A Certain Scientific Railgun Ghost's Scientific RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Feb 20, 2022 at 06:52AM
Esper or Human/level 0:
Esper Ability:
Esper level (1-5):
If level 5, then what's your nickname:
Academy/school of study (If you go to one):
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A Certain Scientific Railgun 1369 replies

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over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: *He put his fist into his palm* You know I'm always down for that idea..
Renka: Waaait a second.... Shouldn't we be careful?
Shiki: What do you mean?
Renka: Once we get the information, we need a plan.... For one, we'll need to make sure that the location isn't a mislead.. Then two, if the location is true... We need to account for what kind of security they may have.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Mei agreed, "There's a lot of steps we'd have to take if we actually want any of this to run smoothly."
Michi pouted, "I guess you're right, but it was a lot more fun thinking of just going on in there and destroying everything.."
Mei facepalmed, "Michi... Of all people who needs to be careful in there the most it's you, as the one esper between all of us.... If they know how to make capacity downs, who knows what other crap they have just lying around in there!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: ..... Though, I can't pretend she isn't justified.
Renka: Of course she's justified... But I can't allow anyone else to get hurt....
Shiki: ..... If that were my own.... *He closed his eyes* Damn it.....
Renka: .... Look.... The best way we can get a for sure confirmation, we'd need to have someone on the inside... Someone that's trusted enough to get close and confirm the central control's location.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Or... Maybe there's an even safer option. I mean, I'd assume the location would have surveillance cameras, right? Could we have someone to hack into them for us and confirm it that way?" Mei suggested.
"Would the cameras even be enough to confirm?" Michi asked.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Well, there's a problem with that... cameras are a bit of a shaky angle as well.. Especially because footage can be doctored as well..
Renka: You have a point there....
Shiki: But..... There's someone I think we can go to..
Renka: And who's that?
Shiki: Usagi... She's basically a technological genius.. I have no doubt she could filter the doctored footage and get the real footage to get us our answers.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi tilted her head, "Usagi... You mean that rabbit girl that helped us during the whole Project Inferno situation?"
Mei nodded, "Oh, I remember her! But, would she be willing to help us out on this? It's like she's in her own world..."
Michi looked to Mei, "I mean, she's helped for Rin's sake once before... and we're doing all of this for him. Not to mention, it'll be a huge attack against Skill-Out as a whole. So, I wouldn't see why she'd be against it?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Right?? She'd be helping Rin again...Not to mention, I'm sure she'd love to do some justice for his sake again..
Renka:Well, she's our best shot...
Shiki: Yes!
*A voice then came from Renka's phone*
???: You know, it's flattering that you'd think to ask me... It's good to know I'm such an asset.
Renka: Usagi... Didn't we tell you to stop doing that?!
Usagi: What? I'm just contributing to the conversation... Anyway, a huge blow to Skill-Out would be highly favorable for all of us I'd say...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Mei sweatdropped, "Well, I guess that saves all the trouble of having to go to you and present the idea... Almost forgot this was how Michi and I learned about you the first time."
"Yeah, yeah." Michi then pumped her fists in the air, "But forget that! It's a officially a plan now! We can pay Kuja a little visit and have Usagi listen in the conversation.. With your help, we could practically get a confirmation right then and there from you, tight?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Usagi: Sounds good.... I'll be listening in... Meanwhile I'll be working on the camera feed.
Shiki: Indeed it does.... Though, I don't believe I've had a pleasure in meeting Kuja...
Renka: I believe you've mentioned him Michi.... But that's the extent of my knowledge...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi thought about it, "Actually... Now that I think about it, I don't think any of you have a good background explanation on who Kuja is. As much as Shiki and Mei probably know, he was apart of the Skill-Out group that Taka had target me yesterday... He was the head of the group."
Mei tilted her head, "And you're saying there's more to it than just that?"
Michi slowly nodded her head, "There's a lot more to it than just that... I'm willing to tell the story now if you'd like, but I think you can also tell it's not much of a pleasant one.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: *He shook his head* I'd rather not hear if it's not pleasant... Not to mention, I'm sure you'd rather not even go further.. I know what that's like, having unpleasant memories like that. You can spare yourself having to go back through that pain.
Renka: Agreed, like how Rin's touchy about Frostbite.. We'll understand if you wouldn't really want to go into further detail... Besides, I'm sure our visit with him will answer many questions.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Most likely... Knowing how Kuja tends to be, he likes to run that damn mouth of his." Michi let out a small sigh of relief, "But, thank you... While Mei especially deserves to know, it is probably best if I don't for now... Especially on top of everything that's been going on with Rin now.."
Mei placed her hand over Michi's with a sweet smile, "Like they said, we understand don't worry. You don't owe us any of that right now, ok?"
Michi nodded, "Right.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Alright then! *He put his fist into his hand* Let's go pay this guy a visit...
Renka: So, where is Kuja anyway? Is he someone we can find so easily?
Shiki: That's... A good question...
Usagi: This Kuja that was with Skill-Out... He's being held in a holding cell with Anti-Skill..
Shki: A holding cell huh? Alright then! Let's go see this guy...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi looked over to Mei, "Well, at least we know someone who can bring us over there no problem."
Mei tilted her head, "Mom?"
Michi nodded, "Mhm! Speaking of which.. uh.... Where did she go?"
Mei looked down at the time on her phone, "Well, around the time you guys came, she just got back from work..." She looked back to Michi, "So, if I had to guess, she probably went to take a nap upstairs?"
"Maybe she's where I got my sleeping problem from..." Michi joked. "But, alright then! I'll go get her real quick." Michi went upstairs and carefully peeked into the bedroom, noticing that Kali was already waking up. Michi filled her in on the situation and Kali was ready to help out immediately. She got herself ready, rushing down the stairs along with Michi. "You know, you guys are pretty daring if you really plan to shut the whole thing down." Kali said as walked over to them.
Mei stood up from the couch as they came over, "Mom!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Well, considering we've entered a governmental facility... I think this'll be pretty tame..
Usagi: Just be grateful Mr. Kozuki was around... Otherwise, I don't think you'd be standing here right now...
Shiki: Right... Speaking of, where is he? Last we seen him, he was with you.. I'm surprised he isn't all in on our mission here.
Usagi: He's doing an investigation of his own..
Shiki: An investigation? Does it have anything to do with Rin?
Usagi: Perhaps, he didn't fill me in completely..
Shiki: A secret operation?
Renka: Now that I think about it.. He told me something before I caught up to Michi and Rin... He mentioned that Rin may not have been the only one to have faked his death back then.. He said that couldn't go into details until he had more concrete evidence...
Shiki: So it gets crazier.... For now we'll have to keep our focus on shutting down the capacity downs... If we're all ready.. I think it's time we go get our answers..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi clenched her fists, "So... there's even more like Rin.... People really are so sick, huh..."
Kali grabbed her keys and patted Michi on the back. "Listen to Shiki, gotta keep our focus on other things right now... You'll probably get a chance to learn more on that later, alright? Let's get ourselves going."
Michi nodded. Kali led the group out of the house and into her car, Kali and Renka sitting in the front while everyone else sat in the back. Once everything was good to go, Kali started driving their way to the facility Kuja's being held at.
Sitting between Shiki and Michi, Mei turned her head to Michi. "So Michi... Since you know how he's like more than any of us, how are we getting him to tell us the location?"
Michi shrugged, "I don't know... Punch it out of him?"
Mei stared at her with a straight face, "Michi, seriously..."
Michi sighed, "Well... I've had to question him before, but this time probably won't be as easy. He answered me so easily before because the consequences were more on Taka, not him..."
Kali kept her eyes on the rode as she then spoke, "But, now its Skill-Out and the capacity downs we're talking about now... Doubt he'd let something up so easily that'd affect his own crew."
"That's the problem..." Michi looked out the window with dread, "Meaning he'll probably be extra annoying this time..... It'll be tedious, but we can work it out of him."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: ..... Well, if I know minds like this.... We need to hold something he may want.... A bargaining chip if you will.. He was willing to give Taka up easily, and right now I want to believe he's only being charged for an accessory plot... So, here's what we do.. We hold the idea of him getting out from Anti-Skill as the negotiation. However, there's still the charges of all the other Espers..
Renka: A bait and switch... Shiki, should I be scared that you have this kind of knowledge?
Shiki: Of course not...But, a bait and switch is the exact way to put it. He'll think he's getting out, that way he could blab. Besides, what member of Skill-Out would turn down an opportunity to be free and wreak more havoc against Espers?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Especially since he's the head of his dumb group, there's no way he'd let that chance slip. But... If we're going with that, you'll have to be the one to say it..." Michi suggested. "If he hear those words come from me, he's not gonna believe it for a second."
"Just what kind of connection do you two have with each other..?" Mei asked rhetorically.
Michi was just silent for a moment before she then looked to Mei and Shiki, "Just... Here's how it'll go. Let me handle him at first, I'll see what I can get out of him... But, once he starts getting harder to budge, you make the proposal. Even though I know it's bait, I'll act against it so Kuja will buy it even more."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Sounds like a plan..
Renka: Still, it begs the question.. How in the world do you know he'll take the bait? The plan isn't exactly a foolproof plan.
Shiki: Well... I guess my time in Skill-Out... I suppose it kind of helps...
Renka: You were....
Shiki: Of course, I'd only end up joining Skill-Out as a protest against Espers... But, that protest turned into murders... Innocent Espers getting hurt.... I blindly joined them.. Hoping it could've brought light to my mother's death... But all I did at the time was drag myself further into the dark..
Renka: You and Rin.... You both seen some dark times, but knowing that you got out of it..
Shiki: And I've got all of you to thank for it...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Of course.. And whether it's you or Rin, or anyone.. If you were to somehow fall back into the darkside, we would just pull you right back out." Michi told him with a small smile. Although, the topic did make Michi's mind wander a little bit into her time in Skill-Out, making her feel uncomfortable. But she just tried to push the feeling back and keep her head straight.
Mei felt the slight discomfort coming from Michi, but she decided not to comment on it. She just placed her hands over Michi's and Shiki's, "We'll always be there for one another no matter what! And right now, Rin is the one who really needs us."
Just as she said that, Kali got them to their destination, parking right in front of the facility. "And just like that here we are. You guys ready to get this started then?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: You bet! *He said with a grin*
Renka: Now that we've got a plan to set in motion, let's get started. Usagi..
Usagi: I'll be listening the entire time... I hope Shiki can be as convincing as he says he can.
Shiki: Heh, I'm confident in this plan... Minds such as these think in a very alike fashion.
Usagi: Let's just hope you're actually right.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Considering it's Kuja.... I'm sure we'll end up being alright.." Michi reassured.
With that, Kali exited out of the car and lead the group into the facility. They were gained pretty easy access, considering Kali's status and Michi being apart of Judgment. To make the whole thing a little easier for them, an interrogation room was set up. The whole group was kept in the room while a guard of the facility left to go put Kuja in handcuffs and bring him into the room.
Michi sort of stood there uncomfortably as they waited.
Just a minute later a guard came in and sat down Kuja. Kuja grinned the moment he saw Michi, "Michi, my favorite girl! Didn't think I'd be talking to you again..."
Michi just sat down in the seat across from him and kept herself silent.
Mei was just more of uncomfortable from the energy that she felt off of Michi.
"No greeting I see..." Kuja scanned over the rest of the group and noticed that Rindo wasn't with her. "Seems like you have a whole new group with you too... What happened to that Ichi-Rin kid?"
Michi crossed her arms, "Is that really any of your business? Why don't you ask your Taka friend that...."
Mei thought to herself as she looked between them, "It's like Michi's energy and attitude completely changed now that we're around him.... Would she really be the best one to lead this?"
Kuja rolled his eyes, "I was just curious, sheesh... Not like I'm complaining....Taka screw him over or somethin'?"
Michi shrugged, "Sure, guess you can say that. But, I didn't come all the way over here to talk about that with you, did I?"
Kuja leaned back into his chair, "I don't know, did you? What did you even come here for? Did ya miss me?"
Michi just completely ignored that comment, "....Clearly you're familiar with capacity downs, yeah?"
Kuja raised an eyebrow, "Odd question, but sure.. Obviously."
Michi lowered her arms, "Mhm.. And clearly none of you are smart enough to be capable of making anything like that so I'd assume you'd have some type of source for all of them, right?"
Kuja got offended from what she said, "Ouch that hurt... What are you so hostile for? Whether we did have a source for it or not, what does that have to do with you?"
"Would you happen to have a.... certain location where you get them from? Michi asked.
Kuja started to catch onto what she wanted, "What exactly makes you think I would trust you something with that? I gave you info before because that was all on Taka.... This is a whole different situation."
Michi glared at him, "I don't think you'd want me going to different measures for the answers, would you?"
Kuja smirked, "Oh? And what type of measures are we exactly talking about here?"
Kali placed her hand on Michi's shoulder, "Michi.... We didn't come here for you to turn violent."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: [Well, time for me to de-escalate this situation.] *He put his hand on Michi's other shoulder* Admittedly, she's been through a bit... You know... There's another way around this... *He then looked at Kuja* Kuja, wasn't it? Let's think about the circumstance you're in.... I'm sure an Anti-Skill facility is the last place on Earth you'd want to be.. I'm sure you'd rather be out. So, let me ask you question then... What would you do if it could guarantee your charges dropped and your freedom?
Renka: [Michi's only really upset because of what happened with Rin as it is... Add that to the poor history between these two, and Michi's pretty close to being a powder keg ready to blow up on him.]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kuja broke his focus on Michi and looked over to Shiki as he made the offer. "If you could drop my charges then we'd definitely be getting somewhere with this..."
"Like hell we're gonna drop your charges!" Michi turned her head to Shiki, "You think I'd want to see him out of that cell at this point!?" She yelled to help push the bait, even though she was still genuinely pissed.
Kuja just grinned, enjoying Michi's reaction out of this, "See now really we're talking here. But I'll have to admit, it's not enough..."
Kali spoke up, "What do you mean it's not enough? If you ask me, that seems like your easy ticket out of this place."
Kuja shrugged, looking disatisfied. "Well sure you're getting me out, but you're also asking me about the major thing that helps us as a Skill-Out group... You think I'm gonna believe anything good is coming out of that? It's not very fair, don't you think..."
"What the hell would you even want out of this then??" Michi snapped at him.
Kuja smirked, "Oh Michi, you already know what I want... I'll give you guys the info you want..." He raised up his hands slightly to show the handcuffs, "You guys get me out and Michi comes back with me.."
Michi widened her eyes as he said those last words, "If you think I'm going back to Skill-Out with you, then you can forget it Kuja!"
Mei gave Michi a puzzled look, "Wait hold on.. Going back to Skill-Out? What do you mean again? Michi..?"
Kuja glanced at Mei before looking back to Michi, realizing the confusion. "Aw Michi... You haven't still told them either? I thought you would've loved to tell them too...."
Michi stood up from the chair, slamming her hands against the table. "Oh shut your damn mouth! Are you insane!? You think I'd go back to your side just for this??!"
A smirk grew on Kuja's face again, "Oh, I know you would.... You think I can't tell this is about your little boyfriend? That kid is ready to kill me at a snap of a finger. No way in hell he wouldn't come with you if you were coming to talk to me for something..."
"Tch..." Michi took a deep breath to try to calm herself down. She thought to herself, "I have to remember it's all just bait to get him to give up the location... At the end of all of this, I wouldn't have to join him again...."
Kuja just waited patiently for their answer now. "So, whaddaya say then? It's either that or you're getting jack shit out of me..."
Michi sat back down in her chair, "Fine... I'll go along with your stupid conditions, Kuja...."
"Is this what Michi was referring to earlier then...?" Mei thought.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: [Yeah, guess I didn't think far off.... Not to mention..... If Ichiya were to know.... I guess it's better he's here.]
Renka: Ok, you'll get your freedom and Michi....
Shiki: Yeah, not to mention..... In getting out, you could get protection... [Though he has no idea about Rin... We can still use that to our advantage.]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Oh? Protection? What kinda protection are we talking here?" Kuja asked.
"Definitely not getting any protection from me... The moment those cuffs come off of you I'll gladly sock you in the face....." Michi mumbled under her breath.
Mei just barely heard her and nudged Michi's shoulder. "Calm yourself, Michi.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Maybe not protection from her... But you could get immunity from prosecution... I mean, you were only doing your part in defending yourself from potential threats.. You get freedom to do as you wish, you get Michi.. You'd mentioned that her boyfriend would try to kill you, well.. Perhaps we could get something arranged so he couldn't even be near you or Michi..
Renka: [No way... Even if he agrees to that...]
Shiki: You could get it all in writing as well.... Fully legally binding...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi jumped out of her chair, glaring at Shiki now. "Woah hold on, getting me back into the damn group is one thing... But Rin is a whole other thing!!" Hearing that definitely pained Michi, but she had to constantly keep reminding herself that it was all for the bait.
Kuja's grin grew more and more hearing Shiki's offer and Michi's complaints. He leaned more into the table, "You definitely got a guy listening here, I can tell you that... But, I still can't just give it up that easily. Said you can get it writing? I want you to get me exactly that. Once I see that with my own eyes.... Our source is all yours."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: [Bingo...] You got it... Let's get that under way......
*It took a little bit of time, but paperwork was done and a contract was made and brought to Kuja. It was outlined with every demand... He would legally be free and free of his chargesand have Michi in his group as well as keeping Rin away from the both of them*
Shiki: [We've just got to play along a bit longer..] Here you are.... Once you sign this, you'll get what you want. Of course, once our exchange of information is complete as well...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
As the contract was brought to Kuja, he skimmed over the document and just read over the important bits to himself. With a grin, Kuja officially signed the bottom of the contract with messy handwriting, as the cuffs were still dangling around his wrists. He then leaned back into his chair, resting his legs up on the table, "Alright! You guys got yourselves a pretty little deal.."
"Tch..." Michi sharply turned her head to the side to avoid looking at Kuja.
Kali came closer to the table with her arms crossed, "You're all satisfied now, so... Mind telling us the location already?"
Kuja rolled his eyes, "I'm getting to that, I'm getting to that... Since you guys clearly want that location so bad..... There's a warehouse up in the Northwest section of District 18.... From first glance doesn't really seem like much is going on there but, underground there's an entire facility built and dedicated to those capacity downs... It's pretty close to the end of the District so it's impossible to miss."
"Hm.... Usagi?" Mei asked, seeing if she could confirm.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Usagi: *She'd already be looking as Kuja described the location* Northwest in district 18... It's checking out.... *She managed to get access to the security cameras within that factory* Found it! And looks like I've found the control room within it.. Unfortunately I can't shut it down from here.. It needs to be done manually.
Shiki: Alright, we've found it.......
Renka: Then that means we can head there and shut them down...
Shiki: Of course..... After one last thing.....
Renka: Shiki?
Shiki: Kuja...... There's something you should know.... You kind of.... Well, you signed a null and void contract...
Renka: A null and void? Wait, how?
Shiki: Well, unlike some... I actually glanced a bit closer at it... Renka... Read this part...
Renka: "If any party within this contract is under any governmental protection or clause, this contract will be considered null and void." Wait....
Shiki: So.... The charges can't be dropped if the contract isn't even truly legally binding... Not to mention... *He looked at Kuja* Do you REALLY think I'd sign over my friends rights to you? Send Michi to you?! Make Rin never see her again?!! Nah, and of course you never knew what Rin's deal was... Rin's been protected by a special clause... I won't tell you about it, but..
Renka: Just know that it's very real....
Shiki: I may not be able to kick your ass for what you've been up to.. But believe me.. You can say hello to some of my "other friends" on the inside...
Renka: [Not bad at all Shiki.]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Excuse me...? So, this whole thing was just a damn set up??" Kuja stood up from his chair, slamming his cuffed hands onto the table. "It's always that damn Ichi-Rin kid, huh!? I swear, with or without those damn capacity downs, I'll find a way to take all of your asses down once I actually find my way out of here!!"
Michi jumped over the table between them and pressed her palm against his chest, harshly pushing him up against the wall, "Yeah good luck with that last part. Try touching any of them and you might as well say goodbye to your life right here... The fact you thought it would be that easy to get back to your dumbass side....."
Kali crossed her arms, "You would assume that a 'leader' such as yourself would read the fine print and ask the smarter questions. But, I guess I would be thinking too highly of Skill-Out to expect something like that..."
Kuja rolled his eyes, "Tch, you can all just go to hell!"
"Think you have things the wrong way around, Kuja.." Mei said.
"You can keep wishing that in your damn jail cell.." Michi turned her head to look at Shiki, still holding Kuja against the wall. "Are we all ready to go then?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: All set here.. Usagi's got the location and that leads us to shutting down this thing..
Renka: Right...
Shiki: *He then grinned looking at Kuja* Oh, and believe me.... As far as I'm concerned.. You may wish us to go to hell... The way I see it, you signed yourself a one way ticket there..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kuja glared and Shiki, "And I'll drag all your damn asses down with me the moment I get chance!"
"You better think twice before trying that shit." Michi threatened. Her grip and force against Kuja grew even stronger, starting to create cracks on the wall behind him. "If you ask me, I think it's about time you use that ticket.. Don't ya think, Kuja?"
Before it could go any further, Kali intervened and pulled Michi away from Kuja, "Michi! We got what we wanted here, let's go back before things get any worse."
A guard came in to take Kuja back to his cell, while Michi and rest were starting to head back to the car.
Michi just thought to herself on the way back, "If I ever have to deal with him one more time after this.... I don't know if I'd be able to control myself by that point......"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: My my.... It's almost like a certain someone's rubbing off on you...To think you'd grip Kuja that strong...
Renka: Then again, can you blame her,? With what happened to Rin.. Then his threats toward you....
Shiki: Heh, honesrly...l If it were me, I'd likely already have a punch hole into the wall. But, still.. It was something about jndirectly telling Kuja checkmate..That felt pretty good..
Renka: O suppose it did , seeing you have that idea.... Not bad at all Shiki..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi nodded, "And it's cause of that we're one step closer to helping out Rin at least a little bit.." She then crossed her arms, "Also I would've punched a hole into the wall but... I wanted to keep things tame...."
Mei sweatdropped, "Yeah, because everything you said and done already in there was considered tame...." She said sarcastically.
They eventually got to the car and Kali unlocked it so they could get in.
Michi went into the backseat and rolled her eyes in response to Mei, "Oh whatever.."
Mei got in and sat beside her, "By the way, is that what you wanted to tell us...? The whole.. being a part of Skill-Out?" She asked.
Michi slowly nodded her head, "Yeah... Those few weeks you thought I ran away when I was younger, I was actually with Skill-Out the entire time.... Surprise, surprise, that was apparently another set up by Taka."
As Kali sat in the driver's seat, she gripped onto the wheel, "I really do wish I left him sooner.. the moment things started getting rocky between you two... I could've prevented most of this..."
Michi shook her head and placed her hand on Kali's shoulder from behind her, "Really it's fine, mom... That's all in the past now and I never really blamed you for any of it.... Taka and Kuja are taken care of now, I just want Rin to be better again....."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: ..... [Rin..... By the time we finish this.... I hope you'll remember all of us.... Remember the times we've all had...]
Renka: He will be... That much we can promise.....
*Shiki's phone rang, he checked it and it showed Rindo calling*
Shiki: Rin.... *He answered putting the phone on speaker* Rindo.... What's up?
???: Unfortunately, this isn't who you're thinking this is....
Shiki: Who the hell are you? Where's Rin?!!
???: Oh, he's safe and sound... Right where he needs to be...
Shiki: Where he needs?! Stop speaking in riddles!!!
???: We'll be waiting in district 18... If Renka can hear this.... Tell my dear mother that I've been waiting a long time for this meeting... *He hung up the phone after saying that*
Shiki: His mother....
Renka: That can't be..... That just can't be possible....
Shiki: Who..... Was that?
Renka: Someone that I thought was REALLY dead....
Usagi: He's.... There's no way... Renka, the reports said that his body was in an incurable state.. There's no way he should be walking around.. There has to be an explanation....
Renka: ....
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"You guys only left Rin a couple of hours ago, someone already has a hold of him!?" Mei exclaimed.
For a moment, Michi didn't even know how to react. But, on top of everything else that has already gone on with Taka and Kuja, she was practically reaching her limit, the aura around her feeling completely different now too. "And in his most vulnerable state too.... Mom....." Michi started, with a quiet voice.
Kali nodded, "I hear you loud and clear, don't worry." In a flash, Kali pulled out of the parking lot and booked it straight into the direction of District 18.
Michi's nails starting to grip into Kali's seat, "I don't give a shit about who this guy is, if he's putting his damn hands on Rin then I'll put his ass right back into that incurable state!!"
Mei have little to basically no time to secure her seatbelt before Kali went flying, she latched onto Shiki's arm. "Michi at least think straight for a little! Renka, you're going to have to give us a little more context here.. Why does he have Rin and.... what do you mean he should've been dead!??"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Renka: His body..... The last I'd seen him, he was dying... A quick acting venom that would be the death of him. At least, that's what had happened a while back....
Shiki: Wait, but how? You said a venom...
Renka: Judging by the cut, it was a weapon that was laced with it..
Shiki: So he was cut with a weapon laced with venom.... Venom is a quick acting toxin that kills everything in the body. Cells, nerves, muscles and the blood... So by the time he got to the hospital....
Usagi: Seems like he was already on his way gone.... But, that doesn't explain how he's still alive......
Shiki: ..... Renka, what did he mean by you being his mother? I thought Kasumi was your only daughter up until Rindo...
Renka: Juzo Mitsunami... My first son....
Shiki: ........ I see.... Did Kasumi know him?
Renka: Kasumi was a baby when he died...
Usagi: So, we have to figure out how in the hell he even came back from the dead.. Perhaps we'll find that out when we get to district 18...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
As Renka gave her explanation, Mei nudged Michi on the side of her head, "See, these are other people's children you're talking about there! Think before something insensitive comes out of your mouth Michi!"
Michi sharply turned her head to the side, still pissed. "I'm sorry, but the way he was speaking there seemed like he was anywhere but our side... And I'm already worried about Rin as it is! Why should he be involved in any of this?"
"Hm..." Kali thought about it as she still sped towards the district. "I don't know the rest of the context to his death but... Is there a possibility that he blames you for it, Renka? However he suddenly came back from the dead aside, could he possibly be.... jealous of Rin? Or could this be an enirely different story?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Renka: As a mother, I can't help but take fault for what happened... So, I give him every right to blame me...
Shiki: I guess it'd be worse if you didn't speak that way. Thinking about it, do you think maybe he's using Rin's state of amnesia to turn him against you..
Renka: But why? That wouldn't make any sense.... Unless....
Shiki: Renka?
Renka: Shohei...
Shiki: Shohei? Wait, this goes back to him?
Renka: He wanted to go after Rin, Juzo may have been watching him after Shohei was locked up..
Shiki: Do you think... Shohei brought him back to the world of the living?
Renka: ...... Brought him back.......*She thought back, remembering her last moments with Juzo back then, she'd then shake her head as she remembered* Hang on.... What if he wasn't brought back? But, perhaps created? Juzo, even in his last words... He told me that he couldn't blame me for what happened? "You never could've guessed this would happen."
Shiki: So perhaps it's Juzo with a personality change... Or, it's a clone with his physical appearance... [Even if it is a clone, I know deep down.. That's still her first son....]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"A clone wouldn't be all too surprising..." Kali mentioned.
Mei nodded, "And I don't doubt that it is a clone. I doubt Shohei would be able to cause a personality shift like this in Juzo to have him against you all of a sudden.... A clone would give him an easy blank slate to work with, while being able to pull at your strings too...."
Driving into District 18, Kali parked nearby the warehouse location Kuja gave them, assuming this is where Juzo was at.
Michi exited the car, feeling bad and a little embarrassed over her overreaction from the initial phone call. But, she was still incredibly worried about Rindo. "We have our suspicions, but.... I guess we can't reallt confirm any of it until we actually get to speak with him.." She said.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
*Renka and Shiki exited the car as well*
Shiki: Then I guess we better get our confirmation.. Come on.... *He headed inside, seeing Rindo and Juzo waiting* Rin!!! You.... You're out...
Rindo: .........
Renka: Should... You even be out? Not to mention.... How were you able to be discharged?
Rindo: .......
Shiki: Come on Rin, won't you say something?!!
Rindo: ......
Shiki: *He then looked at Juzo* The hell did you do?!!! Why won't he say anything?!!!
Juzo: Simple, I don't think he's in much of a mood to exchange words. Shiki Kisagawa...
Renka: What did you do Juzo?!!
Juzo: Long time no see to you too, mother.... I merely had a good talk with my "younger brother" here..
I'd dare to say, that we had a nice family bonding talk.. I told him what happened to me... How I'd apparently died, and how it seems like you set him up to do the same..
Renka: No.... I wouldn't...
Rindo: You let Juzo go, that lead to his death.... You let me go, that lead to me losing myself..... You let a child fight in a war... *He looked at Michi* Then there's you.... If I had never agreed to go against your father.... This probably would've never been started in the first place.... Maybe if I'd never met you- *He was then cut off by Shiki punching him, sending him skidding back*
Shiki: Shut up! Just shut the hell up!! You couldn't possibly mean that!!! That's your girlfriend, and I know damn well how much she means to you!!
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Hearing those words coming out of Rindo's mouth, Michi felt like her heart was physically breaking again. But, she didn't want to let his words get to her, at least not just yet. Knowing the state he was in, she didn't want to lash out at him. "Rin..... He can't mean any of that, he.. he can't..... Rin is still so vulnerable.... But... there's only one person I can blame for all of this..." She quietly thought to herself as she clenched her fist.
The air pressure around Michi only increased as she started stomping toward Juzo. Mei could already tell it didn't mean anything good. She grabbed onto Michi's arm and tried pulling it back, "Hold on Michi!!"
Michi pushed Mei's hands off of her aggressively and snapped at her, "No, because I'm tired of this!" She went up to Juzo, gripping onto the collar of his shirt and lifting him. "Whether someone brought you back or you're just a stupid clone, I don't give a single shit. Because whichever one it is, you still came back from the hands of Shohei!!" She yelled, her voice only getting louder at the name of Shohei. She kicked back Juzo, using her aerokinesis to send him back even further. His body was sent flying back, even breaking through one of the supporting beams of the building. "You want to come here and put all of the faults on your own mother as if Shohei wasn't the root of all of this!!! I don't know your story, but I know Rindo's damn well. Renka only ever wanted to best for him, how could she have known that Shohei would put him into war!!!?? She didn't have the power to take him out of that situation, but she still stayed with him the whole way to support him! That's why she made that agreement with Kozuki and made sure Rindo lived his best life after the project!!" Focusing on the air beneath her feet, she jets herself toward Juzo and sent him flying with another kick, sending him all the way back to the wall. She clenched both of her fists, "I wouldn't have a single doubt that she tried the same for you as her first son!! So why is it that you have to be such an asshole AND ACT LIKE SHE'S THE VILLAIN ALL OF A SUDDEN!!!?? And you're dragging Rindo down with you!! You turn your back against her and now what, huh? I swear if I find out you're on Shohei's side in any way, I'll send you flying out of this damn building!!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Juzo: *As he looked at Michi from the wall, all he did was laugh* Shohei this, Shohei that.... Have you ever thought that perhaps I'm on my own side... He may have brought me back to the world of the living . But I'm not his puppet.
Shiki: If you're not, then why do all of this?!
Juzo: .... I'm simply putting the pieces of a broken soul back together...
Renka: Juzo, I'm sure you've been told a lot since you woke up.. But, you need to hear me-
Juzo: I don't need to hear a damn thing from you! You and that bastard of a man let your own son die!! I don't care what you tell me, I know what's in front of me... Any family that's attached to you Renka, is just fated to get hurt or die.. How long before something happens to that daughter of yours?!
Shiki: Are you threatening Kasumi's life, piece of shit?!!
Juzo: Threatening? Not at all, but you've seen the pattern so far..
Rindo: Kasumi..... *He then clutched his head*
Shiki: Hang on... Is he? [That's it!] Rin!!! Can you remember Kasumi? Remember what you told us, remember what she said when you told her!
Rindo: Kasumi... My.... My sister... The one that made me..
Shiki: She's the one that made you realize, the one that made you realize that this life.. This was the one you wanted to live..
Rindo: *He looked right at Juzo* I won't let anything happen to her!
Juzo: Son of a...
Rindo: Her smiles.... The way she looked up to me....
Renka: Rindo..
Rindo: Sorry.... I guess I went to sleep again.... Most importantly.... *He walked next to Michi, taking her hand* I hurt you.... I..... Sorry can't even begin..... *He then looked back at Juzo* As for you... You imply that Renka's a stigma because her kids get hurt.... But I think I've figured it out... Knowing who Shohei is... I wouldn't be surprised if he had something to do with your death..
Juzo: Yeah? And what makes you believe that?
Rindo: Please, it's like Michi said... Renka did nothing but love you, it's what she did for all of her children. Hell, even for people outside of the Mitsunami name... Even me, a boy who had nothing because he lost control of his powers..
Juzo: Tch... All this talk is boring... Oh well, guess I'm right back to square one.. *He said as disappeared*
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi crossed her arms, "Boring talk, huh? So much for coming here to talk if he wants to be so ignorant about it.."
"Michi, don't say that." Kali went over to stand beside Renka and rested her hand on her back. "I'm sure he'll come around to us..."
"Hopefully..." Michi then took and deep breath and looked to Rindo, feeling so much calmer with him. "Also, you don't have to apologize, Rin... I don't blame you and I already had hope you would change your mind..." She rubbed the side of her arm, "Now if you were persistent about it, that would've really gotten to me.. Especially when you told me so fast in the hospital that.... you would do it all over again for me..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Aw, did he? Man, I wish I was there to see that...
Rindo: Nothing's changed about that notion.... I really would do it over again... I love you too much....
Shiki: So I may as well ask... Rin, does this mean you remember everything? Beginning to end...
Rindo: Yeah..... But for some reason, it's like Juzo was able to get into my head.... Like... I wasn't myself....
Shiki: Which would explain the insults...
Rindo: Oh, but there is good news...... The control center here for the Capacity down here, it's already been taken care of.. Even out of my mind, I did get that taken care of...
Shiki: Well, I guess that means our ride wasn't for nothing... We got our dear Rindo back, memories intact..
Rindo: .... Thanks, but right now... *He nodded to Renka* My real concern..... Mom, how are you holding up?
Renka: Honestly.... I don't even know... Between you being hospitalized and losing your memory... The reappearance of Juzo...
Rindo: I'd imagine you're shaken up... Mom... I'll tell you as well, you aren't the stigma... Juzo's death and me getting hit with capacity down, don't blame yourself for that. Besides, we're family.. There are things I'm always willing to do protect those close to me.. *He then looked at Kali* Thanks for all of this... You helped me get to the hospital, and not to mention I'm sure you got them here... Just saying, I'm glad to have you as a mother-in-law...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kali smiled at him sweetly, "Aw, you don't have to be so sweet. It was honestly the least I can do, I really want to do better for those around me.." She then came up with an idea, "Oh! How about I take you all come back to my house? I make all of you a nice comforting dinner and you can finally take a moment to just lean back.. Anything you need and I'll be right on it."
Mei was already drooling imagining it, "Oohhh that does sound pretty nice...."
Michi agreed, "Honestly... Today's been too much of an emotional rollercoaster, but at least the capicity downs are one less thing to worry about. If you ask me, I think I might need a good nap.."
Mei sweatdropped, "Michi don't tell me you're getting tired.."

over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: I suppose that isn't much of a surprise...Considering I did put you through quite a bit...
Shiki: Considering their reunion, I think Michi would find comfort in resting her head on Rin's shoulders...
Rindo: Um... *He then looked around* You know counting.... Is there going to be room for me in the car? I mean, I'm fine to take an alternate path...
Shiki: Alternate path?
Rindo: Yeah, I am Frost after all... I could just ice skate my way back home...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kali shook her head, "Oh you don't need to worry about any of that, there's definitely space for you. Plus, I'd feel bad if we just sent you skating all the way home! There's still an extra two seats all the way in the back I can pull up so you're ok!"
"Nahhh, that seat wouldn't be necessary." Michi went behind Rindo and wrapped her arms around him like usual. "Whyyy use the backseat or skate home when I can just simply sit on your lap?"
Mei raised an eyebrow at her, "That.... doesn't sound safe, Michi."
Michi rolled her eyes, "Oh shush, it sounds perfectly safe to me!"