Akame ga Kill! Ghost's Akame Ga Kill! RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:46PM

Imperial Arms/Teigu
Form (Weapon or armor or mark.):
Trump Card:
last edited on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:57PM

Akame ga Kill! 2075 replies

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3 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Mm... *He nodded* For what it was.... I can't say I didn't understand.. Honestly, that's why I agreed to it in the first place.. I knew how important it was to you... I knew you were strong... But like Ren said, it's just that uncertainty... I knew I could never be mad at that decision, not to mention... You've graced this unfair world... You didn't have to give Esdeath an honorable fight, yet you did. You didn't have to give people in this life a second chance, but you do.... Kairi, you see the world in a way that wasn't even given to you. Even if I knew the idea was crazy, you had a different perspective that I hadn't seen yet.. That's what makes you so impressive. You see the world in a fair way, even if you didn't live a fair life. Until I met you.... I could never even think with that kind of perspective... I've done things by any means, it never mattered how.... As long as it got done.
3 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Honestly, I never realized that about myself, but now that you mention it.. I guess it is how I tend to think, isn't it? Even though, it isn't really always the greatest..... The way I like to see it is.. it's how we balance each other out." Kairi said, giving him a sweet smile. "I never purely act on my emotions at the moment, but rather I consider everything coming from the past, present, future.. It helps me determine what feels like the right decision to me, but clearly it's not always the best... With you, it always feels nice when I can be brought down to my senses." She gently caressed his cheek, "What I've done for you, you've practically done the same for me, Katsu. Constantly thinking on the how blurs your vision more than you think sometimes.. And you help clear that for me when I need it. You don't have to praise me for all my silly decisions."
3 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: But let's think about it... If it weren't for that perspective of yours... We wouldn't have Isla and Satoru..
Ren: That's right.... We wouldn't have our whole idea for building the civil tools.. Well, I'm sure making them would've been a harder idea to come by.
Katsuki: And if you hadn't stopped me, they wouldn't be here.. So, I'll continue to give credit where credits due. *He said, then giving her a quick peck on the lips*
3 months ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi was quick to react and return the sweet peck, "You're not wrongg, but, I'll still say this.... If it weren't for you seeing past my own perspective, Noah would probably still be around too.. And I doubt he meant any well moving forward. Whichh is why I say there's balance! But, I don't want to seem like I'm trying to put down your efforts of giving me credit.. I guess I just want to show you some appreciation as well, you know?"
Najenda grinned, "If you ask me, this is just more proof to Katsu's point on how you always see things differently.."
Kairi blushed and rolled her eyes, "I'm just saying..."
3 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Well, rather than sounding like broken records.. Let's agree that there is balance between us... You see past me, and I see past you... We've helped each other in doing so...
Ren: And you've come a long way because of that balance... You're a benefit to each other... Almost like you're one sound mind and body.
Katsuki: Since when did you become a guru?
Ren: I'm just saying... You're both beneficial to one another, and in perfect harmony.. And where does perfect harmony come from? It comes from perfect balance.
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"I don't think there's any better way to phrase it... Adds even more reasons on the list as to why you two are the perfect pair for Emperor and Empress...." Najenda said to them.
Kairi wrapped her arm under Katsuki's and rested her head on his shoulder, "Not just for Emperor and Empress, but for each other too!"
Overhearing just a bit of their conversation, the drunk Leone stumbled over to their table, wanting to butt in."You two havee got be the cutest couple I've ever seen.."
Kairi jumped from Leone's sudden appearance, she could barely even sense her coming, "Leone?? Where did you just come from?" From this point of the celebration, it was starting to die down a bit. Some were either trying to return back to their late-night duties or just cleaning up the place, and some were still just sitting around and talking.
Leone pouted, "Well, Mine wouldn't let me anywhere near Tatsumi, so I decided to come and chat with you guyss.... hic I haven't seen you all night!"
Kairi raised her eyebrow at her, a little skeptical of her reasoning. "I'm sure Mine had her... justified reasons. Youu didn't come here for other reasons right?"
You could see Leone quickly glance at Katsuki for a brief second, catching onto what she meant. "Nooo, noooooo I would neverrrr........" She then grinned, "Unless you're implying I can?"
Kairi was quick to shake her head and even start hugging onto Katsuki's arm, "No, no! You're fine!"
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: I'm sure the outcome will be no different here.. After all, I'm entirely spoken for.
Ren: Oh? Perhaps Katsu has another taker?
Katsuki: Ren.... Not even as a joke...
Ren: What? I mean-
Katsuki: I'm gonna stop ya right there... I'm a one lady emperor..
Ren: Not even when the temptation is staring you in the face. I know it's a bit of a weird ask, but what about lands where it's tradition?
Katsuki: Just leave me out of it... If you need more than one to feel fulfilled,
Ren: He stands his ground...
Katsuki: Besides, big sis here seems like she needs to go get some sleep... In her own bed.
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
Leone gave another pout, "Oh c'mon.... Sleeping in my own bed is fine, but it gets lonely in thereee.."
Kairi sweatdropped, "Leone, you might want to start searching places that aren't here... Maybe actually meeting new people rather than.... stealing people you know."
Leone slumped back into her seat, "Blegh, that's never no fun either.. All I'd encounter is just a bunch of hic drunk idiots.."
"How ironic..." Najenda said. "And that's coming from me..."
Leone rolled her eyes, "Maybbee just one more drink and it'll help calm myself down from this...." She said, reaching over the table to get another glass.
Kairi was real quick to push that glass further from her, "Thaat is not happening! One more sip out of that glass and you're probably gonna throw yourself onto someone."
Chelsea came over and joined them group with her hands on her hips, chuckling. "Sounds like I'm gonna have to drag someone back to their room, huh?"
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: That sounds like a strong possibility...
Ren: Come now Leone, I'm sure you'll meet someone some day... Maybe he'll be a kindred drinking buddy.
Katsuki: Don't give her that kind of hope.. One Leone is enough..
Ren: You say that like bonding over sake isn't a thing.. Not to mention, I'm sure they'll look out for each other. For all we know, he'd probably be a lover drunk..
Katsuki: What are the odds?
Ren: The only problem is.....
Katsuki: Ren?
Akame: I'll say it, before Ren says it and makes a fool of himself.... She's overly attractive.... I mean one look at her, and it's easy to tell how a quick a guy would be to flirt with her.
Katsuki: The seductive female charm....
Akame: Of course, if you're a drunk idiot yourself, you'll attract said drunk idiots...
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
Still slumped back into her chair, Leone crossed her arms, "I'm gonna ignore you said that last part..... But, seeee! hic Technically it's not all that easy for me..... And that's exactly why it's better to--"
Chelsea cut her off before she could even finish that sentence, "And that's exactly why it's better if you have a nice big rest at your bed!"
Leone looked up at her, "Would you wanna be my sleeping buddy?"
Chelsea just stared at her, ".....Leone, we're going to have to find you like a giant teddy bear to sleep with or something."
Leone sighed, "Maan.... I guess that's fine...."
"Uh huh...." Chelsea didn't even want to bother to try carrying Leone out, so she started dragging her chair out of the Dining Hall. "Say goodnight to everyone!"
Leone just leaned her head all the way back, accepting her fate for tonight. "Goodnigghhttt.."
Chelsea laughed at her. Just before they made it out to the hall, Chelsea shouted real quick to point out one more thing, "Oh! By the way.. Don't think I didn't notice you two earlier!" She shouted to Katsuki and Kairi. "You're lucky I decided to let you guys pass!"
Najenda gave Kairi a confused look, "What does she mean?"
Kairi scratched the back of her head awkwardly, "Uhh nothing you have to worry about, that's for sure...."
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Mhm...
Ren: [Come to think of it, they did wander off earlier.... But, I'll let them be.] I dunno....But, what you should worry about... How the rest of tonight could go?
Katsuki: Oh?
Akame: And I'll just take my leave.... *She said, then leaving the conversation*
Katsuki: [Makes me wonder what we really mightve missed.] So, you two?
Ren: Hm..... Maybe.. We'll see.... Isn't that right Najenda? *He said, as he held onto Najenda's hand*
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
Najenda leaned into Ren, "Mhmm, maybe..." She looked up to him, "Of course, someone has to move all the stuff in my room first because it's definitely not going to get there on it's own...."
"Oh? So you two are officially gonna share rooms now then?" Kairi asked.
Najenda nodded, "Don't see why not... Plus, it'll be nice.."
"Ooohh, it'll definitely be nice!" Kairi exclaimed with a smile on her face. "Technically my first day in the Emperor's Quarters, I think I was just staying in there 'temporarily'... But, I think we can already tell that was never going to be temporary."
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: With the way I met you two, I should've figured it'd be hard to keep you away from each other.. Though, there were really two instances where you two would he apart...
Katsuki: The bathhouse and the mountain material grab....
Ren: Yep.... Other than that, you two have been inseparable.
Katsuki: Yeah, well considering factors lately... It would seem that now it's your turn to be that inseparable couple.
Ren: And I wouldn't mind that a single bit.... *He stood up, holding Najenda's hand, bringing her up and keeping her close to help her balance* So, what do you say we get a head start on your "new move?"
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
Najenda stumbled a bit on her feet and her other hand held onto his arm, but she still smiled at him. "I think I like the sound of that.."
"We'll see you guys tomorrow then!!" Kairi glanced at Katsuki, "We'll probably just head back to our room and end the night from there. Who knows.. Whatever it is, I'm sure we'll still be as inseparable as ever." She said with a giggle.
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Without a doubt..
Ren: Alright inseparable couple... I'm surprised one of you isn't drunk by the end...
Katsuki: Not this time... I was a bit too focused to be drinking.
Ren: Fair enough....
Katsuki: *He stood up, with Kairi's hand and stood her up with him* Let's leave these two alone then.. I'm sure they're ready for their time together..
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Alrightt!" Kairi walked off with Katsuki, waving the other couple goodbye. "Goodnight you guyss, hope you guys enjoy the rest of your night!"
Najenda waved back to Kairi before looking back to Ren, "Alright, shall we get going then?"
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Let's go.... First stop, your quarters... *He said wrapping his arm around her, keeping her beside him as they walked and made their way to Najenda's quarters* Alright.... *He looked around* So.... Where do we begin?
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Hmm..." Keeping close to Ren, she also looked around her room, trying to think if she'd had anything major to bring over to Ren's quarters. "Like I said before, I honestly don't really have much... For the most part, you'd probably just be carrying some of my clothes over and anything else you can find... It'll only be a few trips."
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: A few trips won't be bad... Now then... *He guided her to the bed, so she could sit down* Hmm, I could get started with the. clothes.. *He opened a drawer, which would contain her bras and panties, which he would then close with a blush on his face* Wrong drawer.... *He would open the actual wardrobe in the room* Well, we can start here.. He then began to gather her clothes from the wardrobe* Right....
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
Najenda chuckled as she watched his reactions from her bed, "Sorry, maybe I should've told you how they were organized first.. But, it's not like you wouldn't have to see me wearing them at some point... Isn't that right, Ren?" She said, being a little flirty again.
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He was entranced a bit by Najenda's flirting* Well, you aren't wrong... *He shook his head* Come on.... If we do this now.... We won't get this done..... *He continued gathering her clothes then ready to bring them over* Alright.... *He grabbed her clothes in a neat stack* Now, let's go.
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Alrightt.." Najenda stood up and went over to hold onto Ren's arm while they walked back. "You do have space in your quarters for my stuff, right..? I'd feel bad if I just start taking up your room in there..."
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Please, I wouldn't have agreed to this if I didn't.. I know it definitely seemed like I made a snap judgment to have you in the same room.. But, I assure you... You aren't gonna take up my room. *He said as he got to his room, and opening his wardrobe and seeing the open space* See? You're all good. *He said as he then began to add her stuff to his wardrobe* You have no need to worry about that.. Besides, we would've found a way to make it work.
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
She smiled, "Thank you, Ren.. I don't know if it's your voice, or if its the way you speak, or just both.... But you make me feel so much calmer.." She started taking some of the clothes that Ren carried over here and helped him out with putting them away, "Here.. Since, I'd likely fail trying to bring them over here, the least I can do is help you put them away..."
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Oh, well with your state I would've insisted you just sit back... But, I see... Even in your drunken state, you're a go getter, just like when you were a leader.. A lot of guys would be intimidated to have a girl like you.. But, I'm glad that I can make you feel that way... If there's anything I'd like to do, it's to make sure you're accommodated.. You are the lady I've fallen in love with after all.. *He said blushing, but smiling*
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"And you make feel so glad that you're the man I've fallen in love with.." Najenda said, kissing his cheek. "I appreciate every and any little thing you ever do for me, just like all of this..." As she finished up putting away some of the clothes, she chuckled and ruffled his hair a bit, "But, don't you worry.. Even if I might be a bit of a go-getter still, once you get to that other drawer again I'm leaving that one allll to you."
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: The other drawe- Wait, why would you just leave that to me? You don't think it would be weird for a guy to carry your underwear... I mean, clearly you're alright with it, but I- ...... I'm making more of a big deal out of it aren't I? *His face turning red as he realized he was in fact making a bigger deal of it than Najenda was*
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Yes, you are.." Najenda chuckled and gently cupped his red cheeks in her hands. "I'd think it's weird if any other guy carried all my underwear.. But, you're obviously a different story. Plus.. with how flustered it's already making you, heh why wouldn't I just leave it up to you?"
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: I should keep that in mind with how we stand.... Besides, I'm only flustered because I've never been in this situation. A lady being so open to me carrying their unmentionables... *He then sighed* But even so... With you close like this and thinking about it.... It is hard not to imagine you in just those...... [Even without that, looking at her.... Her body....]
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"It is..?" Najenda smirked and slowly got more distracted from what they should be doing, "I don't understand though... Why would you have to imagine it?" She asked, moving closer and closer to his ear. "When technically.. I'm right here..?"
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: You are......... [Focus Ren!] *He shook his head* Hold on.... I'm getting sidetracked.... We're getting sidetracked. Let's finish the moving the stuff from your room first.... Then we can revisit what I don't have to imagine.... [I can't forget about the task at hand here...] I'd rather we complete the move first, make it all official.
last edited 2 months ago
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Hmm.." Najenda looked back at the wardrobe, "Honestly, I think you got majority of my clothes already, so there's possibly not much leftover.... Maybe that drawer is all that's left..? I'm sure everything else isn't as important....."
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: [You drive a hard bargain.] *He sighed, a smile then coming on his face* If it isn't that much left, then maybe we can save the last of it for tomorrow...*His arms wrapped around her, his hands on her back. He would bring her closer* I shouldn't keep denying us much longer.. *He said, kissing her on her lips*
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Ren.." Najenda eagerly reciprocated the kiss and slowly wrapped her arms around him, her hand gently caressing along his neck. "I think you'd also have to realize.... It wouldn't be easy for me to keep resisting you like that..." She whispered between their kiss.
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Mm... It started with earlier, wondering how far tonight could even go... The thought of it ran through my mind to a point.... Then with you flirting back in your room, and then now.... It did get harder and harder.... But, thinking about it.... With less things, it'd be a quick trip for tomorrow... We'd taken care of everything for the most part.... Now it's time... We took care of each other... *He said as he lifted her shirt slightly, his hands feeling on her body as he kissed her again*
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Absolutely.." The heat of the moment was slowly catching up to her as her body grew hotter to his touch and she stepped back until she felt her back against the wall. The kiss gradually became more passionate and she slid her tongue along his bottom lip, signaling that she craved access.
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *As she slid her tongue along his bottom lip, he then granted her tongue access and their tongues began dancing with each other. He lifted her shirt more and more as he still continued to touch her body and his hands moved up her back* [This feeling with her, she's incredible.] *He continued dancing his tongue with hers as they kissed, moving himself back until his back was just over the bed*
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
As they inched closer to the edge of the bed, Najenda gently pushed him to sit down. She had one knee on the bed while she hovered over him and continued the dance between their tongues. Slowly, she broke the kiss between them and moved down, leaving kisses and nibbles along his jaw and neck. Her hands moved against his shirt, slowly starting to unbutton and get through it, "You already looked so handsome through the night, so I hope you don't mind if I see how much better you look without this.."
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Of course I don't mind... *He looked at her with smirk* But, I can't be the only one... *He said as he lifted her shirt more and more, helping her take it off and revealing her bra* You're right.... I really don't have to imagine this..
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"See..?" Najenda helped him remove his shirt entirely now, continuing to feel her hands against his chest. She moved him back so his back laid against the bed and straddled over him. "You get to see it in real-time now.. and, even better...." Her hand moved up her back and unclasped her bra, helping him with the first step of taking it off. "You're more than free to do more than just look, Ren..~"
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *As she said that, he moved the straps down her arms, taking off her bra. He would then begin feeling on her now exposed breasts. As he felt on them, he would take his finger and thumb from his right hand to stimulate her nipples while his left was massaging and feeling around* Mm... You're right, this is even better...
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Mhmm..." She let out a short exhale of pleasure, her breath growing heavier. "It feels even better for me... But just like you said, I can't be the only one, right Ren..?" With her hands moving down his chest, they met with the edge of his pants. Her hands lingered around the button of his pants like she was close to undoing them, but she wanted to tease Ren a little bit first, stroking her hand along the length of his member through his pants. "I want to make you feel good too.."
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Mm....... Well, you're doing just that... *He then began to suck on one of her nipples, then still using his other hand to stimulate her nipples* [There you go... Keep that going like that..] *He knew what he was doing was making her wet, but he didn't want to quite go down below just yet*
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Ren..." Najenda's heavy breathing was slowly turning into soft moans and Ren's movements were definitely making her more and more wet below. Even if he didn't want to go down just yet, Najenda had different plans in mind and her hands started undoing his pants. "Your tongue feels so good, but I'll have to stop you for a moment..." She crawled off the bed, helping him slide down his pants and even removing hers, but still keeping on her panties. She kneeled along the edge of the bed where she pulled down his underwear, revealing his member. "Mm, I want you to keep your eyes on me and me only, alright..?" She said, wrapping her hand around his member and properly stroking along his length this time.
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He would follow her request and stop himself. He nodded as he looked at her getting off the bed, revealing and stroking his member* Mm..... Eyes are on you, [It's like she's taking charge.... Even in the bedroom she's got that ability to take initiative.]
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Good..." Najenda stroked him for a little while longer, then moved closer to glide her tongue up along his member. "I want you to stay just like that for me..." Before he could probably even process what she said, she took him entirely into her mouth, starting off slowly around the tip, but gradually moving deeper and deeper.
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Mmmm..... [So that was your plan.....] *He'd began to feel the pleasure as she'd started from the tip, then taking in the length* You know, you'd already started.. Mm... Started me off so good.... [The way her mouth is... I can feel her tongue..] *Since Najenda had already started stroking his length before, his climax was already starting to build as he just watched her and took in the pleasure*
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
She could feel that he was getting closer and closer to his climax and only progressively only moved faster along with him, looking up and making intimate eye contact with him. "Already getting close, hmm? Good, take it all in... This is all for you.."
2 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *As Najenda sped up, he could feel his climax building and building, faster and faster. His climax would continue to build until it couldn't anymore, his member would then pulsate as he let out a moan. His member pulsing and releasing its warm liquid into her mouth*
2 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Mmh.." Najenda slowed down as he hit his climax and lifted up her head, swallowing down everything and licking her lips afterwards. She still looked up to him, rubbing her hand along the side of his thigh, "Someone got there pretty quick, hmm? I hope that felt as good as you taste.."