The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune

HecateA posted on Oct 28, 2010 at 12:36AM
So once again you guys have the opportunity to get in my head of what I think the next HoO book RR blesses us with will look like.

Before I start you peoples off, I need to say something.
So shush and listen.

When I wrote "The Lost Hero, written by me", I had to guess who the parents were. Well now, I know. So I am following Rick Riordan's version of the characters. Piper has nothing to do with Persephone, Jason and Thalia are siblings and Camp Ceasar Salad is real. For my series of fanfics, I'm following my version of the characters, but here, Rick's versions rule. Get it?

Title: The Son of Neptune
Rating: C
Type: Adventure, friendship, hopefully humor, maybe a touch of romance
Characters: Add, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Drew, Leo, Jake, Nyssa
OC personalities: Reyna, Dakota, Hazel, Gwen, Bobby, Caleb
OC: The Gayle brothers, Karren
Synopsis: After discovering a new world, not so far from their own, Jason and his friends are sailing straight for it, unsure wheter they'll come out victorious or just start a civil war. But it doesn't take the arrival of a flying boat to get the citizens curious. They already sence something is wrong, way before the flying ship docks.

Disclaimer: The story base, character and settings base was created by Rick Riordan, who owns the Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Heroes of Olympus rights.

A/N: Hopefully you guys will like it! I got some very nice comments on my random wall poll, so here it is guys! Love you all, you rock!

The Rebel Soldier's debut: link

The Honour in Death's debut: link

The Fire's Revenge's debut: link

Part Two's debut: link
So once again you guys have the opportunity to get in my head of what I think the next HoO book RR bl
last edited on Jul 29, 2011 at 10:13PM

The Heroes of Olympus 3419 replies

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over a year ago undeadwarrior89 said…
in love with this book. i've been following for a month now but i just got an account. Hecate you are my idol!!!! thanx soooo much
over a year ago HecateA said…
@partypony - Hey, an Athenian's gotta do what an Athenian's gotta do even skipping school.
@cheesy1234 - I think the people who read this are spread out pretty good.

So Reagan JUST got included in the story, she wasn't actually wearing a white dress when she got killed- that was just Piper remembering the fact that Reagan was fiancèd.

And thank you everyone, althought I didn't think you'd all be so OMG MURDER!!!

Anyways, yesterday my week went downhill completely and even the fact my friend Hebe brought a pack of microwavable popcorn to school for lunch didn't boost it up.

My USB key died on me. According to my mom who was the only one thinking clearly, the fact I plugged it in the school's computers might have something to do with it. There is possibly a virus on it. I managed to rescue most of my projects, except for the one that ticked me off on something being wrong.

So a little over 50 pages in the middle of the novel replaced by 1, 300 pages of blank. The most important part of the book, gone... So I nearly cried, calmed myself down, looked it up under all the things I might have saved it as, and I do have a part of the book from the school computer (thank god), but it still has to ammount to around 50 pages of lost stuff.

So I'm really upset and frustrated and sad right now. I'll have to rewrite all of that and probably wont be as good, but at this point I'm still working up the energy to rewrite it. I worked a long time on it, so its really discouraging to me. I may sound dramaquenne but I'm feeling really lazy and energy-less right now. But I will get to rewritting it, just bare with me, key?

Thanks for understanding,

June 1st: The City
A gift
With a clang noises our swords met. Reyna’s jaw locked down.
-Don’t let your guard down. She said.
-Not planning on it. I slipped my sword away and we striked again. Our swords clashed except this time we didn’t push against each other’s blades but stepped back. Reyna took a step forwards, striked and stepped back before I could get her. Of course the blade did nothing against my arm. There was only one spot I had to watch out for, and since you didn’t turn your back to an enemy anyways, I didn’t think I’d have any problems.
I leaned forwards but she blocked and we kept at it.
-Okay stop, you two will kill each other! Caleb said as we pushed against the blades. We took a step back.
-You said that last time. Reyna said.
-Yeah, and you two stopped before we could test that theory. Caleb said.
-We won’t kill each other Cal, relax! I said.
-Mostly because you can’t die and you’re not aggressive enough when it’s armour free. Caleb muttered.
-It’s time for supper anyways. Gwen said.
-Good, I’m starved. Reyna said.
We made our way to the cafeteria. The meal went normally, Gwen’d triggered Jack Gayle’s glass to shatter, which it did, and that was the nightly entertainment. Of course when he’d tried to attack Reyna was the first to intervene. Dakota who was late as usual had the authority to get him them to quit it and everybody else in the room to go back to business.
That night Hazel had to go check on a horse that’d been injured, and I followed. She’d decided that having me around when she was trying to calm a horse down made everything way easier for her. She knelt next to the horse and gently stroked its flank and extended her fingers to unwrap the bandage on the injured leg.
-She won’t hurt you, she’s the best healer for you this City has. I told the horse, which was named Knight. Hazel paused patiently until she could tell I was done talking to it.
The horse trusted me and let Hazel change the bandage without flipping out and hurting her- which was good; she’d gotten a hoof in the stomach earlier in the year and she’d been confined in an infirmary room for two weeks. She’d been back on Peanut’s back the day after they discharged her, though, so it wasn’t too bad.
-Thanks, Add. Before they had to be tranquilised, City rule. She said, grimacing at the idea.
-No problem.
-We’ve been here a while, haven’t we? What time is it? She asked.
-Ten to nine. I said.
-Damn, I’m late! Caleb wanted to see me at her cabin at eight. She’ll murder me.
-No, Caleb’s not the murdering type. I said. She made a face.
-It’s a form of speech, fish face. She said.
The nickname had catched on with a few people. Better than Seaweed brain. If they called me that I might not be able to stand it.
I hadn’t told them why I got called Seaweed brain or who Annabeth really was. It sounded dumb, but it wasn’t something that the Roman army seemed to encourage, so I didn’t know what was up with Jason and Reyna, but I wanted them to get the right impression of Annabeth before the campers got here. If I could drill in their heads that she was the best strategist at camp, best fighter in her cabin, an incredibly brave leader in battle… it wouldn’t matter that she was my girlfriend. They wouldn’t even think about killing her. And if someone did I’d make sure they didn’t.
The stupido squad was who I was worried about. They’d immediately zero-in on her as a threat, and if she wanted to she would be, and it seemed that anybody who could be a threat was a stupido-squad target. Their own sister was just an example. And they weren’t dumb; if they wanted to pull something to make her public enemy number 1, they could… Maybe it was just paranoia. Probably.
We walked out of the stables.
-Gotta go, bye! She said.
-Bye Haze. I said as she ran as fast as she could (pretty fast) to Pluto’s house.
She was so different now. Less playful, more serious. Unlocking her ghosts and forcing wild-spells out of her had shocked her into a different person; we’d lost her original form. It was pretty sad, I knew Gwen was worried about her, and quite frankly I thought a lot of us were.
I looked up at the sky. I’d been starring at the sky every single minute I could since the beginning of the month. I knew a boat wasn’t built overnight, but I’d always been impatient. From the corner of my eye, standing near the forest, wearing the simple clothes of a shepherdess was a girl. About 12, with glossy black hair falling on her shoulders and over her eyes. I recognised her; I’d seen her last December, leaning on her walking stick, just a little taller than her.
-You again. I said.
-Who are you? The last I saw of you, you were telling me to cast an Iris message, and we ended up seeing Jason Grace.
-I have an abnormally good sense of deduction. She said.
-Who are you?
-There are never easy or free answers. You saw your friend Hazel; the answer you got from her ruined her. I came to give you this. She took something out from the inside of her tunic. A white package tied with raffia, and a seashell tucked underneath the string.
-What is it?
-That fits in the definition of surprise, doesn’t it? Not knowing.
-I’ve had enough mystery for a lifetime. I grumbled.
-Then you have nothing to lose. Open it when you’re alone.
-Thank you. I said. The shepherdess wasn’t going to co-operate, I might as well face it. I looked back at her and she was gone.
-Great. I muttered.
Curfew was nearly past anyways, so I went back to my house before they released the assortment of blood-lusting nightly guards and praetors on duty. I pushed the curtain and walked into the cabin, which was warm and humid as outside. I knelt next to the creek and put the fingertips of my hand in. It was cold, and I felt the current washing across. I got up and took the shell from under the raffia string.
I knew where that was from. I knew it the moment I saw it, and even more when my fingers ran across the outside. It was from a beach in New York I knew too well. I held it in my hand for a moment before going in my room and putting it in a drawer, which was big enough to hold everything I owned (Gwen had told me that “if you weren’t neat you weren’t alive”, so being clean was worth the effort now). I slid the raffia off and tore through the paper. Six beads. I recognised them. Those were six beads that Annabeth wore around her neck all the time. I recognised the one with the centaur in the dress (which I really had to ask her about- and really was hoping it wasn’t Chiron) and last year’s. My fingers automatically went to my own necklace. How had the shepherdess gotten those beads? Then not how; but why? I dropped the subject and just crashed on my bed and fell asleep nearly instantly.

June 10th

Gladiator fighting. I should’ve seen it coming. Isn’t it one of the things that Romans are known for? And yeah, they still do it.
The sheet was on a wall, a pen dangling from a piece of string right besides at the first meal, lunch. Reyna and the other war god kids made a dash for it to sign up as soon as they stepped into the building.
-What’s the sheet for? I asked.
-‘Bout three times a year there’s gladiator fighting. Gwen said.
-Like, to the death? I asked.
-No! We can’t afford to lose soldiers! No, it’s the first one down or to forfeit. Dakota said.
-Okay, I got a little spooked.
-Dude, we’re not that harsh. I’m going to sign up. Hazel said getting up.
-Sign me up! Gwen requested.
-Sign yourself up, lazy. She called over her shoulder, joining the crowd of people. Gwen followed her muttering.
-You signing up? I asked Dakota and Bobby.
-No, not allowed, I’m a consul. Besides, I might, probably will, be serving as empress again. Consuls never fight in the tournaments. Last time around the Aediles who organise it got Jason and I in the arena, but not this time, I think. Dakota said.
-I’m waiting for the line to loosen up, Bobby said. You?
-Me? I don’t even think I’m even allowed.
-No, you’re not, Lupa told me. Not for the title anyways. But we have this thing, we pair up interesting fights, the best fighters, generally around the war and powerful demigods. I could sign you up for that? Dakota suggested. I was wondering what the nice way to say “no way in Hades” was, but I remembered Jace Gayle last December when he was talking to Reyna.
You’re like him, here by default of someone decent!
-Set me up against Jace Gayle and sure.
-I’ve already got Reyna against him, but I’ll see what I can do. Are you specific against any of the Gayle brothers?
-Um… No, not really.

June 11th

Dakota and the other citizens working had set up the tournament schedule.
-Add you’re up against Jace Gayle in the pick section. Gwen told me.
-Sweet! Who are you against?
-First round? Brent, son of Mars. Then whoever wins there between the winner of Caro and Scarlett. Gwen said.
-That’s how it works?
-Yeah, like playoffs in the NHL. Gwen said.
-Ugh, I’m against Cynthia! Reyna said plopping down besides me.
-What’s wrong with Cynthia?
-Nothing, she’s a decent child of Mars, that’s the problem! All the idiots in our two houses, and I fight a decent one! She complained.
-Beat Cynthia, the other warlings will beat each other, and eventually you’ll fight an idiot. Gwen said.
-I know, but if a war-child has to win and it’s not me, might as well be Cynthia. Reyna said.
-Excuse me, warlings? I asked Gwen.
-Yes, it is a term I spontaneously invented. Godling, war god. Gwen said.
-Of course. Hazel said rolling her eyes.
-When’s the tournament?
-June 21st, a solstice-celebration thing. It’s when the gods gather up and do something productive. Gwen resumed.
-I know what the Solstice is I’ve been on the Winter’s once.
-Yeah. They debated whether or not to kill me. I said.
-Oh joy, basically like over here. Anyways, it’s a yearly thing before the consuls head out to New York, early in the morning.
-Oh God, my legion will be heck until then… Reyna said.
-Every single soldier in it signed up, half of them are gamblers, and Thia and I are on first round. She said.
-Heus… Good look surviving that. Caleb said (Heus means owe in Latin; it’s often accompanied by swearing).
-I’ll make them do sit-ups every time someone mentions it, that’ll shut them up. Reyna decided.
-I am glad I’m not in your legion, you’re harsh!
-If I’m not harsh I’m not listened to.
-Really? The guys in my cabin all prey to be transferred into 4, Gwen said. They all think you’re pretty and I’m sure even your sword in their faces would be an alleluia for them. Feel free to do that actually, I’m getting fed up with Darren. And Joel. AndKyle. And Henry. And…
-Shut up Gwen. Feel free to crush their dreams. Reyna said, somewhere between embarrassed and amused.
-Oh yeah I did, where else do you think the black eye comes from? She said pointing to the purple circle under her right eye.
-About a million places. I said.
-True, true… Gwen said taking a spoonful of pottage.
Pottage is a kind of thick stew made from wheat or corn and cooked meat that I would never get the taste out of my mouth from. Nobody seems to mind it and I don’t let it show, but I’m really missing the nymphs’ BBQ and pizza. That is the number one thing I will never touch again if I get out of here. With acorns. Acorns are always on the tables; the demigods who are assigned as hunters, gatherers and farmers collect them and boil them 7 times in 7 water changes. I wondered what happened for the kids who were allergic to nuts… Anyways, pottage was the base of every meal except on special occasions and mortal holidays, Easter, Christmas, Halloween even, and of course Valentine’s Day (the whole City freaks out on Valentines Day).
Anyways, pottage was added to the list of things I never wanted to see after I got out of here. But truth was, I was getting restless. And with Postverta, and probably others there to make sure the boat was having trouble being built, I was wondering if I ever was getting out of here, or if I’d be shovelling pottage in my mouth forever.

last edited over a year ago
@partypony - Hey, an Athenian's gotta do what an Athenian's gotta do even skipping school.
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
Cool it was awesome... congrats on winning the fanfiction awards! We all knew you would win! Congrats to all the other contestants in the Fan Fiction awards for being a contestant, because that right there is an honor! I love the new chapter HecateA!
over a year ago redhawks said…
How could we not? It's a murder! That was amazing!!! I loved it! Percy and Jace! Yess! I can't wait to read that!

Loopy...Katelynne.....(where's my mouth? :P)

Yay! I think I was the first to read this!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
and im so sorry to here about your flashdrive, mine almost broke after being thrown outside down a stair case, and into the snow. i had to get a new one before it finally gave way.
But still that was amazing.
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
Great!!! I will show im happy, by doing the Walkadodo call of happiness. (My BFF made it up) Walkady Walkady Walkady Walkady DOO DOO!!!
over a year ago GreekGeek97 said…
big smile
LOVED IT!!!!! im new to fanpop! and loving it already!!!!
over a year ago Persephone16 said…
Great chapter! Too bad about the memory stick, mine has done that before too. But, what can you do! Anyways, loved it and can't wait to read more.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
over a year ago orpher said…
That's war I call awesome! Good chapter can't wait fir Percy and jace to fight
over a year ago tracytracy2000 said…
Nice pic at the bottom. Why are they red? Great chapter, knowing that Percy knows Annabeth is faithful to him....
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
big smile
awesome!!!! i agree with orpher CAN NOT WAIT for the fight!!!!
over a year ago SeaweedBrain323 said…
Amazing.. Can't wait for the tournament to start.
over a year ago seashell7 said…
Im am so very sorry about your flashdrive. I almot cried. But you know what they say, the second time is always better! Good luck! LOved the chapter a lot!
I like ending of the hapter was very well done.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago marmarmar said…
big smile
ohmygoodness GLADIATOR FIGHTS! *hyperventilates* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ohmygosh i am soooo exciteddd!!!!!! :D
over a year ago thilahector said…
i love it an i have to complement u on the love drama
over a year ago partypony said…

Gladiator fighting on the same day that the Argo II is supposed to take flight... do I sense a foreshadowing? (gosh, I LOVE that word!)
So yeah, I'm thinking that this gladiator fighting is going to be especially special.

I can relate with the USB thing. I once lost mine and I had to rewrite EVERYTHING on a new USB. I freaked out that day (and the next).
You'll catch up soon, I'm sure. And I am positive that all your improvised chapters will be as good as your original.

over a year ago hawk213 said…
big smile
I have a solution! other than rewriting your story, hecate. You could just go through the pages and copy and paste your chapters back to microsoft word. easily. i did that with my story when my computer crashed. it sucked. but i copied it back. :)

Good chapter. are you going to make percy love hazel or gwen? or reyna even? cuz reynas going to get her heart broken from piper, so i reckon annanbeth should to. i'd love to see her reaction. hehe.
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Loved it! Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very GOOD CHAPTER!

*So on Gladiator fighting? Is Percy gonna fight Jace then like all of a sudden they see a GIGANTIC flying boat and Annabeth comes and like WHoa!?

@hawk213 - You wanna break up Percy and Annabeth, but they've been through so much, THEY SAVED EACH OTHERS LIVES LIKE 20 TIMES EACH! They are perfect for each other!? :'(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greek_camper95 said…
that was amazing i cant wait till they pick percy up!!!! cant wait till next friday!!!!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Can't wait for the next one, great chapter!! can't wait for the fight!!!!!!!
over a year ago dumbnerd123 said…
"-Every single soldier in it signed up, half of them are gamblers, and Thia and I are on first round. She said."

What does she mean by "it"? wat did they sign up for?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dexter2016 said…
I LOVE the new chapter

no Surprise You won the fanfiction awards

I really hope Percy remembers his real name soon
add Doesn't not suit him at all
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsaphira said…
big smile
I loved it!!!!!!!!! You're so creative and surprising!!!!!

Sorry about your USB btw =(
over a year ago HoO_PJO said…
Loved It!!! Can't wait till next Friday.
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
Great job. I wish you started the gladiator fighting in this one.
over a year ago LunaBelle said…
this chapter was incredible (like the others ;P) can't wait for friday =) hope the gladiator thing will be in the next chapter.
over a year ago i_luv_percy said…
Oh my gods this is so amazing
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
big smile
Hey, I'm new but I've been reading for a little while. I love the story.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cheesy12345 said…
big smile
Wow!Wow!Wow!Loved it♥

Very sorry about your USB, I'm sure all your new chpters will be great too:)
over a year ago thesituation said…
You're good hope you find your usb
over a year ago dementorskissox said…
great chapters! i loved them! hope you find your USB files!
over a year ago AlexJackson said…
Hey I'm new but you're really good. Hope you find your USB flashdrive thinggy
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
I am really sorry (Got grounded)
OMG!!!!! that was amazing!!!!!!!...
I love that Percy (Add) is going to fight Jace... be prepared Jace... you are going to get your BUT KICKED... hopefuly... matters on what you write...
I am starting to feel worried about Hazel... she is acting weird nowadays... weird...
I really love your writing Hecate... its absolutly amazing that someone could have such a talent... you write like the total opposite of Stepheny Myers (I spelt her name wrong... I rwally dont care)... and that says something... concidering she has not talent... you do... yah
I am kinda getting inpatient now (Just a joke) because I am still waiting on that book... really...
So yah... I hope you excell in that cereer (I spelt that wrong too)
over a year ago crazypegesus980 said…
HEY peoplz cannot believe how amazing that was i live this book
cant wait for the actual son of neptune!! But this okay for now. Can't wait for friday.....
Go BI Baseball
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
hey, i'm new here, and hecate... you are the reason I joined. LOVE YOU.

p.s. it's my b-day today. I am oficially 13!!!!!
over a year ago crazypegesus980 said…
@ myth-freak214
im new too...sadly
Bored out of my mind waiting
Haapy B-day wow 13...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago i_luv_percy said…
Im new 2 but i 4got to put that in my last coment. Happy b day myth-freak214
over a year ago HecateA said…

The writting gods love me! HA!!!! On Saturday I compiled every possible document that might have a bit of RS in it and I got it nearly all back! That made my week-end!

Yeah, so the Internet connection gods dont love me so much, hence this chapter only popping up on this pretty little forum today grr... It might be better that you dont get it on V day, though.

Happy V day!!!!!

-V day started in Ancient Rome when it was decided soldiers couldn't get married, but a priest or something named Valentine married couples in secret, adn even once he was in prison he did. Eventually the people high up got tired of that bull, so they just killed him. The end. The Romans had strong V day traditions too, it was all "PARTY IN ROME!!!!" etc.
-Cupid is the Roman form of Eros, son of Aphrodite and I believe Ares.

Alright, so if I didn't already tell you I've picked a name for book 4 (book 5's came before but I wont tell you because it'll make everyting too obvious) but I'm not telling you that one until the last chapter of this.

@Lightning - Loved your comment, THANK YOU! and glad you can see Hazel's not acting normal.

Happy Birthday myth-freak
Happy Birthday myth-freak
Happy Birthday, happy birthday,
Happy birthday myth-freak!!!!!!!!

@crazy-pegasus - WE all had to start off new. And then you become old, like moi, and you have no clue how the heck that happened (even at that, I wasn't in the top 20 first members, but everyone else is gone to Olympus to help out Percy and Jason; I only go on the weekends with red adn Lightning).

Anyways to happily finish my USB story, it probably has a virus on it so I got a new one and it is shapped like a ninja. Which just makes it that much awesomer.

So happy V day (late)

Annabeth Chasse
June 1st: Camp Half-Blood
Don’t you forget about me

It was the first official out-of-camp date. I’d been nervous as heck. But it was just a movie, right?
No it was a movie with the best guy I’d ever met and been crushing on since I was 13.

Of course one my roommates (who is coincidentally one of my best mortal friends too) didn’t give a damn that I was actually doing okay on the nerves scale.
-Common Chasse, you’ve done braver things then go to the movies with a guy. She said.
Dona Wire, the blonde, feisty cheerleader that I don’t know how but was my best mortal friend. She’d been accepted in this school from ‘Frisco too, and she enjoyed pushing human beings to the edge. And half-human beings too (she was very proud of the wide range of life she pushes).
- I’ve liked this guy since I’m 13, Dona.
-And look at that, you’ve gotten your wish now. I say you wear that blue shirt.
-Oh that’s Roslyn’s, never mind.
-What’s mine? Roslyn said walking in. Roslyn had wavy blond hair (yeah the 3 of us are blondes- our dorm building is a bad place for blond jokes, our room’s been nicknamed blonde central) and green eyes. She’s pretty, funny and flirty and has all the guys gawking at her. She slipped her bag from her shoulder and sat on her bed, legs crossed.
-That greenish blue shirt? Wouldn’t Anny look great in it?
-Don’t call me that Dona.
-Oh yes! Roslyn said with her Aussie accent, identical to Dona’s.
-For crying out loud, I’m fine. I said.
-You were totally panicking a few seconds ago! Dona said.
-I was not. I said.
-What movie are you two seeing anyways?
-That “King of Sparta” one that just came out. I said. It was nearly an inside joke, but we’d agreed on something with action and blood. Weird date, but weird couple too.
-You mean with Très hot McLean? Roslyn said.
-Roslyn, Tristan McLean’s old enough to be your dad! Dona said.
-Admit it, he’s hot. Roslyn said.
-Don’t you have a boyfriend? She asked.
-What’s your point? Roslyn asked, rolling a tube of red lipstick across her lip.
-You’re bad. I said.
-Very. Roslyn said with a kind of pride.
-That’s not a compliment Rosy. Are you lending Anny the blue top or not?
-I don’t need...
-But you’d look good! Dona pleaded.
-Anny’d look good in anything though, that’s why half the guys are drooling over her. Rosy said opening a gossip magazine and flipping to an article about some drugged up celebrity. I ignored her.
-Yeah, out of all the guys and you choose one you can only see once a week and sometimes not even. What’s up with that, Anny? Dona said. I passed a brush through my hair.
-Percy’s not like that. He’s funny and brave and he can be so sweet. I’ve known him since I’m 12. I said.
-Hot, don’t forget hot. Rosy said.
-He’s mine Ragsdale, back off. I said.
-Oh, feel the burn Rosy… Dona said. I grinned as Rosy threw her a pillow.
-Okay, sorry Chasse, but you’ll find a dozen guys who are funny, hot and sweet if that’s what you’re looking for.
-Percy’s one of a kind, Roslyn. I really like him so you will gladly stay out of my romantic life and concentrate on fixing yours.
-Oh… Dona said. Rosy stuck out her tongue.
-We just want you happy, Anny. She said.
-And I am. Really. I said turning to face them. Let me be, I’m 16, I know where I’m going with this.
-We will if you wear the damn blue shirt.
-Oh Gods… I said.
-You’ve got half an hour before you’re meeting him at the movies, you really want to spend that time arguing with us about something that would make you look extremely good? Dona said. Rosy pulled something out of her drawer. I grabbed it from her and went in the bathroom to change. My friends are such girls, but they never back down. A guy we hang out with named Tyrone Golla knocked on the semi-open door and came in.
-Where’s Annabeth I need to borrow her math homework? He said. I stepped out of the bathroom. Tyrone turned and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.
-She’s already got a date, Golla, don’t even ask. Rosy said.
-Yeah I know but woe…
-Thanks Ty. Think he’ll like it?
-He’d be mental if he didn’t. Rosy said.
-Yup, can I borrow your math homework? Tyrone said.
-Sure Ty. I handed him a sheet of paper from my bed where my binders were sprawled out.
-Thanks. I’m stuck here tonight because of stupid late-homework. He groaned.
-Oh you poor thing. Rosy said.
-No, I mean in my dorm. Not even on school property! Isn’t that sad? Do you not pity me?
-No not really. I said, gathering up my binders and putting them at their places.
-I’m with Anny.
-I do. Rosy said. We looked at her.
-It’s the only way to get him to shut up. She said before turning back to her magazine.
-I feel so welcomed into your room every time I come. Tyrone said faking insulted.
-I can only please one person per day and today is not it Tyrone Golla.
-Damn you Dona.
-Tomorrow’s not looking good either. Dona said.
-Well I can take a hint. My presence is unwanted.
-Finally. Rosy groaned.
-Thank you Annabeth.
-You’re welcome and don’t think of putting that on the Internet! I said as he ran off. Some other guy popped up.
-Hello ladies. Looking good today… Julio Seckler said.
-Tyrone has it. I said.
-Dang it! Julio turned to go catch us with Tyrone.
-Why is it before every test we have this problem here? Rosy asked.
-Because Anny’s a genius that’s looking good in a blue shirt and thinks we are total losers right now because we’re all amazed.
-Yes. I’ll see you guys later, key? I said picking up my bag.
-Have fun! Rosy said.
-Say hi to Percy for us!
-From my two bizarre roommates. I said.
-Bizarre and awesome! Dona said. I rolled my eyes. Bizarre. Plain bizarre.

We were walking out of the movie theatre, Percy was holding my hand.
-Did you like it? I teased. He rolled his eyes and smiled.
-What a ridiculous movie. He said. I laughed.
-You should’ve seen your face, it was pretty funny. I said.
-Mine? Yours was priceless! You looked like you were going to yell at the characters during a fight.
-It’s basic knowledge! When you’ve got the shorter blade…
-I know. The writters had no sense of what it’s like to swordfight. The mortals love it, though.
-The mortals don’t know how it actually goes on.
-I sometimes think they’re lucky that way. Percy said.
-True enough. Oh before I forget, my two bizarre roommates say hi.
-O…key? Do they even have a clue who I am?
-Oh yeah. They’ve seen the picture of you in my locker. They know your name and that you live in the City. They know that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I said. He smiled and kissed me.
-My friends at Goode know you’re the prettiest girl on the face of the earth, that you’re mine until I screw up and therefore they must shut up when they’re looking at the picture that’s in my locker, that you’re strong enough to beat me up and smart enough to go on Jeopardy. Percy said.
-I can’t beat you up. I said.
-Well now no, but you just wouldn’t do it before. Percy said. I gave his hand a squeeze and we walked closer together, back to the subway station. I gave him a goodbye kiss on the cheek.
-Thank you, I had a great night.
-Me too. He said. Then the subway got here and I had to get back if I wanted to have a chance at getting back at the school in time.

A door creaked open. The lights were on when I got in the room I had to share with the bizarre roommates who are my friends.
-How’d it go!? Rosy asked.
-The shirt was awesome wasn’t it!
-Oh will you let go! I said closing the door.
-Wasn’t it?
-He’d have kissed her anyways. Rosy said, trying to tame her hair in front of a mirror.
-He kissed you right?
-He did!
-Do you dare deny it?
-You guys are impossible. I said.
-And Chasse dares not deny it! I lied down on my bed and rubbed my eyes.
-So? Dona asked.
-So what?
-How’d it go?
-It was amazing. I said smiling.
-Is he a good kisser?
-Rosy! I said.
-Well… She said.
-Until I screw up, he is mine. So I guess you’ll never know. I said getting up.
-Oh burn Roslyn Ragsdale. Dona said.

I was standing in the school yard, near the gate to come in and out of the school property. I was still stuck in the uniform, a white collared polo with a navy trim around the collar, tight sleeves and a pleated navy skirt. It’s the ugliest thing ever, but with all the people who’ve been loop-holing it to make it better looking they might abolish it for next year.
I had my jacket zipped all the way up to cut the cold wind that came in and I couldn’t wait for Camp and its weather boundaries. Or Camp itself…
Roslyn, Tyrone, Julio, Dona and I were standing together, in the group of students that were waiting to get picked up.
-Miss Chasse! The teacher came to find me.
-Somebody is here to pick you up. He said.
-Thank you Ma’am. I said.
-Have an excellent vacation. She said before turning her heels. I hugged Rosy and Dona goodbye.
-Have a nice break. I said.
-You too Anny!
-You aren’t hugging us? Ty said offended.
-That’s my boyfriend in the car, Ty. I grinned.
-Ooh… Rosy said.
-She’s going to a camp Roslyn don’t get too amazed. Dona said. I hit her.
-Even better reason, make him jealous.
-You’re bad. Dona said. I went towards the gate and I saw Paul’s fixed Prius. Sally Jackson-Blofis was at the office signing a sheet of paper.
-Hey Annabeth! She said. She gave me a hug.
-Hello Ms. JB. I said (it’s how Grover, Nico, Rachel and I’ve resulted to calling her now).
-You had a good term?
-Yeah pretty good. I said.
-You have everything you need?
-Common then, Percy and Grover are in the car. She said. I followed her to the Prius. Grover was in shotgun and I sat down next to Percy in the back.
-Hi. I said.
-Hey. Percy said.
-Hello. Grover said. Percy squeezed my hand as I buckled my seatbelt.
-How’s it been for you guys? I said squeezing his back as Sally started the car.
-Quiet. Grover said.
-Nearly got ripped to shreds even with the curse yesterday, but it’s all good. Percy said.
-What happened? I asked a little worried.
-Hellhound attack.
-There’ve been stampedes near Nevada, I heard from Hedge. Grover said.
-Nothing much. I got rid of it in a very odd incident with an American girl doll, don’t worry. Percy said.
-Sorry, I sort-of have been because of the silence thing. I said.
-Oh… Yeah. Grover said.
-We’ll figure it out at Camp. Percy said.
-I bet we will. Was the last thing I said in the dream before waking up and bolting up straight.
No! We will figure it out. Gods, we were supposed to spend that winter break together, this summer too. We were supposed to go on some quest to figure it out like we always end up doing, but together… Not with him at the other end of the country!
I ran my hand through my hair. Who was sending me the dream? Didn’t they know it was already bad enough as it is?
Stupid, that’s probably the point. I thought. I put my head to the pillow. Might as well go back to sleep. What if more dreams came?
I looked over at Reagan’s empty bed and got chills. All her stuff had been moved; brought back to her family. Had Gaia and Khione ever gotten chills like that? No. And that’s why they were doing the whole damn thing.
Because they’d never had to be apart from the one they loved for this long so suddenly- Gaia’d even been the one to organise hers off. Because they’d never had to drive into New York, and have to announce to a mortal man why you were the one meeting them in a café and not his fiancé. And even worst, that you didn’t know who had killed her and how it had happened inside camp’s borders. She’d never had to walk back a man in tears to his apartment without knowing what to say or do; because their own eyes were stinging all over again- with tears that they didn’t think they had left in them.
I passed a hand through my hair.
Gods this is a mess… I thought putting my head to my pillow.

I saw Percy. There was snow on the ground, so he couldn’t be in ‘Frisco. But he stood in a forest and a girl had her arms around his neck. A girl… Oh no… What if there was the same problem as Jason and Piper here?
-Thanks. She said.
-No problem. He answered.
-You’re a nice guy. You don’t deserve to have your memory all whipped and junk. She said.
I woke up again.
Thank you for what? What had he done? Why was he hugging a girl alone in a forest? What if she was better for him?
I got worried and didn’t even think of trying to sleep, my brain was already active.
Who was she?
First thing first, Percy was alive. But there was still snow on the ground, and from what she’d said his memory was still whipped. That was probably last December. 6 months. A lot could change in 6 months. A lot could… Oh man…
-Don’t you forget about me, Jackson. I whispered.
-He hasn’t. A voice said. I turned around, my hand raised with my knife in it (a lot of demigods sleep with weapons in their bunks, at arm’s reach- don’t judge too fast). The door was slightly opened, the voice was coming from outside. I swung my legs out of the bunk and into my sneakers and went outside to have a look. Someone was sitting back to me near the hearth. Someone young, 9 at the-
-Hestia. I said. She turned to look at me.
-From the moment he remembered you he thought about you. He thought of deserting the City to come back. He worries about you. She said.
-Is he still alive then?
-I am not permitted to say.
-You aren’t permitted to be here either. I said.
-This I can absolutely not say. She said.
-He’s dead isn’t he? I said with horror.
-You know the saying. Don’t count a demigod dead until you see a body, but don’t count him alive if you haven’t seen it either.
-You’re not answering my question.
-The truth is delicate. Knowing it can throw us off course.
-If he’s dead or alive I’m still going to the City. I said.
-But it wouldn’t be with the same intentions or with the same heart. She got up and I knew she was leaving. I caught her arm.
-If he’s alive, keep him that way. If he’s dead, pay his passage for me. I said. Hestia looked me in the eye.
-I will. She said.
And I didn’t know if it meant Hestia would lose a drachma, or a lot of her time.
last edited over a year ago

The writting gods love me!   HA!!!!  On Saturday I compiled every possible document that m
over a year ago redhawks said…
OMG! That was amzing. I love it. I agree 100% with Lightning. You WILL excel in your writting career.(if you so choose to do so) I you have talent behond(scrwed that up)anything I have seen. It's abosulty incrediable.

This chapter was.....well......Wow. I love Annabeth's friends. They are hilarious. I lvoe them. And can't she tell her for god's sake!

Again, nice job. Lovin the chapter. Can't wait till you next masterpiece.(A.K.A.The next chapter.)
over a year ago monarogirl95 said…
Awsome but what would happen to percy if something happened to annabeth
over a year ago hayaku14 said…
Hahaha, Rosy and Dona crack me up
"Oh, feel the burn Rosy..." Damn funny. Hahahahaha.
As usual, you still fulfill my weekly dose of percy-ness. If not, I might explode waiting for October. (Sorry, btw, if this is spam)
over a year ago i_luv_percy said…
big smile
That was amazing
over a year ago crazypegesus980 said…
amazing awesome lost for words.
Here i am 17 and im crying over a beautiful story.
Love your plot.
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile

Q. Did Annabeth go back to her boarding school after winter vacation or stay at camp for the 6 months?
over a year ago Persephone16 said…
That was great! Sometimes my mind wanders at random times and i think of books then of the people in books and alot of the time Percy and Annabeth pop up. That's what the chapter was like, I loved it. God job!!
over a year ago GreekGeek97 said…
AMAZING!!! i only wish you could post more chapters at once...this is one of the only things i look forward to after school, besides being home.
over a year ago AlexJackson said…
Hmmm... Donna and Rosy r funny!!!!!!
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
haha I love Annabeths friends, and that was AMAZING!! at first i was confused i was WHAT PERCY BACK?? then she woke up and i was like NOOO!!
but still AMAZING!!