The Heroes of Olympus Mark of Athena Fanfic, Rainbow Style

rainbow_goddess posted on Jun 27, 2012 at 08:58AM
Annabeth leaned over the edge. Her heart pounded. She was finally going to see her boyfriend, Percy Jackson, after eight long months. Most of the senior campers from Camp Half-Blood came along. Leo Valdz steering the Argo II. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Jason Grace and Piper McLean holding hands, talking. She hoped that the video Leo sent would let the Romans know that they weren't the enemy. But after watching Leo talk, she started to think that instead of helping them, Leo would get them killed in painful, nasty ways.
Piper and Jason came up next to her. Annabeth looked at them. "What do you think will happen?" she whispered.
Jason gazed into space. "I don't know."
Suddenly, a cloud parted and what Annabeth saw nearly gave her a heart attack. Camp Jupiter. The landscape displayed below her was beautiful. The hills were green. The Roman style temples and buildings were unbelievable. Her mouth hung open.
Leo's voice echoed through the speekers. "Attention everyone. We have arrived in Camp Jupiter. And they have spotted us. Jason, please kindly wave so that the Romans know that you are with us."
Annabeth sighed. Leo had the wierdest mind of them all. Piper and Jason rolled their eyes.
Below them, a large crowd of people stood, screaming and shouting. Then as the Argo II got closer, Annabeth saw that most of them carried weapons. Uh-oh, Annabeth thought.
"Leo!" Jason suddenly yelled. "You're going to land in the forum! Move to the left!"
Leo obeyed. Romans ran to meet them. Annabeth scanned the crowds, hoping to see Percy. Then she saw him. He had his arms around a girl with curly brown hair, who was about thirteen or fourteen, and a large bulky guy. The guy looked around sixteen.
"PERCY!!!!!!!!" she screamed. Percy dropped his arms and their eyes met.
"Annabeth!!" Percy cried.
Annabeth leaped off even before the ship landed. The Romans made way for her. She could feel tears streaming down as she ran. She tackled Percy and leaped into his arms. It felt so good to be wrapped in his powerful, strong arms. She felt so safe in his grasp that she didn't want to let go. But Percy pulled back and looked into her eyes with those beautiful sea green eyes that Annabeth haven't seen in such a long time.
"I've missed you, Wise Girl," Percy whispered.
"I've missed you too, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said. She looked up and saw that there were tears in his eyes too.
Percy pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. A real kiss on the lips. They stood there for such a long time that Annabeth didn't realize that everyone was watching, until whoops and applause filled the air. Annabeth felt her face turn burning hot.
Percy gripped her hand. "Come on. Follow me. There's someone I want you to meet." He pulled her along, until they were standing in front of Jason, Leo, and Piper. They were talking with the two kids Percy had his arms around of before and another girl, who looked about fifteen. She had long black hair, and dark, intense brown eyes.
"Annabeth," Percy said. "Meet Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto." He pointed to the girl with curly brown. Annabeth saw that her eye were gold, like a 14-karat gold peice.
Annabeth managed a faint "hi". Hazel nodded and smiled warmly.
"This is Frank Zhang," Percy introduced. He nodded to the big, bulky boy. "He's a son of Mars. And my distant, ah, very distant half brother. Frank is probably the only nice child of the war god."
Frank blushed. Annabeth smiled. She realized that Frank had a strange combination of a strong man, and a pudgy babyish face.
Percy pointed to the other girl, who was talking to Jason. "That's Reyna, daughter of Bellona, the war goddess. She's the praetor of this legion."
Jason turned to Percy. "You replaced me?"
Annabeth had no idea what Jason was talking about. But Percy looked down and shuffled his feet nervously. "I didn't want to. But the legion insisted. And Reyna," he added nervously.
Jason's eyes were dangerous and threatening. Piper touched his shoulder. "It's all right. We'll figure this out."
Annbeth introduced Jason, Piper, and Leo, to Hazel and Frank. Hazel stared at Leo. "You're Sammy."
"What?" Annabeth asked. The others looked euqually confused. Leo stared at Hazel as if she had popped out from his nightmare.
Percy was about to explain when Reyna interrupted. "We'll talk about this at the meeting." She raised her voice and shouted. "Senators and Greeks. Meet me in the Senate House."
Annbeth looked at Percy questioningly. "Just follow me," he said.
All the others from Camp Half-Blood joined up with them. Percy turned back and announced, "Everyone. Listen up. No weapons allowed, so you're gonna have to take them out. You'll get them back, but we don't want the meeting to get bloody."
They marched to the city. The statue, Terminus, made sure all the weapons were placed safely on the metal tray.
They arrived at the Senate House right on time. Percy took the seat next to Reyna at the head. Jason kept giving Percy a murderous look. Percy looked very uncomforatable, because Reyna kept taking hold of his hand. Annabeth felt a strong pulse of jelousy rippling inside her.
Reyna stood. "Jason, I would like to hear your story. From the very beginning. Then Percy will tell you his. Then, we must discuss the problem that our long lost praetor, Jason, has come back, and Percy has just recently been raised at the second praetor. But that'll be for later. Jason, you may begin."
Jason stood and took a deep breath. Then he began.

This is my first fanfic, so i hope that you all like it. and i would LOVE comments. they dont hafta be positive. but keep them constructive. enjoy!
last edited on Jun 27, 2012 at 09:29AM

The Heroes of Olympus 1080 replies

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over a year ago jordan333 said…
Awesome post again soon please
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
NEW PAGE!!! im still thinking about what i should do next. ill probably post tonight.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
i actually finished it. wow. here you go. the next chapter will be in franks pov.
its the whole thing.

When Percy collapsed onto the bed, he couldn't sleep. However hard he tried. He could here his friends breathing. The moon shone bright through the window.

When Percy finally fell asleep, his dreams were similar to all his others. But something felt wrong. His limbs felt tense. It felt as if he was standing in thick syrup. Percy looked down, and his heart crawled into his throat. He was standing in blood. A river of blood. He was in the small creek he made last night, overlooking the Field of Mars.
Gaea's face appeared. Perseus Jackson. I'm surprised you managed to escape from my grasp. But no worries. I have plenty of plans left. Soon, you shall fall into my hands, and your friends can't do anything to save you. Rome and Greece will finally fall. And you, Perseus Jackson, will be the key to the gods' defeat.
Searing pain pierced into Percy's mind. My precious pawn. Don't be afraid. Gaea's voice cooed softly. He saw visions of war against his friends. Blood was splattered everywhere. Stop! He cried. Don't hurt my friends!
Gaea laughed. The ground trembled. But you won't be able to save them
The pain in his mind increased. Percy screamed.

“Percy! Percy!” Someone was shouting his name.
Percy groggily sat up and blinked the sleep out of his eyes. His head ached. “Wh-what happened?”
Annabeth was sitting next to him “Are you okay? You were crying out in your sleep. And you kept rolling around.”
Percy realized that Jason, Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel, and Annabeth were all staring at him. No one else seemed to be in the room. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind. “I-I'm fine. Really. Don't worry about me.”
Hazel frowned. “You look as if you didn't sleep at all.”
“Dreams,” Percy muttered, as he got out of bed.
There were gasps. “Dreams?” Annabeth asked cautiously. “None of us had any dreams.”
Percy froze. No dreams? That didn't sound right.
“You look terrible,” Frank said.
Which didn't exactly make Percy feel any better.
“I'm fine, really,” Percy insisted.
None of them looked really convinced.
Percy glanced at Annabeth. She seemed kind of... troubled. “What's wrong?”
Annabeth looked behind her. Hazel nodded encouragingly. “I-I got an Iris-message from Athena.”
Percy's jaw dropped. “Athena?!? Are you serious?” Percy hoped it wasn't a message telling them to stay away from each other. That would pretty much suck. But her expression said that it was more than that. A lot more.
“She wants us to check on Mt. Tam.”
“She said something bad is stirring in Mt. Tam. There is a powerful source there.”
Percy thought for a second. “Does it have anything to do with Atlas?”
“Anything else?”
She hesitated. “She, uh, told me to tell you to be careful.”
Percy raised an eyebrow. Since when did Athena care about me? He thought.
Then he thought of his dream Does that have anything to do with what was happening at Mt. Tam? He thought about telling his friends about his dream, but that can wait.
Percy glanced at the nervous faces of his friends.
“Anyways,” Percy said, anxious to change the topic, “What time is it?”
Jason checked his watch. “Ten-thirty. You slept through breakfast,” Jason replied. “We couldn't wake you up.”
Percy sat up so suddenly he hit is head against the top bunk. “Ow.” He rubbed his head.
Jason nodded towards the door. “Reyna's waiting for us. We need to discuss about our departure. Oh, and Reyna changed the praetor battle to tomorrow. She said we might not have time to wait another day.”
Percy groaned. Why did he have to fight for praetor ship? He didn't even want it in the first place.
“Come on,” Hazel said. “We're holding back the senate."
Percy nodded and stretched. “Let's go.”

They just walked out of the barrack when a Roman soldier from the Third cohort raced to them. “The camp is under attack!”
“What?” Jason asked.
“The army. It-it's huge.” The soldier looked at Percy for answers. Percy pretended not to see a look of irritation and jealousy flash across Jason's face.
“Gather the cohorts. Form ranks. Just make sure they are ready.”
The soldier nodded and scrambled away.
Horns started to blow.
Percy looked across the Field of Mars and saw Reyna and the senators running towards them.
“I heard the horns,” Reyna gasped. “Is the camp really-”
She didn't need to finish the sentence. Percy and his friends just nodded.
“This is bad. Really bad.” Piper said.
There was a moment of silence. Finally Annabeth said, “Let's go check out the army. Maybe we can estimate the number and make a plan.”
It didn't happen like that, which was no surprise to Percy. Almost nothing went right along with the plan when Percy was around.
When they saw the army, Percy's heart nearly skipped a beat. The army was larger than the one that attacked Camp Jupiter a week ago.
They all stood watching as more and more monsters appeared from the Caldecott Tunnel.
“Holy Hephaestus,” Leo muttered. “It's huge.”
One of the senators started chewing on his finger nail. “We're dead. We are so dead. AAAHHHHH!!!!!” He ran off.
Percy gulped. There were packs and packs of hellhounds, hoards of dracenae, armies of cyclopes, (the Ma Gasket kind, whatever that was), and giants. Percy wasn't sure what kind of giants they were.
Percy leaned close to Annabeth. “What are those giants?”
“I don't know. I've never seen them before. Gaea must've let them out of Tatarus or something.”
“Great. A new species of giants. Great.”
Percy glanced at his friends. They all had solemn expressions. If he was going to die, at least he would die fighting next to his friends. It could be worse.
Then a large muscular man in armor stepped out of the shadows. He had a brutal looking face, covered with scars. At first Percy thought that he was looking at his old enemy, Ares, but he knew better. Ares would never betray Olympus.
He looked closer and the man's face caught in the sunlight. His breath almost stopped. Because the man, was no god, but a titan. He remembered what Annabeth had said. Something bad is stirring in Mt. Tam. Because the titan in armor was Atlas.

Percy couldn't believe it. It really was Atlas.
Jason frowned. “He looks familiar.”
Percy took a deep breath. “That's Atlas.”
Annabeth caught her breath. “Are you sure?”
“I'm positive.”
Leo sighed. “Great. Just wonderful. Now we get to be turned into chow.”
“Leo!” Piper scolded. “Shut up.”
“Sorry Beauty Queen.” Which earned him a black eye.
Percy turned to the senators. “Centurions. Gather your cohort. Remember, stay together.”
They nodded and scrambled away.
Reyna whistled and Skippy came soaring down. This gave Percy an idea. “Hazel, go find Arion.”
He whistled three times, loud and clear. Before long, three large shapes appeared in the air. Blackjack and his two friends, Guido and Porkpie, landed in front of the.
Yo boss. Anyone you want us to stampede? Blackjack neighed. Cuz this horse is ready for anything! As to prove his point, Blackjack rose on his hind legs and neighed loudly.
“Uh right,” Percy said, feeling awkward. “A lot.” He pointed to the army.
Porkpie neighed nervously. That is one huge army.
Guido clopped his feet excitingly. I'm in the mood for some monster pie.
“Well great.” Percy turned to his friends. “Annabeth, why don't you take Porkpie? Jason, how would you feel about riding a pegasus?”
Annabeth squealed happily and hugged Porkpie. Jason looked uncomfortable. “I've actually never ridden a pegasus.”
Percy laughed. “It's easy. Oh, and I think that you should take the eagle with you.”
Percy wanted to laugh at Jason's expression. “Hey, you're Jupiter's son. You can use the eagle's power and add it to yours.”
Percy glanced back. They nodded to let him know they were ready. He turned his attention back to the front, and saw the titan stalking towards them.
Atlas looked at Jason. “Jason Grace. I witnessed your fight with Krios. Why, I wanted to laugh at him. Getting beaten by a fifteen year old?” Atlas snorted. He looked at Percy. “My, my. Perseus Jackson. Your name is all over the world now. Kronos failed, but mother earth hasn't. The Romans and Greeks will fall once and for all!”
The monsters surged forward. Percy raised his hand the Little Tiber rose. The waves crashed onto the monsters, vaporizing the first few rows.
“Attack!” Jason shouted. He raised the eagle and lightning streaked down onto the enemy lines. Percy, Jason, and Annabeth climbed onto their pegasus. Hazel mounted Arion. Together, they attacked.
Battle cries were heard throughout the whole camp as the Romans moved as one against the enemy.

The battle was a mayhem. So many things were going on. Fire fell down onto the enemy lines once in a while and Percy knew that Leo was doing his awesome fire power thing. Hazel made tunnels collapsed and monsters would roar in surprise before falling into the world below. Frank turned into several different animals, sometime big, sometimes small. At some point, Frank would be a huge bear fighting, then turn into a mouse, run behind an enemy and turn back to a bear to deliver the final blow. It was a smart idea, but it wasn't enough. They were going to be overwelmed.
Atlas approached Percy, and their swords clashed against each other. Sparks flew in different directions. They exchanged strikes a parries, but neither of them could hurt each other. Finally, Percy made his mistake. Atlas disarmed him and Percy flew a hundred yards backwards. His whole body ached. His head hurt, and in his guts, he knew he was beaten The titan raised his spear and got ready to stab downward.
Percy closed his eyes and waited for the final blow to come. But it never came. There was a bright flash in front of him and the smell of ozone filled the air. Jason! Jason save his life by summoning lightning. He helped Percy up. “Thanks,” he muttered.
“No problem.”
Together, they engaged Atlas, pushing him closer and closer to the Little Tiber.
Percy willed the water to flow out, turning to ice, forming a large pointed ice spear. He was about to hurl it at Atlas when a pain in his head made him lose concentration. He sank to the ground. Jason called his name, but it sounded far away. The pain was just too much.
Gaea's voice talked softly to him. Visions of the destruction of his friends haunted him. Percy screamed one last time before falling into darkness.
over a year ago book-worm said…
GAH!!!!!!!! Scary!!!!!! Post soon!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
im still thinking about how i should write the next chappie. i already got down the main idea, just need the details.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Ok well post soon!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
here u go!

Frank had never felt so alive. The feeling of hitting monsters, just plain awesome. But after a few minutes, Frank realized that they were losing. Wounded campers cried out in pain and the healers were busy. The monsters cried out in joy and charged. No way are they going to destroy his home. Frank was about to slice at a hellhound when he heard Percy scream in agony. Oh no, oh no. Jason called Percy's name and Atlas laughed evily.
“Percy! Percy!” It was Annabeth. She raced past him in a blur of blond hair. Frank rushed after her. They knelt down around Percy and he wasn't moving.
In no time, Tyson, Piper, Leo, Hazel, and Reyna had joined them.
Jason was standing above them, yelling a taunt at the titan. Lightning streaked down and made contact with Atlas. Frank expected the titan to vaporize on the spot, but he only laughed. “Doesn't seem like your father is with you boy!”
Frank stood and looked at the motionless body of Percy. He gently put his hand on Annabeth's shoulder. “Come on. We can't give up now. We have to keep fighting to honor him.”
There was tears in all of their eyes. Frank could feel his eyes beginning to water, but he fought them back. No way was he going to cry in front of his friends. He had to stay strong, like Jason was.
Frank raised his sword. “For Percy!”
His friends repeated the words and charged in different directions into the enemy lines. Annabeth, however stayed close to Percy to make sure no monster trampled him.
Tyson shouted, "NO ONE HURTS MY BROTHER!!!!" He jumped on a giant and started bonking him in the head with a shield.
Frank imagined his eyes glowing like a lion. With one massive roar, his body swelled. His hair turned into a golden mane. His muscles grew and a tail lashed around. Frank was now a full grown male lion.
He roared in outrage and leaped at a giant that was growling at a Roman from the Second cohort.
The battle was disastrous. Tunnels collapsed and the grass burned. Frank noticed that there were robots moving through the enemy lines, snapping at the monsters and roaring fire.
It was probably one of Leo's master pieces and Frank couldn't help feeling impressed.
Piper was doing a good job of distracting the monsters. Even though she was wearing a Care Bear T-shirt (really?) and her hair was practically smoldering, Frank found himself staring at her. He shook his head to clear his mind. Concentrate.
Finally, the monsters were starting to fall back. Then it was just Jason and Atlas.
The eagle was no longer in his hand. Frank looked around and saw Dakota holding the eagle aloft.
He turned his attention back to the fight. Jason and Atlas parried and exchanged strikes. Jason had several cuts that were bleeding, but he still seemed pretty strong. Atlas, on the other hand, was almost smoldering with rage. He was in a worse condition that Jason and his rage was making him careless. Lightning came down and struck Atlas in the chest. The titan flew backwards and slammed into a rock. The campers cheered as Jason raced after him. He brought his gladius downward, but Atlas rolled out of the way and the blade sank hilt deep into the ground. Jason tried tugging it out, but no such luck. Atlas kicked Jason's legs out from under him and the son of Jupiter went down.
Frank winced. There was no way a demigod like Jason could beat Atlas. Then he thought of how Percy said he defeated Hyperion and Kronos and how Jason defeated Krios.
Come on Jason, Frank thought. You can do it.
Atlas bellowed with laughter. “You can not defeat me, little demigod. I don't need Gaea's help to kill you. I can finish you off myself.”
He saw many Romans inching closer, twitching, probably wanting to help Jason. Frank felt the same urge, but he knew that this was Jason's fight, not his. Jason had to finish Atlas off himself.
Atlas brought down his spear and Frank turned away, not wanting to see what happened next.
Then Atlas grunted and BAM!! Frank looked and couldn't believe what he saw.
Atlas was on the ground looking dazed. Golden ichor leaked from a gas above his forhead.
Jason looked down at him with distaste, and Atlas's spear was in his hand. The look on Jason's face was beyond hatred and anger, it was full of outrage so bad his whole body seemed to glow.
Frank gasped. His body was glowing. There was a faint light of sky blue surrounding Jason, lifting him off the ground by a few inches.
“The blessing of Zeus,” Annabeth muttered. “I-I've never seen anything like that.”
Jason brought down the spear and it pierced Atlas's stomach.
The roar that followed was so loud Frank felt like his ear drums would explode. Everyone was blasted backwards.
Frank hauled himself to his feet, ignoring the pain in his back or the fact that he felt like he was going to throw up.
Everyone got to their feet too, except, well, except for Percy, who was still lying in the same place.
The expression on Atlas's face was full of pure shock. He started to glow and Annabeth shouted, “Look away!”
Frank obeyed and he felt a searing heat on his back, then it faded. Atlas was gone and a very shocked Jason was on his knees, looking at where Atlas was a moment ago.
The monster army slowly backed up, not sure what to do, now that their leader was gone.
Piper stepped forward. “Leave us now, or you will all face a terrible future.”
The enemy dropped their weapons as one and ran for the Caldecott Tunnel, trampling each other trying to get away first.
The camper cheered, but Frank's heart wasn't in it. Frank ran to Percy and felt his chest. Nothing.
Jason, Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Leo, and Reyna knelt by him. Annabeth and Tyson were sobbing, horribly. Mrs. O'Leary, the friendly hellhound nuzzled Percy mournfully. Then she howled in despair into the sky. The others had tears in their eyes too. Frank let his tears drip down. Percy was his friend and now he's just gone.
The cheering died down. All of Percy's Greek friends were sniffing and their eyes were red and puffy from crying
Frank felt as if part of his soul, his identity was gone. A huge hole in his chest opened and was filled with grief and sorrow. He hadn't felt like this since his mother's death.
If Frank felt this bad, he could only imagine how Annabeth and Percy's older friends felt.
Will Solace tried to pour nectar into Percy's mouth, but he was just shaking to badly.
Will looked at the stunned faces of the Romans and shook his head.
A few people started to cry.
Suddenly, Percy gasped and sat straight up like he had just woken from a nightmare.
Annabeth looked up. “Per-Percy?”
Everyone stared at him, mouths opened in shock.
Percy looked confused. “What's everyone staring at?”
No answer.
“Close your mouths,” Percy said. “Or flies will go in and your jaws will be disconnected.”
Frank and everyone else closed your mouth.
Reyna wiped her tears. “You-you were...dead.”
Percy stared at her. “What?”
Hazel scooted forward. “What do you remember?”
Percy frowned as if trying to remember. “I-I don't know. There's so many thing in my head, I can't tell what's real and what's not real.” He looked at all of them.
Frank gulped. What if Percy thinks he's dreaming? “But you were dead.”
Percy shook his head. “Like I said, there's just so many things going on. Gaea showed my some visions and then it went black. And I just woke up.”
Reyna stood. “Everyone go back to your bunks and rest.” She nodded at Will. “Take Percy to the infirmary.” She looked at Jason, Leo, Piper, Annabeth, Hazel, and Frank. “We need to talk.”
Uh-oh, Frank thought. But he followed the rest of them as they marched to the principia.

who's pov do u think the next chapter should be in?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago book-worm said…
Do piper or jason maybe Leo Super awesome chappie loved it as always!!!!!(:
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
thanks book-worm. ill do jason, i guess. do u think the next chapter should be the praetor batte? cuz if u want it to be it, then ill do jason's pov.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Yeah!!!!!!!! That would be awesome!!!!!
over a year ago jordan333 said…
No way not yet Percy was just dead he is in no condition to fight try annabeths pov I wanna no what she was thinking or Reyna cos she likes him too
over a year ago Phrabow said…
you should do percy pov soon i want to know whats he been thinking
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
all right. ill do reynas pov.
over a year ago LeosGirl said…
Hi rainbow!!!!!!! I love your forum!!!!! This story is great!!!!!!! Can't wait for your next post!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
great. i still need to think about what to do next.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Okay!!!! Post soon!!!!
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Cool cant wait for Reyna's pov
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
it might take a few days. im still debating on what to do next. so just hang on tight.
over a year ago book-worm said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
im actually working on it right now.
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
Awesome!!! Post soon!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
heyy, i just edited the previous chapter. u can reread it if u want.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago megon4ever said…
That was the best chapter yet!
I don't go on fanpop a lot, but i'll definately go on for yours!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
thanks. do u think its too emotional and choppy? thats what my friend said, and after i reread it, i kindof hafta agree. i dont really think about what im gonna type, it just happens.
over a year ago Phrabow said…
big smile
book worm put your link to your fanfiction that you and another person just started because i want to read it
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
oh u have to read it. its super good!
btw, im working on a post right now.
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
YAY!!!!! Your going to post soon!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
hopefully, but i hafta go to this stupid class cuz i have a competition soon, but ill try to finish when i get back.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i finally finished it!!! here u go.

Percy. Percy was the only person on her mind after the battle. Reyna always felt... distracted, whenever Percy was around. She knew that it was wrong for her to feel so connected to him when they only just met, but she couldn't help it. And when Percy gave her that dazzling smile of his, her stomach would flutter and her heart would start to tap dance. Reyna tried to fight it, but Percy's aura was attracting her, and she could tell that the others knew.
When Will Solace announced that Percy was dead, Reyna wanted to sob, like how Annabeth was, but she knew that she had to stay strong. Then Percy woke. She can't, not even now, describe the joy, the happiness that filled the hole in her chest. She wanted to rush forward and hug him, even kiss him, but Reyna restrained herself. She would never kiss him in front of people, and definitely not in front of Annabeth.
After Will helped Percy walk to the infirmary and everyone else left, Reyna wanted to bawl. But instead, she took a deep breath and motioned to the others to follow her.
She stormed into the principia and sat down. She noticed that Jason was looking wistfully at the second praetor seat.
Reyna cleared her throat. “All right. We are here to decide what to do and when to leave. Percy may need some time to rest.”
“No I don't.”
Everyone turned and saw Percy standing at the doorway, smiling that special smile of his, his sea-green eyes sparkling.
Annabeth raced to him and grabbed his face. “Wh-what are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting.”
Percy laughed and kissed her. “Nah. I'm fine. The nectar and ambrosia helped.”
Reyna tried not to feel a pang of jealousy. Annabeth got Percy first, but Reyna just couldn't help feeling connected to him.
Frank and Hazel ran to Percy.
Jason, Leo, and Piper all had relieved expressions.
“We were so worried!” Hazel cried.
“I'm all right.”
Reyna walked down and grasped Percy's hand. “Are you sure?” She brushed his hair back to check for injuries and Percy nervously took a step back.
Reyna dropped her hand and looked at the ground, embarrassed. “Sorry,” she muttered. Annabeth glared at her, but she ignored it and went back to her seat while the rest stood there.
She motioned for Percy to sit in the second praetor chair.
“Uhh.....” Percy hesitated. He released Annabeth's hand and went to sit next to Reyna.
She left out a sigh. Having Percy next to her already made her feel more... confident.
“Okay. So as I was saying, we need to vote on when to leave. And since Percy is feeling much better, we can have the praetor battle the day after tomorrow.”
Jason opened his mouth to object, but Reyna stopped him. “I know, but we are all still tired from the battle. You need to regain your energy.”
Jason looked at his shirt, which was torn and splattered with monster blood. “Okay.”
Percy stood. “So I guess that means we'll leave the next day then.”
They all nodded in agreement.
“Wait,” Annabeth said. “Is it okay if we leave our Greek campers with you? The quest is only for the seven, and that's us.” She motioned to Percy, Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, and Frank.”
Reyna tried not to feel jealous that she wasn't included in the quest. “Fine. The Romans do seem to accept the Greeks to our camp.”
Percy nodded. “Good. I suppose we should all rest before dinner.”
“Evening muster,” Jason corrected.
“Oh, right.” Percy's face flushed with embarrassment, which Reyna thought was cute. “Well, is there anything else you want to say?” Percy looked at Reyna.
Reyna found herself staring at his face. “Wh-what? Oh, no.”
She saw Annabeth flash her a glare and Reyna returned it, but Percy caught them.
“Well then-” Whatever Percy was about to say was interrupted by a tremor in the ground, except it knocked everyone off their feet. Dust trickled from the ceiling. From a few miles away, there was a large boom, but everyone was too shocked to go outside to check what happened.
Suddenly, Jake Mason ran into the principia. “The Argo II,” Jake gasped. “It-it.” He swallowed.
Leo sat up straight. “What? What happened to my baby?”
No one scolded Leo for calling the ship his baby.
Jake took a deep breath and Reyna tensed sensing that this was going to be horrible news. “It's been damaged badly during the earthquake. It was Gaea.”

and i would really enjoy some constructive critisism, so i would know how u would like the chapters to be to make them better. cuz i want to be as good as RR. :D
over a year ago book-worm said…
Are you sure you aren't RR in disguise trying to get feed back on ideas? Because that is exactly how RR would've had it!!!! That was awesome!!!!
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Post please
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
I really want to see who wins the praetor battle!!
over a year ago Phrabow said…
i like the reyna annabeth compotition but make shure itz percabeth or im leaving and you can make a like reo or something
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
well, no spoilers, but ull find out soon enough. :D
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
im still thinking about what should happen next.
over a year ago book-worm said…
Okay....just hurry fast!!!!(:
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yep. im working on it. still thinking though
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
heres the next chappie!

Oh Gods. Oh Gods. Please don't let this happen. Leo thought as he raced ahead to where the Argo II was. Leo stopped in his tracks as soon as they turned the corner. The damage was devastating. The hull was cracked and there seemed to be smoke coming out from the engine room.
Everyone stared in horror.
Leo sprinted forward. “No! No! Nooo!!” Leo screamed. The boat was in worse shape that he had first realized. There were holes all over the place. The deck boards had come loose and were torn to pieces so that you could see the rooms under.
Leo climbed down the ladder to check on the engine room. Even before he got there, a blast of heat smacked his face, giving Leo a bad impression that the engine room had received the worst damage. The heat was unbearable. Steam poured out and the metal was badly dented. He did a quick sweep around the room, his heart getting heavier and heavier with each section. When he was done, Leo plopped down on the floor and cried. They had worked so hard to finish this, and now it was destroyed. First, it was Festus, now the Argo II. Anger flared into him, and a burning sensation filled his muscles energizing him, getting ready for some action. Gaea is so going to pay. I'm coming, Gaea Leo thought. And I am going to beat you up, hard, Leo-style.

Everyone tried to cheer him up, but Leo's heart wasn't in it. He could imagine Gaea laughing at him, but he wasn't going to let that take him down. He stood and faced his friends. “We have to start rebuilding now. All of the engine room needs to be replaced.”
Hazel stared at him. “How long would it take?”
Leo shrugged. “A few days at the least. We'd better get started.” He trudged away, not wanting to show how devastated he felt.
Someone grabbed his shoulder. “Relax, Leo. We'll fix her in no time.” It was Jason.
Piper was behind him, smiling encouragingly. Leo smiled back. He was grateful that his friends were always there for him.
They spent the rest of the day working, repairing the boat. The progress was faster than Leo thought, thanks to the skilled Romans. Jason had explained that Romans were trained to build fast.
Leo added new additions to the ship, such as machine guns attached to the ship that are controlled by PS3 controllers which are located in a room below deck. There are four guns, each with a controller and a screen, and the functions very similar to Modern Warfare 3.
Everyone thought it was a bit overboard, but hey, there is always room for improvement.
Leo stayed up at night, working and fixing the engine room when he heard a voice that sent a chill down his spine.
You see, Leo. You are not just a tag along, but an essential part in the quest, which is why you have to be stopped. Gaea's sleepy laughter echoed through the room.
Panic closed his throat and his heart thumped so loud Leo was sure everyone could hear it. Darkness closed around him.
Suddenly, Hazel's voice shouted, “Leo! Leo! Are you okay? Where are you?”
Leo had never been so glad to hear her voice. “Over here!” Leo cried faintly. The presence of Gaea retreated. Gaea's voice growled, “Until next time, son of Hephaestus.” Then it was gone.
Hazel climbed down and squeezed his hand. “Are you all right?”
“Um gah.” Leo cleared his throat, looking for his voice. “I-I'm fine,” he said weakly.
“Are you sure?” Her eyes were full of concern.
Leo huffed. Since when did anyone care about me? Leo thought. "How did you know I was here?"
"I-uh-I had a dream that u were here and something bad happened, so I came to check."
Good thing too, Leo thought.
She studied his face. “You should get some rest. There's still a lot to do and you can't do it all by yourself. Wait till morning.”
Leo opened his mouth to protest, but realized that she had a point. “I guess.”
Together they climbed out and ran to the barracks. Leo climbed into his bunk, which was on top of Hazel's and lay there, feeling miserable.
“Good night, Leo,” Hazel said, suddenly.
Leo jerked in surprise. “Uh yeah, I mean, good night.”
He heard a small giggle, then silence.
Leo didn't want to go to sleep. The truth was, he was afraid, afraid of what he would dream of. But exhaustion took over and Leo sank into a deep sleep.

It was a dream that Leo had dreamed of several times.
Leo was at a “whites only” riding club for horses, and he would often take his friend there. But it was in the 1940's, and what was even stranger was that his friend, was Hazel. Leo knew that he was a whole new person, but he felt the same, his voice was the same, and what unnerved him even more was that he looked the same. Only his name was different. His name was Sammy Valdez. Same last name too.
That afternoon Leo and Hazel road on horses, except Hazel went so fast it took him forever to find her. It was Hazel's thirteenth birthday and Leo had brought a cupcake with a candle on it for them to share.
They talked about the war. “You know, I wish I was old enough to go. I mean, we really need to teach the Japanese a lesson.” Leo glanced at Hazel, waiting for her to tell him not to. Instead she smiled. “You'll make a great soldier.”
Leo smiled back. “Would you write letters to me?”
She punched him in the shoulder and grinned. “'Course, dummy.”
Leo felt the smile widened on his face, and without thinking, he leaned forward and gave Hazel a quick kiss on her cheek. “Happy birthday, Hazel.”
Together, they rode back to the stables.
“See you tomorrow,” Leo called to her as they went in different directions.
Leo gazed longingly at the spot where she disappeared. He wanted to grab Hazel and take her to his house or kiss her again. Instead he turned and went back home.
Then the dream strayed from usual. This time, Gaea didn't talk to him. Instead the scene changed.
It was a misty night, and the air was cold. Leo's teeth chattered as he looked around. He was on an island, with a large cave. Power radiated from the cave, and as if in a trance, he walked towards it. He saw Hazel and her mother at the mouth of the cave. What was inside was so terrible Leo wanted to run away, but he had to see this. Hazel didn't seem to notice him walk to her. Leo got a closer look at the thing in the pit of the cave. Leo couldn't really see it clearly but he could tell it was two stories high and a glowing body was forming inside a cage of tendrils, similar to the ones Hera had been in. He realized that it was a giant, forming out of precious metal, ready to destroy the world, and Hazel was responsible.
Hazel and her mother started to cry, but Leo couldn't hear what they were saying. The caver shook and the pit exploded and Leo screamed as he free fell into a world of darkness.

would u guys want me to type down what chapter this is?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago book-worm said…
Awesome chappie but what do you mean type down?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
like as in show what chapter it is. like that chapter was i think chapter 9. i think.
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
SO AWESOME!! Please post soon!!(or now)
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
hey, guys, ill be leaving for a vacation for six days, so im not sure if i can post. but i think my dad will bring his laptop, so hopefully i can.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
sorry about being gone guys. i went on a vacation, so, yah. ill try to post soon. but im still on vacation, so probably wont have much time.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
Post Now!!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
hey, so ill be going back home in tomarrow, so just hold on for a while longer. ill try to post asap. who knows? i might just be able to give two chappies. :D
over a year ago tristain714 said…
[pleas pst this story bis grat
over a year ago tristain714 said…
o srry my finger keeps slipping
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
sorry guys. our internet wasnt working so i couldnt post. im working on one right now.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
Dear readers,
I really want to get my forum to go on to the popular list, so it would mean a lot to me if you can share this with other people on fanpop. That is all I ask.
ps. i would really enjoy some comments to tell me what i can do to make the story more exciting. I don't care if it's negative, because i would always to at it as an improvment to my story. so better story equals happy readers.

rainbow_girl. :D