The Hunger Games Peeta or Gale?

runda99 posted on Oct 19, 2008 at 04:47PM

This should be interesting, as I myself am having an internal struggle between this. So clearly Peeta has fallen for Katniss, but she doesn't feel the same way... why? Well I think it is obvious that near the end of the book she admits to herself what she has been ignoring with excuses such as "hunting partner" and "competition" nonsense.. the fact that she loves Gale. And of course she says that he has no interest in them and it shocks her because all the girls want him... well that can mean one thing... THAT GALE LOVES HER TOO!

So I made it obvious that I am for the whole Gale-Katniss roller-coaster ride because they already get along so well and I think they need each other.. however I won't deny that I had softened up a lot toward Peeta when the competition of the Games got fierce. He truly seems to love her and he was honest about liking her all along... so where does this leave Katniss? What should she do?

I tend to change my mind a lot... and I still have until next September when Book II comes out, but for now I will take my stance, I am Team Gale.

The Hunger Games 833 replies

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over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
do you mean in the book or online?
over a year ago katniss68 said…
i am tottaly (spelled that wrong) with you! I honestly liked Gale too, but when i read the ending of CF, it got me all sad ish. BUt that doesnt change the fact that i still LOVE GALE!
over a year ago katniss68 said…
you just stole the words right out of my mouth funny1. lol
over a year ago katniss68 said…
I agree with you all the way! Go Gale!
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
most people for gale think peeta is annoying and wimpy
most people for peeta think gale is more like a brother than a boyfriend
could there be a reason to this madness?
over a year ago malpalrhoads said…
i love peeta but like you said what a baby but gale is just like my boy friend so i geuss gale, ps.but i still love the fact that peedas dad loved her mom aww. i am right
over a year ago malpalrhoads said…
how likes twilght more then the hunger games not i .twilght is ok and all but the moive made it look bad i hope the moive for hunger games does not do that.
that would be juist wrong lol
over a year ago malpalrhoads said…
who likes twilghit sry lol.
over a year ago malpalrhoads said…
i thank they both rock but i like gale more cuase he is like my boy friend
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
it depends what you ask yourself. "Who will Katniss choose?" or "Who would I choose?"
(of course either way for me is Peeta, but that's just my opinion.)
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
Gale is more reliable, and he and Katniss have known each other longer, and when I think about them what a;ways comes to mind is what she'd been thinking in Chapter 8 of CF - 'watching each other's backs, mutually counting on each other, desperate but no longer alone because we had found each other". And think about her and Peeta - she was always saving him from something.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
And, just a thought, although it's maybe a bit off-topic. Have you noticed what SC is doing? Every time after she has put one of the three characters /Gale, Katniss and Peeta/ in a dangerous situation, very soon after that she puts another of them in an even more dangerous one and the roles are reversed - the one who's been the savior, now must save someone. I mean, like in THG first Katniss saved Peeta when she found him, and then he was the one who had to look after her. In CF, she /and ger family/ saved Gale, in the end he saved her family. It seems to me that there is a strange scheme here... and I don't know why but I have the strong feeling that in the final book Katniss will again have to save - really save - someone... and I don't know why but I think it will be neiter Gale, nor Peeta.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
there could be something to it. i know SC will not make the thinkable happen. she is very good at creating unseen twists. twists that, when looked back on, we felt we should of seen, but didnt.

one of them cant just die for katniss to choose. i think she would have to come to an agreement with herself or she will always be wondering what could have been. after she decides, theres no telling what will happen.
over a year ago silver93 said…
i think peeta is more reliable than gale. your forgetting the whole time they were in the hunger games he was trying to save her. he was never trying to win. and i think gale wouldn't let katniss be with peeta he has too much pride he'd probably stop talking to her for awhile
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
Yes, I am sure that the end will not be quite what we've expected. You know, I read quite a lot /and my work is much about reading/ and usually I can predict what will happen in a book. But this time I am completely in the dark. But... I don't know why but I think that some characters we have overlooked in the first two books, will turn out to be really important in the final book.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
To silver93

More reliable in what way? No, I am not forgetting all that time they were in the Games, but they were saving each other. And yes, he was never trying to win... but he had never believed he could win.
As for Gale... yes, maybe you're right.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…

"i love peeta but, like you said, what a baby"
i never said that. i just claimed that most gale supporters think that.
i am team peeta.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
I don;'t know why but just now I cannot imagine this confrontation. At least not as a rivalry for a girl. Yes, I'm sure they will meet, but I think it will be in rather tragic circumstances.
And, speaking of circumstances, a bit off-topic: where did the final scene of CF take place? I didn't quite understand.
over a year ago colorfulssmile said…
i would say...gale. i like peeta too, but you know, i just feel that gale and katniss were MEANT to be together. i mean, gale saved katniss's family at the end of catching fire, and gale knows katniss a long time and...well, that's my opinion. ♥
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GirlOnFire1709 said…
I am definitely "Team Peeta." He's gone through so much for Katniss and put himself in danger to protect her. he's done a lot for her and yeah Gale is her best friend but maybe that's all they're meant to be. We hardly know anything about Gale and yet you all think he's better. The reason people don't trust Peeta fully is because Katniss doesn't.. the books are entirely from her perspective so we're literally in her head. she doesn't fully trust him because she knows there's something there but doesn't want to admit it to herself because it's the same thing we're arguing about right now Gale or Peeta? The choice would kill anyone because they're so different and they both have their own pros and cons. Obviously I'm a Peeta fan and I believe Katniss should end up with him. They both understand each others' pains and can comfort each other in ways Gale will never understand because he never had to deal with being in the horrors of The Games. Peeta understands that they'll never have children because he (like Katniss) will make sure their children don't have to go through what they did. Gale would never fully understand Katniss after she went through The Games (twice) all this is my opinion of course but I'm definitely all for Peeta.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
To colorfulssmile:

I agree with you. For exactly the same reasons you mention.
over a year ago silver93 said…
newsflash people peeta would have done the same thing and saved katniss's family it's not that big a deal. i think peeta is more reliable emotionally i guess. it's easier for katniss to talk to him about certain things b/c they want the same things. with gale she has to worry about him wanting more from her than she can give him. he thinks to much like her to be able to see anything she may need that she doesn't know she does
over a year ago katnisswannabe said…
im am tataly team peeta!!!!! gale is just so ewww and i dont recall katniss haveing 2 steamy kisses with gale!!! TEAM PEETA!!!!!1
im am tataly team peeta!!!!! gale is just so ewww and i dont recall katniss haveing 2 steamy kisses w
over a year ago silver93 said…
sigh people need to stop posting their pics it's dangerous
over a year ago bubbly_making said…
peeta because he and katniss have been through the hunger games together and hes just so much nicer than gale
over a year ago GirlOnFire1709 said…
Silver93 I completely agree with you :)
over a year ago GirlOnFire1709 said…
and bubbly same for you
over a year ago MeteorShower said…
Wait a minute, I get how people say they instantly fell in love with Gale, but how? I mean....for me, Gale's just not mentioned often enough in the books for me to actually feel a connection with the character. Also, it's true that many people have said that Gale and Katniss have had that past friend relationship and that they should get together....but it's kinda like, we never even got a chance to see that connection. It only starts from the beginning of the book saying that they're already best friends.

So what I'm trying to get at is if the story's based on Katniss and Peeta's relationship growing and developing and the readers can clearly see that, shouldn't they be the canon couple? Or at least the story seems to be heading in that direction. It just doesn't make sense to me if the author builds up a tie between two characters and then suddenly ends it. I just find that it'd then be pretty much be a waste of time to build up that momentum between Katniss and Peeta.
over a year ago silver93 said…
well this just a guess, but a lot of who people want the main character to end up with his probably based on their preferences for blondes or brunettes. a lot of people view the main character as themselves and want the character to end up with who they like. i personally look at the story, but that's what i'm getting from a lot of the girls i've talked to about the book.
over a year ago CrAzY93 said…
I love Gale. I'm not sure why, there's just something about him. Peeta is okay, but I just like the Woodsy, outdoors type better! Sometimes I just think Peeta ahould die, not to be mean or anything, but it would make it so much easier!
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
big smile
To CrAzY93link
Hey! Welcome to the team!
over a year ago colorfulssmile said…
to CrAzY93 and athene_noctua:
I absolutely agree with both of you. Team Gale!
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
To MeteorShower. I agree entirely. The focus does stay on Peeta and Katniss for so long that them together seems more plausible.

To silver93- I agree that most girls are saying who they would rather be with rather then who katniss will end up choosing. However, I am more into brunettes even though I'm Team Peeta all the way. that's just my opinion, but I can see how this could influence someone's decision.
over a year ago maddy-la said…
I <3 G&K......I just love the idea of them together.....they just seam so very perfect.....
But I've also struggled with this because with P&Kthere is more passion........But I just really love Gale
over a year ago silver93 said…
i still think gale would be better off with madge. they would have a happier relationship being pushed by each other rather than settling for something gale is used to
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
big smile
More Katniss&Gale shippers? YAY!
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
To Jovi_may
Hey! I am glad to see you again! yes, it seems there are some new Gal supporters... but I see some new interesting ideas too.
over a year ago madelined said…
I love Peeta. I think that Gale is better for Katniss, but i would fall for peeta in no time flat. Hes just so...i dunno...selfless.
over a year ago willow14 said…
i love peeta and all, but i think gale is just better somehow i don't know why though
over a year ago wormadam19 said…
peeta is so awesome! gale is like...normal
i <3 peeta!
over a year ago silver93 said…
personally i think they're both pretty great and not as different as people think they are.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
Everyone describe who should/shouldn't (yes/no) be with Katniss and why in ONE word! Example:
It will be fun to see everyones general idea on each characters attributes.
over a year ago silver93 said…
big smile
sorry thats so simple its complicated. i feel like gale being with katniss would be similar to katniss being with haymitch, after all they all have that similar understanding going on between them. i'm sure gale would understand the same hints katniss got from haymitch.
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Katniss&Haymitch? Now there's a scary thought before I go to sleep.

Hey! I am glad to see you again! yes, it seems there are some new Gal supporters... but I see some new interesting ideas too.
Hey! Yeah sorry my time on here's been sketchy at best lately. Ooh there's new idea's? :'D
over a year ago hypergirl3312 said…
i am a total gale supporter and hell yea hes sexy o and rainechild yea that guy is probably gay.....haha
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
Sorry...I was Just trying to galvanize this topic a little. Any other ideas?
over a year ago silver93 said…
i just can't imagine katniss being happy being together with gale. i feel like she'd regret it and it would ruin their entire relationship.

as for katniss and haymitch, just imagine: katniss is upset about peeta so haymitch gives her some beer and they both get drunk. then staring longingly into each others eyes they do what they've always wanted...and strangle each other to death. if only peeta were there to tell katniss not to drink...sigh.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
Haha! Oh so true.
I hope in book 3 Haymitch meets someone because, let's face it, he REALLY needs a wife to keep him out of trouble. But he doesn't seem like the "marrying type"....So I don't know how that would work.
over a year ago silver93 said…
lmao he could marry katniss' mom. imagine the look on katniss' face at daddy haymitch
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
big smile
Aaaaa!!! That's too cruel even to suggest... I have a better suggestion, however: how about Haymitch and Effie? Can you imagine them as a married couple?