Tiva Tivotee's Thread! ♥ Family isn't about whose blood you have. It's about who you care about.

Lie_to_Me_123 posted on Feb 18, 2010 at 06:31PM
Hi, we're the Tivotees! A family/army which throws regular gutter parties and have an unhealthy obsession with elevators and falafel. We're psychically linked and stay up late talking about everything under the sun. We never keep calm and fanfiction is our lifeblood. One day, we'll meet up in LA and ride in a red ferrarri. We believe awkwardness can be overcome by eating a nutter butter and everytime we think of the number 57 we smile. WE'RE HARDCORE RAY-J SHIPPERS TOO. Oh yeah, and we don't like John Travolta impersonators. XD

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

If you want to be added to the list, just tell me and I'll add you ASAP! ;)


Dannii [Lie_to_Me_123] Secret McAbby Lovechild™
Joyce [ziva_rocks] Gibbs' Future Ex Wife
Jenn [yay4wicked]
Maddie [kate-beckett]
Ewa [xxiwuuxx]
Mikella [goodgirlmikey]
Jenna [NCIS_Addict_87] Gibbs' Eye Candy
Lauren G [Blue85]
Michi [Ms_Montana] Clumsy Ninja
Katie [crazy_frog222]
Lauren P [smileandnod]
Aurora [Plenlunio] Ziva's Little Helper/Resident Bitch
Janie [friendsfan101] McAbbiac fangirlie who reads obsessively!
Kayleigh [mossheart1235] Wallcrasher
Katharine [tivalover333]
Trisha [Irishtrish]
Tegan [freshfunkpride]
Piper [TivaParaSiempre]
Alice [Alyss_]
Mon [ahmoniqued]
Kathleen [soccergal39] Ziva's Apprentice
Ashley [DiNozzoDavid]
Ola [Evanescent]
Natalie [Tatty86]
Jax [zivaD] Probette
Carlee [Tivaforever487]
Victoria [TivaUnited3107]
Sonya [midnyte007]
Elisabeth [Vampgirl12]
Nic [BangelMiSaTiva1]
Lauren [lauren939393]
Laura [LauraahFTW]
Maura [memj647]
Luna [alwaysredfire]
Mari [ManicMind]
Amanda [SATeevah]
Rima [Rimasters]

<b>Hi, we're the Tivotees! A family/army which throws regular gutter parties and have an unhealthy ob
last edited on Sep 21, 2011 at 09:00PM

Tiva 16238 replies

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Showing Replies 15201-15250 of 16238

over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Hey :)
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi lads!

feeling a bit better, thanks for asking. working tomorrow on a saturday, bummer. boss is out of town so i have to keep an eye on the rest.

The saga of my work life: I gave my notice last wednesday afternoon. The lady boss balked, told me it was too soon and I said not really, its 15 days of notice (2 weeks) which is customary. Begged if I could stay til at least we get the next big wedding done. (feb 22) so the fool that i am, agreed. so I'm still there til the end of Feb. *sigh*

well at least I'll get about six more weeks worth of wages.
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
More money to put in the wedding fund! :)
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
Hi dannii! *hugs*

i know, i'm starting to look into shoes and hair and make up now. also scouting for photographers. i know it's a registry wedding but i still want professional photos taken. and i want an engagement/pre-weddign photo session as well.

I was gonna start capping shabbat shalom, then i started watching more than capping, then I got teary-eyed again watching the end scene.. *sigh*

at least i got another week to do those caps before the next one.

over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Hi girls. Your boss sounds like she knows how to get her way.

When is the actual date of your wedding? I'm trying to get your wedding gift there along with your "honey"moon stuff. But it's been raining so bad and I need them to be outside for awhile. Weird, you will understand when you get.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hey Jenna! *hugs* how are you?

no actual wedding date yet. I have had enough of postponing, so far i had 6 dates since last year that i had to postpone and it just frustrates me to no end and i tend to rant and rave and basically just spew my frustrations out to Finn over the phone which ends up with us arguing and sometimes blaming and its not a nice feeling. I will choose a date when everything is sure and locked in. as in his plane ticket has been booked and everything is fired up and ready to go.

its easy here anyway. just present your birth certificates to the city hall, pay the fees, obtain the permits right there, grab your witnesses and if there's a judge available somewhere in the building they will marry you right then and there. not much hassle.

so far, I'm favoring dates of 8, 10, 17, 18, 20, 27 and 28. so any day within that range within the next 2 months should be fine with me.

oh the lady boss definitely gets her way every single time. spoiled daughter of very rich and entitled parents. grew up with every luxury you can think off. silver spoon? never mind that, this one has a diamond studded gold spoon when she was born! Think Paris Hilton but not an airhead, richly educated, smarter and way more talented. and spends money likes there's no tomorrow.
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Hugs! I'm doing okay. =)

Does he have a date yet? Wish it were that easy here. lol

=) Wish I could be there for your wedding.

lol. Paris Hilton. Too funny!
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
you see the reason for his delay is we're waiting for his case to finally be over. He had a nasty accident a few years back and hurt his knee real bad that it required hospitalization. and he still requires therapy and medication up to now. the accident has caused his knees to accumulate fluid and swell and hurts like the very devil when its swollen so he periodically needs to get it drained. recently they recommended keyhole surgery which he needs to get done before the end of the month. The other party admitted liability which basically means its just money figures they're talking about now. Last November they had a court date and they began quoting amounts for settlement etc.. but his barrister ( the next step higher than the ordinary lawyer) refused offered amount and demanded for more especially in light with the doctors ongoing treatments and surgery. The judge agreed that Finn deserves more plus the cost of the litigation and doctors. So he's scheduled to have knee surgery at the end of the month which delays him even more. (and which i'm so scared for since i'm not there to take care of him) Their next court date is middle of February and everything should be better and done by then. Until that is resolved he cannot go out of the country because he could be called in anytime by the court and if he's not there, it will only delay his settlement. and of course, we badly need that money, it's good enough for us to get started on our new life together without worrying where to get the money for at least the downpayment for a house and at least for one child's college fees, and then a little bit some. so we really need to get that.

I know, I wish you and Dannii could be here too. might not be the wedding but its still a big possibility of all of us meeting up somewhere. ;)

sometimes I have this impish streak in me to tell her casually, "hey boss, you know paris Hilton? you so remind me of her" I might get a stiletto stuck on my head. lol! ;D

over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Oh my goodness, that must have been a pretty bad accident!

We'll be there in spirit! :D
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi dannii! *hugs* how are you?

he slipped and knocked his knees in a bad way due to the carelessness of the store owner. that's why the other party admitted liability which makes things a lot easier for us. My heart breaks every time he needs to go to the doctors for draining and he is the type of man who would admit to being dead first than admit to pain. and he would just stoically walk around trying hide his limp from me. and it's a constant battle to make him take pain medications. it's like having a 4 year old who constantly says "no". so that knee surgery would be a blessing if it means ending his pains.

you know the devil wears prada film? that's my boss, except much less sarcastic but bossy anyway. ;D
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
I'm doing good, how are you?


Just to let you know, I won't be on til late tomorrow, getting up early to see my gran in London, then coming back and seeing my boyfriend :)
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
My mom has had over 30 hip, knee & ankle surgeries (mostly knee) and she got rubbish.=( She just finally wanted it over with, her lawyer sucked big time. She's been through the draining, the graphs, metal, screws, lots and lots of pain.

We all WILL meet up! One day. I hope soon.

ha! I do know that film.

Have fun Dannii! My aunt & god brother will be hear tomorrow morning & will be leaving Monday. So I may be a bit scarce myself. Though I do have to get on to write my English paper. Descriptive essay, topic of my choice. I'm doing NCIS. I could talk for that on hours! =) About each of the characters, and I'm thinking about choosing 1 episode that I can really put to good use. Perhaps ToC since that's where Tony is describing them? Not sure.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
h guys! so sorry about last night .My internet got cut off. I told you that I'm switching service providers, but that was very rude of them to cut me off in the middle of the night.

I'm at work right now. but i'll be on tonight. I'll get just get those dongle thingies for the meantime if the new one doesn't install this afternoon.
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
How rude! What is a dongle thingie? lol

Up late cleaning the house for my aunt's arrival.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
Hi jenna! *hugs*

those usb thingies that you plug and lets you connect into the internet. I have an old one so all I need is to buy a prepaid sim card and its good to go. It's oh so slow to use but better that than nothing.
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…

I don't know that I've every used that? lol

How are you doing today?
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
that's popular in a 3rd world country like mine, lol! ;D

i'm ok. busy enough with wedding fittings and all. they're all driving me crazy!

i'm going home in 10 minutes. thank god! i'll b back later. mwaah!
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Yay for wedding fittings! Gosh, it just doesn't seem right that one of my best friends is getting married and I'm not going to be there. If you Finn gets his settlement I know ya'll will be buying important stuff but promise me that you'll come to NC next summer and we can rent a beach house and spend 1-2 weeks together! Dannii too if we can get her here!

over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
That's definitely on my bucket list!
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
=) I hope we can do it. Been wanting to do it for so long. <3
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hey guys!

what's this about I'm hearing that Ray will be coming back?! what's going on?
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Some person decided to play a prank and post the 9x13 press release as the 10x13 press release. Nothing to worry about.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
sweet baby jesu! and here I am wondering what kind of scenario will there be to necessitate him coming back, is he coming out of prison or what. whew! that sure got me jolted!

how are you? how's your gran and the date last night? :)
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
I know, right? Everyone was freaking out.

It was okay lol, knackered from waking up so early lol and ended up having a sort of panic attack at one point. How are you?
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
why? what were you panicking about?

nothing much today, every time I tried to get up the bed seems to take me hostage so I ended up sleeping most of the day away.. ;)

although I did catch up on grey's and scandal. i miss last week's and this week's gray's.

I'm calling in sick tomorrow. too lazy.
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Why panic attack Dannii?

I wish I could sleep in. Went to bed around 11pm last night but was up at 12:30 still when my mom & aunt called me to pick them up from a little bar not too far from the house. Then when they got in we were just talking about old times so didn't get in bed until after 2, I didn't fall asleep until after 3 and alarm was set for 8:00 so we could go to a buffet breakfast. I've gotten that little sleep before and been fine but today I feel like if I lay my head down I'm gone lol.

Glad you caught up on Grey's. What do you think?

over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
I have no idea. Remember ages ago when I had to go to the emergency doctor and they didn't believe me? That was what it was again.

I'm thinking about watching Scandal :)
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hey Jenna! I'm sad but not surprised that Adele died. I was kinda expecting it ages ago. I'm half-wishing Owen and Christina didn't divorced but I do understand stepping out of the box and now they could see each other in a different light. Well they're not closing the hospital for sure, so they're not getting 50M each but I',m hoping they could at least settle something. I hope Derek doesn't get angry at Owen again and Arizona doesn't fall into depression again. I didn't like Jackson sleeping with that intern. But I'm digging Alex and that intern which so reminds me of Izzy.
Wild theory: Could Christina be pregnant too? she's eating a lot. ;D

@Dannii: could it be stress induced I wonder?

If you're watching Scandal, watch from season 1. it won't take you long to catch up since they only have about 6 or 7 episodes in Season 1. prepare to get confused. I do love Scandal, its my second now to NCIS. though a far second still. ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
nodding off.. i'll be back tomorrow.

you both take care! goodnight!

mwaah! ;)
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
@Dannii - I hate when doctors don't believe you! I hope you don't have anymore.

@Jax- I'm extremely sad that she died too. I really wish Owen & Cristina had stayed together. I like them together. Yeah we know they aren't closing the hospital but I wonder how they are going to come up with the money. I like Alex & Jo too. I don't mind Jackson sleeping with his intern I guess. Doesn't really bother me. I hope they didn't make Christina pregnant for a 3rd freaking time.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi guys! ;)
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Hi sweets! Wish there were a new NCIS tonight!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
Hiya Jenna! *hugs*

I know, tell me about it! I'm feeling kinda lost today because I'm not getting that excited anticipating feeling I get whenever there's a new episode. Especially with the Grade A solid gold episodes we got the last 2 weeks.

I watched Shalom Shabbat earlier after nearly 2 weeks since i last saw it again. and guess what? I nearly drowned myself in tears! and here I thought i have gotten over it and I nearly did, but i still broke down when Ziva cried "abba!" that one kills me over and over again.

how are you?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Hi! Hugs! I'm pretty good. Trying to get back into a routine. Had family visiting from out of state from Sat-Mon an it was very nice. We had a lot of fun.

I hate when there is no new episode! I want to watch Shalom Shabbat & Shiva back to back.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi guys! Did we get a new thread look?
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…

Lady_Ziva commented…
just trying to see how this works over a year ago
Lady_Ziva commented…
this is so weird.. over a year ago
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi dannii! *hugs*

It got me confused and here I thought the page wasn't loading properly, I refreshed it 3x!
It does look horrible, doesn't it? I'm not really digging it. :/
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…

I thought I'd accidentally clicked on the wall and not the thread! :/

What's the point of posting if you can just comment on someone elses post? I don't think they've thought this through properly, tbh.

How are you?
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
This is horrible! what's with the "add a comment" for/ couldn't you just post and reply/comment at the same time to the previous post/person? i don't get it why do they have to put up a separate thing for that. i can't even delete my 3 weird posts above! and what's with the "like" button? if i like what the other person said, won't saying you like it seem better than just clicking the like button? this is a thread, people talk/chat here. *face palms*
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Exactly LOL.

It's gonna look horrible if we upload pictures to forums too, I bet. Ugh
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
i'm hoping that this is just a bad dream and everything will go back to the way it was when I wake up.
bedtime. i suppose. need to eb up at 8am. i will be so happy once this nightmare of a "bridezilla" and this wedding from beyond hades is over on saturday. Even the lady boss wants to strangle not only the bride, but the dominating mother of the bride as well! if I could only ignore clients.. oh well.

i'll be back tomorrow. goodnight! mwaah.. ;)
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
What in the world have they done to this page?!

Hi girls!
Lady_Ziva commented…
tell me about it! :( over a year ago
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
I had hoped it was a bad dream but apparently not.
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Oh my goodness. Seriously?! Had hoped this would go back to normal.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
it's still same horrible thing. sorry wasn't here last night. had a light night and early morning today. most likely won't be on tonight as well. will be here saturday.

miss you guys! :(
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
We can get orange medals now!
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
I haven't even gotten my red yet. lol. How are you girls?
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi guys! oh you wouldn't believe the uber busy 2 days i had! crazy is an understatement!

what do you need to do for the orange medals? slay a dragon? ;D
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Hi Jax! Are you able to rest after your busy days?

We were supposed to get some winter weather yesterday, they called for snow with a wintery mix, instead we got ALL ice. Everything covered in a thick glaze of ice, including cars, tires, roads, decks, grass, etc. Danyell had to drive home in it last night (and she got off hours late) and she had to drive to it this am. It's sunny today so some is melting, problem is all that is going to re-freeze when the temps go back down tonight. Blah.

I have been trying to do some schoolwork but I've been lazy. =/ I have had vertigo all morning.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi jenna! not much rest yet. I'm still here.. ;D
I'll catch up on sleep today.

well, we definitely don't have ice. but it has gone considerably cooler here too. from a usual 30-32C daily temperature, we're getting 18-22C now daily and they said it will stay that way til February. believe it or not, I'm getting some good use out of a couple of cotton scarves from years ago that I brought home. It gets windy and i need to keep my neck warm.

Not envying you with the vertigo. I was diagnosed with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo probable mender's disease in 2010. I have a prescription for betahistine. and when it strikes, it's really bad that i need to get butt injections just to settle.