Lost Fans Thread

TmoVie_obsessed posted on Jun 07, 2009 at 07:58PM
Hello everybody! This is a thread for us wonderful Lost fans to talk about the show we all love or anything else we feel like and to just get to know each other better. So what's up everybody???

brucas4ever - Hannah
Clarise - Katrin
courtney7488- Courtney
Emm_xD- Emily
emzielouise- Emma
frsbg - Filipa
hamishblakefan- Bianca
hayley_pace - Hayley
iBaseCheergirl- Jana
kristine95 - Kristine/Ghost
-lostgirl- - Maria
sahour95- Sahar
sk91- Sylwia
tammy63 - Amy
TmoVie_obsessed - Margot
tuttleAC - Patrick
xDHmadx- Hayls

(if you want to be added to the list just message me and I'll add you.)


brucas4ever: 2
Clarise: 2
courtney7488: 18
Emm_xD: 8
hayley_pace: 1
iBaseCheergirl: 2
-lostgirl-: 25
sahour95: 5
sk91: 11
TmoVie_obsessed: 17
tuttleAC: 1
xDHmadx: 9
(page 101)
Hello everybody! This is a thread for us wonderful Lost fans to talk about the show we all love or an
last edited on Jan 16, 2010 at 08:36PM

Lost 2580 replies

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Showing Replies 251-300 of 2580

over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Hi Margot! Not much here, what's up with you? Love the new Chuck Bass icon lol.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
big smile
nothing really. Playing around on my computer like I always do! Thanks!!! hahaha, do you watch Gossip Girl??
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I did. I watched the first season and about half of the second. I haven't seen any of the new episodes since February or March, I think. hmmm, maybe I should catch up sometime...
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Yeah it's raining here!!!!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
It rained here earlier today. We had a thunderstorm around 5 this morning.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
it's raining here with thunder and lightening and everything! I love it! rain is my favorite weather!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago emzielouise said…
hey guys anyone there to talk ? im Emma btw
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Hey Emma! I'm here, if you still are that is...
over a year ago sk91 said…
Hi Emma and Margot ! :D
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Hey Sylwia!! what's up??
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Hey Emma, Margot, and Sylwia!
over a year ago sk91 said…
nothing special... I'm little bored..
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Hey Courtney!
I'm bored too. I think I spend way too much time on fanpop!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sk91 said…
Hi Courtney!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I wish I could be bored... I gotta go into work again today.
over a year ago sk91 said…
I'm very sorry for you Courtney! ;p i have a break at school <5 days!> :D
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
That sucks Courtney. I'm so glad school is over so I don't have to do anything. But I feel so lazy cause all I do all day is come on here. =)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
big smile
But this is a great place to come to when you're bored!
over a year ago sk91 said…
big smile
lol.. courtney is right^^ Fanpop is great place ;p
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I know! how I ever lived without this place I don't know...
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Hey guys!
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Hey Emily!!! what's up with you??
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Hey Em!
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Hi Margot! Nothing much, I've been playing Sims 3 ALL day lol. Thought I'd take a break from it and come here :D You?
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Hi Courtney! Not spoken to you on here yet :)
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Nothing much. Just on here, like I always am...
i keep hearing people talking about the sims 3 and I really want it! I have Sims 2 but I haven't played it in like a year!
over a year ago sk91 said…
Hi Em :D
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
How is the Sims 3? I'm thinking about getting it.
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Do you guys think we should have that thing they have in other threads? Like in Leyton Lovers Thread, when someone gets the first comment on a new page (Like Margot just did) they have to say "winnage" - Should we have something like that, but Lost related? :D

Ah Margot, you really should get Sims 3! It's SO addictive!
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Hi Sylwia!

It's awesome, Courtney! VERY addictive though. You might have to quit your job LOL
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
oh yeah! Good idea Em! I've seen that on a few other threads too! but what lost related thing should it be.....
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I love the Sims! I'm so weird last summer I made a Lost town where I had all of the characters of Lost! it was amazing!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I used to play the Sims all the time (never played the Sims 2, though), so I know how addictive it can be! There was one time when I played it for 8 hours straight, and I'm not really into playing computer games!

What could our Lost-related thing be?
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
OMG! Lost + Sims = My heaven! I bet you loved it Margot lol!
Same with me Courtney... but Sims is just so different, it's the one computer game I love :)

Hmmmm I don't know what it could be. On The Friends Whatever, we say "Cperkage" when we get the first comment, so it has to have "age" on the end LOL
over a year ago sk91 said…
I used to play Sims too <both 1 & 2>, but Em could you tell me is there any big difference between 2 and 3 ?
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I loved the Lost sims I created so much! it was amazing. I spent like every day playing! My brother would laugh at me a lot.

Let's think. on the Ed Westwick thread we say Ed win and post an icon and on Supernatural it's a WINchester, but what lost thing would work!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Islandage? Islage? Otherage? haha, they're all kind of lame...

I've got to go now, but I'll be back later! Bye!
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Yeah Sylwia - The graphics are a hell of a lot better and you can do LOADS more stuff!
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
Bye Courtney!!!!!
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Bye Courtney!

I really don't know what we could have... But it has to be good because well, Lost is the best! lol
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
I know! this is Lost it must be epic! should it be lostie related or other related or time travel or dharma?? hmmm.....so many choices!
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Oooh that's a good idea! It could be something to do with Dharma!
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
But hold on... What's the one word that you think of when you think of Lost? That would help lol
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
yeah, but should it be like a Dharmage, with "age" at the end. or something else...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sk91 said…

lol! they're weird

When I think about Lost I think about mystery .. or Locke :/
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
I like Dharmage! We could use it for now, and then if someone thinks of something better we'll use that :)
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
As of right now when you first start a page it is a Dharmage! until we think of something else. If you do think of something and I'm not on the forum you can just message me and I'll change it!
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
should I count all the ones that have already happened before now?
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Yeah Margot! We should keep count :)
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
I don't think I've got one yet LOL