Percy Jackson and the Olympians Second Camp Half-Blood Series

Stitch33 posted on May 16, 2009 at 05:17AM
I hear there's going to be another Camp Half Blood series coming out in the fall of 2010. It's going to center around the prophecy told in The Last Olympian.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians 5089 replies

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over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
OK now i'm officially not going to talk to TheNewSeries again.So anybody kindly tell him i disagree with him cuz the WHOLE new series will be about this prophecy not just the first book and R.R said in an interview (i don't remember which) that this series will be longer than PJO... and it doesn't seem like him to reveal all secrets in 1 book. anyway tell him i like his theory and if he write a fanfic about it i guess i'll love it (by "it" i meant the fic, not TheNewSeries)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
and i started a new page again! That's definitely a new record!
And now back on the topic... 175 DAYS LEFT!!!
As to the prophecy, it seems really really really mysterious to me and i really admire R.R's imaginatiion... his prophecies always have double meanings and sometimes the most obvious lines turn out to be the most tricky ones...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheNewSeries said…
Whoops! I'm so going to kill my brother for blogging when I was offline! Sorry, RoHeHa_6264995 I swear I'd never ask anyone out through a blog! Oh and by the way, the first line will be the first book, the second line the second book, the third line the third book, and the fourth line the fourth book. The fifth book will be, as I figure, the tie-up of all the bad stuff the prophecy brought them. Anyway, RoHeHa_6264995 I'm really sorry and I really do want to be your friend. And if you don't I want to, I'll understand. Who wants to be friends with a geek anyway. So this will be my last comment until I recieve an answer from you.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheNewSeries said…
I'm crying on my keyboard. I can't believe everything went so downhill. Anyway, I would do the fanfic, it's just...well, I don't think you'd like it. You hate me after all. So why would you like my theroy.(My stupid brother! Oh I'm so going to kill him!) And I know I said the last one would be my last comment, but heck you're not going to read what I say. So someone, please, tell her what I said! Too bad my brothers at school! Oh, I'm so going to wring his neck!
over a year ago i_am_zim said…
normally if i was RoHeHa_626499 i would think you were lying but one time my older brother was on my file on an online game that i was on and he told all my boy friends (boy friend as in a friend that is a boy not sum one i date)that i was gay and they would not say anything to me and i was pissed so ya i think you are telling the troth
over a year ago the_amazer said…
lawd roheha dont get so pissed off jeez what he wrote wasnt that bad what i did one time was bad lol i made a very innaproproiate emote to my GF im not gunna show it cause zim,s gunna spam it....

anyways i think its kinda funny and i know to you that isnt very funny but hell brothers do shit and ive made that excuse a million times either way just move on dont read his crappy lie statment up there and get on with your life it wasnt that bad.... i bet he likes your personality (off topic)

anyways that crap about first line second line is kinda dumb cause with that the series would be crap cause you would know everything would lead up to what is said in that 1 line so stop making theries that arte kinda stupid just wait and read another book.... or get a date

DR.the_amazer is now signing off to watch a movie i dont want to see another one of those comments about hatering and stuff

and he didnt directly go... "roheha would you go on a date with me?"
he said something like i'd like to date roheha so.... anyways you should be flattered

how long is this comment

if you keep hating im gunna make this blog into a 340 page spam fest (im not kidding around i got lots of time)
over a year ago the_amazer said…
and crying on your key board WTH suck it up and apoligize that shiot with guilt and pity doesnt work!!!!
(this hatering doesnt count :-)
over a year ago TheNewSeries said…
Thanks i_am_zim, I'm afraid he screwed it up for me. But hey it's just my younger brother. Anyway, I've started a chapter of the book I'm writing. (I AM NOT DOING THIS ON FANFIC, BECAUSE THIS DIRECTLY RELATES WITH THE TOPIC AT HAND)

My Summer Begins With A Fury Attack

Now, I thought I was done with all the Titan monsters when I supposedly killed Kronos last year, but NO! I just have to be attacked my sophimore year of high school, because...well, maybe someone decided that I was at the same school too long. And it was time I got kicked out. Whatever the reason I was attacked at the beginning of May.

I was in English class when I heard Grover's bleat.

Yeah, well, Grover had started going to Goode at the beginning of the year, though, he was a freshman and had an apparent feeling about this kid named Joseph. Hey, I'm not complaining, he found me. And I turned out to save the world being the son of Poseidon and all.

This is all I have so far and I'll come back soon with more.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
Roheha my sister It wasn't that bad and I'm sorry if all this talking stuff makes you feel stupid but when we are going to play capture the flag he can be our prisoner

And so now I don't make this into a spam I will say that I can't wait till the new series comes out Rr hasn't blogged on his blog for three days but I can't blame him he is working on the new series must be pretty boring writing 5 copies yea I don't know what else to write so I'm just going to go now

and your welcome jercy packson And roheha cheer up I'm sure you will get over it and I'm sure u already did because your a child of Athena for crying out loud
over a year ago the_amazer said…
Rick has wrote the manu script he cant continue writing the series till the next one is published he has a few months of editing before it is out
over a year ago i_am_zim said…
stop, stop, stop. you are all going to fast. so a new series is coming out and rick sed this but hold on the prophesy means this and this and hear are sum chapters from the book and then SPAM and more info and then SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM and now something about dating and a made up book and more info......I AM SO LOST!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!! THIS HAS MORE TWISTS AND TURNS THEN THE GODS DAM LABYRINTH!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MAKE IT STOP PLEAS PLEAS!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA THE ONLY MOOD THAT THEY HAVE DOWN AT THE BOTTOM IS THE ******* MONKEY!!!!!!!! BUT I AM TO CONFUSED TO PRESS IT!!!!!!
over a year ago TheNewSeries said…
Okay, the_amazer, no! I am not lieing! I was never on until my freakin brother went on and destroyed everything! And it's not a lie and I know it sounds like one, but I swear to the gods(thunder in the distance)that my brother screwed it up. Oh and this is not spam! I'm just trying to clear my name from a freakin liar I've been accused of!
over a year ago i_am_zim said…
i think that all of this is ******* outrages i mean come on i think that we should all start over hello my name is i_am_zim nice to meet all of you......JK i do not think we should do that but still
over a year ago i_am_zim said…
oh and guys i looked up the meaning of spam (i men what we do)and it is a flooding the Internet with many copies of the same message, in an attempt to force the message on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it so it would be like what i did not being off topic so to spam you would need to do this


over a year ago jercy_packson1 said…
THIS IS PRACTICALLY A FRICKIN DATING SITE! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!damn! i personally don't believe thenewseries because he had been posting MANY comments. i don't think a LITTLE BROTHER would stay on for that long!
over a year ago jercy_packson1 said…
but seriously! it's not like you two know each other in real life! or DO you?...................
over a year ago slipnotrox said…
hey people. i am new here and my brother recommended this to me. so, what's going on i haven't read all of the comments, nor do i have the patience. can someone fill me in?
over a year ago slipnotrox said…
all i know is were talking about a new pjo series. which is the hottest topic at my school.
over a year ago TheNewSeries said…
Yeah, I'm done with this dating site krud! Let's move on. Time to get back on topic. Please anyone else with a theroy on the website please post! Let's go back to normal. And RoHeHa_6264995 let's just start over. And don't worry i_am_zim, I'll make sure that I don't continue the story, as you wish. And jercy_packson1 I'm not my little brother! He was on for one comment. Since then I've been trying to make it right, but hey let's just start over.
over a year ago TheNewSeries said…
Hey slipnotrox we're so far just coming up with theries about The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero. Ignore the dating site krud (sorry my brothers fault, but according to everyone else, my fault) and I came up with my ideas on page 28. So if you wish, you can check those out.
over a year ago i_am_zim said…
TheNewSeries i never sed that i wanted you to stop i was just mixed up with every thing
over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
Hey slipnotrix how's it going nice to meet welcome to our blogging anyway thenewseries I sort of believe because on that one comment u seem differ. from what you normally would have said so yea
over a year ago percyjackson51 said…
I wish roheha comes back on soon well commenting that is
over a year ago jercy_packson1 said…
whos the new guy?
over a year ago slipnotrox said…
i'm slipnotrox. hey do any of you happen to know my brothers username? he wont tell me what it is. i don't know how you'll find him, but can you try? all i know is he likes pie, but then again, who doesn't?
over a year ago slipnotrox said…
p.s. i haven't toldhim i joined yet. that's just what he gets lol!
over a year ago i_am_zim said…
do you know what his image is????
over a year ago i_am_zim said…
i wonder if there is a limit to how many pages we can have
over a year ago slipnotrox said…
big smile
hey what do you know i started a new page!
over a year ago slipnotrox said…
he likes family guy. and is OBSSESSED with the character stewie.
over a year ago slipnotrox said…
but i don't know if that's his icon.
over a year ago the_amazer said…
big smile
hey slipknot i geuss you like the band slipknot i think they are wasome welcome to the forum and dont read page 13-26 all spam and random.....TACOS!!!
over a year ago the_amazer said…
look carefully and notice percy is lifting annabeths shirt...... i aprove..... ya ya i know this is one of the best arts of percabeth and i personally think the art is great
look carefully and notice percy is lifting annabeths shirt...... i aprove..... ya ya i know this is o
over a year ago slipnotrox said…
over a year ago slipnotrox said…
big smile
you seem pretty cool!
over a year ago the_amazer said…
thank you

and i just watched gamer and i rate this movie 10/10 and wish it was real so i could do that kinda gaming i find this movie very hard core and a little bit over the top on the sexual level but over all top of the line action shooter recomended for people 14 up who have strong stomachs and parents who let you see well you get what i mean if you've seen a 14A movie
over a year ago the_amazer said…
i watched half of troy tonight i normally would watch full movie except i have a major test tomoro need my rest so i only got 1 line for you and so far i rate it 9/10 and my fav. lin is : "may the gods keep the wolves in the hills and the women in our beds" sexist eh? i found it amusing cause his wife approved of this lil section of his speech
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
ok TheNewSeries my sister percyjackson51 and my professor the_amazer and my friends zim and jercy all say that u're telling the truth so... i believe u. and i haven't deleted u from my fan list yet. btw i've noticed you're the only one who writes my name correctly... Will we be friends?
*guilty smile* And i'm terribly sorry that i've been really mean and rude yesterday, u know, that was a shock. but i can understand, i have a super evil small sister too, and i can see how very annoying brothers and sisters sometimes are. So if you don't mind all my curses, TheNewSeries, i guess we can make friends. But if you can't forgive all those things i've said... ok, i'll understand. And i promise i'll finish this dating stuff here and no more spam anymore
and percy my sis when is the capture the flag game? i'd love to join and catch some prisoners!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
big smile
welcome to the percy lovers club slipnotrox and if your brother likes pie, i can SWEAR upon river Stynx he is JERCY_PACSON1. i've checked ur profiles and they match, so... FAMILY REUNINON!!!
btw i totally agree with you the_amazer is kool! :D
and ok back to the 2nd series... 174 days left!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago slipnotrox said…
well, today was exciting. i'm getting back on tomorrow. 'til then, buenos noches.
p.s. i'm part mexican.
over a year ago slipnotrox said…
over a year ago jercy_packson1 said…
big smile
well there you go, john.
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
So it seems like all the problems of the previous page are solved. now the prophecy... i still think R.R is playing a trick on us and his prophecies are always unpredictable. well now all we can do is keep guessing and waiting :)
if anybody has any more theories please post i can't wait to see!
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
hey i'm thinking most of my friends here are halfbloods! first the_amazer and now slipnotrox and his brother jercy! kool!
If u're gonna join camp halfblood please call me i want to join too!
(sry guys this will be my last spam)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jercy_packson1 said…
i'm locked in my room right now cuz my bros pissed! it's frickin' hilarious! but he's not a snitch so i'm good. (definitely last spam[of this page!])
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
guys do you really have to spam here TheNewSeries won't see my apologise comment! And OK no more blabbering does anybody have any new theories on the prophecy??? (If you do please comment here only 4 comments left till the next page and i think it's a charming prize for good theories :P [not good spammers!] )
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jercy_packson1 said…
ok so we all know rick can get a little tricky when it comes to writing prophecies. so really i'm just waiting out new info. but you know the one i don't get is "to storm or fire the world must fall." oh, and i change my mind about all new half-bloods because percy's going to be there (it says so on the blog) and if he's going on a quest, you know annabeth and grover are coming. but grover doesn't count as a half-blood. anyway, i think there will only be a few new half-bloods. and don't forget to talk about the line that i was having trouble with.
over a year ago the_amazer said…
thanks jercy for stating less than the obvious and repeating me last week i said that percy will be 17 a full time counciler(not a cabin counciler a real one like chiron) they both play minor roles and so on and my geuss is somewhere along the lines they visit tartarus stop stating stuff that was seaid before please cause jercy im qualifying that as a spam of my oprrriginal comment

thalia is still hawt
 thanks jercy for stating less than the obvious and repeating me last week i said that percy will be
over a year ago i_am_zim said…
so jercy and slipnotrox are brothers??? i new it!!! as soon as you sed he liked pie and the character stewie i new it but i did not say it because it sounded stupid to me but i was right all along!! but it dusnt matter because i am 100% positiv no one is going to believe me so that sucks for me oh well
over a year ago i_am_zim said…
man i still cant believe how much they screwed up percy jackson! i mean they had a book to base it off of! it is like making mashed potatoes you boil the water and put the potato mix in it!!!!! i guess that they forgot to put the potato mix in it so thank you Chris Columbus thank you you took a master piece and gave us boiled water and you know what that boiled water got into my eyes and burnt them!!!!!!