Tiva Tivotee's Thread! ♥ Family isn't about whose blood you have. It's about who you care about.

Lie_to_Me_123 posted on Feb 18, 2010 at 06:31PM
Hi, we're the Tivotees! A family/army which throws regular gutter parties and have an unhealthy obsession with elevators and falafel. We're psychically linked and stay up late talking about everything under the sun. We never keep calm and fanfiction is our lifeblood. One day, we'll meet up in LA and ride in a red ferrarri. We believe awkwardness can be overcome by eating a nutter butter and everytime we think of the number 57 we smile. WE'RE HARDCORE RAY-J SHIPPERS TOO. Oh yeah, and we don't like John Travolta impersonators. XD

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

If you want to be added to the list, just tell me and I'll add you ASAP! ;)


Dannii [Lie_to_Me_123] Secret McAbby Lovechild™
Joyce [ziva_rocks] Gibbs' Future Ex Wife
Jenn [yay4wicked]
Maddie [kate-beckett]
Ewa [xxiwuuxx]
Mikella [goodgirlmikey]
Jenna [NCIS_Addict_87] Gibbs' Eye Candy
Lauren G [Blue85]
Michi [Ms_Montana] Clumsy Ninja
Katie [crazy_frog222]
Lauren P [smileandnod]
Aurora [Plenlunio] Ziva's Little Helper/Resident Bitch
Janie [friendsfan101] McAbbiac fangirlie who reads obsessively!
Kayleigh [mossheart1235] Wallcrasher
Katharine [tivalover333]
Trisha [Irishtrish]
Tegan [freshfunkpride]
Piper [TivaParaSiempre]
Alice [Alyss_]
Mon [ahmoniqued]
Kathleen [soccergal39] Ziva's Apprentice
Ashley [DiNozzoDavid]
Ola [Evanescent]
Natalie [Tatty86]
Jax [zivaD] Probette
Carlee [Tivaforever487]
Victoria [TivaUnited3107]
Sonya [midnyte007]
Elisabeth [Vampgirl12]
Nic [BangelMiSaTiva1]
Lauren [lauren939393]
Laura [LauraahFTW]
Maura [memj647]
Luna [alwaysredfire]
Mari [ManicMind]
Amanda [SATeevah]
Rima [Rimasters]

<b>Hi, we're the Tivotees! A family/army which throws regular gutter parties and have an unhealthy ob
last edited on Sep 21, 2011 at 09:00PM

Tiva 16238 replies

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over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
I am so saddened about the shooting & killing of those innocent children in Connecticut. =( It's horrible.

My mom has allergies to cat's too but she loves them.

Glad you get a weekend off Jax!! No luck on the job front Dannii? Me nether, yet. We'll both find something!
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
I know, it's totally horrible and I just don't even have words for it.

I might be sorting out some work experience at a charity shop on Tuesday, so fingers crossed!
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
My fingers are crossed for you! And my toes too! <3
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi guys! sorry for not being here yesterday. just bone tired. was called to work on saturday to sort out clothes for this model who's jetting to new york sunday morning and will be wearing our creations. of course, the lady boss is out of town for the weekend so who else will come to coordinate everything? me. then headaches and cramps from aunt flo all day.

raining here today. i was watching CNN crying earlier, when they show the photos and the names of those children and the teachers too. Beautiful smiles that will never be seen by their families again. Never will be given a chance to do something big in their lifetimes. I want to understand the perpetrator and him having problems but I'm just angry right now.
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Hey Jax :)

Every time I think about it, I start crying, it's so awful.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hey dannii.. *hugs*

it's really heartbreaking especially with so close to christmas. Do you know that they're suppose to be having their christmas nativity play? One of the kids who died is suppose to be an angel in the play. I sobbed harder when I heard that from CNN.

how are you? christmas shopping done? I haven't even started on mine!
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
omg I didn't know that :(

Apparently one of the girls that died, was saving her little brother at the time :(

Me neither! I'm doing it to tomorrow.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
And around that day that incident happened, a similar crime also happened in China. a man attacked several schoolchildren slashing them with a knife. What is the world coming to?!

At least you'll get a head start tomorrow. I won't be able to do mine til the coming weekend. It's crazy!
Mind you,I bought a shoulder bag that I like last saturday but my mom likes it too so I'm thinking of giving it to her instead for christmas. I know she has seen it but she really likes it and is already asking to "schedule" her borrowing of it so I might as well. I might just pass by the shops again on the way home from work to get an item or two on my list so at least i'll get it done little by little.

I'm scouring the shops for Harry Potter's wand for my nephew. it's what he wanted. Its hard to find since it's not the Harry Potter season anymore. I'm trying my luck online on ebay.

how's the weather?
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
sleep my eyes said.. sleep.. zzz..

goodnight. back tonight :)
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
All these senseless tragedies! =( It is completely & utterly heartbreaking!

I've still not finished shopping yet, no real money to finish. Just filed my last unemployment claim since the EUC benefits for the state have come to an end. I'm deeply worried about how I'm going to pay next months bills. Danyell makes so very little, barely enough to pay the car payment, car insurance and electric. Not to mention all the other things. I can't ask my mom as she is pulling from her medical money being set aside. I probably should have saved all the money I spent on the kids at the shelter, but even with me having no pay they are still worse off than I am and I wanted them to have a Christmas. My only hope is I get a job ASAP! Even if it's at a fast food place so I can get some money coming in.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi guys! I only get presents for my mom, brothers, sister and nephew. and little things only too. like shirts and purses. nothing expensive as I can't afford it too. The rest I give a small box of handmade chocolates like I do every year.

how is every body? :)
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
I'm used to being able to afford so much more so this year is troubling for my mind & my heart. I am however thankful that I was able to give 4 kids at the shelter a Christmas. I'm stressing about getting the nieces & nephews more but Danyell is like they are well off, they have plenty of family & get enough for 20 kids (which is true).

I get for D, my mom, my brother, my grandparents, 5 nieces & nephews, D's mom & dad, and our secret santa for the adults (which we do so we don't have to buy for all the adults). We do handmade chocolates too but not sure if we'll have time this year. Didn't even get my Christmas cards out. =/
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi guys!

I will have to make time for the chocolates because that's all i'm giving. lol ;D

i use to budget for my cousins, but they're well off and all grown up. and I won't be seeing them for christmas anyway. Rarely see them now ever since one of my aunts became very critical of my mom's collapsed marriage and is quick to heap the blame on her head. dafuq?! obviously they will side with their brother, (the old man) but they don't know that whole story. what makes me so angry is that it made my mother cry, therefore making me cry as well. and nobody makes my mother cry. i gave my aunt a few choice words so now we rarely speak to each other. I just refreshed her memory to go back to the time that when her husband was cheating on her it was my mother she asked for help to and that her (saintly) husband did father a child outside of their marriage and nearly the same age as of her third daughter. meaning my aunt and the mistress were pregnant at the same time.
I am rarely vicious but never ever hurt my mother! that's when the scorpion in me lashes out. *rant over*
sorry I just got reminded again of that.. sorry..

so how are we doing? excited for the new ep?
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Hey guys!

So excited for the new ep!

And I got my fanatic medal! :D
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
aaaahhhhh you did!! Congratulations!!!! *double hugs*

early christmas present for sure!

i must catch up over the hols, i wanna get my die hard. ;)
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Thank you!

You have your die hard, you just need the fanatic! :D

Did you see the new sneak peek, so hilarous! xD
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
big smile
oh my word, i totally forgot i got my die hard already! i'm still stuck on the green medal. see? it's been too long since i put anything up that i have forgotten what I have. I didn't even realize i have a dedicated medal already on the cote de pablo site. must target the mw and scandal dedicated ones and the fanatic for us. lots to do over the holidays. I haven't even done screen caps since episode 6 i think.

i saw the sneak peek. it looks fun but i'm also puzzled as to why ziva hasn't set foot in tony's apartment. I'm inclined to believe a post in tumblr that tony got a new apartment after agent afloat. because i find it implausible with movie nights and ziva not having a telly in the early season. or tony's apartment is brand new after season 9. oh well, we will get to find out.

i won't be able to live watch but i will be able to download early and will watch as soon as i get home. i will try to stay away from spoilers before i watch it. operative word: i will try. ;P
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
i'll help you get your medals if you want :)

what puzzles me is, if he did get the new apartment or whatever, is why he's apparently invited people and not now? in the spoiler yesterday, they said that he's really private about that stuff, so i'm wondering why that would suddenly change? hmmmm, i suppose that will be answered tonight :)

i'm hopefully gonna be able to livestream, i won't spoil it for you though lol
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
i still remember that conversation in the bullpen with EJ, they were talking about the time she was wearing his abbot and costello t-shirt so that means they're in his flat. and in TorC when he's asking for Mcgee to fix his telly. how come nobody has been to his apartment? or did we just see the clip of Ziva pretending not to have been there yet? and why deny it if that's the case? Oh my.. all these questions! we'll find out soon enough. I'm rally interested in finding out. i just hope they make it clear and not leave it as one of those hazy ones..

i won't be able to go online til lunchtime the earliest and that's to download only. and then up and out by early afternoon again. won't be back at home til evening and that's the only time i will be able to watch. i might be able to sneak a peek every now and then but not that much.

i would like the help with the medals if you don't mind. how do you do that? :)
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Ewww lol :P

I'l just rate your stuff, that's how you get medals :)
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
oh yay, help me will ya? biased i know.. ;P

bedtime sleep now. need to be up at 8am. 3 more days and it's ho ho holidays we go! i'll be here every single day just like before ;D

yep, no life outside at all, lol! ;D

good night and i'll be back tomorrow and we go fangirling! i have a good feeling about this episode.. ;)
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
gonna watch now. be back in an hour. so excited! ;)
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
eeek!! so cute so cute so cute!!!
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hey dannii! *hugs*

saw it an hour ago. cute! everybody is cute, even gibbs is cute! ;)
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…

Apart from Ashley Winter! LOL.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
Ashley Winters is so eerily like M Allison Hart its unnerving. I don't like her.

I like the episode. I don't 100% love it, has some misgivings still on why they they made it like nobody among the team has even stepped into Tony's place for 12 years?? I dont understand. maybe they have a reason why, maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. but right now I'm just completely baffled.

The twin bed though it's more of a single than a twin. I understand. Perhaps he has a bed like that during his childhood and he has his best memories there. or that might even be his childhood bed which he just can't let go. Having that single bed reinforces the reason on why he can't invite women to his place. But friends? *shakes head*
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Technically they didn't say that the others hadn't been there, just Ziva, but still, I wonder why they'd say that in the spoiler.

I think what surprised me about the bed wasn't how small it was per se, just how small it was compared to the rest of the room. I mean, it just looked bare and then there was the tiny bed. It kinda threw me for six and I've got heartache.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
Sammy did pointed that out about it's really stated that nobody else had been there, it's only Ziva who said it. but still, why not ziva? oh well, we might get t find out further down the road.

His bedroom looked very spartan compared to the rest of the house, doesn't it? It feels so lonely, like its crying out for attention. I do hope he threw out that bed after that incident with Senior (which would take me a looong time to forgive him for) and get at least a double.

Although I do have a single bed in the family home, its been my bed since high school. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Maybe we're gonna get something in relation to that? I mean, why would they mention Ziva having not gone to the apartment and nobody else? It's so weird.

I'm still not over that he thought it was his fault and forgave him so easily and Senior didn't even seem that upset or sorry about it. But I'm not gonna go into it otherwise I'll go into a full blown rant with cursing and everything.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
Yeah, he wasn't involved in a crime this time, but what he did was worse! *fumes*

There's something "hidden" that's happening between Tony and Ziva making their dynamics change, and I'm really liking it!

I might get more into this after a few hours of sleep. and with this I must bid you adieu. 2 more days and the night owl will be alive and kicking!

talk to you later, goodnight! mwaah.. :)

Hey Jenna, you okay?

you know who else i haven't seen in ages? Piper! I hope that child is ok. :/
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Hello girls. Saw the episode and enjoyed it! I'm not entirely sure how I feel about certain things in the episode, such as Tony's bed and people not being there, etc. Ashley Winter truly felt & looked like M Allison Hart.

Kate the fish... that was a sweet sentiment. Made me think of his mom drinking his sea monkey's. haha.

The ending was sweet when they brought Senior back. =) What were were supposed to see in Tony's apartment that was surprising and a sentiment to the fans? Wasn't there something about that? I'm wondering if I didn't catch it.

over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi guys!

@jenna: i think it's kate the fish that was suppose to be the surprise. It didn't really surprise me since kate did name her dog after him.

i love his kitchen though!
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Hey Jax!

Been shopping today LOL.
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Hi sweeties!

I thought it may be the fish but since it didn't really surprise me I thought maybe something else. His kitchen was awesome! His bed still bothers me though. lol.

over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi guys! it's officially Dec 21, 2012, 1:06AM in my corner of the globe..

oh well, the day is still long. ;D

how are you guys? ;)
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
It's nearly the end of the day here! LOL

I'm good thanks, how are you?

I just started watching Last Resort! :D
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
Hiya Dannii! *hugs* Happy Christmas! ;)

I'm okay. tired but okay. last day of work, won't be back til January 7. yay! ;D

wracking my brain on where to buys a harry potter wand that has LED lights (the tip lights up) for Miggy's santa present. Ca the real santa help me out a bit here??
i found wands but it's just plain ones. The LED ones are out of stock. I have emailed and sent messages to more than 3 sellers, I haven't heard back yet. I can't order anymore from ebay because it will be too late. why does it have to have a light? there are a lot of wands available but there's no light. will it be noticeable if i put a bulb at the end of the wand?? LOL! ;D

i'm in the mood to watch fawlty towers so that's what I'm doing but i have to stifle my laughter because everybody's asleep. ;D
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
It's 1pm here on the 21st.

That's the problem with last minute shopping. I've not finished either..... guess I need to get on the ball.

over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hey jenna! *hugs* Merry Christmas! ;)

he sent out a letter to santa before asking for a huge robot (which is so expensive btw!) but after the bad tropical storm Pablo here he had an attack of conscience (with a bit of nudging from mommy Jax) so he changed his mind asked that we give some for the donation of relief goods to the those who got affected. and all he asked for is for the wand. which is not really expensive but sad to say, hard to find. I wanted so much to give him the full box set of the harry potter dvds plus extra, the one that comes in like a treasure chest, i think. but its out of the question with it being real expensive here, maybe next time. He's been such good child, good grades and all. always at the top of his class and now being hand-picked for the science school in high school and also being wooed by the seminary school offering him scholarships for priesthood. he's an altar boy. but he's only 11 so that's still a few years away. plus he'll be 12 next year and after that it's time to tell him who "santa" really is, if he hasn't discovered it by that time. (My mother slipped with the candies in the christmas sock when i was 10, she put the same ones we got from the grocery earlier forgetting that I was with her during shopping, lol!)

I have decided to give all the money for buying gifts towards the relief goods for those affected by the storm, each person will receive a small card with a sticker on it saying thank you from the charity foundation and a piece of chocolate santa from me. Christmas is suppose to be for giving anyway.
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Merry Christmas! <3 He sounds like such a good kid. I'm sure he'll appreciate whatever he gets.

That's what my mom kept saying. This year is about giving. We adopted the 4 children from the shelter and my mom adopted 2 children and helped out a friend who has been caring for his ailing mother. Lost the house, cant get registration on his vehicle because all money goes to her medical bills and he keeps getting stopped by the police.

Christmas is for giving. <3
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi guys! :)
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Hey :)
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Hi girls <3
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…

Just saw this article. I knew about the episode, but this tells us who was cast as the young Abby. <3

Merry Merry Christmas girls! My life would NOT be the same without you. Thank you for being a part of my life, for loving me for who I am, for supporting me through the good & the bad, for everything. I love you so much! <3
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Hey girls :)

I hope you have a brilliant Christmas! I love you so much and I hope we will be able to spend another brilliant year together! Lots of love! :)
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hello ladies! A very Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year to you! I cannot even remember my life before you all came. Such a wonderful blessing and a privilege to be able to know and spend time with you! Heaps and heaps and heaps of love! mwaaaaah!!! ;D
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Hi girls! Merry Christmas again! =) Danyell had to work and they wanted her to work 16 hours because tons of other people did not show up. Not right at all. She said I will work my shift only. So we waited until this afternoon whens he got off to eat dinner (yummy!) and to open presents. I got all the season's of Grey's Anatomy (minus the newest season that is not done yet lol), new perfume, a proper address book, NCIS shirt, watch, new comforter set and more! =)

The kids loved what we got them and were not at all disappointed that they got less from us than they normally do. They did not even notice. =) Made me feel better.

Had a migraine for weeks though, not been able to shake it. I will take Ibprofen and it will go away for a few hours, but then that's it. Not sure what's going on, maybe my blood pressure?
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hey guys! Happy St. Stephen's Day or in Dannii's case, it's Boxing Day. Go easy on the after Christmas sales, Dannii! leave some for the others, lol! ;D

how are you guys keeping? I slept the whole day. my first uninterrupted sleep in days. It's raining quite more tonight so it's relatively cooler now.

We have leftovers from Christmas dinner so that means spaghetti and ham and cheese sandwiches all day which is absolute bliss. ;)

Lucky you for the Grey's Jenna. That one I won't get unless I bought it myself. Finn absolutely refuses to watch it much less buy it for me, Though I have been getting hints of a favorite TV show DVDs he got for me (which I won't see til he gets here) and he told me its a lot and I will love it when I get it. The only thing that makes sense is the NCIS whole season 1-9 set. Because he has been asking how many season there are in ncis now right up to before christmas. I lie in wait.. ;)

perhaps it's tension/stress headache. I get them when I'm truly stressed out and have no absolute reason to pinpoint a headache into. :(
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
It has been raining her since like 2 this morning. Snowbelle kept me up running through the house playing with her jingle ball and then my brother was on the game and kept me up too. No sleep until at least 4am. I slept until nearly 12:30pm today! Lazy me! lol

Glad you got some sleep Jax! We have a bit of left over (ham, home made mashed potatoes, string beans, velveta shells, stuffing and whatnot). I had a bit late last night. Going to have something different today.

Too bad about Finn not getting them. I didn't really give too many hints to people about things I wanted because I preferred money to put into our savings to pull from until I find a job. That would be the most help. My new comforter and bathroom set looks great though! =) And I did love the DVD's. I've got all the NCIS ones except what is currently airing. =) That would be a nice gift!

Maybe, but I'm not all that stressed. A bit, but no more than usual I suppose. Or maybe with the unemployment being cut off I kinda am.

Danyell is sick again. Cold or something. Coughing, congestion, phlegm, sneezing, cold chills. Blah.

I've been applying to lots of jobs so maybe I can get one soon.