The Hunger Games Peeta or Gale?

runda99 posted on Oct 19, 2008 at 04:47PM

This should be interesting, as I myself am having an internal struggle between this. So clearly Peeta has fallen for Katniss, but she doesn't feel the same way... why? Well I think it is obvious that near the end of the book she admits to herself what she has been ignoring with excuses such as "hunting partner" and "competition" nonsense.. the fact that she loves Gale. And of course she says that he has no interest in them and it shocks her because all the girls want him... well that can mean one thing... THAT GALE LOVES HER TOO!

So I made it obvious that I am for the whole Gale-Katniss roller-coaster ride because they already get along so well and I think they need each other.. however I won't deny that I had softened up a lot toward Peeta when the competition of the Games got fierce. He truly seems to love her and he was honest about liking her all along... so where does this leave Katniss? What should she do?

I tend to change my mind a lot... and I still have until next September when Book II comes out, but for now I will take my stance, I am Team Gale.

The Hunger Games 833 replies

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over a year ago rhainewan said…
I'm in love with Peeta so i can't be in team Gale. but there is this notion though that although Peeta shows a lot of emotions, he may just be playing it because as we know, he's wonderful with words. as Katniss says, he's a whiz at getting people believe him and Peeta does prove that ability throughout the second book. but i guess, i just like guys who tell the whole world that he love me than wait for my death until he says that he does love me. anyway, these are Suzanne Collins characters and whatever she does with these characters, we should be prepared for the emotions that will come with it. i can't wait for the third book!
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
@KatnissAndGale: yeah that's true that she only kissed him to shut him up, but if you remember after she started kissing him she felt something--the same thing she felt in THG in the cave that one time--that "stirring" deep inside or whatever you want to call it. So wasn't an empty kiss. It was definitely something :)

and about the "Gale is mine. I am his. Anything else in unthinkable" line: yup, Katniss said that. BUT she has to keep reminding herself that she chose Gale. IIRC there's one part where she wakes up and wishes Peeta were there, but then she thinks, "Oh yeah, I'm not supposed to want Peeta anymore. I chose Gale. Whoops...I forgot!" So...needless to say, I don't think she's made her final choice yet.

heh, you rock Jenzy :D

in my english class we had to make a MySpace pg for a character in our book for a book report project thing, so I did Katniss and gale commented on her page and I used the exact same picture as your avatar for his userpic! :D

oh Peeta is definitely not pretending :)
over a year ago rhainewan said…
@dazzleepixie: i believe so :)
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
@rhainewan: Sorry I'm a little confused. :) You believe what? That Peeta's pretending that he loves Katniss? Awww, what makes you say that? I totally believe he's true through and through ♥
over a year ago Willowpaw said…
over a year ago Tianna9876 said…
well this is just my opinion but i think that it would be sort of interesting if gale and katniss got together evan though i love peeta!! and then peeta would like find another girlfriend and possibley katniss would get jelous of her
over a year ago xxesthermariexx said…
gale and katniss
over a year ago peetalover03 said…
k.....are you guys nuts????!!! TEAM PEETA ALL THE WAY!! he is so much better for katniss then gale...i dont hate gale...but he is the best friend....not the lover....besides he had 4 years and he missed peeta is so sweet and everything and it is totally ovious that katniss loves peeta aswell...i know that she says that she loves gale lots of times in catching fire...but still she goes and sleeps with peeta every night and kisses him all the time....i know some might say it is just for the cameras...but the cameras arent always around and when there not is when she shows her true feelings...btw....i think katniss should be with peeta and maybe gale with madge...but that is just me...TEAM PEETA!!
over a year ago Sagittarius_lyt said…
If Gale really loved her, why didn't he volunteer for the hunger games so that he could protect her and even be willing to die for her? He's not worthy for her.
He's not even there to fight for her!

While Peeta on the other hand, is always there for her. Yes, Katniss is always protecting Peeta from the Hunger Games but Peeta is always there to protect Katniss from the world, from her nightmares, from her worries. Even willing to die for her...

I think Katniss is just confused... She doesn't know love yet. She has confused love from companionship and comfort. There's nothing romantic between her and Gale... Not like when she's with Peeta. Read the novel again... You'll notice there's a growing spark between them (That's the love factor :) ) like when she's watching Peeta paint, The sunset, and their last days... Everything is perfect... the only missing is that she'll realize that she really love Peeta...
over a year ago peetarocks999 said…
i hope gale either dies or wins i just dont want him interfering with katniss' and peeta's life he is nosy and annoying.:)im team peeta (DUH!) and i will never change that in love w/ peeta as well.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago peetakatnissluv said…
O my gosh! I love you peetarocks999/ You're awesome and we both LOVE Peeta. He is great I agree. Love him.
over a year ago uptowngirl said…
over a year ago chair4eva said…
I loooovvee Peeta :)
seriously at frist I was all team Gale, it was cute and everything. But Peeta is amazing, and he genuinely loves Katniss. so yeah team Peeta.
over a year ago peetasgirl15 said…
To be honest i am a peeta girl aLL the wayy
just by the wayy that you can tell that he is deeply in luv with katniss. I dont lyk gale at all. At the beginning of bk 1 he told her that they could run away 2gether but if u think about it how will their families survive w/o them. Plus if the capitol found them they wuld be turnd in2 avoxes. So I just really dont likee gale.

@sagittarus_lyt u r so right that is what i thought was gonna happen @ the beginning of bk1 plus @ the end of bk1 peeta is deeply hurt wen he finds out it was all for the audience.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago happygirl206 said…
Peeta is the one who cares about her the most....
i hope Peeta and Katniss end up together...
are you listening suzanne?????
over a year ago happygirl206 said…

the majority of the people want peeta ;)
not insulting Gale.. i like him.. i guess
over a year ago jackie5starr said…
over a year ago abbeygel14 said…
Team Peeta! :)
over a year ago Casssiee said…
i think katniss should end up with peeta! i dont know why, i just dont think her and gale would be as good together, and they have been just friends for so long and if it changed now it might make it awkward. but peeta is soo so sweet to katniss and he really does love her. i had a real life situation where a guy really really liked me and did anything for me and was so sweet, and for some reason i didnt seem to feel the same way and even though i wanted to like him i just couldnt, and that crushed him, and i wouldnt want that happen to peeta, and it DOESNT have to happen to peeta! and if she did end up with peeta, her and gale have been friends for so long that he would still be around and still be there for her and be friends with her, but if she chose gale, i dont think that peeta could stand to be just friends from her and he would have to take himself out of her life completely and i would hate to see that. she just seems so comfortable around peeta and he really cares for her and they just suit each other really well :) i hope katniss and peeta end up together in the 3rd book! :D
over a year ago Casssiee said…
and wow my comment was longer then i thought hahaha.
but definitely katniss and peeta!
i hope in the 3rd book she fully realises that she loves peeta, it would be perfect :)
over a year ago peetarocks999 said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Galesgirl said…
That is a lot of Peeta fans out there. I am a team Gale girl, I do not know why. Peeta feels all wrong to me, I just think Katniss can relate better to Gale and that she secretly does love him. I am not at all saying I do not like Peeta, I do actually. I may just pity Gale too, he knows Katniss will soon have to marry Peeta under the capitols orders or whatever and I guess he knows he can not have her unless they risk their lives which they do really anyway by poaching but ANYWAY and I think if Katnis and Peeta get together he might be that, I forget the word but he might just leave and I do not think I could bear that. and to saggitarius_lty I think Gale had his reasons to not go up in the games because of their families, remember how he promised Katniss he would hunt for her family too? He also needs to consider his family, maybe he did it for the best for BOTH of them. He knew Katniss would want him to stay and hunt for his and her family. He does love her and I would rather marry my best friend, someone who really knows me and I can tell everything to. I think Gale WOULD do anything for Katniss but he also has to think logically about it, such as what I explained about him not going up to volenteer. Ya sure maybe he is not like Peets and as people say 'hot' but he loves her, not just as a lover but as a friend. And also those people saying that he had 4 years to say he loved her but he didn't, same as Peeta, he loved her for what 10 years? He never said anything. And also I think deep down that Katniss already knew that Gale loved her.
I do not hate Peeta, I like him to tell the truth, look I a 99% sure Suzanne will make sure Peeta and katniss fall in love. I feel bad for Gale and I know deep down that Peeta and Katniss will be together forever so peeta fans try not to lose hope u those who love gale think abut this wouldn't you rather marry your best friend?
over a year ago Galesgirl said…
sorry so long lol
over a year ago everdeen said…
i reckon if peeta is played by lucas till i will be in love by him
over a year ago maddie2014 said…
PEETA ! if you read the second book you'll fall in love for peeta and wish him for yourself ! he is truly amazing . But i still love gale . More peetaishh
over a year ago christy323 said…
i am team peeta i just adore him and katniss.i love it when thier together [yes sometmes peeta can be annyoin but i still love him]
even though katniss say its all for show deep down she loves him and its comin up.
over a year ago GALEisAWESOME said…
Gale+Katniss 4 ever! :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
over a year ago hannahleighem said…
I am personally Team Peeta. I feel that he was willing to die for the girl he loved, and that is so sweet. Alot of you are saying that we don't know Gale. Well, I feel that we are going to get to know him alot more in next book, because it is about Katniss trying to get to Peeta. I thing that there is going to be alot going to with the whole love thing. I think that there will be an internal struggle with Katniss.

For those of you who are Twilight fans, I compare this to New Moon. Only this is better and so is Jacob!
over a year ago bonni77 said…
i luv gale i feel peeta is trying to steel katniss away from gale
over a year ago toradora1017 said…
i truly agree with runda99. gale and katniss love each other, buy katniss also feels something towards peeta. the fact that katniss was jealous when madge gave the medicine for gale was proof.
over a year ago Xequanox said…
big smile
Peeta! Peeta! Peeta! I love Peeta! He is soo hot! But I kinda want Katniss to end up with Gale so I can have Peeta all to myself! No wait, scratch that, I see some of myself in Katniss though so she has to end up with Peeta!! If Katniss picks Gale, Peeta will be heartbroken! Who would want to see Peeta sad? Who? And besides, all the girls like Gale. He could get another girl in a second. Peeta would probably kill himself! Katniss has to pick Gale! If she doesn't, I'm going to write a VERY angry letter to Suzanne Collins and make her write another book and another one until one of three things happen:
1. Gale dies and Katniss picks Peeta
2. Nobody dies and Katniss dumps Gale for Peeta
3. Katniss becomes a player and has both Gale and Peeta!
Oh, yeah, one more:
4. Katniss chooses Gale but then they both die and Peeta ends up with Madge!(I like Madge)
over a year ago ImlaughingATM said…
At the first book I WAS Team peeta!! but i was interested with Gale i mean when they were on the train i was like was he going to say to Katniss that he loves her!!! but as i read the second book i'm TEAM GALE
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
Hi everybody, my name's Denny and I am from Bulgaria. I work as a translator and I've translated "The Hunger Games" and "Catching Fire". I LOVE the books! I've read them more times than I can count.
So, about the topic at hand: I totally think that Gale is the one for Katniss. First of all, they've been together through much more things that she and Peeta. Okay, Peeta had given her that loaf of bread when they were kids - but she and Gale have been mutually counting on each other for years. And, like somebody said, Peeta is too whiny and he tends to do whatever helps him to stay on the safe side. Katniss and Gale are rebels, while Peeta is not. Besides, she says herself: "In the woods waits the only person with whom I can be myself".And then, later, in "Catching Fire", shortle after Gale's whipping" "Gale is mine. I am his. Everything else is unthinkable".
And one last thing - I think that in a crucial situation where Katniss' life is in immediate dangerGale would be able to defend her better than Peeta.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
Hey...anybody here?!
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
And, reading Xequanox's theories, I would like to add another one: Gale dies, and Katniss doesn't choose neither Peeta, nor some other boy, she reamains alone.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
And why, on Earth, should Peeta end up with Madge?! Yeah, I like her, especially after what she did for Gale, but why do you think she and Peeta should get together? He has never mentioned her, in any way, for no reason.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
It seems that nobody writes here anymore...
over a year ago katniss_peeta said…
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
How good that there's a new comment here at last. And how bad that it is in a language I don't understand...
over a year ago foreverabby248 said…
i personally love gale!! i think katniss should pick gale because she and him got along better and they became friends the way normal people do, not trying to kill one another. both boys look seriously hot in my mind though i do picture gale with an 8 pack and peeta with nothing! good things about gale: he is hot, he can support katniss, katniss knew him longer, they understand each other, other people want him if u turn him down he'll be gone!,and throuh out the 1st book katniss wishes gale was with her, and he's not so loud in the forest his mother isn't a witch! good things about peeta: he can cook stuff, katniss and him both shared the hunger games and relate better, he loved her even before he really even new her, he sounds sorta lame

i'm rooting for gale but both of them sound good for Katniss.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
I don't remember if I mentioned this in some of my previous posts, so I'll do it now. One more reason why I think Gale is better for Katniss in the difference in the way he and Peeta love Katniss. Peeta loves her, no doubt, but in his love he becomes overprotective and he doesn't trust her that she can take care of herself. Gale knows her much better and he also loves her bout he trusts her that she knows what she's doung. And at the same time I am sure that in a crucial situation he will be able to really defend her. So, the difference between the two: Peeta is a protector. Gale is a defender.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
And. like someone in another forum said: Peeta is a boy, Gale is a man/
over a year ago Sufike20 said…
Team Peeta !
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
So glad to find another Gale supporter here...
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
And I'll be glad to find some more...
Skype: dennie171
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
I don't really know why but Peeta annoys me. I adore Gale to bits though, and think that what he and Katniss share runs deeper than anything she could ever achieve with Peeta.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
Peeta annoys me too, and I know why. He is too whiny, his attitude to Katniss is too protective, too caring, as if she cannot take care of herself. And besides, with him, while they were in the Games, I could never be sure if he was sincere or just acting for the cameras. And yes, I absolutely agree that Katniss shares a much deeper connection with Gale than she does with Peeta.
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
I get what your saying, that he doesn't have any faith in her abilities to save herself. Which is so wrong it's laughable. I agree, during the games I could just never tell if he was acting or not, which infuriated me about him. It seemed like he was playing head games and that ticked me off a little. Plus they way he was described, like a boy, it just didn't work for the whole 'star crossed lovers' thing. I think it just bugged me how he acted, I think. The thing with Gale is, she can read him, so she knows where they stand. I think if she ends up loosing Gale and/or being with Peeta it might ruin the whole dynamic of the story for me.
over a year ago radigan2010 said…
katniss and gale are friends. she feels a love like family type of love with him. peeta may not be the perfect guy for her, but they love each other. that's all that matters.