The Hunger Games Peeta or Gale?

runda99 posted on Oct 19, 2008 at 04:47PM

This should be interesting, as I myself am having an internal struggle between this. So clearly Peeta has fallen for Katniss, but she doesn't feel the same way... why? Well I think it is obvious that near the end of the book she admits to herself what she has been ignoring with excuses such as "hunting partner" and "competition" nonsense.. the fact that she loves Gale. And of course she says that he has no interest in them and it shocks her because all the girls want him... well that can mean one thing... THAT GALE LOVES HER TOO!

So I made it obvious that I am for the whole Gale-Katniss roller-coaster ride because they already get along so well and I think they need each other.. however I won't deny that I had softened up a lot toward Peeta when the competition of the Games got fierce. He truly seems to love her and he was honest about liking her all along... so where does this leave Katniss? What should she do?

I tend to change my mind a lot... and I still have until next September when Book II comes out, but for now I will take my stance, I am Team Gale.

The Hunger Games 833 replies

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over a year ago hungergames_fan said…
over a year ago blueberrybomb said…
Gaaaaaaaale :) I don't know, I mean, Peeta's nice, but there's just something about him. I can't quite put a finger on it, but there's definitely something. Maybe it's the lack of description of Peeta by the author that makes me so uneasy about their new found love. Gale, on the other hand, seems to be written about a ton more than Peeta. Seriously. Even in the middle of the arena where there lies Katniss's fate of either life or death, she manages to squeeze in thinking about Gale in between all those worries about staying alive. That tells me enough who she likes more :D But I could be wrong. I'm a total Gale fan though! :)
over a year ago Carsonrocks-deleted said…
i totally choose gale
over a year ago Carsonrocks-deleted said…
i think it's probably very confusing for her throughout the games but the when !!SPOILER!! gale kisses her she was even more confused so... GO GALE!!!!
over a year ago sargo96 said…
big smile
OMG does gale kiss her :) yaayy i luvv gale now peeta is ok omg gale :)
over a year ago hungergames339 said…
big smile
I think that either Peeta or Gale has to die. Because I COULD see Katniss choosing one or the other, but I think that would be too Disney-ish. I can't pick one! I love them both and I'm not on either team. But what I'm thinking (kind of hoping xD) will happen is that just as she's finally about to confess to HERSELF her love for one or the other, they'll commit some fancy noble act and die in the process. I would cry if that happened; I'm sure a ton of you guys would too. But I love when books are able to pull out that kind of emotion.
over a year ago hungergames339 said…
big smile
Team Peeta.
over a year ago jg456 said…
over a year ago msmith1994 said…
I just finished Catching Fire and I think Peeta will be with her. I like Gale as a character. He's strong willed, handsome, mysterious, pure hearted. But as far as Katniss and Gale, I don't see it. I think she views there's only one type of love, and the love she has for Gale is the love you share between lovers. But I think, as you see from how the second book turns out, that Katniss realizes that's not the only type of love. I feel the love she feels for Gale is a family 'I've grown up with you're my best friend type of love. But with Peeta it's deep inside. And the hunger to save him and be with him is something she needs. Gale will never understand Katniss's nightmares and can't ever comfort her the way Peeta does. I've always been team Peeta and now more than ever I am Team Peeta. Peeta will stand by her side in the end in my opinion. 'Cause as it's depicted in the 2nd book -Spoiler Warning- 'I realize the only person who will be damaged beyond repair if Peeta dies. Me.'. Sorry Gale Fans, but who doesn't just love bread?!
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over a year ago go_gale said…
well I'm starting to like bread less and less.I mean with Peeta love was all an act in books one and two. She wouldn't have even kept up the act in numger two if prestident snow hadn't threatened gale like that.
another point- would Katniss have risked her life for Peeta in number one if they hadn't been told they could play the games in pares?
i don't think so. She didn't care THAT much. Then afterwards there was so much tension between them untill Peeta sugested being just friends.And sure, Peeta is willing to risk his life for her and he does, and as far as we know Gale hasn't, but it dosen't mean he wouldn't if there was a need for it. i think that he would. now some people might think 'why didn't he go in for Peeta?' well Gale knows her better than that. he knew that all she wanted was for her loved ones to be safe, which means someone needs to give them food. He know her and will do what she wants MOST for her. He's not self centered enough to just save her by going into the games. now for a HUGE SPOILER!!!!- Peeta she's willing to keep just safe from hurt.willing to KILL him to get him out of tourture, but not break for it and run with him. ((She wouldn't run without Gale.)) She kept him alive because of what she thought she owed him from the first games, partly. Not just out of love.
I think that when she's with Gale she thinks more of how whe dosen't want to have children because of what could happen to them, and that is all that is blocking her from realy loving him. Why Dosen't she think that way around Peeta? because she knows she might end up having kids just to satisfy the Capitol. But if she thinks she might end up bringing down the capitol, what's to stop her from loving him then?
anywho, bread is good and all, but it just can't compeat with how dang kick but amazing Gale is. I am totaly team Gale!!!
over a year ago go_gale said…
hungergames399, you are so right. if one is still alive in the end it would just be to weard. poor collins. Peeta live the Gale fans hate her, Gale lives the peeta fans hate her.
over a year ago go_gale said…
but then again, she's only, like 16.
over a year ago AaronVincent said…
as far as the book one is concern, IM TEAM PEETA., Gale is a boring character in the first book.,
over a year ago radigan2010 said…
After reading the second book and going back through a couple times now, I;m still team peeta.
couple reasons that i'm sure don't have to be explained but what the hey:
he is always thinking of katniss, which is a weakness, but love CAN be a weakness.
he was never pretending, so he loved katniss since she was 5.
he BAKES and he PAINTS! yummy. =)
he's willing to do whatever for katniss, even if it's not the smartest decision (like running away), he's still willing to do whatever to be with her.

don't get me wrong, i really really like gale, but i LOVE peeta. =D
over a year ago mariaroxx said…
i would want her 2 love gale first of all its more romantic and he seems better 4 her idk y
over a year ago mariaroxx said…
yea peeta should die or gale but that would be really sad... peeta could die and katniss could love gale... but gale could die and katniss would be all sad... either of them would be a good ending but i like gale way better
over a year ago Arielka said…
Team Peeta!!! He loves Katniss soo sooo much!! oh my gosh!! So cute
over a year ago onetruelove said…
I myself am very torn between Gale and Peeta. Let's work it out:
Gale: Tall, dark, handsome. Her best friend since she was young. He's always been there for her and helped her survive. He looked out for her family, shared his game with her, helped teach her how to hunt, has been a constant protector, provider, and confidant to her. He is strong, wise, hardworking, determined, and stubborn at times. He would make a good husband for Katniss because he is trustworthy, loyal, and a constant friend with a long history with her.
Peeta: Peeta is kind, generous, self-sacrificing, loving, compassionate, gentle, charismatic, has a way with words, is a good leader, has lots of skills like painting, baking and camouflage. He doesn't have a long history with Katniss like Gale does, but he did do an act of kindness in her childhood that Katniss has always felt that she could never repay. Katniss and Peeta have been through a lot in the games, protecting each other, looking out for each other, and placing their lives on the line for each other. Peeta would be a good husband for Katniss because he is encouraging, cheers her up, comforts her, is affectionate and sweet to her, truly loves her, and would die for her.

Let's face it: I love them both and I can't choose. I'm simply desperate to find out who Suzanne Collins is going to make Katniss marry. Maybe she'll choose neither one! The way I see it, whoever she marries, she will have one heck of a good friend by her side in addition to an amazing husband!
over a year ago JESSICAXO said…
NO! NO! NO! It's so obvious that yes she has feelings for gale and he has feelings for her but the feelings between her and peeta can't be ignored! they are the star crossed lovers! she denys what she feels for peeta but was willing to give her life for his. she's kissed both peeta and gale and only with peeta does she get that feeling of wanting more TWICE. she loves peeta and is meant to be w him! gale should have died in the catching fire book!!!!!
over a year ago Euri said…
Ok, so my sister and her friend found these Hunger Games shirts in Zazzle and this shirt explains perfectly what I feel about Gale vs. Peeta :)
(Except I don't really care who she picks in the end)
last edited over a year ago
Ok, so my sister and her friend found these Hunger Games shirts in Zazzle and this shirt explains per
over a year ago Bri975312468 said…
Definitely am loving Gale. Gale obviously cares about Katniss but doesn't try to pressure her in the way Peeta does. I think Peeta tries to "casually" mention how much he cares about Katniss, but really it just seems to make her feel guilty.

Gale would do anything for Katniss, and so would Peeta, but honestly, who do you think would win in a fight to defend Katniss?

SPOILER!!!!!!!!! Katniss does admit that she loves Gale in CF. Not sure what page, but she says something along the lines of: "I am his, and he is mine."

I dunno, Peeta just kinda irritates me sometimes, but there's just something appealing about Gale that I really love.
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over a year ago viddy92 said…
i know everyone likes gale and all but i don't see how anyone can actually decide between the two. Both have been so good to katniss and both love her. and besides. i'm half expecting (and sorta hoping, i guess) that in the third book, katniss is going to turn around and realise she's in love with peeta...=]
over a year ago viddy92 said…
oh and i just read the previous posts:
susan collins can NOT kill ETIHER of the guys...even though it seems like the only way to go. If she did, i'd probably go into depression. :D
over a year ago lizzyk97 said…
I am SO on team Gale. I just dont like peeta for some reason. I don't know how to expain it, but gale is just right for katniss, and peeta is... not. like in twilight, peeta and edward are too protective, like when gale was being whipped, peeta wanted katniss to leave. and gale did not hesitate to tell katniss about district 12, because she needed to know, not to be protected. Peeta would have never told her. He would have wanted her to feel good, even if it was not the best for her. I hope the capital keeps peeta, and he never returns. GO TEAM GALE!!!
over a year ago just2bme808 said…
Team Gale. Some spoilers.

Yes, Peeta is in love with Katniss but what has he really done for her? He kept her alive by giving her burnt bread ONCE, but Gale has always provided for her, helped her hunt, and looked after her. In the games, Peeta burdened her by telling everyone he was in love with her (an angle to save himself, even though its true) and because he can't fight for beans. Meanwhile, Gale took care of her family. In Catching Fire, it made my heart drop when Gale told her that he loved her. And when she kissed Gale while he was "unconscious" (it seems like he was faking it for a little bit because he woke up right after she did it) it wasn't forced like she had been with Peeta. Gale is everything Katniss needs, and Peeta is pretty useless when it comes to survival.

But sadly, I feel that Suzanne Collins is going to have Katniss end up with Peeta D: I hope he dies in the next book. When Finick isn't around so that he can't revive him.
over a year ago Kiitty said…
I think she should pick Peeta I mean her and Gale r 2 much alike and they're best friends so if they do get together and the for some reason break-up then thier friendship is left in an akward position and they may wind up not being friends again. So my choice is...

PEETA ALL THE WAY!!!! Maybe they add another girl in for Gale in the third book.
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over a year ago Bobaloo said…
if katniss ends up with gale peeta should go with madge
over a year ago twiheart224 said…
PEETA!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are soooooo perfect for each other!!!!!!!!! i like Gale but i think Katniss does not go with him!!!
over a year ago Endernova said…
I like the whole katniss and Peeta thing...I don't really care much for Gale
over a year ago katnissbff said…
idk! some times peeta can be so nice but then you wonder if hes acting or if its real witch annoys me .
But sometimes i wonder if gale has got somthing going on with madge.
over a year ago madi306 said…
I am totally for team peeta. All the sweet moments where you knew he meant what he was saying were so touching. And at the end of the 1st book Katniss was confused about what she felt towards Peeta, not that she was faking the whole time. I think that if she had felt more than just being best friends with Gale, she would have thought about him in a more romantic way. In Catching Fire, Katniss wants Peeta to live and doesn't care about herself. Peeta wants Katniss to live becaue he can't imagine a world without her. Katniss realizes that she feels the same way, and I think that shows she truly loves Peeta. Gale does love Katniss, but never showed those emotions towards her, as we all know Peeta has explained himself many times. In Catching Fire, Gale kisses Katniss and just says that he wanted to, and walked away. He doesn't show his emotions very well, and made the kiss seem like not a lot. I also think Peeta's different personality is a quality that Katniss is seaking. Katniss and Gale are too alike for there to be much of a future for them. I think that Peeta and Katniss are meant to be.

"The boy with the bread." <3

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over a year ago Sue11 said…
I'm definitely Team Peeta! Right from the beginning, he has always tried to help Katniss, protect her - the two loaves of bread, remember? When Katniss meets Gale for the first time in the woods, they are distrustful of each other and it takes them quite a while to become hunting partners, much less friends. Suzanne Collins is a great writer: she does not tend to fall into cliches: which is why we are caught up her story so much. I think Gale is just a "device", a sort of contrast for Peeta, who is not your typical, too handsome and too good to be true hero. Katniss is attracted to Gale - he is obviously handsome, admired by all the girls in the Seam, but if she really loved him in a romantic way, they had ample opportunity over the years to find this out. During the Games, Katniss says she feels "foolishly happy" when Peeta is telling her how he fell in love with her after she sang at school, but then remembers, confused, that this is all pretend. Of course Katniss is confused about her feelings: this is part of what keeps us interested in the story. I think the problem readers are having choosing Gale or Peeta is that Gale is presented as the typical, handsome, loner, self-sufficient male. Peeta is more human, has more flaws, but is very intelligent, very honourable, and totally willing to sacrifice himself for Katniss: we have no doubt at all that he loves her. Katniss is his main priority: Gale refuses to leave District 12: he chooses to stay and fight. Peeta is willing to leave with her, regardless. Too often, we have no value for things we do not need to fight for: Peeta hands his love over to Katniss without her ever having asked for it. In Catching Fire, in the beach scene at the end, I believe Katniss finally comes to the realization that she truly loves Peeta. She has come to value Peeta and his love for her. We have to stop accepting stereo-types of what a true hero should look like. (By the way, I think Peeta does well in terms of self-defense, for a boy who never had to weild a knife in his life except to frost a cake!) I bet he manages to escape the Capitol on his own, using his wits and personal appeal. Go, Peeta!
over a year ago dionicio123 said…

It's obvious that he's the one that she wants. I mean she would wake up from a nightmare looking for his embrace. That's enough to convince me. From book 1 I wanted her and Peeta and really didn't like Gale too much. But as of now, since I read book 2, I hate Gale. I think Gale is the burden to Katniss rather than Peeta. Sure Gale is more athletic and all, but I look at him as a burden because he is the only thing keeping her from loving Peeta. The only reason she didn't want to go through with the wedding was because she didn't want Gale to feel bad. NOT BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO SPEND THE REST OF HER LIFE WITH HIM.

Since book 1....Peeta+Katniss=Perfection.
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over a year ago TheSeam192 said…
people keep on going on about how gale missed his chance and at least peeta was brave enough to tell her how he feel, but tbh he only said it cos their lives depended on it, he had just as much time as gale to say how he felt.
reality is, if it werent for the games peeta never would have said anything.,
and maybe gale didnt tell her because he didnt realise? and how would it make a difference, katniss still wouldnt want children.
i love them booth but i just think gale is more right for her.
over a year ago KatnissAndGale said…
At first, i was set on Katniss being wiith Peeta, beacause in the 1st book, we didn't know Gale well enough, but now, after reading book 2, i completely chose gale. I LOVE GALE!! I think even though some people say he was mean to Katniss at the part after peeta and katniss got engaged, that was just because he loves her, and was mad. But he is so sweet, and even though he could be stubborn, he would risk so much for katniss and i loved it when he kissed her in the woods. i really like the part where it goes, gale is mine. i am his. anything else is unthinkable. He is also good looking which is a plus, and he really truly loves her, just unlike peeta doesn't pressure her to love him back. I hope she ends up with him in book 3!!! Can't wait for book 3! I will cry if Gale dooesn't survive! GALE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago anasoto96 said…
I <3 Peeta!!!!!!
L0l, but really come on he is sooooooo sweet and kind to Katniss and really proves his love alllll of the time. As for Gale i think its a total waist of time!! We know nothing about him and from what we do know he seems to have a major adittude problem. Oh ya and almost ALL of Panem thinks he is her cousin.EWWWWWWW i would die. Anyway i still think Katniss should like Peeta!!!! Peeta is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
I'm a huge Peeta fan :)

I love Gale, too, though. He's so loyal and a fierce friend. And he also cares about his family a lot.
But I love Peeta even more because he's such a soft, sweet, person. People have been saying he's a wimp, but I don't think so. He's just not a "tough guy" like Gale. Both Katniss and Gale have had to be the breadwinners for their families for years, so that has hardened them a lot.
But Peeta is a softer person. I was really touched when you found out about the story of the bread. He's such a sweet person. In the first book he seems different though, when he said stuff like, "Come to finish me off, sweetheart?" Sort of sarcastic humor. But in the CF he didn't do that at all. He was just pure sweetness. :) I wonder if finding out that Katniss was pretending in book 1 made him change. I love him both ways, but he's so sweet in CF it makes me melt :)

Catching Fire reminds me a lot of New Moon from the Twilight series. In book 1, Jacob is only there as a friend, but in book 2 he comes out with his feelings for Bella, just like Gale. Peeta's love was out there in book 1, like Edward, and now in book 2 the conflict of a love triangle arises and now Katniss has to choose Peeta or Gale.
I think Katniss could be truly happy with either of them; Gale is her best friend and they both have feelings for each other. They have a lot in common; they provide for their family, they have a lot of the same values. So I think they could work.

But since Peeta's in the picture now Katniss has this deep internal struggle because she loves *both of them*. There are moments in TGH and CF where you can tell she has feelings for them both. But she has to choose; she can't have both. I don't think she could choose one and still be friends with the other. I think in the next book either one of them dies or falls in love with another girl. If she chooses Gale, I think Peeta would have to die because I don't think he'll ever fall for another girl. He's loved Katniss since he was 5!! (awwwww!) But if she chooses Peeta I can definitely see Gale falling for someone else, maybe Madge, and they could still be friends (yes...just like twilight...)

I honestly think she will pick Peeta, though. I'm not just saying that because I love Peeta (which I do!!). I just can't imagine suzanne killing him off. And in CF I definitely see Katniss falling for Peeta. When he gives Rue's and Thresh's families the money, she thinks "Haymitch said I could do a lot worse than Peeta. But at that moment, it was impossible to think of how I could do any better. So when I rise up on tiptoe to kiss him, it doesn't feel forced at all." :)) ♥ also she always wants him there when she has nightmares. and when they're keeping watch on the beach and Peeta basically says "I know you're probably gonna choose Gale, but that's OK. I just want you to be happy" and then she kisses him to interrupt him, she definitely felt something there. And when she wakes up the morning after that the says "I have a moment of delicious happiness that is somehow connected to Peeta" :)))

So I think Peeta will win. At least, I'm hoping. Peeta is the best ♥
Forget Edward, Peeta takes the cake ;)
the boy with the bread ♥ team peeta forever
over a year ago anasoto96 said…
PETTA SUPPORTER!!!!!!!! i really really really really really really hope katniss and peeta end up together cuz i really dont like gale but love peeta
over a year ago mockingjay said…
gale gale gale gale gale gale gale gale
over a year ago KatnissAndGale said…
she doesnt actually like peeta though!! she kissed him because she didnt want to hear him go on about how no one needs him. i just find peeta annoying now, and i hope katniss breaks his heart. (sorry) i know it sounds mean but her and gale are meant for eachother!! you can tell by when gale is hurt and that scene in the kitchen... also, she says "gale is mine. i am his. anything else is unthinkable." peeta is just getting in the way of it :( go gale!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago KatnissHopefull said…
I was reading through the first posts....what's with all the Gale supporters?? Are we Peeta fans few and far between now?? lol. I'm all for Katniss x Peeta!!
over a year ago Jenzy said…
I'm definitely Team Peeta!
I like Gale fine as a character, but he just doesn't cut it as a love interest for me. He is too.. safe. It's the easy option as everyone expects Katniss to marry him.
Do i believe she loves him? Sure. But you can see the difference between how she feels about him (Which to me, is more in a best friend way than anything else she thinks she may feel) and the way she feels about Peeta (Which was very evident in CF, how she felt with that kiss which she had only felt once before, in the games the previous year... and more clearly the fact that she realized that if he died, she would be inrepairable)
They were willing to die for each other, they are both stubborn. Peeta would risk everything so that she could give, he would lay down his life for her.. because without her, his life isn't worth living. He loves her so much.. and she is beginning to realize her feelings for him.
I think by each book, the bond between them become larger and stronger..and you see a growth. Between putting on a show for the cameras, to it being real.. even though it was always real for him.
And the fact that only he can calm her nightmares down, and vice versa. How just being near each other, touching one another.. is like a reprive. Seriously, how anyone can NOT want these two together is beyond me.

They may have been thrown together by circumstance, but it was more like fate. Showing them what they were missing all their lives.. and by being put in the games together, their relationship just grew and grew as time went on. Now, they can't imagine life without the other.
over a year ago team_peeta said…
Now all u Gale supporters (dont be mad i am just stating my opinion) I think u need to read the books again. Peeta has been in love with her since he was five! I think that is so sweet and he wouldnt even look at another girl from then on. He is not a "whiner" he just really cares about him. I think Katniss should end up with him because he really loves her. I think Gale should end up with someone else because (no offense) the guy doesnt seem right to me. There is just something not quite right about him. And I think that if Katniss would really think about who she is suppossed to be with then she will pick Peeta. I mean they went through the hunger games and suffered through that together. She and Gale can NEVER share that. Also, I liked my guy best friend ended up not working out between us and we have barely speaked to each other since. I wouldnt want that to happen to Katniss.

So Peeta all the way!!!!!
over a year ago team_peeta said…
crap...sry i meant he just really cares about HER.
over a year ago GaleForever said…
Gale 100%!!!!!!!!!!!! alot of you guys are saying they are "too much alike" but seriously, they are alike, and thats a good thing. they trust eachother wholeheartedly, and like KatnissAndGale (above) said, they were meant for eachother. their love is so deep and real. at the scene (Alone in the kitchen with Gale, I sit on Hazelle's stool holding his hand. After a while, my fingers find his face. I touch parts of him I have never had cause to touch before. His heavy, dark eyebrows, the curve of his cheek, the line of his nose, the hollow at the base of his neck. I trace the outline of stubble on his jaw and finally work my way to his lips. Soft and full, slightly chapped. His breath warms my chilled skin...Does everyone look younger asleep? then she goes on , then reverses there positions in her head and thinks, Gale is mine. I am his. Anything else is unthinkable.") awwww!!! how could you not want them to be together after that???
over a year ago GaleForever said…
oh also i forgot, another part that tells me they were meant tto be is the kiss in the begiining and gale says"i had to do that. at least once." and also gale doesnt care more about the rebellion then katniss. he wants the rebellion because he knows, otherwise there is no way hi and katniss can be together because she would be forced to be with him. gale rocks!!!! :D and i know this sounds mean, but i hope katniss just tells peeta in book 3 that she likes gale, not him, and forgets about peeta. i find him annoying, and i hope to see alot more of gale in book 3 now that *spoiler* there is no district 12 and he won't have to work in the mines.... I CANT WAIT TILL BOOK 3!!!!! anyone know when it comes out? (srry i'll stop talking now, just felt like i had to let my feelings out) :-D
over a year ago TaylorLautnrROX said…
TOTALLY GALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm sorry im kinda hoping peeta dies, and katniss gets over it, and sticks true to gale. i find peeta annoying and i hope katniss finds that too in book 3. i hope they win the rebellion so her and gale can be together. gale is amazing!! why do you think theres no district 12?? he probably started a rebllion!! (for her) and she chose him over peeta. (yay!!) loved that part so much!! after gale had been whipped and she was at the table with him and kisses him and he wakes up, gale says, "hey catnip." (katniss) "hey gale". (Gale) "I thought you'd be gone by now." (katniss) my choices are simple. i can die like a quarry in the woods (with peeta blah) or i can die here beside gale. "nope. i'm staying right here and causing all kinds of trouble." (Gale) "Me too." THEY BELONG WITH EACHOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! re read the book again if you dont think so, and pay attention to the gale and katniss parts. theres something spevial between them and you will see if you really pay attention. they obviously love eachother, would do anythin to eachother and are devoted to eachother. I AM WITH GAlE ALL THE WAY♥
over a year ago KatnissAndGale said…
i re-read the Hunger Games and Catching Fire and i am still totally completely 100% TEAM GALE! i love the parts where katniss and Gale are together in the books. I hope to see a lot lot lot more of him in book 3 and a lot lot lot lot less of peeta in book 3. :)
over a year ago artsyenj said…
I haven't read the second book, but i know that there is more about gale in it. For me gale just seemed to get in the way of katniss and peeta because it seemed like as much as she wanted to love peeta, she was just worrying about what gale would think. She was thinking that peeta was just pretending, but he was really liking her from the beginning, he never lied, but she did. I think that peeta is really funny and sweet and knows just what to say (even if he is named after bread haha) he really cares a lot about katniss, more then gale seems to. Maybe gale just shows his feelings in a different way, but i think that peeta cares for her more. katniss was just using haymitch as an excuse to not have to share her true feelings at the end because thats like her biggest fear, but if she doesnt like showing her emotions and what she REALLY feels inside she shouldn't have had a hard time kissing peeta and stuff because she claimed she didnt like him, that proves that she really did love peeta haha i love peeta he is awesome and if i were katniss there would be no choice to make, peeta all the way!!!! I really like peeta, ive liked him since the very beginning, so im all for peeta because i dont really like gale, he was there for her as a kid, but now its time for them to grow up and move on, katniss can have peeta and gale can take his pick from a number of girls who like him haha GO PEETA!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TaylorLautnrROX said…