The Heroes of Olympus Mark of Athena Fanfic, Rainbow Style

rainbow_goddess posted on Jun 27, 2012 at 08:58AM
Annabeth leaned over the edge. Her heart pounded. She was finally going to see her boyfriend, Percy Jackson, after eight long months. Most of the senior campers from Camp Half-Blood came along. Leo Valdz steering the Argo II. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Jason Grace and Piper McLean holding hands, talking. She hoped that the video Leo sent would let the Romans know that they weren't the enemy. But after watching Leo talk, she started to think that instead of helping them, Leo would get them killed in painful, nasty ways.
Piper and Jason came up next to her. Annabeth looked at them. "What do you think will happen?" she whispered.
Jason gazed into space. "I don't know."
Suddenly, a cloud parted and what Annabeth saw nearly gave her a heart attack. Camp Jupiter. The landscape displayed below her was beautiful. The hills were green. The Roman style temples and buildings were unbelievable. Her mouth hung open.
Leo's voice echoed through the speekers. "Attention everyone. We have arrived in Camp Jupiter. And they have spotted us. Jason, please kindly wave so that the Romans know that you are with us."
Annabeth sighed. Leo had the wierdest mind of them all. Piper and Jason rolled their eyes.
Below them, a large crowd of people stood, screaming and shouting. Then as the Argo II got closer, Annabeth saw that most of them carried weapons. Uh-oh, Annabeth thought.
"Leo!" Jason suddenly yelled. "You're going to land in the forum! Move to the left!"
Leo obeyed. Romans ran to meet them. Annabeth scanned the crowds, hoping to see Percy. Then she saw him. He had his arms around a girl with curly brown hair, who was about thirteen or fourteen, and a large bulky guy. The guy looked around sixteen.
"PERCY!!!!!!!!" she screamed. Percy dropped his arms and their eyes met.
"Annabeth!!" Percy cried.
Annabeth leaped off even before the ship landed. The Romans made way for her. She could feel tears streaming down as she ran. She tackled Percy and leaped into his arms. It felt so good to be wrapped in his powerful, strong arms. She felt so safe in his grasp that she didn't want to let go. But Percy pulled back and looked into her eyes with those beautiful sea green eyes that Annabeth haven't seen in such a long time.
"I've missed you, Wise Girl," Percy whispered.
"I've missed you too, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said. She looked up and saw that there were tears in his eyes too.
Percy pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. A real kiss on the lips. They stood there for such a long time that Annabeth didn't realize that everyone was watching, until whoops and applause filled the air. Annabeth felt her face turn burning hot.
Percy gripped her hand. "Come on. Follow me. There's someone I want you to meet." He pulled her along, until they were standing in front of Jason, Leo, and Piper. They were talking with the two kids Percy had his arms around of before and another girl, who looked about fifteen. She had long black hair, and dark, intense brown eyes.
"Annabeth," Percy said. "Meet Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto." He pointed to the girl with curly brown. Annabeth saw that her eye were gold, like a 14-karat gold peice.
Annabeth managed a faint "hi". Hazel nodded and smiled warmly.
"This is Frank Zhang," Percy introduced. He nodded to the big, bulky boy. "He's a son of Mars. And my distant, ah, very distant half brother. Frank is probably the only nice child of the war god."
Frank blushed. Annabeth smiled. She realized that Frank had a strange combination of a strong man, and a pudgy babyish face.
Percy pointed to the other girl, who was talking to Jason. "That's Reyna, daughter of Bellona, the war goddess. She's the praetor of this legion."
Jason turned to Percy. "You replaced me?"
Annabeth had no idea what Jason was talking about. But Percy looked down and shuffled his feet nervously. "I didn't want to. But the legion insisted. And Reyna," he added nervously.
Jason's eyes were dangerous and threatening. Piper touched his shoulder. "It's all right. We'll figure this out."
Annbeth introduced Jason, Piper, and Leo, to Hazel and Frank. Hazel stared at Leo. "You're Sammy."
"What?" Annabeth asked. The others looked euqually confused. Leo stared at Hazel as if she had popped out from his nightmare.
Percy was about to explain when Reyna interrupted. "We'll talk about this at the meeting." She raised her voice and shouted. "Senators and Greeks. Meet me in the Senate House."
Annbeth looked at Percy questioningly. "Just follow me," he said.
All the others from Camp Half-Blood joined up with them. Percy turned back and announced, "Everyone. Listen up. No weapons allowed, so you're gonna have to take them out. You'll get them back, but we don't want the meeting to get bloody."
They marched to the city. The statue, Terminus, made sure all the weapons were placed safely on the metal tray.
They arrived at the Senate House right on time. Percy took the seat next to Reyna at the head. Jason kept giving Percy a murderous look. Percy looked very uncomforatable, because Reyna kept taking hold of his hand. Annabeth felt a strong pulse of jelousy rippling inside her.
Reyna stood. "Jason, I would like to hear your story. From the very beginning. Then Percy will tell you his. Then, we must discuss the problem that our long lost praetor, Jason, has come back, and Percy has just recently been raised at the second praetor. But that'll be for later. Jason, you may begin."
Jason stood and took a deep breath. Then he began.

This is my first fanfic, so i hope that you all like it. and i would LOVE comments. they dont hafta be positive. but keep them constructive. enjoy!
last edited on Jun 27, 2012 at 09:29AM

The Heroes of Olympus 1080 replies

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over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
*bounces off walls*
*super creepy smile*
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
D: its been 3 hours!!!!!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
alright this has to be like 4 now!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
sorry i was late, but i had to eat dinner.
but i finished it!

That-that Jason! Hazel had always respected him, and she still did, but the thought of him betraying Piper, who seemed so much nicer than Reyna(Shhh! Don't tell anyone!)... She wondered if Frank would ever ditch her...or what if-what if she fell for Leo?
Stop it! Hazel told herself. But Leo looked so much like Sammy, her first boyfriend. And his voice, his voice stirred her oldest memories of him.
Anyways, Percy led them out of the infirmary to the barracks to pack up their supplies. Along the way, they passed the praetor house, and Hazel noticed Percy glare at the building.
Uh-oh. She seriously hoped Percy doesn't get mad. The last time-well, never mind.
Then Leo stopped in his tracks.
Frank looked at him. “Are you okay?”
“Shhh! Do you hear that?”
At first, Hazel thought Leo had hit his head too hard, but then she heard it.
A sound coming from the praetor house. The sound of kissing. Then a gasp and a moan of pleasure.
Hazel shuddered. Without realizing it, she walked towards the house. Frank and Percy tried to pull her back, but she shook them off. She had to see what was going on, for Piper's sake.
The door was slightly ajar, so Hazel peaked through the gap and almost threw up.
There was Jason and Reyna alright. They were on the bed, making out.
“What is it?” Percy whispered.
Hazel couldn't say anything, besides managing a small squeak.
Percy went to look himself and then he exploded.
Well, not literally, of course. That would be disgusting. More like the anger kind of exploding.
He roared in anger and swung the door open.
Hazel exchanged glances with Frank. Who knew Percy could get so angry?
The couple was looking at them with wide eyes, clearly shocked. Reyna was holding a blanket over her chest, while Jason was shirtless.
Ugh. Gross.
Percy scooped up Jason's shirt that was on the ground and tossed it to him. “We're leaving for Camp Half-Blood. Go pack up.”
Jason opened his mouth to protest, but Percy glared at him.
Leo went up to his friend and did the most unexpected thing Hazel would've thought he would've done. Leo punched Jason in the guts. Hazel gasped.
“That's for Piper,” he snarled. Then he spun around and stalked out of the room.
Jason was on the ground, groaning, and Reyna rushed to her boyfriend, but Frank held her back.
Percy helped Jason get up and his expression softened. “You'd better apologize later. Get packing.”
Jason looked at Reyna wistfully, then walked past Percy. Jason passed Hazel on his way out, and he paused to look at her.
“Tell-” he moistened his lips. “Tell Piper that I never meant to hurt her. Tell her that she'll always have a place in my heart and I just want to be friends with her.”
Before she could respond, he turned and ran out of the room.
Hazel thought about what Jason had said. Suddenly, she felt bad for him. Maybe they shouldn't have been so hard on him. But then again, he asked for it.
Then Percy turned to Reyna. “You too. You're campers need you.”
She nodded and rushed to the bathroom to get changed.
He nodded to Hazel and Frank, his expression hard again. “Let's go and find Leo.”
* * *
They found Leo sitting on his bed, staring blankly at the wall. The most shocking thing were the streaks of tears slowly rolling down his cheeks. He didn't seem so much like the Sammy Hazel knew 70 years ago. Sammy was a cheerful and funny boy, and right now, well, Leo seems so depressed. But Hazel was glad that he cared about his friend.
Then a thought occurred to her. Could Leo have a crush on Piper? It seemed possible, since Piper is so nice and level-headed. But just thinking about this idea made Hazel...uncomfortable? No, that's not the right word. Jealousy. That was what she was feeling. Hazel was jealous.
Percy sat down on the bed next to him, whispering comforting words. Hazel and Frank stood by, feeling very awkward. She knew what everyone was thinking. What are they going to tell Piper?
Frank shifted uncomfortably. “We, um, should get packing. Piper and Annabeth are waiting. I'm gonna look for some backpacks...” and he wandered off.
At the thought of his girlfriend, Percy straightened up. “Right! Ummm....”
He looked around the messy room.
Then she heard a BAM!! coming from the back of the room. There was Frank, crushed under a pile of backpacks.
“Sorry! Kind of...lost my balance.”
Hazel stifled a laugh. Frank was so sweet and cute when he was clumsy.
“Good job, Frank!” Percy called, grinning wildly, then stopped abruptly, as if remembering something sour.
Leo almost cracked a smile, which was a good accomplishment.
Hazel went to her drawer and went through her belongings. A few sets of clothes. Check. Tooth brush and toothpaste. Check. Ambrosia and nectar. Check. Hmmm.... Unicorn hair. Why not? Mortal cash. Check. And finally, the most vital belonging: her spatha.
With some difficulty, and some help from Frank's great strength, she managed to stuff all her stuff inside a small backpack. There was some space left, so Hazel dropped a few bags of cookies and chips and...oh! A new snack she had discovered in the 21st century: gummy bears!
Frank stood next to her, with his back pack slung over one shoulder and his pilum stored in a golf bag (just like before) over the other shoulder. “Ready partner?” He grinned at her.
“You bet.” Hazel felt a surge of excitement and anxiety the same time.
Nico, she thought, Just hold on. We're coming to save you...
She turned to see Percy and Leo carrying their bags, and two others for Piper and Annabeth.
Percy nodded at them. “Let's go. We shouldn't keep them waiting.”
They walked out of the barracks, just in time to see Jason and Reyna kiss in the distance.
Hazel felt Frank stiffen next to her. There was a growl coming from Leo and Percy just rolled his eyes.
Hazel, on the other hand, was stunned. Did they really have to see all of this?
Percy continued to the mess hall, with Hazel, Frank, and an irritated Leo Valdez scrambling after him.
Piper and Annabeth were already looking bored when the quartet arrived. And apparently Annabeth had taken time to pack some food...very smart. Probably Minerva, no, Athena gene.
Annabeth studied their expressions. “You guys look upset. Are you alright.”
Percy glanced nervously at Piper. “Umm...well...”
“We saw Jason,” Leo interrupted angrily.
Annabeth placed her hand on her boyfriend's arm. “What happened?”
Frank gulped. “I don't think Piper would like the news.”
“WHAT?!?” Piper screeched.
“Good job, Frank,” Hazel grumbled.
Frank put his hand over mouth. “Sorry.”
Piper scanned their faces. “What. Did. You. See?”
“Jason and Reyna,” Leo growled.
Tears welled up in Piper's eyes, and Leo looked extremely angry now.
Was it Hazel's imagination, or was Leo smoking? Not like cigarette smoking, like Leo is on fire kind of smoking. Flames were dancing in his hair, smoke was coming from his ear, and the most awkward were that his pants were smoldering.
Hazel seriously hoped they didn't burn away and show Leo's boxers. That would be very embarrassing.
Unconsciously, Hazel reached for the package in her coat pocket where Frank's life was safe and secure. But with Leo burning up, the sight of fire freaked her out.
Frank whimpered and scrambled backwards with a terrified look in his eyes.
Stepping forward, Hazel wrapped her arms around Frank, comforting him.
He nodded his gratitude.
“Leo...” Annabeth warned.
Piper was still crying, and Leo seemed to be lost in thought.
The daughter of Athena glanced at Percy, and he seemed to get the message.
Then out of nowhere, a spout of water doused the whole porch. Everything and everyone was soaking wet, except for Percy, who was grinning happily.
Frank spluttered water. “Ugh, Percy. Was that necessary?”
Percy shrugged.
Leo was on the ground, coughing. And, back to the annoying Leo. “Jeez Louis! What was that for? I didn't ask for a bath!”
Everyone laughed, even Piper. She helped him up, giggling.
“Thank you, Beauty Queen.” He grinned at her.
Piper smacked him. “I told you not to call me that!”
Just looking at them like that made Hazel really jealous. She didn't know why. The feeling was just there.
Be quiet, she told herself. Then she thought about when she first saw Leo. He had recognized her and remembered some things they had done in the past.
Annabeth cleared her throat. “We should get moving. And thanks for packing for me and Piper.”
She glanced at Piper, who had Leo in a headlock.
Percy sighed and went over and gently separated the two demigods.
Leo cheered. “Let's aboard the Argo II!!”
He seemed to have forgotten the previous scenes of Jason and Reyna together, and Hazel was glad that the old Leo was back, even if he was a bit annoying.
The demigods slopped through the now-wet-and-slippery porch and towards the Fields of Mars, were the Argo II was currently waiting.
There was also a crowd at the base of the ship waiting for them. Somehow, the Greeks already were packed and ready to go. Maybe Percy sent a message ahead. Whatever the case, they were already to go.
Some Romans were also there, probably to see them off.
Everyone who was supposed to board the ship to Camp Half-Blood was there. Except for Jason.
“Where's Jason?” Annabeth asked?
Leo sniffed disdainfully. “Oh who knows. Doing something disgusting with Reyna, most likely.”
That was the wrong thing to say.
Piper quickly turned away, wiping tears that threatened to flow from her eyes.
Hazel felt bad for her, being cheated like that. She put her arm around Piper reassuringly.
“Hey. It's okay. You'll find someone much better, and actually loves you. Besides, you're too good for Jason.” Hazel immediately stopped at that part about Jason. She hadn't meant it like that. Jason was a good person, really, and she was so focused on helping Piper she wasn't thinking.
Piper turned towards her. “You really think so?”
Hazel nodded.
Piper smiled and threw her arms around Hazel, shocking her. “Thank you, Hazel. You're a good friend.”
Hazel could feel her face get warm with embarrassment. “Well, I guess it just comes naturally.”
She laughed.
Hazel realized who she had just sounded like: Leo.
Percy and Annabeth, being the oldest couple in the group, herded them onto the Argo II, followed by the Greeks.
Leo charged forward, almost shoving Percy against the wall and scrambled into the control room.
“MY BABY!!!!!!”
Frank raised an eyebrow at Hazel, but she just shrugged. Guess they'll have to live with this weirdness.
Then Jason arrived. But he wasn't alone.
He was dragging Reyna along, and they were laughing crazily. Hazel watched at Jason picked her up and spun his girlfriend around. He set her down and they kissed. Jason slung on his backpack and ran towards them.
Reyna called him back, and they kissed again.
Hazel noticed that she wasn't the only one looking at them weirdly. In fact, everyone was staring at them, even the Romans.
She heard a sob and a loud slam of a door. It was probably Piper.
Why did Jason have to be such a jerk right now? Couldn't he see that Piper was hurt badly?
Jason jogged up onto the Argo II, grinning happily.
“Hey guys. What's up?”
No one responded, only looking up at him and giving a curt nod before going back to their work.
His smile faded. “Is anything wrong?”
Frank glanced at Hazel, but she quickly looked away. She suddenly realized that how Jason was acting right now was ruining his reputation for Frank and Percy. Neither of them really knew Jason, and now he was acting like a jerk. Percy probably wouldn't let Jason take lead because he would be afraid of letting Jason mess up the quest. Hazel knew better. Jason was a noble leader, but maybe he was just acting like this because he hadn't been home in such a long time.
“We're just tired,” she muttered.
Then she turned and walked down the corridor and looked for her room.
Her room was amazing-golden walls with precious gems glittering throughout the room. The lamps were decorated with intricate jewelry and crystals hung from the ceiling.
She sat down on her bed and tossed her backpack onto the floor.
Slowly, she took out her belongings from her backpack and organized them. Clothes into the drawers. Weapon on the nightstand for emergencies. Bathroom stuff in the bathroom-duh.
Leo's voice appeared on the speaker: “Attention crew members! This is your captain speaking.”
Hazel rolled her eyes.
“We are taking off in three, two, one...TAKE OFF!!”
Immediately, the boat lurched forward and Hazel felt queasy.
Then the speaker went on again. “Percy! Jason! Get your butts up here! I need to two to help me steer while I get a rest.”
Ahh. Rest sounded good. She lay down, ready to fall asleep when a voice jarred her from her rest.
Hazel! Wake up! We're going to the stables, aren't we?
Hazel sat straight up and looked for the speaker. No one was there.
Was she hearing things? She closed her eyes and the voice appeared again. Only there was another speaker.
Are you sure it's okay to sneak away from school? Hazel realized with a start that it was her voice! She was listening to a conversation from her past.
Well, would you rather have rocks thrown at you all day long? Or, the voice continued, would you rather spend the day with me at the stables with horses?
Past Hazel laughed. Okay, Sammy. You win.
Real Hazel opened her eyes wide. That was Sammy! She had to talk to Leo about this immediately.
She went to Leo's room, which was marked with the words “Leo Valdez: Supreme Commander of the Argo II”.
On the next line, it said “Fire User”.
Hazel wondered what her title was. She didn't pay any attention to her door. She'll go check later.
Would Leo be in his room or at the control center? Well, he had said he would go take a rest, so he would probably be in his room.
Hazel took a deep breath and knocked.
Leo's sleepy voice called out, “Who is it?”
“Uhh...It's Hazel.”
There was panic in his voice when he responded. “Oh! Hold on a sec!”
Hazel heard footsteps scrambling hurridly around the room. There was a BANG!! followed by an OOF!!
Five minutes later, Leo called. “Come in!”
Hazel sighed and opened the door. Leo was sitting at his “Supreme Commander of the Argo II” desk.
Couldn't he get any more creative?
He was wearing a dark red suit (really?) with his hair combed back. His bed was neatly made and not a single piece of trash was visible on the floor.
Wow, he keeps everything neat, Hazel thought.
Then she saw the overflowing trashcan and clothes sticking out of his drawers.
Never mind. So he spent that five minutes cleaning up his room and to look nice just for her?
Hazel couldn't help feeling happy that he was doing something special for her. But he might do that for everyone else. This didn't mean that she was special to him, she scolded herself.
“So what did you want to see me for?” Leo asked in a serious tone that made Hazel fell like he was trying really hard not to laugh.
“Uhh...” Hazel's throat felt clogged up.
Leo motioned to a chair across from him. “Please, sit.”
Hazel trudged to the chair and plopped.
“Please continue.” He looked at her expectantly.
She cleared her throat. “I wanted to ask you about my past...and...about Sammy.” The last part came out as a whisper.
Leo froze. “S-Sam-Sammy? W-what do you want t-to know?”
Hazel saw a small piece of sapphire appear on the ground. How a rare gem appear on the floor of a ship hovering in the air, she had no idea. She quickly picked it up and slipped it into her pocket.
“Well, you recognized me, and you get all nervous around me. And just a few minutes ago, I could hear voices. My voice and your voice, from the past. Except you were Sammy.”
Leo sighed and said, “I've been having dreams, about you and me.”
Hazel's heart rose.
“Except, like you said, I was Sammy, instead of Leo. And well, that's just it.”
“What did you dream of?”
Leo went into detail of his dreams. Hazel remembered all of them.
When she looked at him, she wasn't looking at him as Leo Valdez, but as Sammy, her old boyfriend.
Unconsciously, she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.
They stayed that way for a long time.
Until someone opened the door. “Leo, the-” the speaker stopped short.
Hazel spun around at saw Frank standing at the doorway, his jaw open with shock. His eyes flashed with hurt and betrayal.
Oh Gods. She hadn't meant to kiss Leo like that. Now, what was going to happen? Leo or Frank?


over a year ago precious211 said…
lol awesome job!
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
yea.... i kinda saw that coming....
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
........…………(no commentary neccecary)0.0!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
okay fannies! do u want hazel and leo, or hazel and frank? cuz i could mix up my earlier intentions and go w/ what u guys want, but just tell me ur opinion.
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Hazel with Frank and Leo with piper I loved the Jason/Reyna thing
But The whole camp would now hate Leo Hazel and Jason
Which would make it easy for Gaea to make them turn against themselves
That's just what I think, so POST even though you like just posted ok bye now
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
thanks for the comment. ill think about it.
over a year ago demigod324 said…
I kinda want Hazel and Leo..but i also want Hazel and Frank (i'm so conflicted)
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Sorry, I would rather keep Leo for myself:). Hey has this ever happened to you-My sister comes into my room while I'm cleaning it and throws a piano at me(It's one of those large kiddy ones) and it hits my arm. I throw a pillow at her and we both trip on the pillow. My tooth goes into my bottom lip and hits my sisters head. I got a vaccine at school today on the arm my Sis. threw a piano at, and now it hurts like Hades! So what else is new?
over a year ago demigod324 said…
No but i have had somebody "acidently" sit on my broken leg
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
How I love my little sister...Hey, Maybe I could do something special for her....
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
wow. that sucks. my friend broke an arm when she fell off the couch. now THAT was interesting.
i have a scar where my left brow is from jumping in the car when i was bout 2. apparently, i tripped and banged my forehead against the armrest. but i dont remember anything, soo.....
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Oh the stories I could tell you about times i' ve been injured...lke two christmas eves ago when i was in the ER till christmas that was fun
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
SAME!!! Today I got hurt(visibly) in about 6 different places!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
that sucks. for both of u. i mean, lying in the hospital durin christmas? thats just sad.
@cinnomin: hope ur better! how did u get hurt?
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
One-My sis threw a piano at me and I got a vaccine on the same arm. Oh after she threw the piano, I threw a pillow at her and we both tripped on it and my front teeth cut into my bottom lip. I got a really bad stomache ache and my chest was hurting. My leg still hurt from tripping on the pillow. That's 6.... Yah… Ow my arm...
over a year ago demigod324 said…
The only good part about that christmas was i spent it at childrens mercy so it was very festive and some people came to sing christmas carols
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Coolio, I'm a Muslim so yah, only three holidays. Ramadan,Eid and Eid unless you count New years. Eid-ul-Fitre and Eid-ul-Adha...
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
thats nice. im chinese.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Actually, my religion is Islam but I am from Bangladesh...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
well, im not religious. and i live in CA....
over a year ago demigod324 said…
I'm such an idiot...oh and please post soon
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I live in Canada and PLEASE POST SOON!
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
high five cinnomin im Canadian too!!!!!! xD

OH MY GODDD. RAINBOW...FRANK? but he's so .... well he's frank...break his heart. but i like lazel too...oh god im soo confused

over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
CANADIANS UNITE:)! Which part of Canada?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
whose pov should i do next? frank's or should i let the suspense hang and do annabeth's or percy?
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Annabeth and she finds Frank.
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
uhmm i say leo...but otherwise go with cinnomin's idea

@cinnomin ontario... you?
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
SAME! Oakville! I used to live in Brampton until 2011
over a year ago demigod324 said…
I wish i lived in Canada...but i've been saving up to go on a trip for about 2 hopefully one day i can visit Canada
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I've been living here since I was 9 months old. I moved from Bangladesh so yah 1st generation Canadian!
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
here from birth...never moved a in's too brown xD

@demigod well i hope u can tooo
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I've moved about 5 times atleast...
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Annabeth finding Frank would be amazing full so would Leo or Hazel or Percy
Or anybody for that matter I love and hate u for the cliffhanger bye please post!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
OOH make Annabeth and frank run across piper whos all like "Ikr! I know how you feel."
over a year ago demigod324 said…
I like cinnominbubbles idea
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
:)(::)(: MULTIPLE HAPPY FACES RULE! And thanks demigod324. Fan me.
over a year ago demigod324 said…
I just did :) i'm so bored
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
Lol, u guys are from canada? I just saw a show on comedy central, the host wrote a book and one part of it really pissed off canadians. It was talking about geothermal energy and to take earth's geothermal temperature they needed to find earth rectum, and a footnote said "Windsor Canada?" This is the link skip to 1:50 in the video: link On the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation they did a poll to see if it was good or bad for the city. 76.64% of voters said it was good for the city. Apparently being the earth's rectum is an improvement to Windsor Canada.
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
LOL its now 85% good! I just checked the canadian thing
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
brooo i live in's not valid here -_-

o.O cinomin good idea...u gotta add percy though...

anyone noe where rainbow went... i mean like everyone i noe r gone...
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I know but it's just a little part. I didn't want to take over the story.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i was really busy these days, so i couldnt go online too much.
and another problem: I CANT SIGN INTO MY COMPUTER!!!!! (again) cuz im using my phone.
And im kinda confused on whose pov i should do.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
We have all agreed on Annabeth and yes it is Midnight here. Get Annabeth and frank to run a cross piper, crying for her loss. I'm using my iphone3g right now. I am acctually always on in secret so this is the only thing I can use.