The Heroes of Olympus Mark of Athena Fanfic, Rainbow Style

rainbow_goddess posted on Jun 27, 2012 at 08:58AM
Annabeth leaned over the edge. Her heart pounded. She was finally going to see her boyfriend, Percy Jackson, after eight long months. Most of the senior campers from Camp Half-Blood came along. Leo Valdz steering the Argo II. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Jason Grace and Piper McLean holding hands, talking. She hoped that the video Leo sent would let the Romans know that they weren't the enemy. But after watching Leo talk, she started to think that instead of helping them, Leo would get them killed in painful, nasty ways.
Piper and Jason came up next to her. Annabeth looked at them. "What do you think will happen?" she whispered.
Jason gazed into space. "I don't know."
Suddenly, a cloud parted and what Annabeth saw nearly gave her a heart attack. Camp Jupiter. The landscape displayed below her was beautiful. The hills were green. The Roman style temples and buildings were unbelievable. Her mouth hung open.
Leo's voice echoed through the speekers. "Attention everyone. We have arrived in Camp Jupiter. And they have spotted us. Jason, please kindly wave so that the Romans know that you are with us."
Annabeth sighed. Leo had the wierdest mind of them all. Piper and Jason rolled their eyes.
Below them, a large crowd of people stood, screaming and shouting. Then as the Argo II got closer, Annabeth saw that most of them carried weapons. Uh-oh, Annabeth thought.
"Leo!" Jason suddenly yelled. "You're going to land in the forum! Move to the left!"
Leo obeyed. Romans ran to meet them. Annabeth scanned the crowds, hoping to see Percy. Then she saw him. He had his arms around a girl with curly brown hair, who was about thirteen or fourteen, and a large bulky guy. The guy looked around sixteen.
"PERCY!!!!!!!!" she screamed. Percy dropped his arms and their eyes met.
"Annabeth!!" Percy cried.
Annabeth leaped off even before the ship landed. The Romans made way for her. She could feel tears streaming down as she ran. She tackled Percy and leaped into his arms. It felt so good to be wrapped in his powerful, strong arms. She felt so safe in his grasp that she didn't want to let go. But Percy pulled back and looked into her eyes with those beautiful sea green eyes that Annabeth haven't seen in such a long time.
"I've missed you, Wise Girl," Percy whispered.
"I've missed you too, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said. She looked up and saw that there were tears in his eyes too.
Percy pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. A real kiss on the lips. They stood there for such a long time that Annabeth didn't realize that everyone was watching, until whoops and applause filled the air. Annabeth felt her face turn burning hot.
Percy gripped her hand. "Come on. Follow me. There's someone I want you to meet." He pulled her along, until they were standing in front of Jason, Leo, and Piper. They were talking with the two kids Percy had his arms around of before and another girl, who looked about fifteen. She had long black hair, and dark, intense brown eyes.
"Annabeth," Percy said. "Meet Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto." He pointed to the girl with curly brown. Annabeth saw that her eye were gold, like a 14-karat gold peice.
Annabeth managed a faint "hi". Hazel nodded and smiled warmly.
"This is Frank Zhang," Percy introduced. He nodded to the big, bulky boy. "He's a son of Mars. And my distant, ah, very distant half brother. Frank is probably the only nice child of the war god."
Frank blushed. Annabeth smiled. She realized that Frank had a strange combination of a strong man, and a pudgy babyish face.
Percy pointed to the other girl, who was talking to Jason. "That's Reyna, daughter of Bellona, the war goddess. She's the praetor of this legion."
Jason turned to Percy. "You replaced me?"
Annabeth had no idea what Jason was talking about. But Percy looked down and shuffled his feet nervously. "I didn't want to. But the legion insisted. And Reyna," he added nervously.
Jason's eyes were dangerous and threatening. Piper touched his shoulder. "It's all right. We'll figure this out."
Annbeth introduced Jason, Piper, and Leo, to Hazel and Frank. Hazel stared at Leo. "You're Sammy."
"What?" Annabeth asked. The others looked euqually confused. Leo stared at Hazel as if she had popped out from his nightmare.
Percy was about to explain when Reyna interrupted. "We'll talk about this at the meeting." She raised her voice and shouted. "Senators and Greeks. Meet me in the Senate House."
Annbeth looked at Percy questioningly. "Just follow me," he said.
All the others from Camp Half-Blood joined up with them. Percy turned back and announced, "Everyone. Listen up. No weapons allowed, so you're gonna have to take them out. You'll get them back, but we don't want the meeting to get bloody."
They marched to the city. The statue, Terminus, made sure all the weapons were placed safely on the metal tray.
They arrived at the Senate House right on time. Percy took the seat next to Reyna at the head. Jason kept giving Percy a murderous look. Percy looked very uncomforatable, because Reyna kept taking hold of his hand. Annabeth felt a strong pulse of jelousy rippling inside her.
Reyna stood. "Jason, I would like to hear your story. From the very beginning. Then Percy will tell you his. Then, we must discuss the problem that our long lost praetor, Jason, has come back, and Percy has just recently been raised at the second praetor. But that'll be for later. Jason, you may begin."
Jason stood and took a deep breath. Then he began.

This is my first fanfic, so i hope that you all like it. and i would LOVE comments. they dont hafta be positive. but keep them constructive. enjoy!
last edited on Jun 27, 2012 at 09:29AM

The Heroes of Olympus 1080 replies

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over a year ago book-worm said…
Ive had a phone for two years now, but it's really hard to keep it cause if I get too bad of a grade or I for do my chores good enough then I get it taken away):
over a year ago Helios00 said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i dont have a single i-something. just a laptop, a phone, and a nook.
@helios: what do u mean by 'the middle one'?
over a year ago Artemis253 said…
over a year ago Artemis253 said…
sorry for spam
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
@ panda bear (can i call u dat?) et Artemis253... pardon me for askin but wht in the world r u both tlkin about ?????
over a year ago Artemis253 said…
You know this site my cousin created. plz look at it
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
so helios is ur cuz?
over a year ago Artemis253 said…
over a year ago Artemis253 said…
Here is the link
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
oh. i see.
over a year ago book-worm said…
I'm a fan(:
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i posted on it.
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
big smile
oh. consider it fanned by LNC
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
same here!
btw, im kinda stuck on what to write right now.
lol. write right.
sorry. that was really random.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Hahahha(: nice one rainbow(:
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
imagine sayin tht to someone and they just like u said write/right (whichever u choose) twice
it'd take a long time to explain .... id spell it out and if they dont get it i'd bonk em' on the head
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
nice way of making friends LNC!
over a year ago book-worm said…
Hahaha that sounds like something my friend would do!
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
big smile
thnk u! but they'd hit me back so i run for the hills xD
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
im not finished yet, but here you go

Disconnected. Dizzy. That only explained half of what Reyna felt. All she could see was blackness, and she couldn't seem to recall what had happened.
“Reyna!” a voice hissed. She turned around but saw nothing. “Reyna!” the voice called again. This time, its sounded like it was coming from everywhere, echoing inside her ears.
“Who's there?” she called out. Her voice sounded faint. A small wind brushed past her face, gentle and smooth, like her father had just brushed his hand against her cheek when she was small.
The memory brought back guilt and pain. It was her fault that her father died. Her fault.
Hylla had told her it wasn't, but the guilt was real.
She was brought out of her thoughts when the voice whispered, “Wake up Reyna! Wake up!”
Reyna tried to wake up. But she couldn't even move. The voice sounded familiar, and she tried to recall, but slowly the memory faded.
Then the darkness around her rippled and a scene appeared before her. Reyna gasped. It was the most beautiful place she had ever seen. She recognized the roads, shops, buildings, and temples Percy had described her. She realized she could move and started up the road. Then she saw it. The greatest place ever built on earth. She was on Olympus.
Then a sudden explosion tossed her off her feet. “What the-” she started to say.
Reyna looked around her. Instead of the beautiful palace that was there only a second ago, was ruins. Temples and buildings collapsed and green flames burned everything in its path. Behind her, the road was dissolving, leaving no place to go, but forward towards the throne room.
Once inside, Reyna saw a scene she just couldn't quite comprehend. There were five teenagers and the hearth was dimming slowly. She felt a chill in the air, as if suddenly, the temperature dropped 15 degrees.
As she watched, one of the boys, who looked like he was in the early twenties, collapsed in pain. Reyna noticed the boy had a scar along his right cheek, but something was wrong. His eyes. They were gold.
Another boy turned around and Reyna nearly yelped. It was Percy. His black hair billowed around him and his green eyes blazed with anger.
Then she saw Annabeth and a faun at the foot of a throne. Annabeth looked horrible. Her arm was bent in an awkward angle and she looked exhausted.
Reyna inched closer. Why was she even watching this?
She watched as the other boy, with an eye patch and black hair looked from Percy to the other boy. Then he lunged at the boy on the ground, but the blade shattered. The boy collapsed and suddenly, he fell through the open air and into the city below.
Percy charged and they two of them parried and slash. The other boy stumbled back, but he stomped his feet and Reyna felt a chill in her bone.
She couldn't move, no matter how hard she tried. Percy, Annabeth, and the faun seemed to be struggling as well.
Now she knew who this boy was. Saturn, titan of time. But why did he have the body of a twenty-year-old?
Saturn waved his hand and an image appeared in the smoke, and a monster became visible, crossing a river. It was an Iris-message.
Then she noticed bright flashes around the giant. Were those...the gods?
Then it seemed like a miracle, but a new army erupted from the river and the monster sank back down.
Saturn roared in anger and charged Percy. The faun leaped in front of him (Reyna had never seen a faun do such heroic things besides begging and tripping over themselves.)
Saturn continued to charge, and Reyna resisted the urge to charge forward and help Percy. It turned out it was unnecessary. Percy blocked the attack, but that was when things turned wrong.
Reyna watched in horror and Percy was shoved back. To her amazement, Annabeth got up and charged the titan. Annabeth was pushed back, but she could see a different light in the titan's eyes. A kind of sympathy and sad memories. Then his body started to glow. Percy scooped up Annabeth's dagger, but instead of finishing him off, Percy gave it to Saturn. The titan stabbed himself and Reyna averted her eyes, but she could still feel the heat and power penetrating her skin.
When she looked back, Percy, Annabeth, and the faun were crowded around the boy. His eyes, Reyna noticed, were now blue. Like a mortal's. But his whole left side was bloody.
Then the ground started to shake. At first, Reyna thought that Olympus was collapsing, but she turned around and saw the gods, stampeding towards her. She leaped out of way just as they charged past her, only to stop and stare at the three teenagers staring at the broken figure of a boy.
Reyna saw something, or someone appear next to the boy. And just looking at them made her heart stop. She felt a chill in the air and the strangest thing was that all three ladies were looking straight at her. It almost seemed like they were looking through her. The fates picked up the boys body and one of them held up a snip of blue yarn. They looked at Percy and he nodded, like they had just delivered a message.
Reyna didn't get that, but just then, the old ladies turned to look at her again.
The middle one took out a ball of yarn, the color of the sea, just like Percy's eyes.
The time has come. She said taking out a pair of scissors and in one loud snip, the yarn was cut. For the Hero of Olympus She finished.
Her heart crawled into her throat. What was the old lady talking about?
But the fates turned and walked away with the boy's body.
Reyna glanced at Percy. She wanted to walk up to him, and tell him about the message, but before she could, her vision started to turn faint and the ground opened up below her, but no one heard her scream as she fell down into the darkness....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
*sigh* not my best. i dont really like it.
mechdemigod commented…
i do over a year ago
over a year ago book-worm said…
What are you talking about?!?! That was amazing!!!! Now I'm all scared, POST!!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
^_^ thanks!
over a year ago book-worm said…
Ew...I don't want to go to school tomorrow
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
tht was ashummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
@book-worm: i dont either. btw, do u want me to call u alice or book-worm?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
no one? im sad.
over a year ago runnergirl13 said…
Asomeness, read last chapter.. :D
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
im here is just tht i fell asleep xD
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago precious211 said…
Maybe its the fact that am reading a crappy piece of shit for Honors English, maybe its the fact that its evening and tired, but I did not perceive that as shit. I thought it was pretty well written actually.
over a year ago precious211 said…
Oh and Cornell Notes aren't bad. Don't you always have to do a chapter? It gets irritating after you read about the same concepts ten time though. If I have to read another chapter about Indo Europeans and the Sophistication of the Archaedean Empire am going to scream.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
btw, welcome precious!!
can i call u that.
over a year ago precious211 said…
Aww no thats my little sister's name. People call men a range of Tonie, An, Nia, lol any variation you can make out of Anthonia:D
and thanks....
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
okay then.... nia.
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…

halo nia!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
Ugh. why cant the weekend come faster so i can get the moa? I havent even gotten my demigod diaries and i was supposed to get it for my bday and they still havent sent it. ugh. cursse u!
over a year ago Phrabow said…
ive been reading this and not poasting
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
i am getting the mark of Athena today nananana
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Oh my gods Rainbowwwwwwwwwwwww! I love it! :)
over a year ago book-worm said…
It's SOOOOOOO good! @rainbow-I don't really mind either name works(:
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
I GOT THE MARK OF ATHENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
apparently it was the moa that my mom preordered for my bday, not the demigod diaries.
but she wont let me read it until im done w/ my hmwrk and my instruments. bleh.
over a year ago book-worm said…
^hurry and finish so you can read it!!!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
IM ON PAGE 202!!!!
over a year ago book-worm said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
just got home from school! im reading, but gotta do homework too.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i wont post until someone comments.