Percy Jackson and the Olympians Second Camp Half-Blood Series

Stitch33 posted on May 16, 2009 at 05:17AM
I hear there's going to be another Camp Half Blood series coming out in the fall of 2010. It's going to center around the prophecy told in The Last Olympian.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians 5089 replies

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over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
oh yeah new page I claim it in name of Poseidon
over a year ago Amphitrite said…
Gleeson Hedge said Jason had a way with the Mist, so maybe the mist is clouding his memories.
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
hey guys i'm new here anyone read the new lost hero chapters
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
hello..........anyone from the UK..........
over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
If it does then he will remember when he goes to camp half blood
over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
Hey ratchet97 we all read the new chapters well I am pretty sure we all did
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
you think maybe jason is luke in a new body. luke said he was going to try and be reborn. maybe when you are reborn you just appear in the living world.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
and he couldn't remember anything because maybe to be reborn you have to bathe in the river lythe(i think that is what its called)
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
thats a good idea Ratchet

P.S ratchet97 are you from the U.K if so finaly someone in the same time zone as me and Irish I'm going to become a fan of you and no offence I hope your not one of those stuck ones that hate Irish people because of the war between us like hundreds years ago you know the thing about England taking over Ireland and then there was peace a bit after the 1996 Easter Risng during the first world war still I hope we can be friends
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
big smile
yeh sure
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
yeah time zones get annoying and so this isn't spam those Heroes of Olympus chapters are awesome
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
i know i wonder if he'll put any more chapter on
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
I hope he does but he won't put to many if he does he just put them up so we would have an idea what the book would be like
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
anyway i read some stuff on this club my father's apollo from now on
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
cool I'm a son of Poseidon just so you know just incase you didn't guess from what god I claimed this page for
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
what i dont get is jason is 16 and the oath in the last olympian the gods took said that they would claim their children at the age of 13
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
also i wonder whos pipers father or mother is
over a year ago i_am_zim said…
YAY I GET A BROTHER :) hi ratchet97 i am a son of Apollo to :)


P.S.S. have you ever noticed that a lot of R.R.'s books start off in vehicles??? that is all of Percy Jackson books minis book 2 the maze of bones (first in 39 clues) and the lost hero....i do not know about the red pyramid because i did not reed it.
over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
Ratchet97 I would never have thought of that thanx and I am zim we aren't going to stop claiming so just stir up no offense but u r the only one complaining I am srry but it's true so yeah I don't want to be enemies and i am watching the MTV movie awards and Percy Jackson and Luke almost won the best fight but they didn't sadly beyonce won i hope u know who that is but I am kind of mad
over a year ago Wishfeather said…
hey, so i was just rereading the lost hero, and I noticed something odd... When Jason saw Gleeson Hedge as a satyr, he called him a faun, the Roman term. And when he saw the venti, that's what he called them; the greek term was anemoi thuellai, as annabeth said. Is jason Roman or something? His father is most likely Aeolus, but actually, I did a little research, and there are actually 3 Aeoluses. One the son of Hellen, one the son of Poseidon, and one the son of some guy named Hippotes. But everyone always confused them, even the greeks themselves - no one really knows the difference between them, cause they're all wind gods, and all named aeolus. Did R.R. merge them? If not, which one was Jason a son of? But actually, I'm not too sure about this - one site said that there were three, but lots of other sites mentioned only one. So it's likely R.R. did like the others, and merged them together.
Also, I find it curious that if Jason is a son of Aeolus, that he should encounter the anemoi thuellai. Apparently, Aeolus was the guy who kept them locked away behind a bronze shield on this island, and only let them go when the gods commanded him to. So either gods did (which I find very unlikely: if so, why?) or something happened to Jason's dad.
Also, does anybody know what it was that Jason saw inscribed on the coin? It said something like ivlivs.
over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
I can't wait till the cover comes out it will gives us a clue to the story just 15 more day I think for me can't wait and ummmm I wish they would come out with a summery so we would no what will short of happened the writing on the back you know
over a year ago Amphitrite said…
Wishfeather, Ivlivs, was Ceasar's name,...well part of it, anyway....I didn't even pay attention to all of the Roman references in the sample chapters. Now that I think about it, it seems a bit odd. Maybe R.R. is merging the Greek and the Roman mythologies. It wouldn't be a big change, they are similar (seeings as the Romans couldn't come up with their own religion...thieves) As for the Aeolus thing, there are three according to Classic text. The first was the ruler of Thessaly, the second was the first's great-grandson. The reason the last two are merged is because there is dispute about the parentage of the last some say he has the same parentage as the second, and some think he is the son of Poseidon and the daughter of Aeoulus number two. The last one is the one that is (when thinking of three seperate entities) the Wind god...random fact it was the Anemoi Thuellai that Aeoulus gave to Oddyseus to help on his journey.
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
yes the Romans did copy Greek religion just changed all the names of the gods (in P.J that happens once when the gods are in Rome) and monsters you can even ask a girl in my class whos the exact same as me with history but she looks at Roman history and I look at Greek so there wouldn't be a big difference but maybe his great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandad was a half-blood when the gods were in Rome because knowledge can descend from former family members

P.S i_am_zim yeah nearly every book R.R writes starts in a car well in the Red Pyramid it doesn't exactly start off in a car its more of the guy in it (Carter) talking about himself and his sister (Sadie the other narrarator) and when thats done Carter and his father are in a taxi but only for about a page

P.S.S guys you should read the Red Pyramid its realy good and still about mythology and I know it dellayed the heroes of olympus but still its great
over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
No the second pjo book in the first series didn't start in a car the sea of monsters started with Percy having that dream so on he was never in a car in the beginning of the book if I am correct which I'm pretty sure I am
over a year ago Percysclique said…
So more Percy...... it won't be the same.....I loved Percy with a pasion........Sigh........
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
hey has anyone read the red pyramid cus it says in it there are different gods in manhatten it probably means the greek gods i wonder if rick will make a book with both religions in it
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
yeah new page i claim it for apollo (sorry i am zim i just had too)
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over a year ago Amphitrite said…
I doubt he will make a book that crosses both. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that he said he wouldn't because of the different mythologies.
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
ok maybe not a completely different book but i think iread somewhere that they would be connected
over a year ago i_am_zim said…
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
over a year ago Amphitrite said…
i_am_zim, what's wrong with claiming pages? It isn't hurting anybody, and no one other than you seems bothered by it. If you don't like the page claiming, then why not ignore the post, its a lot easier then going off and hurting peoples feelings. And the blood and guts thing? C'mon, that's just mean!
over a year ago ratchet97 said…
yeh zim you should cool down a bit or take up poetry like dad what's a haiku anyway
over a year ago i_am_zim said…
ok FINE claim your little pages just don't be obnoxious about it and sorry about the blood and guts thing i gust had to say it he he
over a year ago TweaK100 said…
WOOT! Hey ppl! I'm TweaK100, and a proud Daughter of Poseidon! Im new here but I pretty much know what we are tlkin bout. Ive read all 60 pages of this thing lol
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over a year ago TweaK100 said…
btw thanx (percyjackson51 i think it was?) for the passcode to that chapter for The Lost Hero! LOVED IT!!!
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over a year ago Amphitrite said…
big smile
Thank you! Ok, now back to the topic! What is the significance of all the Roman references in the sample chapters? Any guesses?
over a year ago Amphitrite said…
Hi, TweaK100, do you have any thoughts about what's going on with what we've all read?
over a year ago TweaK100 said…
hmmmm... well i read somewhere that jason was a son of Zeus... but i really like the wind god theory better if you ask me.
BTW thanks for the welcome!
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over a year ago TweaK100 said…
anayways, i love the chaptars. however, i am thoroughly confused on the story plot. i dont really get the jist yet. if u no wat i mean.

P.S. how on earth do you update the pages on this thing?
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over a year ago Amphitrite said…
No problem, TweaK100, and it is spelled Zeus. The Aeolus theroy seems more believable to me. I understand completely about the confusion, I'm still trying to figure out why R.R. is using roman references.
over a year ago TweaK100 said…
Yeah. And I really like the theory on Pipers mom also. I mean, goddess of persuasion?!?! I never would have thought of that! I'll admit I'm a bit behind on my Greek and Roman history...
Any info on how 2 update pages? Im going nuts flipping bak and fourth between pages 59 and 60!

orrr.... does this thing update replies itself, and im just sadly and hoplessly mistaken?
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over a year ago TweaK100 said…
o and thankx on the spelling! sry bout the spam. :(
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over a year ago TweaK100 said…
You know, I am also wondering which theory to go with on Percys' mysterious disapearance. And I think that RR is making Annabeth sound a little crazy if you dont mind me saying so. (Pleez dont hate me for sayin that!)And who is narrating the story? Could it be from Percys' perspective? I highly doubt that because it talks specifically about Jasons' feelings and thoughts and not the other characters, and because, well, Percy is missing. If we knew it was from his point of view, then we would know that he was alive and that would take away a little of the suspence. But then the story is probably in third person then isnt it? Any thoughts?... Any at all......
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over a year ago TweaK100 said…
Well, i gess TewaK100 is out. PEACE
over a year ago Amphitrite said…
I don't blame Annabeth, she lost her boyfriend...I'd be going nuts, too! R.R. is making this book in third person, it's an easier way to tell a story (in my opinion, anyway) I think Percy got the same treatment as Gleeson Hedge. I would bet money that he was out fetching new demigods and found Jason, and the Anemoi Thuellai attacked like they did at the Grand Canyon. And, just like with Hedge, Percy got taken instead of Jason. As for Jason's memories I'm at a loss, the only things I can think of there are Mnemosyne (Titaness of memories and rememberance) and the River Lethe...the only thing with the river is it is in the Underworld. It supposedly rings Elysium, and those who have choosen reincarnation are supposed to drink from it to forget their past life.
over a year ago KoreBoreas said…
Ok, so I have an idea relating to the prophecy. What if the 7 half'bloods literally answer the call. You all know(Hopefully) that anyone can get and/or give an Iris message. What if someone(the fates, a god/goddess idk) sends a special iris message to them. And then they go on their epic quest to save the world from the gods/titans of fire or storms? just an idea
over a year ago Amphitrite said…
Well, that would be unexpected,what with everyone over analyzing the prophecy. It would be pretty funny, too.
over a year ago Amphitrite said…
Ok, I was thinking about Jason's flying ability, and it hit me, maybe not a son of Aeolus....maybe a son of Boreus, the North Wind. Boreus had two sons that like Jason, had the ability to fly. They were also supposed to be fast as the wind when they ran, which leads to another theory. In TC (page 83) when Thalia and Percy are positioning everyone for Capture-the-Flag, Thalia tells Silena to take Laurel and Jason because they are fast runners....maybe the Jason in TC is "our" Jason. I don't know about you, but using the whole Boreus logic, it sort of fits....maybe I'm wrong, who, knows, but I think it is an interesting theory...on a random note, Boreus's sons were part of the hero crew that Jason(the mythical hero)took with him on his quest to retrieve the Golden Fleece...coincidence? Ok, more on this theory tomorrow, I'm off to bed....
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
OMG I was gone for like 2 days, and there are 2 more pages! Well I haven't read any of your comments, but... PAGE 61 IS CLAIMED IN THE NAME OF ATHENA!!!!!!
P.S: If this claiming stuff annoys you, just ignore it. And stop complaining.
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