The Hunger Games Peeta or Gale?

runda99 posted on Oct 19, 2008 at 04:47PM

This should be interesting, as I myself am having an internal struggle between this. So clearly Peeta has fallen for Katniss, but she doesn't feel the same way... why? Well I think it is obvious that near the end of the book she admits to herself what she has been ignoring with excuses such as "hunting partner" and "competition" nonsense.. the fact that she loves Gale. And of course she says that he has no interest in them and it shocks her because all the girls want him... well that can mean one thing... THAT GALE LOVES HER TOO!

So I made it obvious that I am for the whole Gale-Katniss roller-coaster ride because they already get along so well and I think they need each other.. however I won't deny that I had softened up a lot toward Peeta when the competition of the Games got fierce. He truly seems to love her and he was honest about liking her all along... so where does this leave Katniss? What should she do?

I tend to change my mind a lot... and I still have until next September when Book II comes out, but for now I will take my stance, I am Team Gale.

The Hunger Games 833 replies

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over a year ago silver93 said…
I say we call Peeta+Katniss bread shipping since that's how their relationship started.
I think gale hates Peeta because he's jealous. He used to be the only man in katniss's life, the only one she could really rely on and now that territory is being taken over. Cavemen are very possessive you know.
over a year ago nicos-girl said…
over a year ago Ricshey said…
I love Peeta, and I feel so bad that Katniss dosen't love him back. But then I think of Gale like when he was saying goodbye to Katniss before the Hunger Games he said something like "Remember I..." And the he was dragged off any I think he was going to say I love you. Maybe not but it seems like a good chance to me. Anyways though I like Peeta I am Team Gale (:
over a year ago sparkle15601126 said…
I guess i like both but i definitely have to say Gale! Peeta is nice and sweet and everything but there's just something between Gale and Katniss. I love the book ive read it about a million times! (Plus i can't wait for the movie to come out!)
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
Wow. You sure showed us.
over a year ago she_chose_gale said…
Katniss chose gale not peeta!!!!!

TEAM GALE because frosting cakes is for sissies
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
Yet again, another eye opener.
Can I please see some facts, Gale fans? Maybe some more evidence that leads you to believe that Gale is "the one"? Because "frosting cakes is for sissies" and "all but 2 are Gale fans" is just not cutting it for me. If you think Gale is so amazing, show us, please.
over a year ago silver93 said…
This is why i don't want people to refer to the relationships as teams. Teams are for which guy the girl likes best, not who's best for the character. That's why there are people that say well I'm team Jacob for the movies, but Team Edward for the books. It's so stupid, they aren't real people, you can never actually be with them. And don't even compare Twilight to Hunger Games. Twilight lacks the depth and the writing style of The Hunger Games. Those books are just an easy read that are entertaining. The Hunger Games have substance, plot, and complex characters; they are on a completely different level.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
Who compared Twilight to The Hunger Games?
over a year ago silver93 said…
over a year ago GirlOnFire18 said…
I am Team Peeta all the way.
I love Gale, I really do but Peeta and Katniss were destined to be together like...I refuse to say Romeo and Juliet because that was the worst love story ever, like...Jace and Clary From the Mortal Instruments or Piper and Leo from Charmed. They are meant to be together. Nothing against Gale, I think he's awesome but Peeta and Katniss have to end up together. Sorry to anyone whose on Team Gale
over a year ago SocccerStar0307 said…
Okay, first Katniss doesn't ACTUALLY love Peeta. And she's only known him for what, six months? She's known Gale for FIVE YEARS! And plus, she's always thinking about Gale. It's obvious that she like him better.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Um she's known peeta her whole life too. and she's known him for a year, they have the hunger games every year. she's not always thinking about gale, she's always thinking about peeta. the only reason they never hung out was because they were in different social classes, and yet she payed attention to everything he did. like wresting and what he's able to carry. and if she's known gale for five years and peeta only one, then why is she not certain about gale? if anything she keeps turning him down. i feel bad for the guy he deserves to have someone too.
over a year ago shingkai said…
it's not a matter of how long you've known someone to fall in love with him, sure feelings grow over time but it may also change. yes, she's known gale for five years and i have no doubt that she loves him, for crying out loud he's her best friend, but i don't believe that it's a romantic kind of love. for peeta, they both shared experiences that even time can't compete with. peeta can give her all the comfort she needed that gale couldn't provide her, and because of this i'd say, their relationship will grow deeper and may lead to not only affection but love.
over a year ago sim0la said…
Okay i totally love both guys, i just wish she would pick one already. I mean they both are falling head over heals for her. She had to be with peeta to save her family, but now that there going to 13 who will she choose? Peeta or Gale? Will she go back for Peeta.

but do you know who i like the best FINNIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago tdafan121 said…
I'm on Team Gale totally. KatnissxGale is 4th on my list of World's Best Couples, with a few random couples from books, TV, and 3 from my fav show (Total Drama Island) up ahead. I have multiple ties for certain places on that list but we're not going to talk about that now, are we? Anyway, since I am strongly strongly against any form of "opposites attract", I think Katniss and Gale belong together. That one moment in Catching Fire, that was the best moment in the series so far. Not as touching as Rue's death (which is by far my least favorite moment considering Rue was my favorite character) and not quite as cliche as anything of "romance" between Katniss and Peeta in the 1st book. I think that KatnissxGale is a great couple and don't yell at me for it, I get enough of that from the DxC fantards on the TDI spot...
over a year ago bess39 said…
i totaly think she should go for peeta. this is like another series i red where this vamp fledjling girl has like 7 boyfriends to deal with.
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
@tdafan121: Why are you against any form of "opposites attract"? Certainly, it's not *always* true, but a good number of times it is. And anyway, if every couple in books/movies/TV had no differences, that would be boring (in my opinion).
over a year ago peetagirl4ever said…
I love Peeta. He's so sweet, he'll do anything for Katniss, and he sounds hot. I don't know that much about Gale but Katniss and Peeta have been through a lot together. I don't absolutley hate Gale. I just like Peeta better.
over a year ago wolfgirl13 said…
for team gale peole and peeta well for 1 thing peeta is sweet for giving himself up by trying to protect katniss and he loves her but she has never said once that he loves him and she might have only once but she did say tht she love gale and she even said:gale is mine im am his anything else is unthinkable. so i say in the last book she will choose galep.s TEAM GALE RULES!!!!sorry i could not help my self.
over a year ago PrimaRue said…
I think, and so does my sister(Prim fan), that Katniss does really need Gale. they are so much alike and really want each other.
she_chose_gale is totally correct about frosting cakes.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
@wolfgirl13: Yes, it is true that Katniss said she loves Gale. But she meant in a brother/friend way...she still isn't sure yet whether she loves him in a romantic way: "Of course, I love Gale. But what kind of love does she mean? What do *I* mean when I say I love Gale? I don't know" (CF, 125).

@PrimaRue and she_chose_gale: Ok, sure, play the cake-frosting card again. As if we haven't talked about it a million times before...
What I fail to see is, even if you automatically label anything to do with baking as "girly" (which is actually kinda sexist, I guess, but whatever), why that makes Peeta lesser than doesn't mean that he's still not a good person, or that he wouldn't be good for Katniss, or that he doesn't deserve her. The way I see it, Peeta's skills with baking are a sign of hard work. He took whatever his circumstances required of him and then worked at it until he excelled at it. Just like Gale and his hunting. He's just good at what he does; what's wrong with that?

And yes, PrimaRue, Katniss does need Gale--that much is obvious. But she needs Peeta, too. Remember that scene on the beach in CF?
"'No one really needs me,' he says, and there's no self-pity in his voice. It's true...I realize only one person will be damaged beyond repair if Peeta dies. Me.
'I do,' I say. 'I need you'" (CF, 352).
over a year ago PrimaRue said…
Prim here.

To <dazzledpixie>, my sister (aka Rue) was (I hope) joking about the frosting cakes thing. But I agree with her mostly. Besides, what on earth do you mean when you say that Katniss only loves Gale in a "brother/friend" way? You told my sister Rue to read Catching Fire again, but I think it's you who needs to remember more about the books! Remember the scene in CF when Katniss is sitting by Gale after his whipping! "Gale is mine. I am his. Anything else is unthinkable. Why did it take him being whipped withen an inch of his life to see it?" You think this means she prefers Peeta and thinks of Gale as a brother? Really?

To <sparkle15601126>, I agree completely. Except, don't you think that the movie will be all wrong? I've yet to see any movie that is even a quarter as good as the book it is based on.

To <tda121>, I agree with everything but your aversion to the theory "opposites attract." I actually agree with <dazzledpixie> on this one. The theory "opposites attract" often gives you a more interesting and balanced relationship, in real life as well as in books and movies. I do hope that Katniss won't end up with Peeta though. He's not right for her, in my opinion.

To <Primarue>, Rue, stop the sissy jokes, would you! It's not nice, little sister. Could you please tell me how to get the emoticons up?
Never mind I got it.

Sorry for writing so much!

over a year ago MerlinFanATL said…
I enjoyed reading these last few posts because I find it very interesting, what you all are having to say. I agree with Silver93 on the Twilight thing- Twilight lacks depth, plot, deep characters, and really it lacks any good writing. HG is soo different, opposite in every way. However, I do find that team Peeta or team Gale is an easy way to reference between the two, but since I really liked what Silver93 had to say, I won't, just out of respect.
I have to say that I am for Peeta. She and Gale definitely had a spark, but they needed eachother to simply survive, they needed the food that the other provided- wouldn't you love someone who helped you to feed your starving family? I would. But would you have some hot, romantic passion for this person just because of this? No, you can't make that stuff happen.
Peeta is completely in love with Katniss. Hasn't he proven to us that he will do whatever it takes- whether it's devising a risky plan to win sponsors or physically throw his life in harm's way- to ensure that katniss will return to D12? He has been completely selfless in his actions only to have his heart broken a couple of different times. Of course Katniss thinks of Gale alot. He is her best friend in the whole world, and has cared for her for many years. But Peeta was there for her when no one else was, comforting her in an impossible situation where every path led to death. Now, go ahead and try to tell me that if you were Katniss, and you were scared, about to die, and almost starving, that you wouldn't accept the invitation to curl up with a cute guy that is really the only friend you have in a death game? Okay, I would too. But after the physical ways that they manage to impress the viewers (you know, making out and stuff) I think Katniss starts to really love Peeta. He is a wonderful guy who has risked himself numerous times just because it would help her live. For crying out loud, he told the world he was her baby's father!!!
Lastly, what is so girly about baking? Can he help that he was born to a baker? He can't control his father's job, and since he can't, he has no choice but to apprentice in the same field. I mean, bake a cake, shoot a rabbit, it all puts food on the table so what is the difference?
Okay, I think i've rambled on long enough, but I would like to correct DAZZLEDPIXIE about when you said only one person would be damaged beyond repair at Peeta's death- it would actually be three- you, me, and Katniss too, wether you Gale ppl want to believe it or not!

btw- I'm putting the cake emoticon on here to show my support for Peeta! haha :)
over a year ago MerlinFanATL said…
big smile
PrimaRue, don't worry. Last I heard Suzanne Collins was personally writing and editing the screenplay which I hope will promise a more accurate and better film. I always feel reassured when the author is heavily involved in the preprocess and moviemaking.
over a year ago PrimaRue said…
Okay, this is Rue.
To <MerlinFanATL>, I agree about the movie but I think it is dumb to like Peeta because you like to bake!
If you read the book properly you would like Gale better!
To Prim
I wasn't joking 'bout sissies.
over a year ago kr4rue5iam said…
what the heck are you talking about primRue. Im srry but im trying to here you over and I dont get anything your saying except for that your a gale fan i think, and so am i. So Im not being mean just wondering exactly what your saying.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Katniss was in shock after Gale was whipped, she thought he was going to die. She felt guilty for not returning the same feelings he had for her and didn't want to feel like she betrayed him for being with Peeta. She wanted to preserve the relationship she had with him while he was still alive. Notice, that once Gale is okay, she pretends like what she said never happened. She doesn't tell Gale she loves him or that she wants to be with him, she goes on exactly how they were before he was whipped: trying to decide between preserving a friendship, or opening her heart to someone else and making herself vulnerable.
To "Prim" and "Rue" if your idea of a good argument for siding with Gale entails that Peeta is a sissy for baking, then you shouldn't even be considered in the debate. I'm not even going to bother arguing against it because it is an insubstantial point.
@dazzlepixie you rock as usual :)
@MerlinFanATL I know that it is a lot easier to refer to the relationships as Teams, but I just don't like what is associated with using the terms. And your post was well said by the way.
over a year ago PrimaRue said…
Naughty, naughty, Rue!
over a year ago hungergamesss said…
Peeta is so annoying. He cant take care of himself at all. Gale all the wayyyyyyy!
over a year ago PrimaRue said…
Prim here.
To <kr4rue5iam>, I think my sister Rue means that she thinks Peeta doesn't deserve Katniss and that he's a wimp. I kind of disagree with her, as he did survive the Games, but that was mostly because he was leaning on Katniss. My sister thinks that anyone who paid attention to the facts in the books, would like Gale better, but I really disagree with her on that because there are many different ways to interpret what Suzanne Collins provides, that's what makes her a good author.

To <silver93>, I don't think that Peeta is a sissy, and I don't think that my sister's arguement was a good one, but she made me share this account with her because she's not old enough to get one of her own yet, so there you go. I can't exactly control what she says when I'm not here. And as for your first paragraph in your response, Katniss does pretend that it didn't happen for a little while. But later, on page 185, it says, "Gale knows I chose him over Peeta when I didn't make a run for it." True, Suzanne Collins often gives contradicting evidence, and as I said earlier, that's what makes her a good author. But I think that this bit makes it clear who Katniss likes better.

To everyone, I am "Prim" and my little sister is "Rue." I am not pretending to be two different people. When the note is signed "Rue" then it's from my little sister. When it's signed "Prim" it's from me. If you look at our writing styles closely, you'll see they're quite different. I would like to not be mixed up with my sister, because her views are not mine, even though we both want Katniss to end up with Gale. Sorry for writing this much.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PrimaRue said…
This is "Prim" again. Sorry, I forgot to add something.

To <MerlinFanATL>, I'm sorry about what my sister said. That said, I bet you've already been consoled enough by <silver93>, who seems set out to hold a grudge against my sister and me. But really, I'm sorry and I won't let her do that again. And thanks for the tipoff about the movie. I might be willing to watch this one.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PrimaRue said…
"Prim" here.
Sorry, this is really off topic from the Peeta/Gale discussion, but I can't help putting this up here. I recently saw another website with a web discussion that was about who Katniss would end up with. It had the two most rational ideas (Peeta and Gale), one slightly odd idea (Cinna), one rather odd idea (Finnick), and one crazy idea (Haymitch). Cinna is a somewhat older than Katniss, don't you think? We already know that Finnick's sweetheat is Annie. He isn't likely. But Haymitch isn't even remotely possible! He's at least 25 years older than Katniss! Suzanne Collins even hinted that he had liked Maysilee Donner, Madge's aunt, who was in the Games with him!
Sorry about that. I just thought it waas ridiculous.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PrimaRue said…
What you said 'bout me is ridiculous because I HAVE MORE REASONS FOR THINKING GALE IS A BETTER CHOICE FOR KATNISS!
1.Gale is smarter
2.Gale is tougher
3.Peeta takes Katniss for granted
4.Gale could have any girl he wanted but he hasn't done it, he chose Katniss
5.It is just obvious Katniss really loves Gale
6.Remember how mad Katniss was when Peeta said he loved her?
7.Peeta can't take care of himself
8.Katniss gets along better with Gale
9.Even his mother had no faith for Peeta in the first games!
(Gale is more sensible too!)

you are completely correct about Peeta!
(he is an idiot, agreed?)

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pearlycat1 said…
katniss was going to sacrifice her life for peeta to live. if that's not love i don't know what is.
over a year ago Perspectives said…
Don't read unless you read Book 2:

So, we know she kinda decides on Gale, except she decides that she wants Peeta to live through the second Hunger Games, and she forgets winning to go live with Gale, and focuses on saving Peeta. She already knows she has feelings for Gale, but maybe she is not aware that she loves Peeta. Now, please kill me, but I'm going to make a comparasson...and its very similar. Twilight *shiver*. Bella loves Edward, but also, deep down, knows she loves Jacob.
Katniss knows she loves Gale, but deep down, she knows she loves Peeta too.

I'm personally Team Peeta.
over a year ago Perspectives said…
To <pearlycat1>
I couldn't agree more.

To <PrimaRue>

5. Is it just obvious she also loves Peeta
7. At no point does it show that Peeta can't take care of himself. In the first book ? When he's cut deeply in his leg to the point where he can't move, or do anything, except bury himself in the ground ?

I don't know why...I just think Peeta is better for her.
over a year ago pearlycat1 said…
thank you!
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
First off, welcome Perspectives!
Now, @PrimaRue
1. Gale is not smarter than Peeta. Let's just say, we call him a caveman for a reason.
2. Gale is tough, but I wouldn't say "tougher." Peeta went through The Hunger Games and lived, despite his useless leg. The pain of that alone was unbearable, but he managed. I mean, he not only managed, but never complained and tried his best to help Katniss. I think Gale has been known to be weaker than Peeta. The problems he has is that Katniss won't run away with him and loves Peeta. So, he allows himself to become an emotional wreck. He is always angry about something and is sometimes unable to control that. I think he is weaker because this makes him think irrationally. (Running away? That's his solution in a crisis? This also is a great example for #1)
3. There is so little evidence you can use to back this statement up that I'm not even going to bother. All I can say is, this is one reason I like Peeta. He appreciates Katniss so much. Quite the opposite of "taking her for granted."
4. True, Gale chose Katniss, but so did Peeta. Katniss describes Peeta as a looker, so he could have chosen someone else easily, but he didn't. Beside, it doesn't matter much what could have happened. What matters is what did happen.
5. No, it's not obvious. That's why I'm here, along with every other Peeta fan.
6. What exact part are you referring to, since he says he loves her several times?
7. Peeta is highly capable of taking care of himself. What makes you think he isn't?
8. Katniss gets along great with Peeta. The only reason that may lead you to believe she doesn't get along with him more than Gale is that Gale is the best friend that she has known for years, making it more normal to talk with him. Katniss is just not used to this new "romance" thing, so when she's with Peeta she feels new emotions that make her unsure at first. Even that is not a good enough argument, though, to say she doesn't get along with Peeta as well as Gale.
9. Are you suggesting that you like Peeta's crazy mother and agree with her? I'm not even going there.
10. Yes, and mockingjays can fly and Haymitch is a drunk. Now what does that have to do with the price of tea in Panem?
(11-Sensible) Yup, Peeta is, clearly, an insensible maniac. (Please refer back to the last few lines in #2)
By the way, if I were you, I would not want to try picking a fight with silver93.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
pearlycat1, Katniss was only going to give her life to peeta because haymitch chose her to live in the first games, not because she loved him, but because she wanted to have him had the advantages she had in the first games with people helping her to win.

I love both Peeta and Gale, so im sopporting both of them. Cause i hate people who go on and say "Well bla bla bla and that is why peeta/gale is better for katniss!" and not even no the accual facts...
over a year ago pearlycat1 said…
it say clearly in the book
"all i care about right now is keeping peeta alive" she actually cared.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
You don't decide to die for a person to be fair. That's a serious commitment to make for someone. She obviously had more reasons to make that decision-like love.
over a year ago silver93 said…
@reeseluvshg I don't know where your patience comes from, I almost started banging my head agaisnt the wall from PrimaRue's last comment.
To Prim I don't hold a grudge against anyone(I think you were the one that said that), I'm just tried of giving logical responses and having Gale fans respond with unintelligent responses such as baking is for sissys and Gale is the best because he has black hair. It's really not that difficult to form a reasonable response. Look at the Peeta fans, we do it all the time. I'm tempted to write one for Gale myself just to start a decent debate.
As for your account with your sister, just make another username using the same email. I'm not positive this site lets you do that, but I know a lot of sites do.

To Rue
This is why Haymitch and Katniss should be together over Gale:

1.Haymitch is smarter
2.Haymitch is tougher
3.Gale takes Katniss for granted
4.Haymitch could have helped any tribute he wanted, but he hasn't done it, until Katniss
5.It's just obvious Katniss loves Haymitch
6.Remember how upset Katniss was when Gale didn't want to take Haymitch if they ran away?
7.Gale can't take care of Katniss
8.Katniss and Haymitch understand each other
9.Even Katniss had no faith that Haymitch would help them in the Hunger Games, but he pulled it together for her.
(Haymitch is also more sensible)

@Perspectives it's not bad to make a comparison to Twilight,at least in the love department. Twilight is fun to read, it's just not a serious read;which is fine. Although, I don't think Katniss loves Gale the way she loves Edward. I think she loves Gale the way she loves Jacob as a friend. I'm not sure about Peeta though, but get what your saying about knowing deep down she loves Peeta.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
For every 10 vapid "Gale's Better" posts, there's at least one clever comeback that makes me laugh. Thus, my patience and the reason I keep coming back.
over a year ago ebethqnguyen said…
I'm totally going for The boy with the bread, FYI Peeta. Gale can move on and stuff, Peeta will and cannot leave Katniss and love someone else.
over a year ago ebethqnguyen said…
Peeta and Gale are so differet, but I think Katniss and Peeta is the best match. P.S I think Katniss and Haymitch DO NOT belong together. Are you crazy. Those to personalitys will crash together. Haymitch is like 40.
Peeta is better for Katniss because:
1.Gale doesn't understand the pain the Hunger Games left for her, because de didn't go with her, only Peeta.
2.Gale needs to chill out sometimes and Katniss and him will snap like crazy at each other. Plus, Katniss has to much to handle for that boy
3.Opposites attract.
4. Peeta understands what Katniss is going through.

over a year ago ebethqnguyen said…
And by the way who cares whose tougher. This is about Katniss's heart not,"Oh see he is moucho."
over a year ago silver93 said…
big smile
Oh I want Peeta and Katniss together, I was just having an immature moment and making fun of one of the Gale supporters. Which I know is wrong, but I had too much fun writing it to stop. I hope it didn't piss anyone off.
over a year ago ebethqnguyen said…
I like them both for Katniss. Sorry I don't want to be mean, but this is my side of the story. We don't know about Gale, so we can't say he is or wrong for Katniss. And by the way he did want to say he loved Katniss. Peeta and Katniss is just one big scam, he might or may not be right for Katniss
over a year ago PrimaRue said…
Hi, this is "Prim."

To <silver93>, not in your last post, but the one before that, you got "Rue" and me mixed up. I said both things that you responded to. And, sorry to correct you, but it sure seems as if you are holding a grudge against us. Remember,
@reeseluvshg I don't know where your patience comes from, I almost started banging my head against the wall at PrimaRue's last comment.
And, actually, I am not exactly of the opinion that reeseluvshg is patient. And now you are a Haymitch fan, hmm? Not saying much for your devotion to the Peeta team, hmm? May I remind you and everyone else, Haymitch is 25 years older thatn Katniss, he's a drunken idiot 3/4 of the time, and a careless idiot the rest.

last edited over a year ago