The Hunger Games Peeta or Gale?

runda99 posted on Oct 19, 2008 at 04:47PM

This should be interesting, as I myself am having an internal struggle between this. So clearly Peeta has fallen for Katniss, but she doesn't feel the same way... why? Well I think it is obvious that near the end of the book she admits to herself what she has been ignoring with excuses such as "hunting partner" and "competition" nonsense.. the fact that she loves Gale. And of course she says that he has no interest in them and it shocks her because all the girls want him... well that can mean one thing... THAT GALE LOVES HER TOO!

So I made it obvious that I am for the whole Gale-Katniss roller-coaster ride because they already get along so well and I think they need each other.. however I won't deny that I had softened up a lot toward Peeta when the competition of the Games got fierce. He truly seems to love her and he was honest about liking her all along... so where does this leave Katniss? What should she do?

I tend to change my mind a lot... and I still have until next September when Book II comes out, but for now I will take my stance, I am Team Gale.

The Hunger Games 833 replies

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Showing Replies 751-800 of 833

over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I was on more on Gale for the Hunger Games, Peeta seemed sneaky to me haha.
over a year ago THG123 said…
For some reason, I never doubted Peeta. I just couldn't believe he was set out to kill Katniss, something didn't make sense. Why would he kill the person he felt sorry for, and sacrificed bread for her and got a whip from his mother? I liked the scene when Peeta is explaining to Haymitch that Katniss is a really good Hunter.
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
I never doubted Peeta's integrity but Gale was always my fav :)
over a year ago silver93 said…
It was only at the very beginning before they started really talking that I wasn't sure. It wasn't like I was thinking he was good, but maybe bad. I was confused if he was going to kill Katniss since he seemed to like her.
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
he was kind of just the back ground in the first part of the actual games as kind of a mystery but after Rue died his intensions became more clear.
over a year ago silver93 said…
what are you talking about?
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
In the games at first to Katniss it was all about her own survival and occasionally wondering about Peeta's plot. But after he saved her life and after Rue died Katniss was more focussed on figuring him out and keeping him alive.....if that makes sense.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I think the whole time she was trying to figure him out. I even think she may have had a crush on him growing up, she just didn't know what it was. She payed a lot of attention to everything he did. Katniss is the type of person who worries about other people before herself.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
i agree with that. She payed attention and remembered every time something happened with Peeta. That must mean something
over a year ago silver93 said…
She even noticed little details. She didn't pay attention to just large things. She might have gone a little bit out of her way to find stuff out about him. Like his wrestling matches. I think she even knew his brothers were wrestlers. And then she also payed attention to him lifting heavy bag at the bakery(probably checking him out).
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Yeah, and how he knew little details about her. It was like they both knew each other.. but didn't? if that makes sense lol.
over a year ago THG123 said…
It makes sense...sort of. XD
It's sort of believable that she sort of had a crush on him. Katniss just didn't know what it was. Silver93, how do you always seem to notice these? I wish I could. I used the word "sort of" three times in this...just saying.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Haha I hate it when I reuse words. I'll actually go back and change them, even if I have to go on to find another word. I'm a dork like that. Are you talking about the Prim thing?
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
I think Katniss was really Analitic (which means very intouch to details and very observant)
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Well of course she was observant. Lol
And have you guys heard anything about this Sarah Spearmon girl?
over a year ago silver93 said…
No, but it's probably total crap since auditions haven't even started yet. I'm most definitaly going to go insane over the Katniss pick if Willa Holland or someone who looks like her doesn't get picked. I was depressed yesterday over who they picked to play Clary in the City Of Bones movie.
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
big smile
I'm like soooooo anxcious to find out the cast I'm like about to die! My cousin is actually 11 and I think is trying out for the role of Prim, well she might :) I'm so excited!
over a year ago THG123 said…
If Kaya plays Katniss, I'll commit suicide, there I said it! I just absolutely despise the thought of her as Katniss. In my opinion Willa or someone who looks like her should play Katniss. She's seriously the BEST I've seen. I'm so glad silver93 showed me her. The image below is how I see Katniss. It is Willa if anyone's confused.
If Kaya plays Katniss, I'll commit suicide, there I said it! I just absolutely despise the thought of
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
That's exactly how i saw katniss too, face structure, eyes and everything. She only needs darker hair and she would be PERFECT
over a year ago silver93 said…
I don't know how to get the word out! The only reason Kaya is being considered is because so many fans like her. How do we let the people making the movie know about Willa?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
And it wouldn't be awful if her hair wasn't completely black because her mom has blonde hair so it would be a little lighter than Gale's.
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
Wow! She has gray eyes too. No one get mad at me but I personally would pick Kaya because of appearence. Willa Holands not that bad though. But anything's better than Kristen Stewart being Katniss :)
over a year ago THG123 said…
I just CAN'T see her as Katniss, Kaya in my opinion, isn't all that pretty, she's average. And the reason the books don't say Katniss is pretty is because we're reading from her perspective. But Peeta and I think Gale, said she's beautiful multiple times throughout the series. I think Willa might be better.
spread the word, show people her pics and get them to turn towards Willa. I've already told all my friends and they think she's perfect for the role.
I just CAN'T see her as Katniss, Kaya in my opinion, isn't all that pretty, she's average. And the re
over a year ago silver93 said…
I have, but I feel like we need our own website. I'm just worried because I don't know how long they plan to look for a Katniss and I don't want to run out of time. Maybe we could start a facebook page.
over a year ago yazie20 said…
hmmm... i kinda like kaya for katniss better.
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
i don't understand how you like Kaya better, she just looks to.. city like? i guess. I just couldn't see her playing a a girl from the seam. Kaya is also British, so changing the accent would be difficult, and i think she looks to old too.
And a Facebook page sounds great to me.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
And, notice the makeup in the pictures, Willa defiantly looks more "naturally pretty" While Kaya is always full of makeup, so it would be odd. And Kaya is way to pale to be Katniss..
over a year ago THG123 said…

A facebook page isn't a bad idea, we can create one and spread the word. People involved in the movie will maybe notice the site and maybe just maybe, get Willa as Katniss. As long as it's not Kaya.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Yazie(uh i think that's ur name, I'm too lazy to go back and look, sorry) check out some of the other photos of Willa on the site, maybe that'll change your mind.
Would you guys be okay with making fake facebook names? All you have to do is make an email with google or yahoo or one of those sites and use it with the names. Sorry but I don't think it's a good idea to put my real facebook name up where anyone can see. You know, we're supposed to follow cyber safety and all that. You guys can use ur real ones if you want, but it's not really safe. Sorry, my mom has made me super paranoid. Just put the email address you want to use and we can friend each other and then make the group.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Alright, I'll give you my fake facebook as soon as I make it.
over a year ago yazie20 said…
i never said that willa was a bad katniss. i wouldnt mind if she got the part, but i didnt change my mind... sorry
over a year ago THG123 said…
Actually I can't so let's just forget about it.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Sorry I hope I didn't piss you off.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Wait, i'm a little confused. Facebook page or no?
over a year ago silver93 said…
I'd like to make one, but if I do I'll make it with a silver93 facebook account not my real one.
over a year ago THG123 said…
No it's just that, I went to this site where they were writing comments about Willa and some of them stated that her acting wasn't good. I don't know myself, because I've never seen her act. I don't know, even if she became Katniss, do you think she had it in her? Have you ever seen her act? I get a little paranoid on who should play Katniss, Willa definitely has the looks, does she have the acting ability? I'm going to do more research, and if I can prove them wrong we can make a facebook page. :)
over a year ago silver93 said…
I've seen her in like two movies and I think she plays her characters very realistically. She was also in this movie Genova, I haven't seen it, but it's gotten a lot of good reviews and people were mentioning how good Holland's performance was in it, even in bad reviews for it. The problem is, people love to hate.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Ok then, that's a relief. I don't want to be a bad sport but I have to go to Dubai with my parents. I'm going on the plane tomorrow, and of course, there probably is no internet connection where I'm going to stay. I promise I'll get back to this as soon as Christmas and New year are over. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
Lol it's cool, have fun. It's not like we're going to scream at you and tell you to stay so you can talk. Unless you want us to...?
over a year ago silver93 said…
I want
over a year ago silver93 said…
the 800th
over a year ago silver93 said…
post on
over a year ago silver93 said…
this forum
over a year ago silver93 said…
really really
over a year ago silver93 said…
really bad
over a year ago silver93 said…
I'd just
over a year ago silver93 said…
like to say
over a year ago silver93 said…
that I think
over a year ago silver93 said…
Peeta Mellark is one of the sweetest characters in the fictional world. He totally deserved Katniss. I'd also like to point out that I saw it coming from the beginning that they should be together. And Whoot! I got the 800th reply.