Lost Fans Thread

TmoVie_obsessed posted on Jun 07, 2009 at 07:58PM
Hello everybody! This is a thread for us wonderful Lost fans to talk about the show we all love or anything else we feel like and to just get to know each other better. So what's up everybody???

brucas4ever - Hannah
Clarise - Katrin
courtney7488- Courtney
Emm_xD- Emily
emzielouise- Emma
frsbg - Filipa
hamishblakefan- Bianca
hayley_pace - Hayley
iBaseCheergirl- Jana
kristine95 - Kristine/Ghost
-lostgirl- - Maria
sahour95- Sahar
sk91- Sylwia
tammy63 - Amy
TmoVie_obsessed - Margot
tuttleAC - Patrick
xDHmadx- Hayls

(if you want to be added to the list just message me and I'll add you.)


brucas4ever: 2
Clarise: 2
courtney7488: 18
Emm_xD: 8
hayley_pace: 1
iBaseCheergirl: 2
-lostgirl-: 25
sahour95: 5
sk91: 11
TmoVie_obsessed: 17
tuttleAC: 1
xDHmadx: 9
(page 101)
Hello everybody! This is a thread for us wonderful Lost fans to talk about the show we all love or an
last edited on Jan 16, 2010 at 08:36PM

Lost 2580 replies

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Showing Replies 601-650 of 2580

over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Hey Hayls! I'm still here! Yeah! fanpop was being horrible to me too earlier but it's all good now...
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…

over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Oh good!! :D *sighs* a man that reads ... and one as sexy as him ... what more could i girl ask for in a dharmage? LOL
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
hahaha! I know he's gorgeous right.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I got to go. My mom wants to take me and my brothers out to see a movie! Bye!!!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Sexiest man to walk this planet as far as i'm concerned!!
Sexiest man to walk this planet as far as i'm concerned!!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Ooh have fun! Bye! x
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Hey! Anyone still here?
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Hey babe! :D how are you? *hugs*
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
*hugs back* good, how are you?
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I'm okay thanks :) feeling rather oddly lost in thought tonight lol
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Lost in thought about what?
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I really have no idea ... everything? Life? hmm ... what's the word? Melancholy! Although ... perhaps not so sad ... bleugh! my head's all full of thoughts! i'm making no sense ...
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Oh, I see. I think I know how you feel... random thoughts all jumbled up in your head.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Kind of yeah ... it's like today i've felt like i'm standing so perfectly still in the middle of a really busy road ... and everything is just zooming past me at 100mph and i'm just ... there. Sometimes i get like this ... where i feel like screaming at the top of my lungs because i'm so sick of staying put in one place with the same routine ... i guess i just gotta get out and see the world ... try and find out who i really am ...

Good god i sound like a hallmark card!! Ignore me lol!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
It's OK! I've definitely experienced that feeling before. Like, you just have to do something different for once, else you'll go crazy.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Yeah! It's been getting more and more cause the end of college is coming and as soon as i'm done i'm going to work full time ... it's okay because working will pay for me to go traveling but i'm really thinking i'm gonna hate doing a job that's 9-5 same thing everyday ... but what i wanna do i just don't no ... i love acting, it's my passion but like that's ever gonna happen for me ... i love writing too ... but again, it'll never happen lol!

OH i laughed my ASS off at that Daniel video you posted earlier ... it was BRILLIANT haha
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
You could still write no matter what job you'll be working. You could write as a side job; if you're into journalism, you could become a freelance writer. You could also act in local community theatre or something.

Glad you enjoyed the video! Hope it brightened up your day!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Lmao it really did!!

Enough about me! What you been up to? :)
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Not much, been working lots, but I had the day off today! I've been watching episodes of Bones for the past couple of hours... I think I've found a new show to watch this summer! :-)

I so cannot wait for late August/September, when I go back to college. I've only been home for a couple of weeks now, but I'm already tired of living with my parents. Can't wait until I graduate next year and move out for good.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
OMG, I think the guy who played Tom on Lost is the lawyer in the episode of Bones that I'm currently watching!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Awwh is it good? I've never watched it before!! LOL i always freak out when i spot people from lost on other things haha! I only just spotted the other day that the "Sawyer" James shoots in Australia plays Thatcher Grey on Grey's Anatomy lol!!!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Yeah, it's really good! I never even thought about watching it before, and one day last week I caught some of it while flipping channels and now I can't stop watching lol. I've also seen a few episodes of House recently, and I saw the episode with Elizabeth Mitchell the other night! At first, I wasn't sure if it was her because she looked so different, but it was.

I also love CSI, and I cannot tell you how many Lost actors I've seen on there. I swear that at least half of them were involved in murders in Las Vegas before crashing onto that island lol.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
hahaha!! Oohh what does she look like?! I do love EM so much! Have you ever seen the film "taken" ? It has Shannon in and she has dark hair i was GOBSMACKED when i clocked it was her haha!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Never thought I'd say this about EM, but she looked HORRIBLE! Given that she was playing a sick patient, I suppose that's the look they were going for lol. She played a nun, and had this terrible looking wig (at least, I think it was a wig).

I have not seen Taken, but I've heard it was really good.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Ohymgod i've just yotubed it ... she plays a nun?! LMAO
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Awesome Dharmage picture!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
thanks! I made it myself lol!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
If you're still searching YouTube for that House video, it's from the episode "Damned If You Do."
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Ooh thanks hun :) Im gonna go now, gotta be up in like 6 hours ... bleugh! lol! Talk to you tomorrow (for me anyway lol) Bye! x
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Bye Hayls!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Anyone else here now?
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Yeah i am. What's up Courtney?
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
big smile
Not much. What's up with you, Margot?
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
nothing much. I'm really bored as always. Attempting to figure out photoshop...
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I've never used Photoshop, else I would help you. I am sooooo not good with computer graphics. What are you trying to create in Photoshop?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Well. I just figured out that I had it on my computer a few days ago so I'm really not good.
I'm just trying to make some icons. and I have all the basics down and i'm just trying to figure out the fancy stuff
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Sounds somewhat difficult- at least the fancy stuff does.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
yeah. and no matter how hard I try my stuff always looks really crappy! =(
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
It can't be that bad. Mine would probably be even worse than yours! Besides, you'll probably get better with practice.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
yeah. I hope I will be. I'm already getting pretty good at icons though! fan art is still a disaster. lol!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
lol, I'm sure fanart is far more difficult than icons! I give credit to people who can create that type of stuff and do it well.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I know!! I'm in awe of what some people can do! It's really amazing
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Yeah, same goes for the fanvideos. There are some really good ones out there! I had to create a video for a class once, and it was an absolute nightmare for me. It took weeks for my group members and me to create a 7 minute video that just consisted of PowerPoint slides- no music or anything.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I know! i took a videography class and my friend and I slaved over a video that was barely three minutes long. But we spent so long finding the perfect clips and making it fit! We were so tired of the song we were making it to by the end also, I still can't hear it without remembering that video. haha.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^What song was it?

Sorry I haven't been posting as much. I've been re-watching the pilot episode of Fringe (yay!), so I haven't been checking this page as much.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
It's called "Clap Your Hands" and it's really annoying now cause I've heard it so many times
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I just remembered I have to get up early tomorrow, so I'm gonna go to bed. Good night!
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Night Courtney!!!