Lost Fans Thread

TmoVie_obsessed posted on Jun 07, 2009 at 07:58PM
Hello everybody! This is a thread for us wonderful Lost fans to talk about the show we all love or anything else we feel like and to just get to know each other better. So what's up everybody???

brucas4ever - Hannah
Clarise - Katrin
courtney7488- Courtney
Emm_xD- Emily
emzielouise- Emma
frsbg - Filipa
hamishblakefan- Bianca
hayley_pace - Hayley
iBaseCheergirl- Jana
kristine95 - Kristine/Ghost
-lostgirl- - Maria
sahour95- Sahar
sk91- Sylwia
tammy63 - Amy
TmoVie_obsessed - Margot
tuttleAC - Patrick
xDHmadx- Hayls

(if you want to be added to the list just message me and I'll add you.)


brucas4ever: 2
Clarise: 2
courtney7488: 18
Emm_xD: 8
hayley_pace: 1
iBaseCheergirl: 2
-lostgirl-: 25
sahour95: 5
sk91: 11
TmoVie_obsessed: 17
tuttleAC: 1
xDHmadx: 9
(page 101)
Hello everybody! This is a thread for us wonderful Lost fans to talk about the show we all love or an
last edited on Jan 16, 2010 at 08:36PM

Lost 2580 replies

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Showing Replies 151-200 of 2580

over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Welcome, Maria and Em! It's so cool that we have such an international group here!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
big smile
Hi Hayley and Courtney!!
omg!all the girls here hate their names!!lol!!
How are you girls??
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
Hey there :)
I just got home from school, how are you doing?
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Hi girls!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
big smile
Hi emily and Jana!!
i'm fine!i had exam today!what about u??
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Hi Maria!
Sorry but I have to go now :/ I'll be back later!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
is anyone else here?
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
yeah, I am ;)
I'm good, right about now I'm searching for screencaps to make some icons :D
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
good!!oh you're from germany!i know a little german:
...wie get's?!
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
Sehr gut :D
Are you learning that at school? :)
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
yeah!in my class students must choose either german or french!.i chose german!i have lessons for 3 years and i can't speak german!it's really hard for me to learn this language!our teacher sucks!maybe that's why german seem sooo dificult to me!
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
I suppose it is kinda hard to learn, the gramma is difficult, I know a lot of people who are german but got gramma-dificulties :D
Except for English I had to choose either French or Latin, I chose Latin (had is for 6 years now) but I'm not any good at it :D
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
latin?is it easy?i'll have latin lessons in high school!in about 2 years from now!
how old are you?
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
Well it's not that complicated, I guess, but you got to be very thorough when you're translating. And you got to be really studious. I'm quite lazy so... :D
I'm 18 ^^ How about you?
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
big smile
18!wow!i'm 15!are u still going to school or to a university??
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
We got kind of a complicated school system, after 4th grade the students are divided based on their accomplishments. This way you get different education based on your performance in school. I got to get through 13 years of school (that the highest educational degree) and then I can apply for university. If one hasn't done 13 years or failed the final exam one most likely won't get a university spot. I'm almost done with grade 12 now, so one year left and the final exams and then I'll go to university :)
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Helloo ladies :) How is everybody?
Jana - that school system sounds sooo complicated! LOL! Awwh i wish i could learn latin! I'd have known what Richard said lies beneath the shadow of the statue without having to look it up then ... LOL! I used to do german in school too ... and french ... lord knows if i remember any of it now though haha!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
oh cool!!these days i have exams(blee!).they end in 19 of june!so this yeas i finished the junior high school(3 years) and next year i'm going to high school(3 years)!so i need 3 more years to graduate!i really hate school!the educational system in greece is very bad.
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
big smile
Hey Hayls, I'm great, how about you?
Yeah, It's complicated but I think it's good :D I understand most of what they are saying in latin on lost, it's not that complicated, but believe me, latin in school sucks :D
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
big smile
Hey Hayls!Actually I saw what Richard told in the subtitles!I download the episodes with greek subs!But it would be really cool to understand it by myshelf!!lol!!
how old are u??
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
big smile
I'm fine thanks!! Just contemplating what to have for lunch ... lol!
Awwh i had to go and look it up afterwards on the net ... you guys realise it's a MONTH on Saturday since the final aired?!?
I'm 18 on the 20th!!! Can't wait! :D
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
No I hadn't realized, has it really been that long?
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
a month??only??it seemed to me like a year!!!omg!i don't think i'll survive until february!!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Yeah ... i can't decide if it's felt dead quick or slow ... lmao! I do however, know without any doubt whatsoever by christmas i'll most probably need hospitalizing after going stir crazy without it hahaha!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
me too!!i miss it sooo much!!it's so bad that we have to wait 8 months!!
who's your fav character?
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Juliet And Sawyer! - i can never quite decide which one i love more! I usually end up saying Sawyer because he's been in it since the start ... but after the final ... I really do think i loved Juliet way more haha! I was a sobbing MESS after it aired, i had to watch the whole Jacob/Ben/John bit again afterwards because i was too busy balling like a baby to take in what the hell was being said haha!
I do love Hurley and Miles as well though - i'm also beginning to looove Richard too! What about yours? :)
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
big smile
sawyer and juliet are awesome!!!
my favorite characters are charlie,locke and richard!!i can't decide!!but the two of them are dead...:(...so richard is my fav now!!i'm so happy that u love him too!!the most lost fans just like him but there are only few fans that really love him!!he's so good!i love him!!and i think he's pretty!!what do u think??
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
Absolutly Juliet, second is Ben :)
But I also like Hurley, Richard and Sawyer ^^
I used to like Kate too but in season 5 she was totally annoying :/
I can't stand Jack, Eko, Michael and Locke, what about you?
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
what??you like ben??and u hate locke??why??ben is such a bad character and locke is so sweet and smart!!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I do have to admit i totally fancy the pants off him LOL ...
:( I miss Charlie so much, he's another fave character of mine! I gotta say though, i'm really not a fan of Locke ... don't shoot me! LOL!
I miss Claire ... i'm really glad she'll be back in season 6!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
yeah i miss her too!!i won't shot u!
where are u from??
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
Loke is so annoying, all this talk about destiny and stuff and Ben is just great :D
He's so funny and his character is really interessting, sure he's a bad guy, but so what? I love his creepyness and sometimes I do feel sorry for him, I cried during Dead is dead :(
Michael Emerson is an amazing actor :)
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
well...i don't really agree with u but that's ok!!
did u girls watch the new abc promo??
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Kate's a strange one for me ... around 40% of the time, she's doing something that pisses me off ROYALLY ... but then you get the odd 20% where i actually start to like her ... and then the majority of the time i just don't have an opinion on her haha! It's the same with Jack, though he's been a right arsehole this season.
I kind of love to hate Ben when he's doing something really outragously horrible lmao! Otherwise he really annoys me!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I'm from the UK :D
A new new one? Or the one with Dominic Monaghan in? :)
Jana I'm with you on the ME = amazing! I think that he, along with Josh Holloway, Elizabeth Mitchell and Jeremy Davies have really made the season for me! They've all pulled out all the stops as far as i'm concerned, it's been their best season yet!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
michael emerson is an awesome actor!but terry o quinn is too!!
i mean the one with dom!do u think that he's coming back??
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
big smile
I agree Hayls, 5th was the best yet.
For me it's like the best 5th, then 3rd, 4th, 1st and 2nd :)
But each season had its moments :D
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I'd love nothing more than to see Dom back on lost, and i still have hopes that we will (perhaps as another hurley vision or something) but here's the latest from Kristen which makes me doubt he's coming back for anything more than that:

What's with the new ABC promo that has Dominic Monaghan saying he "used to be dead"? Is that a huge clue that there will be a reset and Charlie Pace will be back on Lost?

That was the big rumor on Friday; however, sources now tell our friends at IGN that Dominic Monaghan has a major role in ABC's new series Flash Forward. No word yet on his character, but we do know that he won't be introduced until episode two or so.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Ohh i love them in that order too! LOL!
Do you have any absolute favourites bits from the show? :)
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
i don't want him to another show!he belongs to lost!!i want him back more than anything!!!but i believe that with "actually i WAS dead" he means that charlie was dead and now he isn't!!and not that he's going to another show!plzzzz bring charlie back!!
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
I totally love "The Other Woman" those scenes between Ben and Jules are amazing (on "One On US" too!) And LaFleur was great too (Suliet ♥)! The scene in which Ben is confroted with Alex' death in "Dead is Dead" was amazing too... and The last 15 minutes of "The Incident"... I cried the whole time!
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
i started watching lost when season 4 was playing in america!so i found the 3 first seasons and the 5 first episodes from the 4th and i watched all these episodes in a week!LOL!!!so i don't remember titles from the episodes!cause when an episode finished i was watching immediately the next.... from season 5 my fav episodes are dead is dead and the incidence!i was crying too!!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
:-( I'm sorry hunnie but i reall do think they've made a point by saying dead is dead :-( *hugs maria*

I have sooo many fave moments!! Anything from Mr Friendly aka Tom in season one. He really creeped me out with that beard - i was sooo bummed it was fake! LOL

The first 2 or 3 minutes of season 2, where i was sooo sure the person we were seeing was Jack until the camera spanned out to reveal the hatch! I also loved how the tailies were introduced ...

The first 3 minutes of season 3, my jaw dropped when we realised that we were watching the others on the island (and YAY introduction for Juliet <3)

The last few mins in season 3, where i squealed when i clocked it was a flash forward.

Charlie's death, which made me howl!

Seeing a rather creepy Claire with Christian in season 4!

The first 5 minutes of the season 5 premiere.

Anything with Suliet in it haha!

The 5 minutes of the season 5 final - i was gobsmacked we saw Jacob ...

The last 15 minutes of the season 5 final, where, like you, i did nothing but SOB!
LMAO ... man that's a lot of favourites!
OH and the fight between Jack and Sawyer in the final ... LOL
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
you liked the fight?i hate that scene!they fight like babies...
and yeah!i loved greatest hits too!!i was crying and crying and crying when charlie died!
dead id dead.....i know they meant smth with that...but i think that locke was special and not just a pawn!so i think that we're going to see him again in season6(the real locke!not jacob's enemy!)
over a year ago iBaseCheergirl said…
Ladies, I got to go for like an hour or something :/
I'll see you later, hopefully :D
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
*sighs* who knows what we'll see in season 6? I've decided to give up theorizing because i get my hopes up and then Darlton do something totally different haha
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
big smile
ok!bye! kisses!<3
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
ha!yep!do u see trailers and spoilers?
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Yeaah i'm totally weak when it comes to this show! LOL i really can't stay away from the spoilers ... but i'm gonna try my hardest to keep away from them for the final season! I really want it to be a surprise :)
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
yeah i want it to be a surprise too!i see only the trailer of the episode!!but it's really hard for me to stay away from spoilers!especially when somebody uploads a sneak peek here!i try not to watch it but...it's really hard cause 'play' is only some cm away from my mouse!lol!