A Certain Scientific Railgun Ghost's Scientific RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Feb 20, 2022 at 06:52AM
Esper or Human/level 0:
Esper Ability:
Esper level (1-5):
If level 5, then what's your nickname:
Academy/school of study (If you go to one):
Anything additional:

A Certain Scientific Railgun 1369 replies

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over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: You said it, I bet this really isn't how yoy imagined meeting him...
Rindo: Well, at least one thing remains the same. It may not be the perfect scenario, but at least I can still introduce you as my girlfriend.
Shiki: Hm.. He's got a point....
*They then made their way to a cargo dock*
Shiki: Alright... This is a strange place for a meet up... Shady even...
Rindo: *He then found a cargo container marked with bunny graffiti* Here... *The container has a slight crevice with a biometric hand lock. He put his hand on it opened the crevice leading into the empty container* Now that we're here... *The bottom of the container then began to move downward like an elevator, all that could seen going down was pure cement wall until made an opening and went all the way down*
Shiki: Rindo... What.... What in the hell is all of this?
Rindo: Call it a technophile's paradise.. *They then walked through to the opening to see a room chock-full of monitors of surveillance feeds*
Shiki: This.... This is nuts.. It's like a secret base from a movie...
*Usagi was there typing away on a computer, next to her was Kozuki*
Usagi: It's set up the way it is for a reason.... Rindo, I don't recall having invited this many guests...
Rindo: Yeah, well I recall you sending me into a setup.. Though of course, it was a plan to null and void me from the past...
Usagi: It was easier this way...
Kozuki: Well, let's just say I invited them... Anyway, *He then looked at them* Shiki I've met... But the girls.. I haven't had the pleasure...
Rindo: This is Michi Kato, she's my girlfriend...
Kozuki: A girlfriend huh? I see Shiki followed through...
Shiki: You bet! He's too good a guy to not have a nice girl by his side...
Rindo: Wait, you were in on that?
Kozuki: I wouldn't say I was in on it, but Shiki mentioned it in the past...
Rindo: Mmmm.... Anyway... *He then gestured to Mei* This is Mei, Michi's sister.. She's Shiki's girlfriend...
Kozuki: I see, so you're both dating.. I feel like I missed so much while I was gone...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi bowed, "I recently met Renka so it's a pleasure to get to meet you! It's nice to see you're in better condition. She scratched the back of her head, "Not how I expected to meet you, but I guess it doesn't change much hm?"
Mei admired the place a bit as they came in, finding it fascinating. She then bowed, "Oh, it's nice to meet you!" She smiled, "I'm sure whatever you missed is nothing you can't catch up to."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kozuki: Of course.... It's a pleasure to meet you both... *He then looked at Rindo* I couldn't help but notice your surprise in all of this..
Rindo: ..... You had so much planned from the start.... Did you know they'd come after me?
Kozuki: I had a feeling.... We needed something that would protect your new life... Otherwise, your new life would've been for nothing... The thought you spending time behind bars... The thought of you being killed behind that war....... I couldn't allow you to be a victim to the government... So, when we made that contract... We made sure to do everything to cover you... That way, you're safe from the law... Your involvement in the project... It's nothing more than a speck of dust in the wind...
Usagi: And I made sure that anything in mention of it is wiped from every database... No articles, no web search results... Anything you do to search Frostbite, it'll just bring up the condition...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi let out a sigh of relief, "So he's perfectly cleared from all of this then.. Good, that Shohei guy already pissed me off acting like he had a grasp on all of this.... I didn't want to make anything worse, but if anything did happen to Rindo, then....."
Mei placed her hand on Michi''s shoulder, "At least it's now one less thing we'll have to worry about."
"Yeah..." Michi nodded, "Right.. So, I guess now we'll just have to focus on actually bringing a complete end to these projects, right? We have Rindo safe, and got Koga out of it sorta, but who knows when they'll try it all over again with someone else..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kozuki: Well, you won't have to worry about that....
Rindo: Really?
Kozuki: Well, since I'm out... I'll be taking over as head...
Shiki: As head? Wait, head of... What exactly?
Kozuki: On paper... They'd call it the Esper Research Division.... And thus, I'll be head of it... I'll ensure that it won't be used for Esper experiments anymore... We'll be working to ensure a better future for Espers.
Rindo: *He sighed* Good... Now that, is something I can get behind....
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi liked the sound of that, "Oh? Only just recently got discharged from the hospital and already taking on some big roles then?"
Mei smiled, "Well at least we know that Espers will now be left in great hands then! In that case..." Mei then took out the flashdrive from her bag and held her phone in the other hand, "This is collected data from Frostbite, plus audio recordings from this whole event. Would this still be necessary?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kozuki: It's evidence to be used for his trial....
Rindo: It's too easy, even if he lawyers up... He can't win with that much evidence stacked against him... All the people that went through the experiments.... He'll get a hell of a sentence for sure...
Shiki: You said it.... With what he did to Kozuki as well.... He'll likely get a life sentence.... I doubt he'll walk away...
Kozuki: You bet he won't... *He got the flash drive and phone from Mei, sending the audio recordings to his phone and handing her phone back to her* I'll ensure he doesn't..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Now that I think about it.... Your condition was pretty bad, so to think that Shohei was the one who put you in that position... To think he'd go such far measures just to get away with this is insane.." Michi said.
"Now that you say it out loud, yeah..." Mei then bowed to Kozuki again, "I'm sorry.. You, Rindo and the rest of the Mitsunami's... You guys have endured through so much because of all this. Really, if there's anything more we could do to help, we'd be more than happy too.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kozuki: Thank you.. I really appreciate that... All I could ask of you... Keep enjoying your lives as kids.... I'd much prefer all of you didn't be forced to grow up fast in this kind of thing....
Usagi: You almost sound like an old man....
Kozuki: It's what I want.... You kids deserve to live your life accordingly...
Shiki: Well, we do appreciate that... Which reminds me...... *He said with a grin* I think we have some shopping to do....
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi grinned as well, "Ooh, you know you're not wrong.. We did have some shopping planned." She turned around, "We'll do just what you ask, Kozuki.. But just know we're always willing to help if anything!" Michi was about to go back up, but then she just stood there confused. She sweatdropped, "But um... How exactly do we get out?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Usagi: Just step on to that metallic platform.. *She said pointing to the platform they came down on*
*They then got onto the platform, Rindo holding Michi and Shiki holding Mei at their sides. Usagi, with a few keystrokes then activated the elevator to go back up*
Rindo: Well..... This has been eventful...
Shiki: You said it..... To think, we'd be going against the government... Give or take, it wasn't a long drawn out exchange... I'm just glad you're all good at the end of this...
Rindo: And I'm glad all of you are alright from this...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Mei scratched the back of her head, "I guess I'm ok.. I just didn't think eavesdropping in someone's conversation would somehow get me in some government facility... I'm glad I was able to help in someway, but it was just extremely unexpected for me."
Michi nodded, "Shocking at the beginning, but I've been alright. If anything, through all this I've been more worried about you, Rindo.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: And understandably so... Especially since you were basically at the center of all this...
Rindo: Yeah.... To think, that whole project would come back into the light after such a long time...
Shiki: Well... No matter.... No more governmental talk.... I'm curious to see what the rest of this day will bring... Especially with Rindo....
Rindo: What do you mean by that?
Shiki: Well.... Night Kimono.... All things considered, it was your ideas....
Rindo: So what are you trying to say?
Shiki: I won't say it all the way out loud..... I think having you "connect the dots" would be more fun.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi wrapped her arm around Rindo, "Heh, I'm sure once he gets to see me in the kimono again, the dots will starting connecting for him.. I'm curious to see what this will all bring too..."
Mei raised her eyebrow, "Whatever you two are hinting at over there, keep me out of it."
Michi looked to Mei, "Oh yeah? Well, if it had to do with you and Shiki, I'm sure it'd be a different story..." Michi put her hand against her chin, "Hmm, let's see... What did you two talk about last night again?"
Mei's face began to turn red and she shook her head, "This has absolutely nothing to do with that!" She crossed her arms and looked away, "Maybe we should just go to the shop...."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: *He looked at Mei, keeping her close to him* Aw, it's alright Mei....
Rindo: Hm.... Anyway....
Shiki: There's a kimono place I usually pass by.... We can go there....
Rindo: So, you know a place to get them.
Shiki: Hey, it's just a place I happen to pass by...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Mei cuddled her head against Shiki's shoulder, still feeling a little embarrassed.
"Perfect, we can go there then," Michi said. "Heh, if anything I'm surprised Rindo isn't the one who already knows a spot.." She joked.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: I mean, it would've only been natural.. *He said going along with the joke*
Rindo: Well, it's not like I didn't.... Shiki just happened to beat me to it is all...
Shiki: Is that right? *He asked with a smirk*
*The elevator platform made its way back to the closed container where Rindo got them out of*
Shiki: Ah! City civilization... How I missed ya!
Rindo: We weren't down there that long...
Shiki: Yeah... But sometimes time doesn't have to be a factor to miss something or someone....
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi smirked, "Probably how Mei felt today being in a different class from Shiki..."
Mei rolled her eyes, "I'm going to neither confirm or deny that.... Go back to teasing Rindo instead!"
Michi giggled, "Why, when I can just mess with you both?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: It's just Michi... It's just how she is... Besides, you're her favorite two to mess with...
Rindo: You realize she's messing with you too... By proximity....
Shiki: Of course.... I'm just a little more immune...
Rindo: ...... *He looked at Shiki with narrowed eyes* Right.... *He said in a sarcastic tone*
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Mhmmm... 'Immune'..." Michi said, not believing it as well. She grinned, "I'll get a reaction outta ya, don't worry.. I've sort of mentioned this to Rindo, but... If anyone's gonna be immune to my teasing, I feel like it's eventually gonna be him."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Rindo being immune to it? Now that's a day I'm gonna have to see... I mean, he's been improving...
Rindo: I'm slowly getting used to it, but I wouldn't say it's close to immunity levels yet.
Shiki: Regardless, I wish you the best of luck getting a reaction like that out of me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Hmm, it definitely won't be easy..." Michi then smiled mischievously, "But, I think I have some ideas..."
Mei raised her eyebrow, "Sometimes I really do wonder what goes on in that head of yours.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: I can tell you.. Mischief...
Shiki: Well, you're gonna have to try pretty hard.... Again... Best of luck....
*They then made it to the Night Kimono store that Shiki knew*
Shiki: Here we are...
Rindo: So this is the place.... *A thought of Michi in another kimono ran through his mind, causing him to blush* ..... [Yet I'm the one who can't help but blush being here...]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Mei went inside the shop with them, "It's looks so nice... And they have such a large selection too. Michi's going to be in here forever..."
Michi shook her head as she looked around, "Noo, I don't think I'd take too long, but I would wanna try them on.." She then noticed Rindo blushing and smirked, knowing exactly what's on his mind. She went behind him and wrapped her arms around him, "Of course your opinion would be the most important, Rindo.. Think you could help me decide which ones look best on me?~"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: Yeah, of course I could... *He said as his face slowly turned red*
Shiki: Still.... Seeing Rin like this... It's definitely gonna be entertaining...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi poked Rindo's cheek, "Very entertaining and cute.... Would you wanna try one on too, Mei?" She asked, only to try and start messing with Shiki.
Mei thought about it, "Hmm, I guess I don't see why not... I don't think I'll buy anything, but I could try one on for fun."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: *He was unfazed, but he then looked at Mei* Well, you may not buy it... But, if you like it... I could buy it for you....
Rindo: [Since he knows that's what she's trying to go for...... Will it really be simple to get Shiki to drop his guard like that? Although....] Buy one huh?
Shiki: Well, I'm just saying... I don't think the trip would be any fun if Michi was the only one to get something...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"That is true.. Plus, I wouldn't want be the only one getting something..." Michi looked to Shiki, "But, you could also be saying that because.. maybe you'll want to see Mei in a night kimono again, hmm?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: Yep, she's good...
Shiki: [You are good at what you do..]
Rindo: [So now the question would be, how do you get yourself out of this one Shiki?]
Shiki: Maybe.... Maybe it's that, maybe it's another reason... Yet, I'm not even sure you know which truth is the real truth...
Rindo: [It's like watching a chess game. Just when you think you've got them put in check... Bam, new developments...]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Just what am I witnessing between these two.." Mei thought to herself.
"Hmm, I meann there could be more than one.." Michi said as she began to look through the selection of kimonos. "Two truths can coexist with each other... It's just that one truth you're more willing to say...." She smirked again, "The other truth you would only admit with Mei.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: I mean..... There are things that stay with couples.... Not everything has to be put out into the world radar... Though... To each their own, if Rindo's gonna be all the more happier for it.
Rindo: ........ I'm in this by proximity huh?
Shiki: Of course.... I can tell you blushed at the thought....
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Hmm..." Michi sighed, "You really do seem immune, you're just hard to break through..."
Mei sweatdropped, "I don't know why you're trying.."
Michi crossed her arms, "Hmph, that doesn't mean I've given up! I'll get you at some point."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Heh, you won't... But hey... You're always welcome to try..
Rindo: Everyone has a weak point somewhere.... Yours is just a bit harder to find...
Shiki: Is it? Can you find something that really isn't there?
Rindo: It may not be visible.... But that's only to the naked eye....
Shiki: Hm..... So what? You sound like you got a third eye's view on this...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"I meann I believe it.. I guess you could say that I sorta thought the same... That I didn't have a weak spot." Michi said. She scratched the back of her head, "Until I met Rindo that is.... Buttt, that means yours gotta be somewhere! Who knows, maybe Mei might be the one to pick it out for me.."
Mei crossed her arms as an X, "I'mmm not too sure about that. You're so determined to get him..."
Michi shrugged, "Heh, it's fun.. And to be honest, this is really making me curious."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: Well, you are together.... I'd dare to think it'd be you anyway.... As he said, there are things that stay with couples... So, you'd really need Mei to make a move of some kind....
Shiki: Hm... I'd suppose you aren't wrong on that....
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Mei sighed, "I guess do I really have much of a choice at this point?"
"It's not like you're actively trying to figure it out.." Michi said. "More like.. You'll probably just come across it when you two are together."
Mei placed her hand on her hip, "Ok... and let's say I do find out.. How can you be so sure that I'll tell you?"
Michi pouted, "Oh so you'll play that game?"
Mei had a small grin, "Hmm, I don't know.... The idea of keeping it to myself does appeal to me.. It's like a secret of Shiki only I'll know..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: Only you'd know, huh?
Shiki: Of course, I hope you're not implying anything are you?
Rindo: ...... I've began to take notice of certain things...... So.... Unfortunately, this may be the case where Mei has to do it......
Shiki: There's no way you'd know....
Rindo: .......... Shiki, be honest.... Who's been making most of the moves in your relationship?
Shiki: Wha..... [No way..... No way he knows....]
Rindo: ....... I'm waiting.....
Shiki: It's been me... So what?
Rindo: ........ Mei, at some point... Be a bit aggressive to make moves on Shiki... You'll see what I mean....
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi smirked, "Ooh, aggressive huh? I would've never expected that.."
Mei rubbed the back of her neck, "Well, I'm not too sure how I'd approach that...." Mei went up to Shiki, wrapping her arms around him, "Although.. I don't see why I can't try.... Right, Shiki?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: *As Mei wrapped his arms around him, he did in fact blush* I... I suppose....
Rindo: [So I was right.....] Hm....
Shiki: Rindo, whats going on in that head of yours?
Rindo: I've got all the info I need presently....
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Mei caressed Shiki's blushing cheek, "And someone here wanted to say they didn't have a weak spot.."
"So what do you plan to do with that info now, hmm Rindo?" Michi asked, looking to him.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: Oh, I don't need to do anything more or less here... It's all Mei from here...
Shiki: *His eyes shifted to the side* ....
Rindo: Now.... *He looked to Michi, as she was looking through the kimonos* Found any interesting ones yet?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi shook her head, "Hmm, I'm not sure.. I want to find one that's similar to what Kasumi gave me and then another that's maybe in a different style?"
Mei then joined her in finding kimonos, "Here, I'll start helping you find some."
"I did find this one though.." Michi took out a black kimono that had a green floral pattern on it. "The style's the same as Kasumi's.." She then held the sleeve up below her green eyes, "And I feel like it'd go with my eyes nicely, don't you think?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: Oooh, you aren't lying on that one... It matches amazingly... *He then began to visualize it in his head* Yeah, that's amazing... I can see you now.... The way it compliments your eyes...Seriously, beauty incarnate...
Shiki: You're going pretty Casanova... Though, I can't fault you for it... Still, it's progress from when you two first met.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Mei agreed, "Definitely, he's not gonna let anything hold him back now."
Michi put down the sleeve, smiling from his compliments, "Hehe and that's just you imagining it too, Rindo.. Wait til' you actually get to see it on me.." She then went back to searching, "And you can find one for me too if you like.. Any pattern or style, anything you think would suit me!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: Anything I think would suit you....... *He then went on the search for a night kimono. It was easy to tell he was in full focus, he wanted to do it for Michi. He did manage to find one, he then got it to show Michi* Check it out... Speaking of complementing the eyes. See the kimono itself is Emerald green, but it's got pink chrysanthemums on it... I think it's pretty nics..nice... But uh... What do you think?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi found it cute seeing Rindo so focused on the kimonos for her. As he showed her the one he found, her eyes lit up, "Oooh, the pink and green go so well together, it's really cute! I wouldn't mind trying it on.."
Mei giggled lightly, "The fact you were even able to name the flower so accurately too.. Michi's brain probably would've went blank trying to remember the name."
Michi pouted, "Very funny Mei..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Her and mine both.... Gotta give it to him, he knows his flowers...
Rindo: I've decided to research them in my spare time... Not to mention, some flowers have very significant meanings... Even in their colors there are certain meanings... And since chrysanthemums have the meaning of joy, positivity and happiness.... I found it pretty fitting..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Wow, you really put a lot of thought into it then, huh..?" Michi felt herself starting to blush, quickly turning around. "Mm...."
Mei's head shot up to look at Michi, her eyebrow raised, "Do I sense Michi blushing over there now?"
Michi quickly shook her head, "No..! I'm fine....."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Uh oh, seems like even Rindo's starting to get past your guard.... You can hide it all you want, we know you're blushing.... Looks like you're in the same boat.... You're always the one to make Rindo blush... But every now and again.... Rindo can break past that... Am I right, Michi?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi shrugged, just trying to act clueless, "Hmm, I dont know.. Perhaps you are right...."
Mei went up to her, flicking the back of her head, "Oh stop it, you already know well that he's right huh?"
Michi put her hands over where Mei hit her, "Ow.. I just never seen someone put so much thought into something like that.." She then turned back around to look at them, her eyes looking to the side, "At least not for me... Let me be.."