The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune

HecateA posted on Oct 28, 2010 at 12:36AM
So once again you guys have the opportunity to get in my head of what I think the next HoO book RR blesses us with will look like.

Before I start you peoples off, I need to say something.
So shush and listen.

When I wrote "The Lost Hero, written by me", I had to guess who the parents were. Well now, I know. So I am following Rick Riordan's version of the characters. Piper has nothing to do with Persephone, Jason and Thalia are siblings and Camp Ceasar Salad is real. For my series of fanfics, I'm following my version of the characters, but here, Rick's versions rule. Get it?

Title: The Son of Neptune
Rating: C
Type: Adventure, friendship, hopefully humor, maybe a touch of romance
Characters: Add, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Drew, Leo, Jake, Nyssa
OC personalities: Reyna, Dakota, Hazel, Gwen, Bobby, Caleb
OC: The Gayle brothers, Karren
Synopsis: After discovering a new world, not so far from their own, Jason and his friends are sailing straight for it, unsure wheter they'll come out victorious or just start a civil war. But it doesn't take the arrival of a flying boat to get the citizens curious. They already sence something is wrong, way before the flying ship docks.

Disclaimer: The story base, character and settings base was created by Rick Riordan, who owns the Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Heroes of Olympus rights.

A/N: Hopefully you guys will like it! I got some very nice comments on my random wall poll, so here it is guys! Love you all, you rock!

The Rebel Soldier's debut: link

The Honour in Death's debut: link

The Fire's Revenge's debut: link

Part Two's debut: link
So once again you guys have the opportunity to get in my head of what I think the next HoO book RR bl
last edited on Jul 29, 2011 at 10:13PM

The Heroes of Olympus 3419 replies

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over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
awesome chapter, thanks for posting

by the way. found some info on the son of neptune. go to
don't know if it will freak you out as much as it did to me... because i was squealling and jumping up and down like a little girl
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
I love PJ thank you so much for writing it for us!
over a year ago pranjol said…
it i a good startlink
over a year ago dementorskissox said…
Excellent chapter, thanks so much for posting!
over a year ago BILE69 said…
either your dead or you just dont wanna post anymore chapters. D:
over a year ago Persephone16 said…
Geezz, she's not dead! Just because she hasn't posted yet doesn't mean that she won't! Just calm down, i'm sure she'll post soon! Don't overreact! Besides it's only 4:00 right now. HecateA has plenty of time, give her some space please!
over a year ago HecateA said…
Last Chapter: link

Emily: Why thank you! I like when witty dialog comes up :DDD
Nico: *shrugs* I dunno, I just do.
PersesJr: Yes, you people happy?
Tracytracy: Of course it will! One doesn’t show up after years of being dead with no reason!
Partpony: Yes there is. My will and I found a myth to back that up :D
Faithy8: That was the purpose of the last line and YES!!!!
Charliew: Yeah I know Bianca’ll stay dead but meh…
Mimipower: Thank you! I’ve heard that a lot, but I’m sure someone else is too.
TheWineDude: Thanks!
Orpher: Bobby doesn’t really care but someone once said they thought Bobby had a thing for Amy (his mortal best friend), so believe what you like.
PersesJr: Please don’t say anything like that. Suicide is a touchy subject for me, please don’t ever say that. You shouldn’t have to say things like that to make me post because I just wont.
Eldenari: I’ve switched to “ ” later on. I’ve always read French books where – is used, so yeah.
Bananafone11: First off, awesome name! Second, I always thought of Jason and Piper as a weird couple… But that’s just me the romantic idiot, so yup. (hopefully I’m not such an idiot because this is going to become a romance really soon, really fast)
Tibarus480: Your comment was fine (I liked it) and that’s one of the advantages of having a brain that works differently than the rest of humanity’s. Unpredictability, boo-yah! I’ve spent hours thinking of this story, so most everything is laid down. The rest I spontaneously make up :D
Daughter-ofZeus: Gwen will be an important one.
Newriter: One of the rules about posting fanfiction is that you can’t advertise on another writer’s fourm by the way. Here’s a link because the rules have GOT to be respected. link
Persephoen16: Leo and Hazel? Hmm, interesting…
BILE69: I do this thing called reviewing that takes time and makes the story good.
Persephone16: Thank you oh so very mucho much!

Those who feel bad for Piper: Meh I know :P
Those who think Annabeth should kick some butt: Meh I know that too :P
Those who are all “Bianca? The Hades?”: I would have to shoot myself if I was planning no explanation.
People who were upset on Tuesday: What, I only said I’d post on some Tuesdays! The only guaranteed chapter you have in on a Friday unless there’s something really wrong. No need to freak on Friday’s, I do remember, so let’s all take a deep breath and move on.

So all is good in my world. My friends voted for me as “most likely to become a ninja” in the yearbook polls. :D I doubt I’ll get it because I’m not very ninja-ish, but I’ve got the sounds nailed.
And I am on MARCH BREAK! Which is good because if I had to see this idiot in my class one more time… me and my friends are calling him ‘the stain’. Yeah, he is that bad. His laugh is so high pitch my voice can’t do it!

Okay, very important, you must read these 2 articles especially the first:


Book 3 update: 50 Pages, finishing chapter 8, will not reveal name :P Or who’s dead :PP

June 21st : The City
Annabeth Chasse
An old friend

During lunch I picked up a conversation with Bobby.
-Bobby, right? I asked.
-Yeah, and you’re Annabeth. He said.
-Yes. Glad to meet you. I said. He shook the hand I held him.
-You’re my half-brother, then?
-I suppose that’s it. I mean, whether she’s Athena or Minerva she’s technically the same, right?
-That’s what I was thinking. I said.
-So you were part of the crew that built the boat?
-More of the ideas behind it. It’s an incredible design but we can’t have oarsmen for all the oars.
-Yeah I was thinking of that. I thought that might be why you had a daughter of Hecate with you, but seeing as you had something to do with it... Motors? Bobby asked.
-Yes, the battery packs are rechargeable by solar energy. It was the best renewable source we could figure out except for wind, but the sheer weight of a windmill made it a bad option.
-Are there extra battery packs?
-Of course, there are 2 for each oar and 5 extras in case something goes wrong. Between Valdez and I we could also fix them, we figured we’re safe.
-Sounds good. Can I ask for the blueprints?
-They’re in my bag. I’ll show you later. I said.
-So how much weight can the boat stand? Bobby asked. I answered his questions about the boat and he answered mine about the City’s government system- slightly different then what I’d read about. Dakota and Jason had disappeared after telling Gwen, Reyna, Hazel, Bianca and Bobby to take us to the senate when the meeting was called. I saw Leo look at Hazel as she cracked a joke. There he went…
-So you’ve been at camp since you’re 7 from what I hear? Bobby said.
-Yeah, and Jason told be about you too. Since you’re 7 too, right?
-Oh yeah. Glad he didn’t forget me. Bobby said.
-He only remembered his last name when he saw a picture of Thalia, though. Something she’d left in Cabin 1. I said.
-Really? He remembered you as soon as we saw an interview of you in “The ‘SCIST”. Bobby said nudging his head in Percy’s –who was talking with Lou Ellen about something- direction. I probably blushed.
-But he didn’t associate you with Minerva, oh sorry, Athena until he saw my eyes. Bobby lifted his eyes. They were exactly like mine, more alike than any of the Athenian children at camp.
-I see why. I said.
-Yeah, they’re like identical. Bobby said.
-Well, we are born around the same time. You’re 16, right?
-Yes. I’m born August 28th, you?
-March 13th. I just turned 17.
-Yeah. How long have you guys been working on the boat?
-Since December 22. We’ve gotten godly help in the beginning, but the whole frame got stolen and we had to restart again. Valdez here hasn’t been sleeping for months, really. Neither have most of his siblings, or mine at Camp. I said.
-Stolen? By who?
-We’re thinking around the lines of Gaia or Khione, but since Postverta had a role in backing up the current of things… It could be her.
-Any of the psychotic villainesses after demigods. You must’ve had a lot of godly help to finish the boat that fast!
-The last motors were installed at the crack of dawn yesterday. There’s been somebody at the forges 24/7, a guard perimeter at dark and the rest of cabin 9 and 6 –Hephaestus and Athena- losing sleep at night. I said.
-Yeah. Dakota won’t admit it and neither will Reyna but people here’ve been scrambling too. Trying to tone things down. You should see the war children go. They’re completely anti-Greek. Of course some of them are just faking it so they don’t get into trouble…
-War god children avoiding a fight? I asked.
-The Gayle brothers are on the top of the food chain for the warlings, and they know it won’t change. The best they can do is join. But some of them actually have nothing personal against Percy, he’s impressed them with his fighting and such, but they either fake a problem or shut up. But I think they’re all a little scared. He knocked out a guy with a hurricane and I doubt that’s helping the anti-Greek movement tone down. Of course Reyna and Cynthia who are the two only girls in those 20 are fine…
-2? That’s it?
-It’s uncommon for a god of war to have girls as children. Bobby said.
-You’re kidding? At camp it’s pretty much even.
-Well then it’s just in the roman form. Bobby said.
-I guess. Only men were in the Roman army and this place is dedicated to armies in general so it does make sense.
-I never thought of that, good point. Bobby said.
-If the children of the war gods have so many problems with you, how the Hades does Reyna manage?
-They won’t attack her directly in public, but when they’re all 4 in Bellona’s house it gets ugly for her. 3 on 1 ugly. But Reyna’s amazing. She’s hard to hurt and she’s a good fighter. She refuses to surrender, but she knows how to lock doors and protect herself. Bobby said.
-Oh my gods… And it’s always been like that?
-For her, yes.
-And you can’t do anything about it? I asked.
-Business in the same house stays there. Unless she complains- which she’d rather take hits then do-, gets a serious injury or it goes too far in public, nobody can. We just know what’s happening, but it’s up to her to do the first move. She sees complaining as a form of weakness. I was hoping for her sake that being with Jason she’d realise… He trailed off.
Meal was over so we went walking in the City. There was a field besides a stream where there was a bridge, and where people were collecting water and skipping stones on the surface. Bianca, Lou Ellen and Nico said they had to go and went to find someone. Phoebe and Thalia asked to go join the hunt so Reyna went to introduce them to the leaders there, two children of Apollo named Jonathan Stargo and Melissa Dans (good luck to Jonathan Stargo).
Hazel’d asked who wanted to come see the animal section and Leo’d said yes so fast it was ridiculous; but Hazel didn’t notice. I doubt he even did, actually. Karen, Gwen and Piper went off to walk around.
Piper looked sad, and I felt sorry for her. At least she hadn’t seen Jason kiss Reyna or something. She’d known about it of course, but I think she’d held onto the idea of… I don’t know what she’d been hoping for but she’d been hoping for something.
Bobby, Percy and I stayed by the creek and I got the full report on how legions worked, what kind of training went on and the resumes of the praetors and their ups and downs.
-Half of them get suckered into the Gayle’s bull. Bobby said.
-I thought you said Jason and Dakota were some of the favourite consuls? I asked.
-Yes, but while he was gone all sorts of stories have been flying about him switching his loyalties and betraying us and all sorts of bizarre things. Bobby said.
-Those aren’t true there wasn’t one day when I couldn’t see the City in his eyes. I said.
-Well the Gayle bros are sticking to the story and seeing how he’s made pretty close friends, it’s just helping their cause.
-That’s just who he is for crying out loud… I said.
-Annabeth, the Gayle brothers don’t care about whether or not it’s true they just want Jason and Dakota out of power. Percy said.
-Any particular reason? I asked.
-Yes, actually. Jason told you about how we took Othrys, right? Good, they’re mad because we strayed battle to get to Othrys. ‘We’ being Jason, Dakota, Caleb, Reyna, Hilary Shehan, Hazel, Gwen, me and most of the legions. We even got the hunters and most of the cavalry to turn on the leaders and come with us. We were supposed to go to New York and help when Typhon got there, but we-
-You. Percy said.
-Doesn’t matter- found another way. Jason and Dakota were exiled. That meant that the two strongest contenders for consul were Jace Gayle and a girl called Jenna Elemes (Eh-leh-me-s). Then they didn’t get exiled, Jenna died in battle, and Jace’s been bitter since. We don’t usually talk about Jenna, she was extremely popular here and she actually made Jace nice.
-Whoa, Jace Gayle? Percy asked. Bobby nodded.
-He used to smile. He wasn’t extraordinarily nice, but he did defend Reyna occasionally, and he was nicer. He was in the run for consul because of Jen, really.
-That must’ve been some girl. I said.
-Jenna Elemes was incredible; I used to be friends with her. Daughter of Apollo. She was one of a kind, though. She could play guitar, no singing but you knew exactly if she was saying goodbye, I’m sorry, I love you… He froze and chewed on the inside of his cheek.
-Jace liked her didn’t he? I asked.
-A lot. He… He used to be okay. Jenna could dig out the good in everyone. She did a good job with him. Made him bearable, a little more like Reyna then Jack, which seems to be the system for how-to-rate–a-Gayle. She was sweet and it rubbed off, he genuinely wanted to make her happy. She was a great fighter and the little kids loved her because of her stories and music. Like I said, she could see the good in everyone. That ended up being what got her killed. She trusted people too much; she put her trust in someone that wasn’t right. She had to go scouting on Mount Diablo before they left for New York, after the exilation because we insisted on it, it sort-of got them nervous. She went to scout and she brought a spy with her instead of her usual companion. Jace pleaded for her not to bring him, but she did and… She slipped in a fight against a demigod there, but she caught on to a rock. She pleaded for the spy to take her hand, but he stepped on her fingers. She fell and hit her head. She died at the infirmary here and since Jace hasn’t been the same. At all. Bobby said.
Owe… I could understand that. I mean the betrayal. Hadn’t I gotten a mouthful of it when Silena’d shown us the charm? And then it’d cost a life too, many lives actually. Or when we found Percy lying in the forest poisoned by Luke’s scorpions?
-Who was the spy? Percy asked.
-Some unclaimed idiot called Ethan Nakamura. Bobby said his voice bitter.
-Ethan Nakamura? I asked straightening up, pushing Percy’s arm down because of the speed of the movement.
-Yeah, he was a demigod, unclaimed. Bobby said. Percy and I looked at each other, and I saw everything Luke’d planned fit together. Dang it Luke Castellan…
-Ethan wasn’t unclaimed. His mother was Nemesis, goddess of revenge. Percy said.
-He was Greek?
-Did you ever hear of Luke Castellan? I asked.
-Luke Castellan? The guy who became Kronos?
-Yeah, him. I said a sour tone to my voice.
-Was he Greek too?
-Yes. Annabeth… Well, Thalia and him ran away from home and joined forces when he was 9, and they took care of Annabeth when they found her. He turned against camp when we were 12.
-He popped up here 2 years ago. Bobby said.
-The year of the labyrinth… Oh my gods no… I said.
-Annabeth, what..?
-Luke tried to invade Camp with the labyrinth. What if we were mistaken? What if he was looking for the City? Nobody knew the exact location, and I bet Kronos didn’t either! What if he was trying to start a civil war during the Titan war? I said.
-It would’ve destroyed us completely! Or even more likely he was trying to frame us into being on Kronos’ side, Luke being Greek and all. Let us destroy each other like in the Civil war while he took Olympus! Or align one side with him, to divide us. I went on.
-Luke Castellan tried to bring down the gods how exactly?
-He tried taking the Golden Fleece –which is now at Camp Half-Blood- to Kronos, he tried tricking Thalia into sacrificing the Ophiotaurus –which is now on Olympus- and he went in the Styx and got invulnerable to host Kronos’ spirit. Percy said. I was only half listening.
So Luke’d been here. What had he done? Killed more people… Betrayed more people. Luke… I was still so mad at him for going bad; even if being mad at somebody dead was wrong (I never said I listened to the rules). But if he’d done more damage here too… I still practically couldn’t stand his memory as it was, so even more tarnished?
Percy started recounting Luke’s death and I locked my jaw. I couldn’t bear the memory of him living or of him dead. I guess I couldn’t stand Luke period.
-What did he do, how did he portray himself here? I asked.
-He came as a son of Mercury that had just been claimed. He was nearly over the age limit of the City, 22, when he got here but you can’t say no to a demigod that’s never been trained. He was pretty good at swordplay, nobody really thought much about it except for Jason and Reyna. It seems dumb to think about how nobody thought much of it… But they put him in legion 1 and it was the first time Jason’s ever disliked a soldier under his authority. And then the consuls who were in charge then, June and Pete, made him second and Jason complained about it long and hard.
-Where were you? Percy asked.
-I’d been pulled out for 5 months like a lot of children of Minerva to work on strategy. June and Pete decided Jason couldn’t take charge of a legion by himself-we were 15 then- so they made Castellan the second. Then an army of monsters came and took the Wolf house; and of course that meant war. Legions 1, 2, 3, 5 and 16 were sent by the general –which is a position that now doesn’t exist. Legion 1 was leading them in. Luke found a way to destroy the legion from the inside of its formation, and ruined it completely. It took all the praetors there had to re-establish order, and Luke fled. But the City took the Wolf house and a guard perimeter was installed with the cavalry there. Except the leader wasn’t Hazel but a guy called Jones. Bobby explained.
-How come I never heard about Luke? Percy said.
-Some things aren’t evoked in dark times. And some things just aren’t evoked. Bobby said. He looked sad. Recalling the Jace Gayle he used to know probably. The Jace Gayle of before Jenna’d broken his heart.
-Apparently Luke was there. Some people say he’s the reason Jenna had been hanging on in the first place.
And then I snapped out of my sorrow for Jace Gayle and into anger at Luke. Why had he done that? Where in his rotten soul had he found the strength to do that? Had he not remembered Thalia kicking him off mount Othrys and him nearly dying when he hit the ground? Had he recognised himself in Jenna as she fell?
And what about Ethan? He hadn’t done anything to help Jenna. And then he’d ended up falling to his death, but from so much higher. I bet he’d thought of it during his fall, of the sweet girl with the guitar named Jenna… How she’d fallen.
-Idiot. I said bitterly.
-They both ended up helping Olympus. Percy said, taking my hand.
-So did you, you didn’t kill dozens of people before doing it.
-And I get away with “Seaweed brain” instead of idiot. He said.
-I save idiot for when I have a real problem with someone.
-Speaking of problems… Bobby said. I looked over my shoulder and saw the two Gayle brothers who seemed older and a guy who looked suspiciously like a guy form of Clarisse walking towards us, wearing chest plates. Percy immediately took Riptide out and took a step forwards so I stood behind. Useless but cute.
-The Pluto you doing Jackson? And who’s she, your girlfriend?
-Annabeth Chasse daughter of Athena, and as a matter of fact, yes. I said taking a step forwards and giving the deadliest look I managed (I’ve made a dog pee with that one).
-Ooh, you supposed to be scary?
-I’m supposed to be on a diplomatic mission to defeat Gaia. I said. One of them scowled.
-I don’t like your girlfriend’s attitude, Jackson. One said.
-Good, she’s mine anyways. You might want to leave us alone. Common, we’re out of here. Percy said.
We turned around and I heard the sound of a sword being slid out of a scabbard. I pulled my knife out of its pouch at my waist and spun around. If he wanted a fight after giving Percy, Reyna and who knows who else such a hard time…
-Ooh, a knife, scary. One of them said faking being scared.
-I’m warning you, back off. I said.
-Or what? He said. He charged before I could do anything and I dodged his sword and let a rock absorb the shock. He turned but I had a vague idea of what his style’d be, I’d seen Jason. He took a step back and I watched his style for a few seconds, as well as blocking his strikes with my knife and backing up myself. I kept that going until I could time exactly when his sword was being raised and in a position where he couldn’t hit me and that’s when I kicked him square in the chest.
The thing is, I’ve played soccer with Bobby and Matthew (my dad’s kids) a lot. I can kick. And I can kick hard. He fell back and I jumped to the chance to pin him. I wasn’t strong enough to hold him down so the best I could do was disarm him and put my knife to his throat.
-Your opinion on knives’ changed, Gayle? I asked.
-Vermin. He said. I got up and slipped my knife in its pouch.
-I don’t want to fight with you but if you attack me count on this happening again.
-I wouldn’t bet on it, you might be queen where you come from but here you’re nothing but a vermin.
-Go away Jake, just go. Percy said defensively. They turned their heels.
-I sort-of blew the whole diplomacy thing right there. I said.
-Yes but you didn’t have a choice. Percy said, slipping his hand in mine, staring at the 3 guys as they left.
-They’ll be back, I just know it, I said. Bobby snickered and clarified;
-After studying the knife a little more.

Hanging around movie sets a lot, you see how quickly a person can change. I’ve been a redhead, a blonde, dark hair and even blue streaks, all in one day. In some pictures of me there is no trace of my Mediterranean tan but I’m practically Snow white (which is the picture my mom likes to show people because I’m actually looking at the camera and my smile is half-way decent).
But Annabeth’s transformation was plain ridiculous. The way her eyes shined put the stars to shame and her smile would light up parts of the moon scientists probably didn’t know existed.
Jason’s was nearly as extravagant. He looked happier and more comfortable with his surroundings than ever. He’d messed around with Bobby and Dakota, laughed at Gwen and held Reyna’s hand under the table (I’ve been around celebrity couples, I just know). It was all good.
I watched Piper from the corner of my eyes while Gwen gave us a tour. She looked troubled. I had no idea Jason already had a girlfriend. Since when? Wasn’t he with Piper? Was someone going to bother telling the child of Kratos what was going on? Wasn’t anyone going to stop looking at Piper and I like we were died purple?
-Why are they all looking at us like that? I asked.
-You are the first Greek people here in a while. Gwen said.
-December, ooh. I said.
-Already claimed Greek people.
-Does that count as racism? I asked her.
-I don’t think so.
-Is your name short for Gwendolyn?
-Do you really want an answer? She asked, dead serious.
-Yes! I sounded like Nemo in “Finding Nemo”. Oh gods…
-No. It’s short for Gwendolyn-Marie. She said.
-Whoa, you are not a Gwendolyn-Marie! Piper said.
-Which is why if you ever call me anything other than Gwen, ma’am, or supreme-leader my gladus here will go through your eyes and through the speech section of your brain.
-Do you know where that is? Piper asked.
-It’s… Somewhere near the front. Gwen said. Anyways here’s the senate building. She said. The building was huge and important looking, with gold trimming and big columns. It made me want to back up, truck sounds included.
-Karen what’s wrong? Piper asked. I realised I’d actually backed up.
-Nothing. I said stepping forwards again feeling dumb. The flow of people in the streets was pretty good, like a day walking in a normal town, except the population was pretty low.
A little girl with short blond hair with blue sparkling eyes stopped in front of Gwen.
-‘Sup Sammyster?
-Ewe don’t call me that! I come with a message. Consuls Dakota Esperanza Ledécit and Jason Alexander Grace are calling a meeting of the Senate. All Aediles, Senators, the Quaestor and visitors from Greece are required present and the praetors are invited to assist. The little girl said speaking rappidly.
-Alright then. Thanks Sammy, you can go. She took off, fast as a cheetah, probably to find someone else.
-Jason’s middle name is Alexander?
-Yeah, as in “the Great”. You feel like getting inside that building?
-Umm… I said.
-You have no choice. Dakota and Jason have been in that building over there, the palace we call it, but technically we’re supposed to call it the consul’s office. They’ve been getting ready for an official presentation.
-Hun? Piper asked.
-See this is when we see why you and Dakota are sisters from a different mother. And father… Gwen said.
-And your last name reminds me of someone, is your dad an actor or something? McLean right?
-Umm, yeah. Tristan McLean. Piper said.
-OH! That guy in the movie and he’s all “I will kill your men and steal your women, ha ha!” Piper and I both laughed.
-That movie.
-Yeah we went to see it in ‘Frisco when it came out. I think we got attacked during an attack scene… Something ironic like that.
-God, I’ve been hearing about that movie non-stop for ever. Piper said.
-The movie posters are friggin ridiculous! No offence. She told Piper.
-Nah, they are ridiculous. But I wouldn’t evoke them, they give Karen here shivers. Piper said.
-I know the feeling; my little brothers do that to me, the creepy blond gits… But what’s your problem with them?
-I was… Sort-of in it…
-No way! Really? Who were you?
-A stunt double for, umm, Clio of Athens.
-I’d like to say I paid attention but the hellhounds after this other guy’s popcorn were a little distracting, who the hell is she?
-Little girl who’s an oracle. I said.
-Oh yeah! Her…
-They took the posters with me because the actress was too stuck up for it.
-Okay, I didn’t want to say anything in case you liked them, but those were worst then the Tristan McLean ones with the sheer length of the dress and the stupid cloak and stupid poses. No kidding, there were these guys who’d ditched school to come to the movie and they were practically drooling. I blushed.
-I know. I said.
-Honestly we thought it was a child right violation there. But it’s cool you do that, and you must get to meet people. Gwen said.
-Great. And I’m guessing you’re stalling coming in the building.
-Sort-of. I said.
-Do a thing a day that scares you. I looked my brothers in the eyes; it’s your turn. Come on in. I said.
And we followed her in the Senate building.

Hazel reached out and stroked Peanut’s trunk just like that.
-You try, she’ll like you. Common Valdez, don’t be scared, Peanut wouldn’t hurt a mouse.
-Besides, elephants are scared of mice; I saw it on Mythbusters.
-No, not Peanut. Isn’t that right girl? The elephant made a noise that was either a trumpet or that kid in the cabin next door to 9 snoring.
-Either way she’s not allowed to show any fear or resilience to orders.
-Or what? I asked.
-Or she gets executed because it’d mean she’s just eating the City’s food without doing anything. She’s old enough tom obey and it’s not like she’s not used to me. Hazel said. That was the last thing I would do if I had an Asian elephant. Kill it? Harsh much?
-Common. She urged. I held out my hand and petted Peanut.
Randomly stroking an elephant nose in ‘Frisco. Oh yeah, it’s all good.
-So… You’ve had her for a while?
-Since I’m 10. They needed someone on an elephant, someone young and nobody else wanted to. Can you believe that? She asked.
-Yes. I mean, no, not at all, she’s umm… Hazel laughed.
-Nah it’s cool, nobody gets it. I’ll get you on her one of these days, like it or not I will. Like I said, nobody gets it without trying. But it’s really good to be up on her back. Like you’re on top of things, you can go at your speed and there is somebody there. I guess that’s why I ride. She said, suddenly in thought.
She looked really sad.
Why was she? Who had hurt her? How had he managed to hurt her so bad? Jason had described Hazel as a girl who loved life and laughed easily, putting the past behind her. There was something wrong between his description and the girl who was getting me to pet her elephant. Could I fix that? If I could I would…
-Even if that somebody is a ton or so, grey, and wrinkly?
-I think those are the best listeners. Hazel said.
-I agree. People talk too much when you rather them be quiet, and you never hear them when you want to. I said.
I realised how much of my mom was getting implied in there. She looked at me like she realised it too. She was about to say something but a little girl came in. She bowed in front of Hazel and got up. She was extremely young, 8 maybe?
-Consuls Dakota Esperanza Ledécit and Jason Alexander Grace are calling a meeting of the Senate. All Aediles, Senators, the Quaestor and visitors from Greece are required present and the praetors are invited to assist. The little girl said. I felt like someone’d punched me in the stomach and then I felt like yelling. Someone was friggin kidding. Dakota Esperanza Ledécit?
-Alright, thanks Sammyster.
-Ah, what’s up with you and Gwen calling me that! She said.
-You’re her little sister and I’m her best friend. Hazel said. Sammy bowed and jogged off.
She didn’t wear any armour, and her only weapon was a knife at her side. She did seem to have some kind of uniform. Long cargo shorts, running shoes and a work-out shirt. She had a tattoo as well, except hers was different, smaller and the bars were horizontal, not vertical.
-Sammy’s a messenger. She’s at the service of the consuls and praetors. She sort-of has the same job as her dad, Mercury, except she passes messages around the property. It’s a hard job actually, the City’s big and she has to memorise everybody’s names and such. She knows where the legions train pretty well too. It includes a lot of running, and it’s why her tattoo’s different. Hazel said. I nodded.
-Are you okay? Hazel asked.
-Don’t try lying to me I can read emotions like I read Latin, Valdez.
-It’s just, well, my mom was named Esperanza before she… Died.
-Your mom died? I’m sorry, that’s terrible. Hazel said. I shrugged.
-It’s nothing recent though, I was nine. I said. Hazel frowned.
-You were nine?
-Yeah, why?
-Nothing it’s just… My dad. He… He died during an earthquake that year. She said. She bit her lip. And that’s where the sadness was from. The barrette in her hair glowed.
-Umm, Hazel the thing in your hair, it’s sort-of… Hazel looked afraid. She clasped her hair on it and it faded.
-It’s the first time it does that… She said, taking her hand off and looking confused- though I wasn’t sure if it was to herself or not.
-Why did it just..? Her eyes became so sad she could’ve been at a funeral.
-I… I’m sorry Leo I… She started shaking.
-No, no, it’s cool Hazel, it’s fine. I said. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
-I’m really sorry but I still can’t talk about it. It’s still fresh in my mind. Hazel said.
-Yeah. I get it. I said.
-I think you do Leo. Which is the first time I’ve thought that of anybody. Hazel said.
-You seem hurt enough. I said. She looked horrified.
-I’m not supposed to be… Oh man, stupid girl… I’m not supposed to show any weakness I’m of the Equestrian order, I’m a soldier and I’m on duty… She said angry with herself.
-Please don’t tell anyone. You understand, sometimes I just can’t bottle it up, especially since the quest…
-Why? Hazel bit her lip.
-Never mind. I won’t tell anybody.
-Thanks Leo. She said calming down.
-Common, Senate building. She said.
We had to stop at her cabin and it took about 20 seconds for her to get in and come out in full armour. Her armour was different than Reyna or Bobby’s. For one it looked lighter. Second she wore a red cape, and the tunic under her armour wasn’t black with the shimmering colors, but white, and her helmet was bronze instead of silver. She held a weapon I vaguely remembered as a Pilum.
-Coming? She asked.
-You probably noticed the armour change. She said.
-Yeah. It’s probably lighter because you’re on a horse, the cape must be to distinguish you from the others in the cavalry.
-Exactly. Someone read up before coming. She said.
-Not really. I don’t read, besides, I’ve been practically living in the forges. I said.
-Live life, Valdez. Do a puzzle, learn French, read a book. Harry Potter’s not too bad actually… Did you know the lady that writes it is an unclaimed daughter of the muse of epic poetry? It’s not poetry, but it is epic…
-I’ll take your word for it. Speaking of which, can I call you Ginny?
-Like Ginny Weasley? Sure, it’s the nicest thing anybody’s wanted to call me in a while. Anyways, I’d like to say you’ll get to chill a little here but you might actually start regretting your forges.
-Already am, I saw the one here earlier.
-It’s productive. Hazel shrugged.
-Yeah but apart from weaponry you can’t make anything here. I said.
-Leo that’s its purpose. As long as it does that, it’s fine. She said.
-Yeah but why draw the line there? I mean, there’s so much more to do…
-Leo, the City exists to defend. There is no extra here, it’s the strict necessary. We’re a full circle, some of us are here to keep others, who keep the soldiers here, and the soldiers are at the top of the food chain, because it’s the soul reason the City exists. The soldiers to serve the gods and keep the demigods in America alive. Hazel said.
-No progress? I asked.
-Well yes. I mean, we’re demigods. When the work day’s gone you’ve got Apollo cabin putting up street shows in the forum, Vulcan kids coming up with new inventions… But that’s on your own time if you’ve got any. Hazel said.
Whoa harsh… At Camp training was up to your cabin. You did what you had to during the year and in the summer there was a schedule but still…
Hazel stopped. We were in front of the Senate building.
-Alright, so check, while we’re in there don’t say anything unless you’re asked and show no emotion.
-Confusion counts. Stay neutral. Hazel said.
-Think of puppies and rainbows, I don’t know! Just… Figure it out. Hazel said.
-Puppies and rainbows, got it. Hazel looked like she was about to laugh.
-Common before your puppies and rainbows make me laugh Valdez.

June 22nd: the City
Piper McLean
The Senate
The room was big enough. There were sets of chairs on both sides and at the back, 3 more. One was obviously a throne and the two others too, but a little lower. Dakota stood in front of one of those. She was wearing a white dress, the straps held together at the shoulders with gold medallions and a red cloth was around her shoulder like a sash. Her hair was pinned up except for a few curls framing her face, a golden leaf crown rested on her head. The fabric of the dress followed her most subtle and minute movements. She had gold bracelets at her wrists. Her eyes followed us as we came in.
Jason was standing in front of the seat at the right of the throne. He wore his armour and a red cape, longer than the one he had this morning hung from his shoulders. He didn’t have his helmet, but a gold crown, on his head. I couldn’t help but think of how strong and cool he looked. And Dakota looked the same, full of power and important. They were serving obviously serving as emperor and empress.
-Follow me. Gwen said. She advanced, Karen and I behind looking straight like she’d told us to outside. We stopped in front of Dakota and Jason and bowed. She then led us to a spot in the back of the room where wooden chairs were installed and we sat down.
-Annabeth, Add and everyone else will join you, keep quiet once the meeting starts, no emotions and only talk if you are asked a question or are authorised to. Gwen whispered.
-Okay. I said working on a straight face.
-I’m holding you to that. Gwen said before going to sit in the other corner where a few chairs were installed.
More people arrived. Some in armour, some in regular clothing. Bianca brought Lou Ellen and Nico. Anyways they all bowed in front of the emperor and consul before sitting down either at the spots for the praetors, visitors or Aediles.
A girl about 14 came in, with black hair and skin so pale she might be dead. She wore jeans ripped at the knees, a black tank top and had a sword at her side. She bowed.
-I am Melaina Grey. I was sent by Senator Évangéline Beauxbatons as the one who shall fill her in. She does not speak the language that will be used at this meeting.
-Good Lark, her seat is the one on the extreme left of the first row. Jason said pointing to a seat.
-Thank you, Lord Grace. She said.
Lord Grace… It suited him.
The girl Jason’d called Lark went to sit down. Annabeth, Percy and Jason’s friend Bobby came in. He pointed them to the seats in the back and they came. Annabeth sat down at my left.
-Hey Pipes. How’s the City so far? She asked.
-Pretty good. Lou? I asked. She thumbs upped from my right.
-And I won’t even ask you. I said to Annabeth. She smiled.
-We all know the architecture is wowing you. Lou Ellen joked.
-Or is it the boys? I asked finishing Lou’s joke. Annabeth smiled even brighter and chocked back laughter.
-Both. She said. I’d never thought I’d see her this happy.
Leo and Hazel came in. Leo looked around and Hazel looked like she was about to hit him for it. God, I could see it coming… They bowed and Hazel escorted Valdez. He sat down next to Percy and started talking to him. Did Leo even realise he liked her? Probably not. He didn’t look like he did. Probably just thought she was pretty. Valdez could be such an idiot…
Finally every seat was filled. Everybody rose and so did we. Bianca advanced in her armour, so did another girl. She waved her hand, her eyes closed and a pit assembled itself, a flame burning bright in it. The girl opened her eyes. Bianca burnt something I didn’t make out in the hearth and chanted in Latin. Annabeth was understanding every single word.
The flame suddenly rose until it nearly licked the ceiling and I saw Gwen close her eyes and take deep breaths. Her heart was probably racing by the panicked expression she had for the 2 second control slip. Why?
-The gods are in favour of the meeting of the senate, which we declare officially open. Dakota said.
Bianca took her seat and so did the –obvious- daughter of Trivia after a wave of her hand to make the flames disappear.
-Before the meeting begins all weapons as well as magic items that are not needed for the health of a member of the audience may be left in the center. Everyone got up and went forwards.
-Ironic. Annabeth said. I remembered how Julius Caesar, the emperor, had been murdered at a senate meeting. Suddenly the fact we were being disarmed didn’t bother me as much.
-Think Riptide reappearing might be a problem? Percy asked Annabeth.
-You can keep that to yourself. Annabeth said.
There were some odd things in the pile. Regular weapons sure, but I saw 2 wands, a prophetic leg, jewellery, pins, etc. Annabeth took her ball cap from her pocket and tossed it in after her knife. Thalia and Phoebe were funny to watch. Bows, arrows, the hunting knives in their sleeves, sword at their side, knives at their ankles… It never seemed to stop.
When everybody sat back down Jason spoke.
- The Senate has been gathered today in view of the recent crisis. Terra is waking and the City and a training facility for the children of the gods in the Greek form going by the na,e Camp Half-Blood need to unite to stop her from waking and destroying Olympus with a race of giants. Praetors you are expected to inform your legions of this. Jason said.
-Representants from Camp have arrived earlier this morning. Dakota said. She and Jason explained the plan from this point on.
-The problem is representants from both camp need to leave for Greece and Rome. There will be a short period of time where they will stay in the City in between both trips. Until then, Dakota and I have discussed enrolling them in the City.
-As? An Aedile asked. I noticed a few of the people in the room wore red sashes over their armour or regular clothes.
-Lou Ellen Spellcast is a daughter of Hecate, alias Trivia. Her healing magic is good from what we’ve been told.
-From what you’ve been told?
-I’m in charge of healing magic, a guy with short blond hair and a sash said, I’ll see she passes the tests if that’s what you’re worried about, Charity. A boy said. His eyes were the same shade as Lou Ellen’s.
-And I think Percy Jackson- who has been known as Add recently, Dakota said answering to many looks, had proven his worth in battle.
-He can be integrated in a legion as well as Karen Mallock and a few others. Leo Valdez was to son of Hephaestus responsible for the building of the boat posted outside, he’s an accomplished smith who can be put in the forges, and on. There is a list of what the Greek represetants can do. By vote, who accepts that we give them a chance in the City’s way? Jason asked. His voice was firm but not intimidating. Well, just enough to keep everybody civil. More than half of the people in sashes- the Senators I guessed- raised their hands. I counted 24 in total.
-That’s a majority. May all Senators approach now? Dakota requested. The people in sashes and Lark rose and approached. She was filling in- which made 25 senators.
They talked and talked their voices too low for anyone to hear. I read names on lips and I saw heads shake. Some sort of decision was being taken.
The people were absolutely still, looking at the group and trying to figure out what the fuss was about as much as me, but with no expression. That didn’t look natural at all, and nobody from Camp was making an effort to keep a straight face. Also, on the Greek side we were begging to get twitchy. Valdez was rummaging with something in his pockets and I could tell Annabeth’s head was at a thousand miles per hour.
After 20 minutes (no kidding- I checked my watch) everyone took their seats and Jace Gayle looked mad. Oh no…
-In view of the inevitable battles in the future of this City caused by Terra’s return, the Senate has voted to reincorporate the position of general. Jason said.
-The general is in charge of overlooking the training and furnishing of all of the soldiers. Dakota said, though that was more for us probably.
-In a 23 to 1 vote it was decided that the new general will be Jacinth Reyna Gayle, daughter of Bellona and praetor of legion 4. Come forth. Dakota said. Reyna stood to her feet, her face as unreadable as a blank page. You read power in her face, fight in her eyes, and experience and strength just by looking at her.
-Jacinth Gayle: do you accept the role of general?
-Yes Consul.
-Do you understand the role you play in the power of Rome from now on?
-Yes Consul.
-Do you swear to be loyal to Rome?
-Yes Consul.
-To acknowledge your duties in the City’s walls, further, or in battle?
-Do you swear your full performance in battle? (dumb question even I knew that)
-Yes Consul.
-Even if it would mean to die in battle? That’s the only line where I could make out a thin, nearly non existent trace of worry or disapproval in Jason’s voice.
-There is honour in death, Consul.
-Do you swear on the river Styx?
-I swear on the river Styx, Consul. Reyna said.
-Then you are General for this War. Jason said.
I noticed Jace Gayle looking tremendously unhappy (guess we knew who the 1 was) as Dakota tied a red cape that was tied over one shoulder with a gold medallion around his sister’s shoulders. She leaned her head and bowed to Dakota, same to Jason who both leaned their head forth. She went to stand with the Aediles.
-There will be a meeting tomorrow evening concerning the Aediles, general and quaestor. I looked around for the Quaestor. A kind of secretary of Rome. A guy with grey eyes who was writing down everything Dakota said at 1000 words an hour.
-You may retrieve your weapons and resume your activities. Dakota said. The serious faces broke loose as everyone got up, either talking to a friend or stretching their legs. So did we. Gwen, Reyna and Hazel came to meet us.
-That wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. Gwen said.
-Rey had a pretty good meeting. Percy joked. A smile touched Reyna’s lips for a moment.
-It is an honour. She said quietly.
-Jason and Dakota’ll find us in a few. They have something to do. Bobby said walking up to us.
-No use in waiting, let’s get the weapons back, I miss my wand. Hazel said.
We gathered everything and I tied Katoptris back to my waist. That felt better.
We headed outside; it was already 4 in the afternoon. Reyna excused herself to take her armour off.
-Gwen, can I get the key to my room back?
-How dare you accuse me of thievery? Gwen said genuinely offended. Reyna gave her a look.
-Good reason. Gwen said taking a key out of her pocket. She tossed it and Reyna caught it.
-See you in a few. She said before going off.
-She better lock her room from now on. Bobby said.
-You’re right; I’ll stop taking the key. Gwen said.
-That’s the best we can hope for. Hazel said rolling her eyes. Gwen nudged her and Hazel forced a smile.
The boy who’d said he was in charge of healing magic came to find us. He was about 20 with black hair cut short.
-Lou Ellen Spellcast? He asked.
-That’d be me. Lou said.
-Great, I’m Oliver Montgomery, son of Trivia. I’m in charge of healing magic and its use here. If you’re going to work in the infirmary you’ll have to pass a few tests.
-Alright. Is the wand obligatory?
-Never, we usually don’t accept it. Oliver said.
-Good because wands are not my strength. She said.
-Hand spells, eh? Follow me, I’ll show you where it even is. Oliver said.
-Alright. See you, people. Lou said. Annabeth chewed her lip as Lou followed Oliver.
-Oliver’s a nice guy, don’t worry. He may not be pro-Greek but he wouldn’t hurt a fly, especially not if she impresses him. Hazel said.
-Alright. I said, worried about Lou Ellen as well.
-Do you have any idea how Jason and Da are planning on doing the legions? Bobby asked.
-Never have any idea how the Pluto they’re planning on things, never will have. Gwen said.
-True. Hazel said.
-My guess is they’ll put you in legions where the people are relatively easy-going. Not in that sense, but more impressionable. A good fighter will change their minds possibly; it would gain people against the idea of killing every Greek demigod. Or on the opposite they’ll try and tame the war god children. Bobby said.
-Maybe. Annabeth said.
-We’ll find out tomorrow, won’t we? I said.
-Yeah. Nico said.
-Phoebe and I should go back to hunting. We can’t be around guys too much while we’re here. Thalia said.
-I’ll tell Jason for you, Thal. Annabeth said.
-Alright. The hunters disappeared in the forest, and we disappeared in the City to finish sight-seeing.

Next chapter: link

*Bobby Peverell
last edited over a year ago
Last Chapter:
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
That looks like my cuz Kevin lol. Nice story as always Hecate. :D
over a year ago Persephone16 said…
That was Amazing!!!! Love the length of it too. How you can write that much, with that much expertise stuns me!

I think i was on to something with Hazel and Leo...

Jace and Jenna...huh! Hard to believe he was ever really 'human'. Liked it all the same.

Luke and Ethan...OMG, that was a shocker! Kool but suprising!!!! How they managed to get into the City and not get caught astounds me (Lol). I know you added it but the fact that they knew about the Greeks and Romans is mind blowing, well not really, but like amazing. What happened to Luke after he caused all those problems? (you know what i mean.) And did Ethan just disappeaar after not helping Jenna?

Yeah for Reyna!! General...nice. Her real name, luv that, it makes her seem less mysterious. Sort of like when Percy finds out Thalia's last name!

That was really really good!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!

P.S. Read both articles...well said both you and Amph!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
Awesome!! and I love love love the idea of Leo and Hazel!! I hope we see more of them!!
over a year ago jessie0147 said…
Perfect as ALWAYS!:D Love it and Bobby looks perfect.
over a year ago dman1991g said…
Good job hecate
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
OMG! That was a great chapter, lol:
"...and giving the deadliest look I managed (I’ve made a dog pee with that one)."
I know, I know, little kiddie jokes but it caught me off-guard and made me smile!

Can't wait until you continue!

Percy and Annabeth! I am so HAPPY you kept them together, I have seen some fanfics that have them being teared apart!
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Ahhhh. Ginny! :P Sorry, that's my all-time fav. Harry Potter character:P
over a year ago PersesJr said…
big smile
over a year ago seashell7 said…
That was good!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
AWESOME as usual i luv ur work and LOVE THE LUKE HATING

PERCBETH FOREVER <3 i mean annabeth used to like Luke now it's HATRED
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) can't wait for next chapter!!:)
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
big smile
awsome(as always)
over a year ago mmdr10 said…
big smile
I love it!!! Amazing
over a year ago arobair said…
ok i really have no idea where you come up with this stuff, its amazing(understatement)

i mean really, it is truly fantastic.
over a year ago tespar said…
big smile
love it it was great as always I can wait for the next friday!
over a year ago TheWineDude said…
Surprises are the. Jace and Jenna nice combo and the bit with Luke was a great idea. I like how old characters keep emerginging in your story though idk if RR will put them back in but Fantastic chapter. Your a god!!
over a year ago phippi2 said…
I apsolutly loved it!
over a year ago dementorskissox said…
Awesome, I loved it... Annabeth even has the same birthday as me :) This story just keeps getting better and better! Happy writing!
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
Oh my dayum! Holy Frick! Ohemgee! That was
Just awesome
Quite good
Very cool
And much more!
Thanks for that awesomely ah-mazing fantabulous and all of the above chappie!
<3 nico
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
amazing! great chapter(s?) i really liked the whole HP/epic thing.
over a year ago dragonsaphira said…
Love these two chapters HecateA!!! The way you ended them was so awesome, I'm really excited to see what happens next !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And may I ask; How? In the name of Hades did Luke find out about The City????? Although it is pretty cool and stuff. And I hope Piper gets over these hard times.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Steve-Advena said…
hi im new here ive just finished reading everything great work hecateA keep it up
over a year ago liverpoolrock05 said…
Awesome P.S Rip who died in japan
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
big smile
Love it!!!! So with the whole luke thing, how did he end up in the city if they said he fates made sure the camps stay apart???? jw, don't take offense ur storys great!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
Make percy and Annabeth have some time alone so they can talk about the relationship,then u make them kiss or something.And then maybe one of the campers find them and laugh at them a little bit.
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
awsome chapie im speachless:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
P.S plz add me now
over a year ago lebowitzso said…
I loved it! That chapter was super good. I hope Jason and Percy do have a mini battle and I hope Jason and Piper eventually get back together. I love the whole story with Luke being at the camp.
over a year ago thilahector said…
amazing but can u put in a part where annabeth makes jace cry or elemes comes back from the dead that will make my day
over a year ago tracytracy2000 said…
Hey that was really good and i mean it. There are a few things i am wondering right now
1. This book is called The Rebel Soldier, who is gonna rebel. I thought of that when Luke was brought up. It has to be a Roman because it is a SOLDIER
2. Where did Bianca/ Caleb go?
3. Leo is such a fail at flirting.
4. Annabeth did kick some sorry butt
Thank you and that was awesome as always
over a year ago bananafone111 said…
big smile
Love it!!!!!
1) Go Annabeth!!!!!!!
2) Leo and Hazel? Is there something there? I hope so because this could be the first girl leo's liked who actually likes him back!
3) I feel weird saying this but I feel sorry for Jace.
4) You are such an amazing, writer keep it up!!!!!!!! I can't wait for you to post again!!!!!! :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago marmarmar said…
big smile
that was soo awesome!!! i really really hope that leo and hazel get somewhere, because they would be CUTE! i love the twist with Luke and Ethan... meanies -_- im in shock of how you have the time and skill to write this much! congrats on starting the third book, 50 pages... niceeeee :) poor piper though:( i just think its kinda weird how jason is so eager to go back to reyna even after he was kinda with piper, i dunno. THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY WEEKEND SO MUCH BETTER:D and pretty please tell us when u are coming out with a book to be legitly published!!!!
over a year ago HecateA said…
big smile

This would have been posted last night but if I'd stayed up any later my mum would've killed me (not literally but something like no-computer)

I got to........ 100 pages!!!! Oh yes! To celebrate this pretty fast big number, I'm going to post! But not today, I'm posting tommorow so the chapter can count for 2 events, because it's friggin LONG! I actually feel bad about posting it on a Monday because some people won't get to read it, and I like keeping the big ones for Fridays... I'm not kidding this thing is like 30 pages! Well, I might be exagerating but it is H-UGE!

Oh well, it'll make you guys happy!

This would have been posted last night but if I'd stayed up any later my mum would've k
over a year ago _wolfie_ said…
big smile
WOW!!!! i'm new to this and i've just finished reading it all!
it's absolutley AMAZING!!!! :D
over a year ago redhawks said…
That was absolutly amazing!

Wow, Leo and Hazel....Unexpected but nice combo!

Jason and Reyna!!
Percy and Annabeth!!
Poor Piper, but oh well!
Yay! Another chapter!!!!!
over a year ago orpher said…
spectacular as always. Can't wait for the next one
over a year ago tracytracy2000 said…
Yay another Chapter!
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
big smile
Yeah! Thanks, Hecate, did you know you are really AWESOME? Hmm, I should tell you that more...

So anyway, thanks, and all your chapters are H-UGE compared to others, yours will be GI-NORMIC! I am very happy, YAY! My smile will be this big when you post!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dagandawg said…
big smile
That was genius. the way you made it flow, with the contention as well as the way that some of the kids got along really fast. you are a really skilled writer.
over a year ago lebowitzso said…
U know what I just can't stand about the Roman Camp. They are sooo serious and uptight, like if u don't do something a certain way like show emotion or share your worries, you get in serious trouble. That meeting they had where you can't show any emotion is sooo different from Camp HB's meetings where everyone is goofing off. If there were a such thing as demigods and I was one, I wouldn't be able to stand the Roman Camp. That's one of the reason why I like ur story so much, Hectate, u made the Roman Camp exactly how I imagined it to be. Thanks! U r a really good writer!
over a year ago seashell7 said…
Amazing! Brillant! All those those fun words
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
Hi I am new to your forum but I have reading it for a while so let me tie all your chappes in on comment

Oh and redhawk you don't have to give me the whole we don't spam here. I don't really spam allot or not at all
over a year ago seeweedbrain said…
I am new
I jus read it n it was amazing!!!
when r u posting again?
over a year ago wolf-lover-0611 said…
Can't wait!!!
congratulations, on 100 pages already for the next book!

already know that it is going to be good