A Certain Scientific Railgun Ghost's Scientific RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Feb 20, 2022 at 06:52AM
Esper or Human/level 0:
Esper Ability:
Esper level (1-5):
If level 5, then what's your nickname:
Academy/school of study (If you go to one):
Anything additional:

A Certain Scientific Railgun 1369 replies

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over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: *He hadn't stopped with his technique even with Michi behind him. Even with Michi attempting to distract him, he was still hitting every target with extreme precision*
Shiki: Wow, look at that focus....
Rindo: *He still continued to shoot each target, although he did have a blush on his face. He wasn't thrown off from his game until the end* That's that... *He said as the game ended and he scored alongside his top score*
Shiki: It's almost scary how good you are...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"It's impressive! And see, Mei? He was perfectly fine even with me around him," Michi said, poking Rindo's cheek.
Mei playfully rolled her eyes in response. "Are you gonna give it a shot now?"
"I don't see why not, seems pretty fun and simple! What do you think, Rindo? How well do you think I'll do?" Michi asked.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: Well, if it's anything like the ice rink.... Then you should do pretty good. Who knows, you may even come close to getting my score...
Shiki: I don't doubt it...
Rindo: I'm a little surprised you never tried...
Shiki: I have... Light gun games aren't for me...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Coming close to your score, hm..? Possibly...." Michi then took one of the light guns into her hands, aiming it around just to sort of get a feel for it before she actually started.
"Hmm if light gun games aren't for you, then what kind of games interest you?" Mei asked Shiki.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: I'm more of an arcade beat em up guy.... Though, between me and Rin.... I think we're pretty equal...
Rindo: That's about right... Unlike this game, I haven't really found too much for the other ones... Though, I'm sure if given the chance... You'll find something.
Shiki: Perhaps so...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Ah, I've tried one like that before against Michi once, but.." Mei sweatdropped, "Michi's always the one having a blast, meanwhile I feel like I don't know what I'm even doing half the time.. I guess I've always just preferred watching instead."
"And there's nothing wrong with that!" Michi held up the light gun, "Also, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this a little bit.."
"Show us what you got then!" Mei said.
Michi nodded as she then started up the game, following Rindo's instructions aiming towards and shooting each target nicely and lowering the gun when needed to be reloaded. She even attempted to use his technique of switching the gun into her other hand. Although it may not have been as quick as Rindo, she was still doing pretty well for her first try.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: *He couldn't help but smirk watching Michi* Well, look at you...
Shiki: Seriously, you two are the cutest... Maybe this’ll be the moment where Rin decides to makeout with her...
Rindo: *His blush came through* Shiki.... Seriously, you're not allowed to watched those rom-coms anymore...
Shiki: Hey, everyone can tell you're fascinated by her...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi reacted with a smirk but stayed quiet so she could focus, continuing to shoot down each of the targets. She soon finished up the game, her score not beating Rindo's but it was high enough to get her in the top three. She then turned to them with her hands on her hip, still smirking, "Hehe, I don't know.. I say Shiki should keep watching them."
"For it just being your first time Michi, you did really well! I seriously don't know how you do it...." Mei said.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: Seriously, very nicely done! *He said with excitement, not even knowing he was showing it*
Shiki: Heh, I should? Oh well, guess I am then.... Hey, Rin... Any further excitement and you'll fly through the roof..
Rindo: *He blushed again* Come on now.... There's nothing wrong with it...
Shiki: Of course not, just don't blow a gasket from excitement...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi giggled, happy about his excitement for her. "Thank you Rindo. I did learn from the very best, didn't I? I'll still take up that opportunity for making out too.~" She said, going along with what Shiki mentioned before.
"Poor Rin.." Mei sighed. "Shiki's been watching too many rom-coms and Michi just likes doing this."
"Technically, Shiki watching those rom-coms could be beneficial for you." Michi smirked at Mei, "You two basically confessed your feelings to each other not too long ago, no?"
Mei blushed and crossed her arms, "You are going to be quiet now.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: I mean, Michi's not wrong....
Shiki: O-Of course she isn't.... But this isn't about us.... This is about you two..
Rindo: *Then he blushed again, thinking about Michi mentioning that she would take up the opportunity to make out with him* Um...... So, you're still up for it huh?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Did... Did I just hear Shiki stutter?" Mei thought.
"Hm?" Michi looked back to Rindo and she smiled at him blushing, "Of course I'm still up for it.~ Though, only if you are.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: I've uh..... *He then scratched his head, turning it to the side* I'm gonna be honest.... I'm not exactly sure..... I mean, I'm not sure how to.... It's just....
Shiki: See, this is why watching rom coms is such a great tool.
Rindo: I guess I've always believed they were so unrealistic....
Shiki: You're going for realism.... I guess that's not a bad thing....
Rindo: All in all, I'm still up for it.....
Shiki: It's just nerves Rin... That much I can tell..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Mei giggled, "You know, with all these rom-coms you seem to watch, Shiki, you're putting up some high expectations for yourself...."
"It's ok if you're not sure, Rindo! Just... don't think too much about it, ya know? Everything will be ok." Michi held her hands behind her back, "After this, there's a spot I wanted to take you anyways, if you'd like to wait until then.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: Oh, alright... Yeah, I can wait until then..
Shiki: Am I? *He then caressed her chin, looking in her eyes* Hm, perhaps when we talk more.... I can show you what I'm about....
Rindo: [Holy... Crap.... He did not just say that.... Well, if I know anything... This'll probably end in one of two ways.] A-Anyway... What's next?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"S- Shiki..." Mei looked back into his eyes, her face practically turning red. She looked away, "I guess... I'll have to wait and see, hm..?"
Michi went in between them, "Ooook! This hangout is taking some interesting turns, huh? Hmm there's two things we can do.. Shiki, you said you were into arcade fighting games, right? We can either go to that next.. orrr..."
"You're gonna bring up your rhythm games, aren't you?" Mei asked her.
Michi grinned, "It's almost like you can read my mind!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: Well, I think it's fair enough that we try Michi's way now.... She's gotten to see what I've got in my favorite thing... So, now it's time to see what Michi's got in her games,,
Shiki: Fair enough.... Alright Michi, the ball is in your court.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Ooh, alright!" Michi then took them to the DDR game in arcade which had two dance pads available. She then looked to Mei with a mischievous smile.
"I should've expected that you would've wanted to do this.." Mei sweatdropped, "But with the way you're looking at me, I feel like you're going to make me join you."
"Hehe... Are you sure you're not an esper, Mei? Seems like you've been reading my mind perfectly!" Michi said, then dragging Mei onto one of the dance pads as she stood on the other. "You keep your eyes on me, Rindo.~" With that Michi then chose a song on a hard difficulty, starting it up. Both Michi and Mei hit each arrow when needed with perfect accuracy, extremely in sync with each other. Michi even hummed along with the beat, it was easy to tell how much she enjoyed this. Mei enjoyed herself as well, but she was mainly just used to how often Michi would make her do this with her.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: [Heh, a game like this that uses your body, hitting each arrow in perfect sync....]
Shiki: You seem pretty interested Rindo...
Rindo: Of course I am..... This is truly a game that gets the body moving.... Plus-
Shiki: Let me guess, it's cute to see how much Michi is enjoying herself right?
Rindo: Am I that predictable now?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi and Mei continued to move in perfect sync with each other. The song eventually came to an end, both ending with perfect scores on the song. Mei already felt like her body was getting tired. Meanwhile Michi just seemed to be even more energized, "Woo!"
Mei went up to Shiki, resting her forehead on his shoulder, "I don't know how she doesn't get tired after one sometimes. And yet she's the one always falling asleep.."
Michi then looked to Mei, "Heyy, I heard that! Though you're not wrong..."
Mei softly giggled in response, her head still against Shiki's shoulder.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: *He then placed his arm around her as she had her head on his shoulder*
Rindo: She's got quite a bit of energy.... I will agree a bit on the irony, but still.... What in this world isn't ironic?
Shiki: Agreed, like that sense of justice thing.... You know how you can claim you fight for justice, but you're doing wrong.....
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Probably happens more than we think too.." Mei mentioned.
"Unfortunately.. Hmm, are either of you interested in trying this out?" Michi scratched the back of her head, "I promise I'll choose an easier difficulty if you'd want!"
Mei pouted, "Man, how come they get a choice.."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Heh, it's probably because Rindo's her boyfriend, so I mean....
Rindo: Wait.... Huh?
Shiki: Oh, did I say that out loud? Come on now, whether you want to admit it or not.... You two are basically together....
Rindo: We haven't even exchanged-
Shiki: You've agreed to a make-out.... I don't think it gets much more I love you and want to be your boyfriend than that....
Rindo: *His face got red as he thought about it* [I guess.... He isn't wrong..]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Mm..." Michi began to blush a bit, "I meann, technically we still haven't yet...."
Mei whispered in Shiki's ear, "Shhh.. While yeah for the most part it is true, let them have their little moment to genuinely confess to each other later today. I don't even know if Michi's realized how much she actually likes him.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: [Makes sense, Michi knows that she likes him... But she doesn't realize just how far that feeling is..]
Rindo: Anyway..... I'm sure that'll be a later thing.... For now.... I'm ready... *He said stepping up to the left Dance Pad* I may not do a perfect score.... But, synced movement to the arrows... I can work with that... You can pick one for me...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"R- Right..!" Michi then focused back to the game. "It's alright if you don't get a perfect score! As long as you have fun doing it.. I'll do it along with ya!" Michi than choose a different song from before, putting it on a normal difficulty. As the song started, she did the same as before, stepping on the arrows when necessary with perfect accuracy.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: *As the song began, he began to sync up with Michi. He stepped with perfect accuracy, keeping up with Michi and the song* [This is about right, just keeping up with arrows and the song... Strange, doing this with her... It's almost as freeing as doing karaoke before....]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi quickly glanced over at Rindo's screen and smirked, "Oh? Maybe I underestimated you a little bit, huh?" She said, then focusing back on her screen. Although it was a lower difficulty, doing this alongside Rindo just made her feel happier than before. She continued to be in sync with him and the music up until the song ended, their scores then showing up on the screens, Michi getting a perfect score.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: *He kept focused and he managed to get a perfect score alongside Michi* Well, looks like I managed it... Besides, speed and coordination are my strong suits... [It's just like battle in a way..... Huh? Why did that come to mind all of a sudden?]
Shiki: I'm almost convinced you could be good at any game you touch...
Rindo: I wouldn't go that far Shiki...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Heh, I would believe it." Michi then looked to Rindo, holding onto both of his hands, intertwining her fingers with his, "But look how well you did!! Maybe next song we ever do together should be a little harder.. I'm positive you'll perfect that one too!"
Mei turned to look at them, then smirking. "Look who's the one about to fly through the roof now..."
Michi blushed a bit, looking to the side. "Shush..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: The way you're both so passionate... Honestly, it's the cutest thing... If it's not Rindo, Michi pretty much mirrors him..
Rindo: Wha....
Shiki: You have so much of that in common... When Rin can come out of his shell, he can be more outgoing... That's just who he is.... Of course, you're just naturally outgoing from the outset Michi... [Though it's made me wonder.......]
Rindo: Sometimes we as people need that little push to break from our shells.... So, it doesn't come as much of a surprise.
Shiki: Heh, guess not...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"I'll have to agree because if you didn't knoww... Michi herself wasn't always so naturally outgoing." Mei said.
Michi crossed her arms, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Mei flicked her forehead, "Stop lying."
"Ow..." Michi said, placing her hands over her forehead.
Mei giggled at that. "To be honest, I actually have no clue what broke her shell entirely, but now it's hard to imagine that she had one to begin with..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: [She wasn't always.... Strange, I would've thought she was always like this from the time she could comprehend..... So, there was something else.....] Yeah, I would never guess you had one.... Especially since you've been so outgoing ever since we met....
Shiki: Well, at least there was finally someone who could get Rindo from his... Well, aside from his family... He was always in a social shell at school....
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"I wonder what actually got her out of shell since from what I know, it just gradually happened.. I'll ask her whenever I have the chance.." Mei thought.
"Well, as long you can find the people you can feel comfortable around, it's perfectly fine!" Michi went behind Rindo to hug him from behind, "So I'm glad I'm one of them.~"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: Thanks Michi... Seriously... *He said holding her hands as she hugged him, he then turned to Shiki* I suppose I could thank you as well... If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have met Michi...
Shiki: Oh, well... I guess this is the first time you're thanking my blunt nature.... Heh, it's no problem dude.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Heh, I guess your blunt nature brought two good things for ya, huh?" Michi said. "Since someonee here takes a liking to it...."
Mei looked confused for a second until she realized that Michi was referring to her. She looked to the side, "Whatever....... By the way Michi, what was it that got you out of your shell anyways..?"
Michi sweatdropped, "Ah, well.... I'm not really sure if that's something I'd want to get into now.." She awkwardly scratched the back of her head, her other arm still around Rindo, "There's, uh.. A time for everything, ya know?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: [Michi....] *He nodded* Agreed... I'm a little curious too, but I wouldn't want to push too much yet...
Shiki: Such the good guy Rindo...
Rindo: I mean, if she's not willing to talk about it.. I can't force her.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi smiled, "Thank you, Rindo.."
Mei raised an eyebrow at Michi, "I won't make you, but... I hope you're comfortable to tell me soon.."
"Right.." Michi then clapped her hands together. "So..... Is there anything else you guys wanna do?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: I think we've seen Rindo be a god at games enough today... Besides, I'm sure he's eager for his main event...
Rindo: *His face turned red* .......
Shiki: No denial this time.....
Rindo: [Of course Shiki has to bring it on me...] Well, you were the one to answer first... So, what does that say about you?
Shiki: I dunno, what does it say?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Oh it says enough for me, I can tell you that much." Mei took Shiki by his hand, walking to the exit of the arcade. "C'mon! Since you already know we still have to talk.. Bye guys and text me later, Michi!"
Michi sweatdropped, Alright, Mei!" She then put both arms back around Rindo, "Eager you say, hm?~"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Shiki: Later Rindo... *He said walking out with Mei*
Rindo: *He put his hands to hers again* Yeah, truth be told..... I can't deny it anymore.... I guess I can't keep putting that feeling on the back burner.....

Shiki: ..... So, you wanted to talk huh? *He looked at her with a smirk* What's up?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi smiled, cuddling her head besides his, "Is that so..? Here, then let's not keep waiting...~" She then took Rindo's hand, leaving the arcade. She led him to a park and took him to a hill which gave a nice view of the rest of the city. "This was the spot I wanted to take you to.." She sat down on the grass, leaning against a tree, "This was one of the spots I used to go to a lot with Mei, so I wanted to bring you with me.."

"Mhm. To be honest, most of it was already established in the arcade..." Mei went closer to Shiki, wrapping her arms around his neck, but she was blushing and her head was turned to the side. "I really wasn't expecting you to feel that way. At least, the way I started feeling towards you.."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: A spot with a view... *He looked on as he saw the rest of the city* Incredible... So, this spot must be pretty sacred to you huh....

Shiki: Huh? So, you actually felt this way too... Truth be told, I know it was a little gutsy to just put the feeling on display like that... Not even knowing how you actually felt at the time... So, I'm glad to know the feelings are mutual here..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Michi nodded, "Mhm and this was like another outlet like I told you before.. Of course, I don't come to these spots as often now, but..." She started to blush a bit, "Why not come here for a special moment with you?"

"It was very gutsy of you, I do agree with you on that.. But, I guess that part of you is what caught my attention in the beginning." Mei chuckled, "Besides if the feelings weren't mutual, I don't think I would have such high expectations from you after watching all those rom coms.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: I see.... *He blushed alongside her* Well, I'm glad that I'm able to see this... It's a very nice place... Not to mention, rhe fact that you'd take me here..... It gives me a warmer feeling than usual...

Shiki: Yeah? Well, I'll put it like this.... Even with all the rom coms I do watch.... I still want to do this my way.... Nonetheless though... *He then put his hands over her cheeks, then kissing her on the lips*
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Does it?" Michi looked at him with a smile, "I'm glad it does. I know I like to tease you a lot and such, but....." Michi paused for a second as her heart started to beat fast. "I.. I really do love being around you, Rindo.. And even from the beginning I started to like you, but.. I think I'm starting to realize how much I actually do..." She blushed only more and more, turning her head away, "I've never gotten nervous or flustered like this, but around you I feel like I'm a liar..."

Mei was initially caught off guard but then kept her arms wrapped around his neck, reciprocating the kiss. "Do it your way, huh..? A very Shiki thing... But, I like it.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: You being nervous and flustered... It's almost not something I'd imagine.... Still, being around you has been the best moments of my life right now.... Michi.... Hanging out with you, getting to know you..... *He then intertwined their fingers* Because.... Saying that I like you.... Truth be told, it wouldn't even do this moment justice...... Michi Kato.... I love you, and if you'd be willing... I'd like you to go out with me and be my girlfriend.

Shiki: *After a little bit, he broke the kiss* Come on.... If you want, we can head to my place...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Rindo...." Michi eyes lit up as she looked into his before happily nodding. "Even if I have to say a million times, I'll happily become your girlfriend because...... I love you too, Rindo Mistunami and there's no one else in this world I'd rather be with." With her fingers still intertwined with his, she then leaned in, kissing him on his lips.

Mei eyes saddened a little bit as he broke the kiss, then nodding. "If you're ok with it, I wouldn't mind... Lead the way, Shiki.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Rindo: *His face became red as she kissed him, but he didn't let it stop him as he reciprocated the kiss* [You're truly someone I want to be with Michi... I'm glad, that I can have you...]

Shiki: Alright.... *He then began to make way to his place, his arm wrapped around her. After awhile, they made it to his place. It was a sizable apartment on the residential side of town.* Welcome... It's not much.... But, you can feel free to make yourself at home...
*The place was empty, so it seemed like he lived alone. He lived with his older brother. They kept the place surprisingly clean*
last edited over a year ago
Rindo: *His face became red as she kissed him, but he didn't let it stop him as he reciprocated the k
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"My one and only now.." Michi broke the kiss, but her face still close to his. She then brought her hand to his cheek, smiling gently. "See? You didn't have to worry so much about it.."

Mei entered Shiki's home, looking around at the place. "Oooh, do you live alone like Michi?" She then giggled, "For someone who can be so reckless, you have this place pretty well-kept compared to her. It's really nice!" She said, then getting comfortable on the couch.