The Heroes of Olympus Mark of Athena Fanfic, Rainbow Style

rainbow_goddess posted on Jun 27, 2012 at 08:58AM
Annabeth leaned over the edge. Her heart pounded. She was finally going to see her boyfriend, Percy Jackson, after eight long months. Most of the senior campers from Camp Half-Blood came along. Leo Valdz steering the Argo II. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Jason Grace and Piper McLean holding hands, talking. She hoped that the video Leo sent would let the Romans know that they weren't the enemy. But after watching Leo talk, she started to think that instead of helping them, Leo would get them killed in painful, nasty ways.
Piper and Jason came up next to her. Annabeth looked at them. "What do you think will happen?" she whispered.
Jason gazed into space. "I don't know."
Suddenly, a cloud parted and what Annabeth saw nearly gave her a heart attack. Camp Jupiter. The landscape displayed below her was beautiful. The hills were green. The Roman style temples and buildings were unbelievable. Her mouth hung open.
Leo's voice echoed through the speekers. "Attention everyone. We have arrived in Camp Jupiter. And they have spotted us. Jason, please kindly wave so that the Romans know that you are with us."
Annabeth sighed. Leo had the wierdest mind of them all. Piper and Jason rolled their eyes.
Below them, a large crowd of people stood, screaming and shouting. Then as the Argo II got closer, Annabeth saw that most of them carried weapons. Uh-oh, Annabeth thought.
"Leo!" Jason suddenly yelled. "You're going to land in the forum! Move to the left!"
Leo obeyed. Romans ran to meet them. Annabeth scanned the crowds, hoping to see Percy. Then she saw him. He had his arms around a girl with curly brown hair, who was about thirteen or fourteen, and a large bulky guy. The guy looked around sixteen.
"PERCY!!!!!!!!" she screamed. Percy dropped his arms and their eyes met.
"Annabeth!!" Percy cried.
Annabeth leaped off even before the ship landed. The Romans made way for her. She could feel tears streaming down as she ran. She tackled Percy and leaped into his arms. It felt so good to be wrapped in his powerful, strong arms. She felt so safe in his grasp that she didn't want to let go. But Percy pulled back and looked into her eyes with those beautiful sea green eyes that Annabeth haven't seen in such a long time.
"I've missed you, Wise Girl," Percy whispered.
"I've missed you too, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said. She looked up and saw that there were tears in his eyes too.
Percy pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. A real kiss on the lips. They stood there for such a long time that Annabeth didn't realize that everyone was watching, until whoops and applause filled the air. Annabeth felt her face turn burning hot.
Percy gripped her hand. "Come on. Follow me. There's someone I want you to meet." He pulled her along, until they were standing in front of Jason, Leo, and Piper. They were talking with the two kids Percy had his arms around of before and another girl, who looked about fifteen. She had long black hair, and dark, intense brown eyes.
"Annabeth," Percy said. "Meet Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto." He pointed to the girl with curly brown. Annabeth saw that her eye were gold, like a 14-karat gold peice.
Annabeth managed a faint "hi". Hazel nodded and smiled warmly.
"This is Frank Zhang," Percy introduced. He nodded to the big, bulky boy. "He's a son of Mars. And my distant, ah, very distant half brother. Frank is probably the only nice child of the war god."
Frank blushed. Annabeth smiled. She realized that Frank had a strange combination of a strong man, and a pudgy babyish face.
Percy pointed to the other girl, who was talking to Jason. "That's Reyna, daughter of Bellona, the war goddess. She's the praetor of this legion."
Jason turned to Percy. "You replaced me?"
Annabeth had no idea what Jason was talking about. But Percy looked down and shuffled his feet nervously. "I didn't want to. But the legion insisted. And Reyna," he added nervously.
Jason's eyes were dangerous and threatening. Piper touched his shoulder. "It's all right. We'll figure this out."
Annbeth introduced Jason, Piper, and Leo, to Hazel and Frank. Hazel stared at Leo. "You're Sammy."
"What?" Annabeth asked. The others looked euqually confused. Leo stared at Hazel as if she had popped out from his nightmare.
Percy was about to explain when Reyna interrupted. "We'll talk about this at the meeting." She raised her voice and shouted. "Senators and Greeks. Meet me in the Senate House."
Annbeth looked at Percy questioningly. "Just follow me," he said.
All the others from Camp Half-Blood joined up with them. Percy turned back and announced, "Everyone. Listen up. No weapons allowed, so you're gonna have to take them out. You'll get them back, but we don't want the meeting to get bloody."
They marched to the city. The statue, Terminus, made sure all the weapons were placed safely on the metal tray.
They arrived at the Senate House right on time. Percy took the seat next to Reyna at the head. Jason kept giving Percy a murderous look. Percy looked very uncomforatable, because Reyna kept taking hold of his hand. Annabeth felt a strong pulse of jelousy rippling inside her.
Reyna stood. "Jason, I would like to hear your story. From the very beginning. Then Percy will tell you his. Then, we must discuss the problem that our long lost praetor, Jason, has come back, and Percy has just recently been raised at the second praetor. But that'll be for later. Jason, you may begin."
Jason stood and took a deep breath. Then he began.

This is my first fanfic, so i hope that you all like it. and i would LOVE comments. they dont hafta be positive. but keep them constructive. enjoy!
last edited on Jun 27, 2012 at 09:29AM

The Heroes of Olympus 1080 replies

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over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
heres the new chappie!

Up until that afternoon, Annabeth was having the day of her life. Well, except for the part where Leo woke her up by screaming right into her ear.
“GODS Leo!!!! Did you really have to scream that loud?!?”
Leo rubbed his head. “Sorry. Bad dreams.”
By that time, everyone in the barrack had already woken. up.
“What about?” Hazel asked.
Leo looked really uncomfortable. “Uh, not much I guess. I'd better get ready for breakfast.”
He raced out the door with everyone staring at the doorway, confused. Annabeth was more than sure that Leo was dodging a conversation.
Percy walked up to her. “Let him be. Everyone has dreams.”
She nodded and together they walked to breakfast.
Reyna made an announcement that the praetor battle would be tomorrow. At that, the Greeks and Romans started muttering to each other. Reyna seemed to feel the tension in the air and quickly said, “Now let us eat!” She raised her glass. “To the gods!”
They all repeated the phrase.
Annabeth immediately walked towards Argo II which was parked at the Field of Mars. Back at Camp Half-Blood, she had taken time to design a special room for each of the seven. They had left two untouched, not sure who they were, but the other's were decorated. Percy's room took the most damage, almost cleaving the bed in half. The drawers were blown to shreds and the lamp was shattered into a million pieces.
Percy had begged her to let him check out his room, but she had resisted. I can't wait to see his expression. Annabeth grinned as she walked to his room. The outer walls were lined with seashells and coral. The inside walls were a beautiful sea-green, just like Percy's eyes, with glowing abalone like in Cabin Three in Camp Half-Blood. Leo had made a new bed with wave-pattern sheets and a soft blue pillow.
Annabeth sighed. Just being in this room gave her the sensation of being safe in Percy's arm. The salty smell of the ocean filled the room.
The desk she had designed and the lighting haven't been installed yet, but she could already imagine what the finished room would look like. A set of armor hung on the wall, along with a new shield that Tyson had made a few weeks ago while they were on the search for Percy. It was similar to the original wristband watch-shield, with pictures of their adventures together, which made Annabeth think of the better times.
She moved on to Piper's room. The daughter of Aphrodite had insisted that her room can not be pink, so Annabeth chose red, which Piper approved of. This room was nearly finished. Just a few more tiles to place and a lamp to light up the place. The wall was plastered in posters of the movie's Tristan McLean had played in. The Aphrodite girls were squealing when they saw the room, but Annabeth had to replace them all because of some certain goddess.
Annabeth moved on to check Leo's room. She gasped when she entered. The room... it was amazing!
“My gods,” Annabeth muttered.
The day before, only the walls were painted and the only furniture in the room was the bed frame. Now the walls were decorated with flame designs and the sheets and pillows were red and orange. There was a brick fire place at the back of the room and the desks and tables were metal. The lamp was in the shape of a dragon, a bronze dragon. Festus. Annabeth ran her fingers over the delicate curves on the sculpture. Only the ceiling wasn't painted. A golden chandelier hung from the ceiling. Annabeth let out a small laugh. This room was beautiful.
Then she heard foot steps coming towards the room in the hall and knew that it was a worker coming to work on the ceiling.
She was wrong. It was Piper.
“Annabeth!” Piper called, smiling like a madman.
Annabeth grinned. Piper was a great friend. “Hey,” she greeted. “How's it going?”
Piper's smile faded. “Oh. Hazel wants to see you.”
Annabeth frowned. “Why?”
“I don't know. She seemed, troubled? I guess. More like nervous. I'm not sure.” She shrugged. “The thing is, she wants to meet with you in the barracks after you finish checking the boat.” She looked at her watch. “In about forty minutes.”
Annabeth nodded. “Okay. Thanks.”
Piper turned and jogged off. Annabeth watched her go. Forty minutes. Plenty of time.

Annabeth ventured to Jason's room and saw Leo under a desk, trying to nail everything together, cursing in ancient Greek.
“Stupid nail,” he muttered. “Why won't you go in?” He slammed his hammer at the nail and suddenly, “YEEOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!”
Annabeth winced at the sound. That definitely did not sound good.
Leo came out from under the desk, muttering a curse, holding a very red, very fat thumb. He tottered in different directions, still cussing under his breath.
She bit her lip, trying very hard not to laugh.
“Stupid hammer, stupid, nail, stupid desk, stupid room, stupid Gae-eaa-” He stuttered to a halt in front of Annabeth. “Uh, hi. Didn't see you.”
“Sorry,” Annabeth said. “Didn't mean to startle you.”
“Oh, no. No. It's fine. Just fixing this stupid desk.”
Annabeth glanced over and saw a huge eagle carved into the wooden desk. “You did that?”
“Yeah.” Then he kicked one of the legs and the whole this crumbled down. He sighed. “Guess I have to make a new one.”
He plopped down onto the ground and pulled out large plank of redwood, though how it fit in there, she had no idea.
Annabeth looked at the room, then at the ceiling, which was painted gray to represent thunder clouds.
The walls were painted sky blue and just looking at the floor made her feel like she was floating.
“This is amazing.”
Leo grinned. “Like it?”
Annabeth punched Leo in the shoulder. “Of course, Valdez. I'm thinking that you would do great as my co-architect for Olympus.”
His jaw dropped. “You serious?”
She laughed. “Well, Percy isn't exactly the designing type, and I need someone who is good at building and designing.”
Thunder shook the room and Annabeth jumped so high she nearly knocked the lamp off the coffee table.
Leo laughed. “Gottcha!”
“Did you put that in, Valdez?”
“To scare off monsters?” Annabeth teased.
“What? Of course not.”
She smiled. “Anyways. I need to check on the other rooms.”
She was already down the hall before she remembered that she forgot to ask Leo about his dream.
That can wait, Annabeth decided.

She entered Hazel's room, which still has a lot of work to do. The walls were painted gold and there were precious rocks lined on a wooden, unpainted desk. There was a beautiful, golden lamp on a nightstand and a bed frame. But that was just about it. No mattress or sheets. And no floor. And no drawers.
Annabeth sighed. I need to get Leo to work on this.
Then she noticed a bronze sculpture of a beautiful tan horse. With a start, she realized that it was Arion. The sculpture looked so much like the real horse Annabeth almost forgot it wasn't real.
Annabeth moved on.
Frank's room was painted blood-red, with pictures of weapons on the walls. Paintings of animals covered the ceiling. The bed was a plain green, which Annabeth thought looked disgusting against the read background. Blue would work better. She made a mental note to tell one of the Romans to change the sheets. The floor was finished, but it was dark. No lamps or light. That sucks.
The desks and tables were completed with designs of animals on it.
Well, that's it.
Annabeth stopped in front of another room, her room. The door was closed and she was tempted to see what it looked like. Her friends had forbidden her to see, especially Percy. Annabeth reached for the door knob when a voice said, “I don't think so.”
She whirled around. “Katie. What are you doing here?”
Katie Gardener smiled. “Checking to make sure you don't peak inside your room. We're still working on the paint.”
Annabeth sighed. “All right. I'll wait till you're done.”
“Well, I'd better see what Hazel wants.”
Katie nodded in understanding. “See you around.”

She raced down the road, ignoring the strange looks from some people. She stopped in front of the barracks to catch her breath. Cautiously, Annabeth turned the door knob and peered inside.
Hazel was sitting on her bunk, and her eyes were red, like she'd been crying.
She walked in and silently closed the door.
“Hazel? Are you all right?” Annabeth asked. Something felt wrong.
Hazel stared into her eyes and Annabeth saw pain and sadness. “You-you'll forgive me, right?” she whispered.
“Uh Hazel?” Annabeth said, because Hazel was really starting to freak her out. “Should I get a medic?”
“I'm so sorry Annabeth.”
Just then, a gag went over her mouth and tied behind her head.
Then huge hands tied her hands behind her back. Annabeth tried to scream but it was muffled.
Hazel started to cry. “I'm so sorry. I had to save Frank.” Then she turned at raced out of the door.
Annabeth could feel tears stream down her cheeks and then the world turned black.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago book-worm said…
this is for phrabow cause he asked for it but anyone is welcome to check out my story i love having new fans!!!!!!!!


im gonna post this link on my story for you rainbow even though you already did im gonna do it again
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
AWESOME CHAPTER!! Please please please please post soon!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
thanks guys. i might not be able to post for a while cuz i need to study for a competition soon so im not sure if i have time, but ill try.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Please post!!!!!

@ruins of Rome convo-silver owl is here too!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ill probably be posting tomorrow.
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
nice chappie! post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
Yay!! You're posting soon!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
big smile
good job, rainbow. remember to keep up your pillow bending!!! LOL!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
also, guys, can you read my forum? its not really new, but no one ever reads it. please????? with a cherry on top?????
over a year ago book-worm said…
^LIES!!!! I still read it
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
MEE 2!!!!!!
over a year ago tristain714 said…
big smile
Wow your story is really good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
thanks! i hope this isnt too much to ask for, but it really would mean a lot if you guys could spread the word of my forum, cuz i love having new fans and i really want to get this onto the popular list.
over a year ago tristain714 said…
big smile
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ill post tonight.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
actually, im too busy. so sorry, but chappie tomorrow. :(
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
here you go!

After breakfast, Percy went to the arena to look for Mrs. O'Leary. He found Tyson throwing a shield for he while Ella fluttered around his head.
As soon as the hellhound saw Percy, she leaped at him. He didn't even have time to react.
“Whoa, girl!” In no time, he was drenched in dog drool. “Ugh. Let me up! Tyson! A bit of help please.”
He managed to get Mrs. O'Leary off and clean the drool off when Tyson slammed into him. It was a just a bit less overwhelming than having a tank-sized hellhound leap at you.
“Ow! The ribs! Watch the ribs- Ouch! My neck! Don't break my neck.”
Tyson stepped back and looked at Percy with that big brown eye. “You're not dead! I like it when you're not dead.”
Percy managed a smile. “Yeah. Me too.”
Tyson clapped happily and Mrs. O'Leary barked. Ella settled on the ground next to Percy. “Friend save Ella. Ella happy to see Percy safe.”
Percy laughed. “Aww, thanks.”
They played around a while, throwing the shield for Mrs. O'Leary.
After ten minutes, she started barking, and Percy opened the gates to let her out. “I'm gonna go check on Frank and Hazel. See you later.”
“Bye!” Tyson called, running after Mrs. O'Leary. “And don't get eaten by monsters!”
Percy grinned. It felt good to just be among friends with no monsters ruining his day. Of course, he should've known how short his luck would be.

He found Hazel and Frank riding on giant eagles. As he watched, Hazel jumped off her eagle two-hundred feet above, twist in midair, and landed standing up.
Frank had it easy. He turned into a bird of some sort and flew off, turning back to human once he was next to Hazel.
Percy walked up to them, smiling. “Hey, that was amazing.”
Hazel blushed. “Thanks. We were thinking about going to gladiator training afterward. Arion is a bit busy with his new friends.”
“That's good, I suppose.”
Hazel laughed, but then abruptly stopped and glanced around nervously.
Frank frowned. “Are you all right?”
Hazel blinked like she had just woken from a trance. “W-what? I'm fine. Just...had a weird feeling.”
Percy nodded. He could feel the tension in the air, and the feeling of something spying on him. He whirled around, but there was nothing. He couldn't get over the fact that he could almost sense two red glowing eyes staring into him.
Frank studied them closely. “I'd better get ready for training.”
Hazel seemed very nervous. “M-me too. I left my stuff at my bunk. Meet you in an hour.”
They scrambled off in different directions, leaving Percy standing on the Field of Mars.
I'd better find Annabeth, He thought.
He found Katie supervising Annabeth's room, which was painted gray. Her bed was a dark green with owl prints and a small projector made a silhouette of a olive tree on the ground.
“It's great,” Percy commented.
Katie smiled. “Thanks. Though I suppose you didn't come here just to check out her room, did you?”
Percy blushed. “No. Do you know where she is?”
“She said that Hazel had a message for her. She's probably at the Fifth Cohort barracks.”
Percy narrowed his eyes. “A message.”
She shrugged. “Probably something about improvements on the ship and whatnot.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
Katie nodded. “Well, bye.”

He raced down the road and reached the gates, breathing hard. He spotted Hazel ahead, sitting at a bench.
“Hazel! What's-” He stopped short when he realized that she was crying.
“Oh Gods. Are you all right?” Then he realized how stupid that sounded. Of course she wasn't.
She looked at him through the tears and wiped her eyes. “It's nothing. I just couldn't find Frank's stick for a while, then found it. I-I was just crying because I couldn't think about what would happen to him if I keep losing it.”
Percy could tell it was more than that, but he didn't push her. He knew that she really loved Frank, and losing him and knowing that it was her fault must be hard on her.
“All right. Um, do you know where Annabeth is?”
Hazel bit her lip. “In-inside the-e barracks.”
“You mean the one we sleep in?”
She nodded. “I'd better find Frank.” She clutched her bag and ran off.
Percy watched her go and looked at the door. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad is behind those closed doors. But he had to find Annabeth. Besides, he needed to tell her about his dream, alone.
He took a deep breath and opened the door, expecting some sort of monster waiting for him. Instead, it was Annabeth scrolling through her laptop, looking at some designs of machines, probably gadgets for the Argo II.
“Hey, how's it going?” he asked.
Annabeth turned with a start. “What? Oh, hi. Didn't hear you.”
Percy frowned. Her voice sounded different, somehow, but he shook that thought out of his mind.
“So what are you doing?” He pointed to the laptop. “I thought we were done. Just the rooms and the bathrooms, and the kitchen.”
She shrugged. “Well, Hazel said that Leo gave her these huge rolls of blueprint,” she nodded at the rolls of paper on the ground, “and asked me to check them out. I'm just taking notes.”
Percy nodded and in his mind, he let out a sigh of relief. No monsters. But of course, nothing went right in his presence.
He took her hand. “Just take a break. Then we'll work together after lunch.”
Annabeth smiled and stood. Then she kissed him. But there was an odd way about it. Annabeth always tilted her head when she kissed him, but his time, she didn't. That was enough to tense his limbs.
She pulled back and wiped her lips. “Well that was refreshing.” Then she began to change. Her blond hair turned dark and curled like Medusa's, which then turned to flames. Her eyes turned bright red and her canine teeth elongated. Her skin paled, turning into a chalky white. One her legs turned into a donkey foot and the other stayed human, but was made of brass.
She curled her lips into a smile. “You don't remember me? That's a pity.”
The monster advanced on Percy, but he was paralyzed. One moment, she was a beautiful girl, the next, the horrible monster.
“Empousa. Kelli,” Percy whispered.
Kellie let out a delighted laugh. “So you do remember me. Wonderful.”
Percy drew Riptide and kept the blade between them. “Where is she? What did you do to her?” he demanded.
“Oh, you mean Annabeth?” She looked at her claws. “She's not dead, if that's what you mean. We'll free her soon enough, after you come with us. And she won't have any memory about this event, except for the fact that she was checking out new designs Hazel gave her.” Kelli motioned to the computer.
“Why me?” Percy asked.
“Oh. Any of the others would do as a nice sacrifice. But Gaea insists that it'll be you, since you are the subject of two Great Prophecies. She thinks she can draw more power from your blood.” Kelli licked her lips.
Percy swallowed. “You work for Gaea.”
She laughed. “Of course! When the Titans couldn't give us freedom, we decided to side with Gaea. She will win and let us run free and terrorize the mortals. They did nothing for us. So we shall give them nothing back. Now give me that kiss again!”
Kelli lunged at him and Percy did the only thing that came into his mind. He swung the blade.
Miraculously, Kelli dodged in and landed next to him. She clapped her hands four times and out from the ground, four more empousai appeared.
Percy managed to slice one into dust but all the others were as quick and cunning as Kelli.
It was really hard to concentrate, since the empousai kept changing, form a breath taking beautiful girl, to a horrible-looking monster. Well, all monsters were horrible, but these really irritated Percy.
Then one of the empousai knocked Riptide out of his hand and Percy was pushed against the wall. Two empousai pinned him against the wall and made sure he couldn't move at all.
Percy felt Riptide appear in his pocket, but that wouldn't be much use if he couldn't even reach his pocket. He tried struggling, but these girls were too strong.
Kelli cackled and walked up to him, followed by another one. “Well, well. I thought you'd do much better. Gaea wants you alive, but she didn't say unharmed.” The other empousai laughed and licked their lips. “Give me that kiss!”
Kelli leaped at him, and Percy closed his eyes, waiting for the painful impact. It never came.
There was a squawk of surprise followed by gasps. Percy opened his eyes and saw Hazel, pinning Kelli against the ground. The others were staring on shock, but he knew that if he didn't act quick enough, Hazel would be in trouble.
Percy elbowed the empousa on his right and punched the other. He pulled Riptide out and slashed through both of them.
Hazel and Kelli were struggling, while the third leaped at Percy. He rolled out of way, slashing with his sword. It clanged off the bronze leg, but it was enough to put her off balance. Percy brought down Anaklusmos down hard on her back, and with a horrible wail she burst in to dust.
Percy turned around to see Hazel by herself, looking shocked and devastated at the same time.
“Did you kill her?” he asked.
She shook her head. “She exploded into flames and I didn't even touch her.”
Percy nodded. He remembered the first time he encountered Kelli, and how she burst into flames. “She got away. I suppose that would explain why your shirt is black,” he added.
Hazel looked down. “Wow. I didn't even notice that.”
Percy laughed, then stopped. “Did you know that Annabeth, wasn't Annabeth?”
She pursed her lips and looked at the ground. “Yes,” she whispered.
Hazel fell to her knees, crying. “I had to save Frank! I got a note from Gaea, saying that she had Frank's stick. When I looked for it, the stick was gone! The note also said to get Annabeth to come here so she can be the bait for you.” She looked up at Percy.
He wasn't sure whether to be angry or sad. Percy knelt down and gently touched her shoulders. “Kelli said that she would release Annabeth, so she can't be too far. Let's check the room.”
Hazel wiped her eyes and stood. They searched forever, but still no sign of Annabeth.
“Closet?” Hazel suggested.
Percy nodded and opened the doors and gasped. There she was, lying on the ground, unconscious, but alive. There was a gag over her mouth and her hands in shackles behind her back.
Percy gently brought her out and untied her. Then he summoned a wave of ice cold water over her.
Annabeth's eyes fluttered opened and sat up, coughing. She stared at Percy for a moment, like she didn't recognize him. Percy's heart fell. If she forgot him, how will her survive.
Then she cried, “Percy!” She wrapped him in a hug, crying.
Percy patted her back. “It's all right. It's all right.” Butterflies started to turn in his stomach.
He felt her stiffen. “Hazel,” she growled. She stepped back and tried to charge at Hazel, who was watching in silence.
“Whoa, whoa.” Percy pushed her back. “Hazel saved my life. She did what was right. She save Frank and me. And I found you.”
Annabeth nodded. “All-all right.” She glanced at Hazel. “I'm sorry I yelled at you.”
Hazel shook her head. “No. You had a good reason. I had you kidnapped and almost got Percy killed.”
Percy sighed. “Hazel, you'd better find Frank.” He looked at Annabeth and suddenly felt a sense of dread. “I need to talk to Annabeth privately.”
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
hello? Am i like no one to you? How could you be that mean?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago book-worm said…
Rainbow, I would never leave this story!!!! I love it too much!!!! Your too great of an author to leave!!!! If I don't show up and you've posted then just leave me a comment on my forum!(:
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yay! u didn't leave. i really want to get more fans, but apparently, most people dont read it.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Hey book-worm, did you leave my forum too?
over a year ago book-worm said…
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
Yea! I will never leave this awesome story either! I was just a little busy!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yay! your all back! at least most of you. leosgirl doesnt read mine anymore.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Leosgirl hasn't been reading anything anymore. She does sometimes but she is way bush with our forum. And she's sick right now too.......): it's sad.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
ouch.......oh well. Leosgirl doesnt read mine either.
over a year ago book-worm said…
I do!!! Am I not good enough? ):
over a year ago book-worm said…
^ haha Jk!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yeah. sadly. hey book-worm. do u think u can spread the word of snowflakes and my forum? cuz we both want to get onto the popular list.
over a year ago LeosGirl said…
I think I'm going to cry!!!!
@snowflakes and rainbow: I read both of your forums! Like book-worm said I was sick. But I am back now and won't stop reading you guys' forums!!!
over a year ago book-worm said…
^Does that mean you can write a chappie cause my writers block isn't getting any better

over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
@leosgirl-cool! Do you feel better now?(i really hope you do)
@bookworm- of course your good enough. why wouldnt you be?
@and at rainbow- what kind of a story is this?

A REALLY REALLY GOOD ONE!!!!!!!!!!!Lol did i scare you?
over a year ago LeosGirl said…
@rainbow: LOL! I didn't mean to, I forgot to add your forum to my updates.
@book-worm: Im going to try, but I have to read this stipid book for school. I'll try my best. :/
@snowflakes: I never left your forum either. And I'm still not a 100% but I am bettee. Thanks for asking.
over a year ago book-worm said…
@leosgirl-what book are you reading?
@snowflake-when are you going to post on your story?
@rainbow-are you going to post soon?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ill try to post before i leave for dc.
over a year ago LeosGirl said…
@book-worm: The Call of The Wild by Jack London.
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
wasnt the wolf hous his? or maybe im confuzzled with someone else...

sorry i've been gone rainbow. ive been really busy, between typing and painting my room (>.<) i just don't have alot of time on fanpop anymore. but anyway your story is EPIC. yours too snowflake.

Keep writing!

-The Fortune Cookie
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
@book worm- maybe tomorrow, but i might post later. I askedon my forum if it was okay that i switch to Annabeth, so check that out.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
im working on it right now. but its gonna be short though.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
and yay! kkw! ur back!
over a year ago kkw1700 said…



It's time...














It's up!!



Thank you for you support!

<3 you guys!

~The Fortune Cookie
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
the forum.
over a year ago tristain714 said…
big smile
Her forum is up !!!!!!!!!!! Your story is great and the people who arent reading it Are unluky

Because they did not find it like your putages:)
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
oh. can u give me the link. cuz I WANNA READ IT!!!!!
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Sorry rainbow i cant. Im in my Nook. Just click on the forum button and look for the Shadow Knight.
over a year ago Phrabow said…
hey rainbow im still here i just went on vacation so didnt hav computer