushed a little when she would hear those words from Roux. Hearing about how she would make a tragic story one minute, go to flirting with her the next and then making a whole joke that put her into tears the next. She was completely taken aback, and as Roux would start to laugh, she was realizing that she was now on the defensive. Was this how it was whenever she messed with Raven? It must have been. But Sammy had dealt with this kind of crowd before and she wasn’t gonna let herself be outdone. And as Roux would lay ther on her lap, Sammy would lift up Rouxs head and plant a loving kiss onto her lips without any warning. It was fierce and passionate as she held her there, giving her a desirable kiss. She even dared to slip her tongue in to really surprise her. As she would pull away she spoke with a smirk on her face Course I love you, dumbass. I told you, everything about you I love. And don’t forget you’re the one who peeked on me in the shower. I got some advantages over you, Vampire Girl”
As she held her there, she added with a playful grin, “but maybe youve already had a few too many drinks. Perhaps I can wait a little longer to show you what I got. And I got a lot to show”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"yeah, yeah, one second or whatever." Kyung-ha dismissed him with a wave of her hand, unfolding the black smock cape from its package. However, her ears didn't hear the sound of the bathroom door lock latching like they were expecting. This in turn unintentionally made her look back and catch only a glimpse of Leonard naked before she would unexpectedly laugh. "HaHAH!" She pointed. "Funny Famer's tan. Cute white little butt, too."
Windwakerguy430 commented…
This shall be the most joy Kyung expresses for the whole RP over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Kyung!" Leonard shouted as he would grab the door and slam it shut, giving a sigh as he would unfold the next piece of his clothing and immediately regret going with socks first. After a solid minute, he would finally walk out of the bathroom, dressed in a simple undershirt and black dress pants with socks on, closing the door behind him as he would sit in the chair, turning to Kyung and replying, "And for your information, I haven't had the time for a descent tan. When this is all over, I'm going to a beach and I'm sitting there for the rest of the day"
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
The short woman couldn't help but chuckle again, imagining Leonard tanning on a beach with a vodka-cranberry in his hand. The tanning would most likely be a bad sunburn considering how white he was. She on the other hand wasn't the biggest fan of tanning, preferring paler skin since she was slightly a shade darker than other people in South Korea and that was the norm. "Sound confident you will survive trip then." Kyung-ha said as she began to brush his wet hair back with a comb to rid any unwanted knots. "If not, maybe that is what awaits you in arms of death. Bad sunburn and tiny glass, 90% cranberry, 10% vodka."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“Fifty/fifty actually” Leonard corrected her on the drinks, glancing at her as he heard her chuckling while he allowed his head to rest comfortably in the chair. His eyes opened slowly, looking up at the ceiling, allowing Kyung to do her work. “Eh who am I kidding. I’ll probably try to figure out what other work I can do with my skills. Doubt they’d just let me work for the FBI after this. But I guess if this is how I retire, I’d probably prefer somewhere colder. And with an Irish Coffee instead for my regular cocktails. Something hot to make the colder nights that more enjoyable. Besides… I hate the beach. Sand gets in my shoes”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Snip, Snip, Snip

Kyung-ha sectioned out pieces of Leonard’s hair, pulling it away from his scalp with her index and pointer finger before carefully trimming off the ends. His hair would fall on the trash bag laid out on the floor surrounding the chair Kyung-ha had placed there. She had to stand on the tips of her toes like she would with most clients even though they were sitting. That, and the desk chair he was on was not adjustable like her salon ones. “Vodka good enough to keep warm.” She said, her breath unironically hinting at the alcohol with a bit of sweetness from the cranberry. “I no like beach either, sand gets everywhere and you just sticky from sun, how is that fun?” She wasn’t sure why her children liked it that much, especially if they didn’t know how to swim.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“Exactly” Leonard spoke, “it’s just constantly irritating, the smell of fish is disgusting, people are loud as hell and really, the fucking sand, that’s the worst part”. Leonard sat there in the chair, his face subtlety flinching whenever her hands would brush through her hair, the scissors snipping off a piece of hair ever now and again. He would keep his eyes closed from there, keeping his composure in the chair as he added, “If I want to go for a swim, I’ll just take a private pool. Never had one of those, but they look nice. Course I’ll take a nice apartment any day of the week. Somewhere small enough to house just me and a girl. If I ever settle down that is”
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha rolled her eyes at the idea of a private pool, something she only had once in her life when she was married to George. She however only saw it as a waste of money and too much maintenance to keep up with. “—Or a boy.” She teased, skillfully snipping away at more of his hair with her sharp scissors. Though, she was surprised at how optimistic he sounded given the current circumstances. She proceeded to turn on her clippers with a number 3 guard on it before grazing it over the sides of his head.
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Roux would give a hiss of satisfaction as Sammy would go to kiss her without warning, though she had expected it to come at some point. She was thrilled that it had. And as fierce as Sammy's kiss was, it was quite easily matched. In fact, Roux had to slow herself down and she felt Sammy's tongue so briefly. She let out a low sigh when Sammy pulled away, grinning when she saw her smirk so confidently.
And as Sammy would go in to float, Roux sat herself up, her hands latching onto Sammy's shoulders as she turned towards her. "Bitch I'm absolutely sober, don't give me that lame shit Blondy." She grin became a bit more fangy, and her legs wrapped around Sammy's waist. She hadn't been very impressed at all. Surprised, a little. But satisfied? Her arms slide under Sammy's, her hands slipping from her shoulders and grabbing onto the back of Sammy's hair with a tug. Her hips pushed against Sammy's as she lifted herself up some to look down at her. "Lemme show you how me and my Sammy get down."
The kiss that she delivered was one that was surprisingly soft at first, and her tongue pushed open Sammy's lips with vigor and familiarity. Sammy would hear the static of an electric bass guitar the moment their lips touched again. And as Roux's tongue began to coil around and play with Sammy's, the strumming ran through their bodies in a pattern.

Dm dm dm, dm.
Dm dm dm, dm.
Dm dm dm, dm

There was a sensation that Sammy would feel that was as if she was been pulled into tune with the frequency of Roux's body. And as Roux's tongue became more aggressive and delve deeper, the sensation became more intense, as if the ferocity of it sought to take Sammy's very breath as their lips were pressed tighter against one another. The world around them fell into the lucidness of the experience, the walls that enclosed them melting into colorful noises that crawled from the tips of her toes to her head before dispersing into an electrifying bliss that rose and fell between their legs like the sound of a violin in frequency the further Roux would slowly start to pull back.

And as Roux pulled away, her tongue swirled around Sammy's, and licked it's top against hers in a teasing farewell on its way out, her fangs catching Sammy's bottom lip with a soft tug in the process that left the musical pleasure that ran through their bodies to linger with brief but intense jolts. The trail of saliva between them hung for a few seconds before parting. She grinned. "That was an preview. But you're right. You'll have to wait for the rest."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“Oh come on” Leo said, nearly sitting up when he remembered he was still being held by Kyung. He remained where he was and spoke, “Didn’t I tell you already I’m interested in women. Course I only had one relationship in my life, and that was pretty much the end of my bachelor years. Didn’t run into much chances after that. Hell I’m pretty sure you’re the only other woman I met that wasn’t trying to kill me. After that it was just creatures that used seduction for murder or guys that were hitting on me, and I wonder if the seductresses were a preferable option”
As Leonard would feel the razor run against his face, he added, “Plus I already knew I had no chance with you, so I immediately shot down any of those chances twenty years ago”
But he kept it to himself that he always thought about what ifs

Sammy was taken by surprise when she was completely locked into place by Rouxs hold on he, like a snake waiting to devour its prey. But when she felt the kiss, it would feel like something else. Like the very kiss itself was an experience of biblical proportions. The very feeling of her body rocking madly from the beat of electricity like a night club. Her body grinded against Rouxs in a sort of dance as their tongues moved around each others. Sammy felt like her eyes were darting around and rolling back in total pleasure and desire as her tongue slide and tangled around Rouxs, her lips suckling on it when it entered her mouth with desire. Her own hands would reach up and grab whatever part of Roux she could, as if at any second she’d be totally lost in her desire and needed to by anchored down by her body, allowing her to rest on top as she would close their lips and open them as their tongues collided. And as she would pull away, she was left panting, stunned. “W-what?” She asked in a daze, looking into her eyes. “Hey no fair. That was…. Way too good. Like… super fucking good. Like first kiss at the night club good but with way more tongue. You can’t just…. Stop there. I mean I may die tomorrow. I gotta go out with something more then that. I gotta make sure that if I die, I die with no regrets”
She would pull Roux in to a tighter hold, her arms licking around her as she spoke, “besides I can do way more with my tongue then just kiss so you know” she gave a playful wink and a kiss on Rouxs cheek with a smile
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
“Hmm, yes I remember—what was her name again? Abby? How far it go with her anyways?” Kyung-ha easily remembered without the tumor in her brain, which surprised her. Once cleaning up his neck, she turned off the clippers when she was done with them, ruffling his newly cut hair between her oiled fingers. And after she wiped them clean, she began to foam up Leonard’s short beard with a dampened kabuki brush—lathering his face with shaving cream like a typical and original barbershop experience. “I make it that obvious we weren’t going to work, eh? Good. Then you no waste last request about it before you die.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Roux let out a hard giggle. "Psh, you? Die? You won't have to worry about that. You're a tough nut to crack. Besides. I'll be tagging along with you and the big guy. After all, I asked you who the hell told you that I was going. Technically never said that I wasn't going. And I'm also so teeeechnically answering that question now, right?" She grinned. "Unless of course, I'm too cool to hang with you guys?"
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“No, no, you can come” Sammy said in defense, holding Roux close in a giggle of sorts, her body shaking a little from all the excitement. “And yeah, I’m not gonna die so easily. I just… I dunno, never felt anything like that before. I just… I dunno, you and the other Ravens are just a ton of surprises”
Sammy was a little blown away, almost intoxicated in a sense from the tongue kiss. She grabbed her screwdriver from the side, still holding onto Roux as she downed the drink with a heavy sigh of satisfaction, some of the juice running down her lips from how fast she drank it down. She turned back to her and looked at Rouxs smirking face. “Damn, if that’s just a kiss, I wonder what the sex is like” she joked with a playful grin. And as she held her, her hands would slowly move across her body, feeling her skin and how slightly colder it was from the other times she would hold Raven

“Many times” Leonard remarked about her comment to them never working out. “Still, a wasted request? I wouldn’t go that far. It doesn’t sound like a bad request but I ain’t so sad I’ll beg you to like me” And as he remembered the girl from his past, he let out a sigh, and admitted, “Guess I can’t really be too secret… We had sex”
And before Kyung could even remark, he looked up from the chair and spoke, “Yeah I know I said I was a virgin, but I lied. Didn’t really feel like explaining it to uh… a coworker. But well… on the night before I was finished with another job, she told me to choose between the Constables or her. I was working way more than I was spending time with her, I don’t blame her for that. So we… ya know… I think it went for a good few hours, not including breaks before she eventually fell asleep. I wanted to just enjoy her before I… made the choice. I left and that was the end of it. I sacrificed my own happiness in some vague idea that I was really making a difference. Helping people. I hear she’s married now. She definitely hates my guts, so no rekindling that flame.”
He let out a sigh as he remembered the entire thing and let out his deepest secret to Kyung. And as he would let the silence fill the room after, he would add, “Oh well, I’m sure when this is all done, I’ll find a nice woman. After all cant say I got loyalty to the Unit now. Just need a woman who likes a forty eight year old”
And as he sat there, he chuckled, a pained, tired and miserable one. “Jesus fucking Christ, I really wasted my entire life for a worthless fucking cause. I actually believed the shit they were telling me about the Constables helping people. They spoon fed me bullshit and I just ate it right up. What the fuck is wrong with me? It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic”
He would let his chuckle finally die down, once again sitting there in silence. And finally he’d reply, “Hate to say it but you really are the best thing I’ve got in this life that hasn’t been taken out of it… well, ya know, until the cancer does”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"I bet you do," Roux replies with a knowing smirk, her hands remaining tangled in Sammy's hair as her fingers rubbed against her scalp. Her face leaned towards Sammy's, only for her to lick the drizzling juice from around her chin and ease into a brief kiss with the awaiting lips above. "Trust me. It'll be somethin' you won't ever be able to forget once it gets ahold of ya. Probably won't be able to keep you off of me when it does," she snickered.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“Oh is that so” Sammy said, her arms sliding down Rouxs arms and down to her thighs, her hands sliding up and down them, almost massaging them as she would hold her closer, still tangled in their loving and affectionate embrace. As Sammy would endure another kiss, pressing her own against Rouxs lips with a desire. When she pulled back, “Mmmm you’re tempting me here Roux. And I always get what I want.”
As she would lean in for another kiss, she would fall down and plant a bite onto Rouxs neck, giving a playful moan. She would lift her head up and whispers in her ear, “Maybe I don’t want to take my hands off you”
last edited over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
no, you really don't Sammy xD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
She really doesn’t but Roux doesn’t know that. Probably XD over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha briefly stopped her shaving when Leonard revealed his secret, staring at him with perplexed eyes. And then she scoffed before it settled into a full on chuckle, which may or may not have been aided by the shots of vodka she took. She didn't know how to respond to the revelation aside from just tired laughter, in which she held the razor away from his face in case she nicked him while laughing, which only intensified when he said she was the best thing he had in his life. "Leonard," She resumed her careful scraping of his cheeks and chin, wiping the excess foam and hairs off every now and then with her towel. "That is hilarious and still pathetic." Kyung-ha confirmed. She was never really one to show full emotions or empathize, which is why her husband left her in the first place. "That no true, when I gone you'll still have your stupid cowboy movies to watch with your girly cocktail and five hundred grand. I'm sure someone will be interested. Or who knows, maybe we both gone by that time. Then all trivial things like cocktails and money no longer matter." She knew they could never work, and sort of promised herself to never marry a foreign White guy ever again after George. There were too many differences. "Too bad you is not virgin––glad you tell me, I almost let you have sex with me so you is not die on battlefield a virgin, can you believe that?" She commented casually with a chuckle while shaving his upper lip.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“Seriously?” Leonard commented at the remark she made about having sex with him. “Dammit. Should have kept my mouth shut” he laughed, even more so when she mentioned how pathetic it was. “Yeah… yeah it kinda was. But I was young and stupid. Really thought I was doing something good. For people, for myself… hell even for you. Man was I in for the surprise of the fucking century.”
Leonard’s hands clutched at the arms of the chair a little tighter in thought, the faint sounds of the fabric tightening in his hands ever soft but it inaudible as he would continue, “I guess I’m just not ready for you to die. The way you work. Your confidence, your skills, your ability to just adapt to shit. You’re just someone to admire, the way you do so much, just seem so unstoppable and unkillable. Not to mention those looks of yours. Gotta admit, helps add to the mystique and charm of your existence. Just seeing you is like witnessing a folk hero or a goddess in action make the world in her image. I keep telling myself ‘do I actually truly have admiration, respect, fucking feelings for this woman? How fucking insane am I?’ Then I remembered I’m the guy who basically ditched a nice girl for the sake of a fucked up organization. So I dunno, maybe I am insane. But even still, doesn’t change how I see you, Kyung. I dunno what it is. The alcohol, maybe. The realization that I may die so what’s the point in hiding anything anymore? Probably that, yeah. But I guess I don’t care what you do with the knowledge of my affection for you. Accept it, refuse it, laugh in my face, treat it as a compliment and tell me thank you. I don’t know. I just know if I don’t tell you how I felt, and I died there… I guess I’d regret it in the afterlife or something.”
He would finally turn his eyes to glance at Kyung from his position, even knowing that she could slice through his throat at any second. “Yeah…. I love you, Kyung-ha Park. I’m a fucked up wreck of a person, I’ve been fighting for a cause I don’t believe in for forty years, been begging for death for twenty, have seen people younger than me, happier than me and far more deserving of life than me die in packs cause of this job, and I just hate every single thing that surrounds me cause I’m always on the verge of blowing a goddamn blood vessel. And yet even despite all your cold remarks, your borderline threats, your morbid comments and just being the opposite of everything I believe in, morally and philosophically … I can’t help but not fall in love with you. Cause I just… I don’t know. I can only feel sane when I talk with you. Like I’m not going fucking insane when I can joke with you, bicker with you, and just talk about things, mission related or not. That’s why I’m here. Hell that’s why I’ve always been doing this shit, sticking my neck out for you and your family. Cause dammit… if I can at least die knowing that the women I love is at least able to enjoy her last days with her family… then good, so be it. I’d rather fight and die for something I actually believe in for once”
And like before, silence would fall over the room, Leo sitting there with the shaving cream on his face. And like he was finally letting a weight off his chest, he took in a deep breathe and let it out. “Right, got that monkey off my back. Alright, Kyung, you can laugh in my face now. Then we can get back to finishing the hair cut and figuring out what plane I’m taking, partner”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Do you really though Sam?" Roux teased with a smirk. Her legs had become looser around Sammy while her thighs were massaged, and she spread them only a little more for the sake of Sammy's interest. "Mmmhmhmm~" There were giggles in Roux's moans as Sammy bit her neck, and she tipped her head some to expose more of her marbly pale skin to her. She smirk broadened upon hearing Sammy's whispers. "Yeah?" She said, her voice low. "Well I don't think the "maybe", is necessary in your case. You want it baaad, don't you?~" Her fangs popped out as he grin returned. "You're so sexy when your horny," she said, laughing softly.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“Fine then, ‘maybe’ I maybe don’t want it” Sammy said as she would kiss to her neck again, this time playfully biting with a bit more force to it as she would hear the moans, her hands lightly squeezing at her thighs now before she would reply. “I definitely want it. I can’t hold myself back. Damn, all those times you teased me, took glances and even grabbed what you wanted. It was a fucking ordeal to hold back for your sake. And I just can’t hold back after an assault on my senses like that. Please, Roux. I don’t wanna hold back anymore.”
As she would practically beg for it, her hands would slip from her thighs and in between her legs, her fingers rubbing at the space between, her hands rubbing up and down her entrance with a desire to feel more. “I fucking want you reeeeeal bad, baby” she answered with absolute desire. As she would continue running between her legs through her pants, she would start to climb over her and remark, “fuck, you think that’s sexy. You ain’t seen nothing yet. I got a little surprise… if you’re willing”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha stopped her shaving again, this time being forced to look at him with her blade idly in the air as he blatantly confessed his love for her. Not just for her, but her humor. Her confidence. Her skills. Her hard work. Such sweet words she fell for once and promised to never fall for again. And all she could do was frown when Leonard blamed himself for being so delusional, knowing he was right. It was impossible for her to imagine a future with him. She had long stopped thinking about a future for herself. She looked at him with pity in her eyes, letting silence coat the room before she would finally release a sigh. “It simply cannot be. Not with our approaching death. Not with my children. We are not twenty-years olds anymore with the future in our hands.” She shook her head, returning to shaving the last remnants of his beard, where her face was inches away from his so that he knew she was serious when she spoke. “And although I am so grateful for what you have done for me and my kids, that doesn't change the fact that I cannot love you. I cannot put my feelings or my family aside. Loving someone is a choice after all, and I cannot risk my children losing someone dear to them if I were to choose you, because they already will mourn enough when I’m gone. They will need their father who I have a feeling will still be alive, unfortunately. But I shall not allow it to be a weakness used against me, and nor should you.” She cleaned her blade when she was done. “But… at least our paths have crossed, eh?” She forced a chuckle. “Maybe in another universe, or another time, our toothbrushes are in same cup. And we drink little vodka-cranberries, unfortunately.”
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard remained stone faced as ever as he heard the words of rejection from Kyung Ha. He didn’t want to show that there was any pain. He wasn’t sure if he could feel pain. It was more just a slight disappointment from it. But he understood why. He would nod his head to the woman and reply, “I understand completely, Kyung. I guess the time for living for yourself is sadly a bygone time. You got a family to live for and their happiness does come first. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little sad, but l… it’s better to at least know that I attempted. I can at least die with one less regret” he chuckled dryly as he would finally sit up, looking over himself in the mirror, finding himself impressed with what he saw in the reflection. He was surprised that Kyung could do so much in so little time. She truly did have the skills of weaving blades in her hands, even for non lethal means. But it was the comment that followed that he would turn, of in a different life, there could have been something there. He gave a chuckle, and responded, “Yeah, perhaps. It’s nice to think, but… shame it isn’t this one. Perhaps one with better drinks then just that though. But I guess even in all my craziness for loving someone like you… it wasn’t wrong. It’s crazy. It’s batshit insane. But loving you… nah, I’d never call that wrong”
He would let out a sigh as he stood up, inhaling to let out any lingering melancholy from within before proclaiming “right, we’ll thank you for the hair cut, Kyung. I must say it’s a fine trim. I can see why Samantha praises you so much when you do her hair up. She wasn’t kidding about your talents with the razor”
The way he spoke was almost like he was trying to just move past the pain. He told himself that he was numb to loss, numb to death, just completely numb. And the rejection, it was not the painful part. But the possibility this would be the last time he’d see Kyung. That was when the pain came.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha watched him stand after taking off the haircut gown she had tied around his neck to avoid any fallouts of hair getting onto his skin or clothes. She looked into the mirror to stare at her artwork, which had chiseled and accentuated Leonard's bone structure and also made him appear a few years younger without the beard. There wasn't a single cut on his cheeks or neck, and she had even trimmed some of his wild hairs from his brows using her tiny scissors. But her facial features softened only when she remembered she forgot to oil his hair with a serum she usually would put on all her clients. And with that in mind, she retrieved the bottle and squirted some on her hands before standing on the chair to reach above his head and lather it with a nice-smelling aroma. "There, now perfect."

But loving you… nah, I’d never call that wrong.

The woman's fingers were still intertwined with Leonard's hair when he spoke his words, her eyes squinting lightly at him through the mirror at his comment. "Usually I charge $45 for hair cut and shave. But, first time customer get for free." She stated, attempting a smile afterwards. "I guess cheesy words also serve as payment, to a certain extent. What I need to do for you to stop with them, eh? I no like."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard gave a bit of a chuckle as he would make eye contact with Kyung-Ha from the window, seeing her squint as he would make his last comment. As he looked to her, he shook his head and spoke, “ah don’t worry, I’m pretty much done by then. I’ve said all I needed to say and you’ve said yours. We’re just partners and friends, nothing more than that.” A faint grimace would appear on his face that he immediately hid with his smirk. he would stand up from the chair again and take the dressed shirt from the bed, throwing it over his body and buttoning it back into place to keep his professional aura. As he did he would reply, “But if by some divine fucking miracle we survive this, I’ll be sure to stop into your salon for a hair cut. I mean, Jesus. I feel like you aged me backwards by ten years. I’m starting to think you may have some magic abilities of your own, Kyung. I don’t suppose you give friendly discounts”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Oi, I give friendly discounts yes. Good thing we stay as friends then." She hopped off the chair she stood on to reach him. "I have feeling if we survive this then I no think I can return back to my salon in Florida ever." She said, considering the threat she received from her ex-husband to have her deported and her kids taken away from her. "But I still give haircut, yes. Can do back cracking and special Brazilian wax just for you and your husband." She sneered just to spite him. "Couples discount." She added with a hidden smirk that was only visible through the mirror while cleaning up her station.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“Ouch” Leonard couldn’t help but comment at her jokes, as well as unable to smile when she did. “I pour my heart and soul and you still gotta break my balls with that same sex stuff. I’m hurt, Kyung. Truly.”
He give another chuckle at the thought before he would think about it, about both of them living on, living through all of this chaos. And then what? Would they still continue as friends when all the danger finally ends? Would they just keep hiding forever? The future was uncertain, Leonard always believed that. And he always believed to look for the worst outcome. But as he sat there, laughing with Kyung, thinking about what tomorrow held and just all that he had said, he came to a conclusion. Once the laughing would die down, Leonard would hold out his hand and ask, “Kyung, can you hand me my badge back”
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Hm?" Kyung-ha stood up from her bending from picking up her tools, his request catching her off guard. She turned to face him with intriguing eyes. "Your badge?" Her head titled ever so slightly before the look on her face softened briefly. "Why you want badge back, eh? Is it because I tease you with homosexuality or because I reject you?" She reluctantly unclipped his badge from her waistline and placed it on his open hands. But before he could take away the badge, she gripped onto his wrist until he gave an answer to her question.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard looked to her as she gripped his wrist, his eyes turning to her with a somber expression before answering, “I gave it a lot of thought, I guess. All this time, I was just rushing into death. Rushing into a fight that I could die from. But…” he would look back down at the badge, taking it from her hands and holding it in his other hands. “Then I thought… that’s exactly what those Constable guys would want. For me to just rush in and die. Even if I do accomplish my goal, what good would dying do anyone aside from give those big wig dickheads what they want. Besides, Kyung… look at you. Healthy as a horse, and you’ve had this cancer for…. How long? You don’t think that you beat it, or perhaps… something else? Before we all forgot. I’m just saying, you didn’t find it a little suspicious that you’ve been doing so well despite it all? So if there’s a chance, no matter how small, that you could survive, I thought maybe, “no, I will not die. I will live”. Wouldn’t be fair to you or anyone if I died with the intent of dying. And since I’m not dying, I’m gonna need this badge. As a promise that this isn’t going to be my last mission, or the last time you see me. I still got more future hair cuts planned”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha had managed to expand a very small smile that grew only slightly with his promising and courageous words. "Your hope is admirable. I respect it." She released him, only to give him a gracious bow. "And if you die it will be with honor and no shame or regret. I make sure everyone knows of it." She promised. And when he asked him about her cancer, she said, "A tumor doesn't just disappear, Leonard. Especially not one that grow for years." She didn't even think it was possible to just magically take out her cancer either. "Maybe I just adapted, like you adapted with your pain. Maybe my kids and seeing them well make me strong, I dunno. Whatever it is, it seem to be working."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
“Yeah, that’s right. If. Not going with the intent of it” Leo remarked with a bit of a smile returned to the Asian woman. But at the mention of the tumor, he gave a slight shrug and relief, “Sadly I can’t exactly argue with that. But like you said, your daughter shoots fucking ice out of her hands. At this point, anything RTS possible, but we can’t exactly just go to a doctor and ask for a brain tumor check up here in Turkey”
As he gave it some thought, he suggested, “Perhaps Mason could. Ya know, if you want to. Just a suggestion, ya know. What you do is up to you and the end of the day, Kyung”
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
The woman in front of him exhaled a frustrated sigh when he suggested checking in with one of the Keepers. “Leonard,” Kyung-ha began with a tone that told him she wasn’t fond of him talking about her illness. “What must I do to make you shut up about it? Truly. Because if this cancer no kill me then your reminder of it will.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard let out a sigh as he could hear the frustration of the topic get to Kyung. He knew it would but he was almost certain that there was more to her cancer if she was far from when he had seen her months ago. But he could tell it was a subject she didn’t want to discuss so he changed it. “Just a suggestion” was all he said on the matter before he would change it to something else, “Well I told you a secret of mine that I can’t say I’m too proud of. Guess we’re at least even now on dark secrets we’d prefer to keep buried. And mines far more sad. But I guess we both lucked out with our first relationships” he gave a dry chuckle as he would throw on his overshirt, adjusting the collar as to make it not stick out. “Course for different reasons, but… well you know”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Roux's eyes narrowed, and she gave Sammy a gaze that was lust filled while listening to Sammy reveal how much she had been restraining herself for the sake of a much weaker, scared version. One that, at the very least, had some degree if guts about herself. She listened to how Sammy couldn't hold back any longer, and she could feel it in her words. In her body. The hands against her thighs had started to get to her, and when Sammy leaned on top of her, a fangy grin cut across her face hungrily. Between her legs had started to tingle with desire. "A surprise huh? I guess if ya can't wait..." Her hands slipped beneath Sammy's shirt collar and grabbed onto the straps of her sports bra for her to suddenly pull her down to her face forcefully, and responded to her offer with obvious interest. "Lay it on me, baby."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy would look to Roux with a giggle, leaning into her with a grin as she would remain on top of her. “It’s a nice little surprise. Been one I’ve been thinking about for a while.”
She would lean in ever closer now, her lips only slightly brushing against Rouxs as she leaned in, practically close to kissing her before she would teasingly pull away and stand over Roux and the mattress. And as she stood up, she would walk over to the TV and put her cellphone down on top of it, scrolling through it for a moment on her music playlist. “No. No. Noooooo…. Here” she spoke in a hushed whisper to herself before landing on the song. As the music would start, Sammy would bounce her hips to the tune of the song, her arms moving up to her blonde hair to undo her ponytail and let her hair fall down before she turned back to Roux giving a smile and a wink. As the music played, she would mouth the lyrics with a sly smirk, her body moving to the beat as her hands rubbed against her body, her chest, her hips, her legs and thighs in a dance that was almost hypnotic
I couldn’t escape this feeling with my China girl
I feel a wreck without my little China girl
She would continue to dance as her hands would to her top, and slowly she would slide it off her body, revealing her toned body, slimed down by the months of constant training and exercise but as soft as velvet. Her body was perfectly sculpted like a renaissance sculpture, and she would continue her dance as the first verse of the song finished, and slowly her shorts would slide off next. Her hips continued to gyrate revealing her black lace panties underneath. She turned around as her dance continued, taking the occasional glance at Roux with desire in her eyes. Sammy would approach Roux slowly, moving to the best of the music and eventually would fall back on top of Roux as the music was reaching its climax. Her fingers slid across Rouxs body with a sly grin on her face, wording the lyrics in a soft whisper
“But when I get excited”
“My little China girl”
“She says, oh baby, just you shut your mouth”
Her fingers pressed against Rouxs lips, running it against her bottom and too as she gave a lucious shush to the music, and finally she leaned in, sealing it with a soft and loving kiss that only became more desirable with every passing second
last edited over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Took two years but I finally got a Bowie song in the RP XD over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
Yoon walks in asking if anyone wants to join her for a meal xD over a year ago
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Roux's eyes followed Sammy as she watched her rise to her feet. She was struck with curiosity seeing her flip on the TV, and when she saw her scrolling through her phone a smirk played at her lips.


She caught Sammy's whisper just as she was laying back, the comfort of the mattress catching her off guard for just a moment. She was more used to a more sink-y feeling from use after the attic had become practically a bit of everything for her and her Samantha, with the exception of a shower sadly. The space had become everything to her. So many memories. So many sob stories, and laughs, and sex and small parties with just the two of them.
And now again she got to watch her hair fall like a curtain of spray painted sunshine against the TV light and the forever transitioning light of the lava lamp. That wink, like a flash of lightning that made her grin as she held back chuckles, and rolled her eyes a little while Sammy mouthed the words to her. The bouncing of her hips, the movements of her fit body. She watched as her Asian dream would strip away her shorts, her gaze following the steps of her feet as her ankles would leave the legs holes. Her eyes caught Sammy's glance every time, and seeing that fire of mutual wanting in her eyes made her warm between her legs. The fact that Sammy had some if her blood in her was something she found even more arousing.
As Sammy fell into her, she giggled in anticipation, the desire that Sammy's touch gave her bringing back the sensation from earlier bit by bit. But it was the moment that their lips sealed that it truly thrust upon them. And the deeper they slipped into desire for one another, the more intense it became.

Roux felt and groped Sammy's body without hesitation, and with a need. Ome that she knew all too well that Sammy had as well.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy would keep her lips against Rouxs in a hot, firey passion as her hands went across her body with a desire that couldn't be held back anymore. Her lust was like a roaring ocean over a dam ready to burst. And as she would feel Roux's hands explore her, grope her and her lips match with hers in passion, that dam would rupture. Sammy's hands slid up Roux's body, her hands slipping underneath her shirt and grabbing a hold of Roux's chest through her bra much like Raven had done to her many nights back. Her legs parted ever so that her knees could rub against the inside of her thighs in a lusting desire. Sammy would break from the kiss for only a moment, and would kiss on Roux's neck lovingly as she spoke through hushed whispers and pants, "I hope... I hope that emotional magic of yours is under control, babe. Cause I.... I want to get real crazy with you" She would place a bite onto Rouxs neck with a bit of sharpness but desire for her as well before her lips would find their way back to Roux's and plant themselves against her once more with desire, her tongue finding it's way back to hers
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Right, oke, because secret of brain tumor is same as secret of little pathetic crush." Kyung-ha weighed both options when Leonard said they were even on dark secrets. "Yours still more sad, hm?" She sarcastically asked. However, she didn't care enough to compare who had it worst. She wasn't one for pity or mercy. But when he mentioned their previous relationships, she remained quiet in thought of George. She hated him, yes, but every now and then she would feel the smallest ounce of guilt before she snapped back to reality. Was it justified for George to look for love elsewhere if Kyung-ha wasn't providing it? Who was the real victim in that scenario. She no longer wanted to dabble in her thoughts, and so instead she changed the topic. "Oi," She snapped with her fingers, "this no high school story, we have responsibilities to take care of." Kyung-ha brought up again. "Book flight to Alaska, avoid layovers in previous states we've been in recently. Make sure you book same airport as Sammy, I no want to drive you two to separate places and risk more outside exposure. I pay half ticket price." She felt obligated to say, but was fully ready to pay the price.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Well sad for very different reasons" Leonard joked a bit with a shrug as he paced around the room, hands resting in his pockets as Kyung-ha thought about her own previous experiences. It wasn't until she snapped out of it when she snapped her fingers was his attention fully on her. He was aware of the plan, needing to book the flight to Alaska. Even mentioning paying for it, which Leonard looked at her with a bit of skepticism. "Don't tell me you already forgot about my savings, Kyung." He remarked. "I can pay for this stuff. You just focus on using that money for stuff here. Food and necessities and stuff like that"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Roux sighed out a moan as Sammy grabbed at her chest through her stringy bra to be met with a little more vastness than it would have been with Raven. They were perfect for the way she would grab and squeeze at them in the ways that she would. Her hands held the back of Sammy's heads loosely, the kisses placed on her leaving her with an increasing neediness for Sammy's affection, felt her rubbing against her with so much that had been pent up. The feeling of having Sammy want her in such a way made her feeling a pleasure that had been dead to her. And she would reply to her words with a lust filled smirk. "Show me whatcha got bab—" Her body tensed for a second when she felt the sharp bite of Sammy's teeth, a gasp quickly following. But it wasn't until Sammy's lips came to her again that she released a hard, trembling moan. And Sammy would be able to experience the sensation of the brief but intense orgasm that had come over her.
Her tongue moved savagely against Sammy's, until they suddenly were rolled over. She leaned away from Sammy with a grin now that she was on top. She straddle Sammy lazily, and shook out her hair, it being longer than Raven's was, who had only just decided to let her own grow longer again. Her hands started with Sammy's hair, moving it away from her face and into a sprawl across the bed. The tips of her fingers grazed her cheeks, her thumb brushing against her chin. "Damn, Blondy. You've gotten me all worked up—"
Her hands grasped lightly at Sammy's neck, the pale color of her eyes flickering into an airy purple. They slid to her shoulders, tracing their shape down to her hands. She grabbed them and guided them into a loose hold at her hips, biting her lip slyly. From their her touch ran up her own body and to the torn bottom of the ruined, bloody shirt, peeling it upwards and over her body before tossing it over her shoulder.
She crawled down Sammy's body a little and leaned down, latching her fangs onto the middle of her bra. And with each gentle tug she gave, the lacy fabric was cut until it popped open. Her gaze slowly returned to Sammy's, burning with lust as she leaned back up. She lifted a nail to her bra and shed it away from her body. Sammy would see some of the deep rooted scars that just weren't able to heal all the way, and the way that they blended as part of the many abyssal black tattoos that covered her skin. "Oh pretty Ms. China~"
There was a curling motion of her finger that lifted Sammy up to her, returning them to the position that they had started in. Her lips touched Sammy's, but slid around them, her lips wrapping around the bottom of Sammy's ear. She whispered to her lustfully. "Won't you fuck me?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy let out more moans as she was kissing Roux more with desire in her, her hands locking around her and holding her close in a passionate kiss, only letting out a moan of surprsie when she was flipped over and Roux now on top. She bit her lip in desire for her, watching as with little effort she pulled her top off and left her chest exposed. As with the rest of her body, Sammy did notice a growth in her breasts as well, if only slightly compared to her other parts. But even still, she laid there, looking over Roux's naked torso as well, unable to take her eyes off her body, both with a desire and a concern as she took notice of the many scars on her body. She had never seen Raven naked before, so she wasn't sure how accurate it was to the Ravenn's she had seen before. But as she was lifted, she held Roux close to her, moaning as their bodies pressed together in lust and her ear was kissed lustfully. "Oooooh fuck" Sammy whispered in a wanting moan. "Y-Yeah, fuck whatever I said. I want you badly, Roux. I need you badly"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Roux's body grinded against Sammy slowly, nibbling at her neck greedily as she was told how much she was needed in such a way. Her fangs scraped back and forth against Sammy's skin softly, and her tongue came afterwards to care for each small knick that had been left. As she began to suckle on the side of her neck, her breasts pushed against Sammy's roughly. Her hands found their way to the edge of her lost lover's panties, turning to grab ahold of her inner thighs where here thumbs would brush just at the outside of the lips between her legs.
Her eyes went to Sammy's, and her lips inched closer. "You need this, you need that. When are you gonna a just shut your mouth and take it? Her hands spread Sammy's legs just a little as her thumbs started to rub lovingly in a massaging manner She grinned her fangy grin. "Don't be all shy now after talking all of that shit Blondy…" she teased. " it that you want to be..taken." She licked her lips. "We only got one thing left in the way. Let's be wild, baby~"

over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy let out soft moans as she felt her body being lusted for, desired, her own moans filling the room now that her phone had gone silent from the playlist ending. She was made to make more moans when she felt Rouxs body press into hers roughly, as if she wanted to be one with her. She had to silence her moan with more kisses against Rouxs neck as she would feel her bites and kisses against her body. It was when she would deliver a kiss to her neck that Sammy had to fight back a mighty loud moan of ecstasy. Even with her comments, she could t help but giggle as she would feel Roux now try to invade to lips between her legs, biting her lips as Rouxs hands brushed against her black lace. “Well, guess you better take care of that then.”
Sammys eyes glanced to Rouxs own remaining clothes, her hands lifting up to slide her out of her pants. She wanted to see the body she had been dreaming out bare for only her to see. She wanted to gaze upon her love with eyes of want, and she couldn’t wait any longer. Unlike Rouxs far rougher tone, Sammys touch was more sensual, caring, a desire to enjoy what she felt as her hands rubbed up against Rouxs legs before she would run her thumb inside her waist and slowly slide it down her smooth pale legs with a lustful glance
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Of course I no forget about your big pockets, I know very well how much saving you have!" Kyung-ha corrected him. "But it no matter––you not paying it, at least no fully." She said, just because she knew she probably couldn't afford the full plane ticket right now. She was very good in budgeting and being frugal, especially now that she didn't have any source of income and was relying on her savings. Despite this, she would still use her money to provide filling meals for all the tenants of the home. "Oi, this is all my doing, so it only right that we at least split. Shouldn't be wasting your money because of my mistake. Already spend enough with Sangeon coming here." Leonard insisting he'd pay reminded Kyung-ha of George who often took care of the costs, much to her dismay. She also didn't like when he got her unnecessary things, like the pair of diamond earrings that was worth $2,000 at the time or a dress costing more than her savings account. "Split half, no argument." She said, not knowing how else would she be paying Leonard back if she didn't start now.