Percy Jackson and the Olympians Second Camp Half-Blood Series

Stitch33 posted on May 16, 2009 at 05:17AM
I hear there's going to be another Camp Half Blood series coming out in the fall of 2010. It's going to center around the prophecy told in The Last Olympian.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians 5089 replies

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over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
oh yeah I made the new page I declare it in the name off Poseidon so you better watch it next time your near water spamers (thats you the amezer) yeah the end of the Athena declaring is over
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleeluvsbooks said…
I think that the "storm or fire" part could be Poseidon and some other god fighting because poseiden is the god of storms as well as the sea. when it says storm OR fire i thought about the first book and how zeus and poseiden would fight and all the other gods would have to choose a side like athena backing zeus, ares and hephaestus backing poseiden or something if there was war between them. except they didnt fight because percy found the lightning bolt but thats not the point
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Wishfeather said…
RickJackson, that's a wonderful idea! I can't believe nobody's mentioned it before. At least, I think they haven't, have they...? Correct me if I'm wrong. But some of the 7 half-bloods could easily be hunters of artemis, not campers. There'll be trouble if there's boys on the quest... heehee.

Yes, kayleeluvsbooks, that's kind of what we were thinking earlier. The storm and fire fighting each other... If so, they could either be one-on-one, or have a full-fledged war between the gods. which is more likely?
over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
Hey guys I'm back I am really tired right now but I read all your comments and it's good to be home um about the hunters joining the seven well that hunter could be the one about the promise line she keeps the oath with artemis with her final breath Like Zoe
over a year ago the_amazer said…
big smile
posie can go get a job im on a boat atm hehehehe..... anyways ill spam when i feel like it.

my new gallery of my life (if i were a cat).

posie can go get a job im on a boat atm hehehehe..... anyways ill spam when i feel like it.

my new
over a year ago the_amazer said…
big smile
bring it fido
bring it fido
over a year ago the_amazer said…
wat u say to me duck?
wat u say to me duck?
over a year ago the_amazer said…
big smile
pardin my french and i really am sorry for the cus there
pardin my french and i really am sorry for the cus there
over a year ago the_amazer said…
highly trained =)
highly trained =)
over a year ago the_amazer said…
big smile
k thats my life as a cat enjoy.

pics found on google images and my closet.

cat skills FTW
k thats my life as a cat enjoy.

pics found on google images and my closet.

cat skills FTW
over a year ago Holic_195 said…
Hey, hang on a minute...Ok, 1 minute passed. I'll say sth. Ok, in the Greek Myths, the world isn't round, is it? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember the world is flat (looks like a plate) in Greek Myths.

Alright, if the world is round in the real world and flat in the Greek Myths world, then which world will fall? I don't know if this idea helps, but it's quite a different between a round world and a flat one. If we talk 'bout the flat world in the Myths, then maybe a storm of fire will blow everything in the flat world to the edge of it (I'm talkin' 'bout the 2nd line). Things will be blown into the space (maybe even our mighty gods?). Idk, this idea sucks really hard. But come on, this is just an idea!

Any better ideas, guys?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
Great idea Holic_195 I never thought of that but I don't remember they thought the world was flat anyway they could've been just like humans thinking the world was flat but they never figured out that it was round but still a good idea

P.S the_amazer stop spamming (even if the pictures were cool) this page is for Poseidon can't you respect your uncle wait your god parent is Hades

P.S.S Wishfeather my idea never was mentioned
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
the_amazer this is not Athena's page, and I don't like Poseidon very much (well Athena and Poseidon didn't get along very well), but I've just reported all your cat pictures, and please stop spamming.
RickJackson98 yes I'm good at fighting and some times I'm pretty good at crafts, but only if I want to. As to the arts, I don't think that's Athena's department, but I love music and I'm learning to play piano.
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
Great Holic I loved your idea! And I guess zim will like it, because he's so interested in space and spaceships. Anyway your new theory is cool.
And yes RickJackson98 I agree with you that the Hunters can be in the group too. Why did nobody think of this? Well, actually not all Hunters are demigods, some of them are mortals and some of them have both mortal parents (like Zoe), but still it'll be fun if a Hunter is one of those seven halfbloods.
And OK, forget my idea about combining the lines together, it didn't help much. I have a new theory for the 2nd line. I don't think Zeus and Poseidon will fight in The Lost Hero, they already did that in The Lightning Thief, R.R won't repeat it. I think maybe the 'world' isn't Gaea, it's the sky. Maybe there'll be a child of 'storm' and a child of 'fire', and one of them will have to hold the sky while the other one goes to get the golden apples? Yes, this is repetitive too, but you know how it feels when you hold the sky, it's like the whole world falls on you.
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
P.S: Holic about your comment on last page, I don't think there will be a judge ment. It must be a choice. And it would be cool if we could see Janus again!
P.S.S: RickJackson, it seems like the_amazer doesn't respect any of the gods, since he spams on any page he wants. Anyway, the_amazer, if you don't stop spamming, I'll get MAD! Trust me, Athenians aren't very nice when they are mad!!!!!!
P.S.S.S: Now I'm gonna check R.R's blog, but I can be sure that there's still no information :( .
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
RoHeHa Athena is godess of wisdom,art,craft and war

I knew about hunters not having to be demigods and what about my idea about the line to storm or to fire the world shall fall

P.S I play piano too I'm on grade 3

P.S.S the_amazer you should know after reading percy jackson what things might happen when a son of Poseidon gets angry
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleeluvsbooks said…
wait, for the oath to keep with a final breath part that could probably just mean that someone swore upon the river styx. dint you remember that if you break one of those promises you die?
over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
Ok I got a theory it just kicks in when I read your comments roheha gave me the idea well since Rick riordan repeats myths like the sea of monsters then posiedons kids and zues's kids get in a war like the trojan war I really like this one it makes sense to me
over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
Were is everybody no news yet and I reported a spam on u watever your name is amazer yeah what ever we said no fcking spaming and it's on posiedons page so when u die I hope you drown
over a year ago booklover27 said…
I was lookin on google for the sequels to some of the books I'm reading and saw that the sequel for one of the book's cover is out and the book comes out in september only 2 months before this series. So.... where's the cover art!! I am sad, and impatient. excuse me for my rudeness. I'm just REALLLY excited!! and all the ideas sound awsome, but they're makin me even more impatient!

P.S. With all these ideas,(and I mean these REALLY GOOD ideas)I wish R.R. would come on here.

P.S.S. I think it would be cool to get to know some of the hunters better, like Phobe (I think thats what her name was) that the stoll brothers gave a rash to in 'The Titan's Curse'.
over a year ago kayleeluvsbooks said…
i think that the heroes will be a mix of demigods and hunters because they've worked together before. and i also think that the oath to keep with a final breath was a swear upon the river styx because i remember that if you break an oath upon the river styx, you die.
over a year ago Wishfeather said…
Yes, those are all great ideas.

I wish I could come up with something for myself but my brain is empty of ideas right now. But, kayleeluvsbooks, they dont break the oath. They keep it. "An oath to keep with a final breath," remember.
over a year ago pens-are-cool said…
that line about to storm or fire the world must fall couldn't it be about one of Hestias kids i mean she the fire goddess and the an oath to keep with a final breath one of them could die and they might have made a promise to say or do something before they die
over a year ago KoreBoreas said…
Ok, so I haven'tbeen on for a while and I was just scrolling through the pages and I saw booklover's comment about the line"An oath to keep with a final breath". I have an few ideas. How many oaths have we learned about? There's the newest one about the gods claiming their kids. Then there's Thalia's oath to not fall in love. I can't really think of anymore right now as I am slightly sleep deprived. Let me know what other oaths you can come up with. Oh yeah, and there's Grover's oath to take care of the wild and not forget about Pan. Anyways, thats all I have.
over a year ago cloudy99 said…
I think a kid of a titan would be kinda cool
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
Hurrah I made the new page!
I wonder where the F4 team are, I reported the_amazer's cats about 24 hours ago and they are still here. OK whatever, even if those stupid pictures are deleted and this comment isn't the first one of page 54 anymore, I CLAIM PAGE 54 IN THE NAME OF ATHENA, THE GREAT GODDESS OF WISDOM, ART, CRAFT AND WAR. IF YOU'VE READ THE SERIES, YOU WOULD KNOW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU ANGER ATHENA!!!!!!
Sorry RickJackson98, it's Athena's time again!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
cloudy99 a kid of a titan isn't called a demigod/halfblood. Maybe that would be a demititan :D
percyjackson51 sis I wonder how could I give you the idea, but still I like it. Yes a second Trojan War would be cool!!!
KoreBoreas and pens-are-cool have just given me a brand new idea! Maybe Hestia or Artemis or even a Hunter will fall in love, but that man turns out to be a bad guy. So she kills him in the end, and that way she'll keep her oath to stay maiden.
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
Oh I got this idea from KoreBoreas too. What if Grover keeps his oath to Pan and dies trying to save Bessie? Yes R.R said Percy and Annabeth wouldn't be the main characters anymore, but he didn't say anything about Grover, did he?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
P.S: Guys I know this is off topic, but if Athena can have brain children, and Artemis can have tear children (in booklover27's and KoreBoreas' theory), so why can't Hestia have fire children? Be maiden and not have kids are two completely different things.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pens-are-cool said…
the prophecy said seven half bloods shall answer the call it didn't say 7 people so seven half bloods will go but it never said anything about someone thats not a half blood coming added to the 7 half bloods So a Cyclopes or a mortal with clear sight could come along
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
Yeah go Athena for getting the page GO ATHENA !!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡ um going to check rr page now c u soon
over a year ago Wishfeather said…
My gosh those are brilliant ideas. But I'm just wondering... Artemis DISDAINS men. I don't know... the closest she came was Orion, and that was once in three thousand years. I think Athena's the only one who can have children and remain mortal, simply because it's never been done before. Yes, I know that's kind of limiting, but these gods/esses live forever.

PS. Are there any 'maiden' gods? That is to say, gods that never married and don't have any children/halfbloods? Because I can only recall godesses swearing abstinence.
over a year ago kayleeluvsbooks said…
well yeah wishfeather, thats sort of what i meant. that the halfbloods will swear upon the river styx. i didnt say they wouldnt keep it. I meant that's how serious it is.
over a year ago cloudy99 said…
I'm pretty sure that Norse mythology has a door of death...
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
No I don't think there are any 'maiden' gods. And cloudy99, these are two different worlds and they won't cross!
Yes pens-are-cool of course a satyr or a mortal or even a not-half-blood Hunter may come along. Demigods can't do everything by themselves...
OK I've run out of ideas. Gonna check R.R's blog now. See ya!
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
P.S: Sorry for spamming everybody, but if you're bored and you have nothing to do while waiting for the new series to come out... why don't you take part in a favorite God/Goddess game? There's the link: link . Or there's a Favorite character game too: link . Please join guys, we don't want it to die.
over a year ago Holic_195 said…
Hey, hang on for 2 minutes...Ok, 2 minutes passed. I've got another idea!

Ok, the 2nd line:

"To storm or fire, the world will fall."

Ok, what if "Storm" or "Fire" is chosen to saved the world from the other one? But one fails and the know, falls! Well, I think a demigod (a kid of "Storm" or "Fire") will be chosen to save the world. That means the world "falls" on him/her. And he or she fails the quest to acccomplish the mission, the world will somehow,...fall. Ok, What the hell this prophecy precisely talks about? It's so complicated. Maybe that's all I've got. I don't have any nicer suggestion. Oh, Hades...

Ok, whatever. Go on discussing, people.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleeluvsbooks said…
i don't know if the prophecy really means that the world will literally fall or be destroyed.... this is very complicated!!!!
over a year ago Wishfeather said…
Oh my gosh, holic, you just gave me a new idea! Well, it's not much of an idea, actually. Never mind. It's probably stupid. But anyway, when you said "...will be chosen to save the world. That means the world 'falls' on him/her." What if they have to hold up the sky again? I know RR said they were holding the sky, but what they're really doing is separating the earth and sky. For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. The sky pushes on the earth = the earth pushing on the sky. It's really the same thing, Newton's third law. Anyway, back on topic - so they hold the 'world' (and that's what it really was in greek myths; the world, not the separation between the earth and sky) then the world's 'falling' on them, right? Never mind. It's stupid.

Oh, hey, I have another stupid idea. What if we take the prophecy literally, and the world actually falls? Like, drops down closer to Hades, or something. Or falls a bit in it's orbit around the sun.

As I said, not very bright ideas. These aren't probable, but I just burst out whatever was on my mind.
over a year ago Holic_195 said…
Well, the idea of "holding the sky", as I can recall, was precisely mentioned by Roheha, my pal. And she also said R.R didn't like to repeat things he had done before. So I don't think it'll happen. Sr, but thank for your support.

And now I've got another idea. Ok, not so fresh, but maybe new. Well, what if Gaea, you know...kidnapped? Well, "Storm" or "Fire" might set up a trap, and Gaea might fall to it. She's the World, you know. So the world...falls!

Oh, I know. It's just another stupid idea of mine. I don't think I can ever come out with any good idea. Whatever...

BTW, nice icon, Roheha.

And guys, go on your discussing.
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
ok for the line to storm or to fire ....... yeah I think the God of storm and fire are fighting and the 7 demi-gods must talk some sence into them because unless they work to together the world would fall its just a guess but it shows that unless they work together the world would fall

not the best idea it just happened to pop in my head when I was reading one of Holics thoughts but tell me what you think
over a year ago booklover27 said…
you know what would be really funny? well what if after they go through this dangerous quest and all, one of the half-bloods (being storm or fire) pushed/tripped Gaia (being 'world'). I mean it'd be really literal and, I think anyways, unexpected (and funny) to the reader. And yes it is a VERY bad idea. and I apologize. :-D

P.S. Do you think percy eats fish? I mean, he's the son of the sea god, wouldnt it be...... I dont know....weird-ish?

P.S.S. Did Gaia create fish or did Poseidon?

P.S.S.S. Once again I apologize for the weird questions!
over a year ago booklover27 said…
oh and how in the Gaia, do you guys know when your gonna start a new page?!?

over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
To start a new page there has to be 25 comments and this is a spam so can't wait for Percy jackso and I check rr page and still nothin 8 days and nothin even though there is nothing he is going to talk about but still come on
over a year ago booklover27 said…
Thanks percyjackson51!
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
No offense, booklover27, but I think I like your last icon more. Anyway nice flower.
Btw booklover27, your idea is not stupid! In fact, I love it! Well, R.R loves to be funny, and yeah, why don't we try to understand the line LITERALLY?
And about that question about Percy eating fish, I've once asked it and the fans told me that he does eat seafood. Weird, I agree.
Gaia created almost all the animals, and I think the "animals" include fish. Anyway, Poseidon is only known for creating horses, which is also weird, because horses have nothing to do with the oceans. A creation of fish would make more sense.
And yeah Wishfeather holding the sky was my idea.

P.S: Holic can't you use "friend" instead of "pal"? I'm not sure why, but I kinda don't like the word.
P.S.S: Guys how do you like my new icon? Should I change it back? I've received some negative comments...
P.S.S.S: Forgive me for spamming, Lady Athena.
over a year ago booklover27 said…
yeah I liked my last icon more too, and thank you for answering my questions.

P.S.ʎuunɟ ǝq pןnoʍ ʇı ʇɥƃnoɥʇ ı ןןǝʍ ǝsnɐɔ ǝɹǝɥ uo sıɥʇ ʇnd oʇ pɐɥ ʇsnɾ ı ʎɹɹos

P.S.S*¡¡sǝןnɹ uosʞɔɐɾ ʎɔɹǝd
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
yeah RoHeHa I preffered your last icon

P.S guys someone tell me what you think of my idea your all talking about Holic's (not that its bad)

over a year ago i_am_zim said…
speaking of icons RoHeHa i like your old one better :(
over a year ago kayleeluvsbooks said…
yeah Rick jackson, thats what I said about the 'storm or Fire' part. Except i dont think the prophecy would be just to 'talk some sense into them' because it doesnt sound dangerous enough to be the next great prophecy. at the end of the last olympian,apollo said that the prophecy would be the next big prediction in the future of the whole world so im thinking they night have to take sides or something big like that.
last edited over a year ago