Tiva Tivotee's Thread! ♥ Family isn't about whose blood you have. It's about who you care about.

Lie_to_Me_123 posted on Feb 18, 2010 at 06:31PM
Hi, we're the Tivotees! A family/army which throws regular gutter parties and have an unhealthy obsession with elevators and falafel. We're psychically linked and stay up late talking about everything under the sun. We never keep calm and fanfiction is our lifeblood. One day, we'll meet up in LA and ride in a red ferrarri. We believe awkwardness can be overcome by eating a nutter butter and everytime we think of the number 57 we smile. WE'RE HARDCORE RAY-J SHIPPERS TOO. Oh yeah, and we don't like John Travolta impersonators. XD

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

If you want to be added to the list, just tell me and I'll add you ASAP! ;)


Dannii [Lie_to_Me_123] Secret McAbby Lovechild™
Joyce [ziva_rocks] Gibbs' Future Ex Wife
Jenn [yay4wicked]
Maddie [kate-beckett]
Ewa [xxiwuuxx]
Mikella [goodgirlmikey]
Jenna [NCIS_Addict_87] Gibbs' Eye Candy
Lauren G [Blue85]
Michi [Ms_Montana] Clumsy Ninja
Katie [crazy_frog222]
Lauren P [smileandnod]
Aurora [Plenlunio] Ziva's Little Helper/Resident Bitch
Janie [friendsfan101] McAbbiac fangirlie who reads obsessively!
Kayleigh [mossheart1235] Wallcrasher
Katharine [tivalover333]
Trisha [Irishtrish]
Tegan [freshfunkpride]
Piper [TivaParaSiempre]
Alice [Alyss_]
Mon [ahmoniqued]
Kathleen [soccergal39] Ziva's Apprentice
Ashley [DiNozzoDavid]
Ola [Evanescent]
Natalie [Tatty86]
Jax [zivaD] Probette
Carlee [Tivaforever487]
Victoria [TivaUnited3107]
Sonya [midnyte007]
Elisabeth [Vampgirl12]
Nic [BangelMiSaTiva1]
Lauren [lauren939393]
Laura [LauraahFTW]
Maura [memj647]
Luna [alwaysredfire]
Mari [ManicMind]
Amanda [SATeevah]
Rima [Rimasters]

<b>Hi, we're the Tivotees! A family/army which throws regular gutter parties and have an unhealthy ob
last edited on Sep 21, 2011 at 09:00PM

Tiva 16238 replies

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Showing Replies 15601-15650 of 16238

over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
I would be up for the icon contest again. =)

Hope you feel better Jax! Yup, been a year now! Crazy right?! Seems like just yesterday I was telling you girls we were finally moving.

That promo.... I don't even know what to say.
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
I can't believe it's been a year already!
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
I know right Dannii?! Have you heard anything from that job?
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi guys! popping in for a bit. super hot day! still a bit of headache i'm afraid.

how are you?
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
I did, Jenna. I was a bit curious because the advert said that the job was for 40 hours, but on the phone they told me it was 12 hours. That would mean that I was earning just over £25 a week, which was barely enough to cover the cost it would take to get there, plus, they wanted me to pay £70 for a CRB check and that would taken out of my wages. I mean, I have to contribute to bills and stuff as well and at the end of the day, it just wouldn't be worth it, so I had to turn it down :(

I'm good Jax, did you see the promo?
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
Hi guys!

@Dannii: 12 hours?! are you joking me?! What's that, a mom and pop shop?! that's foolish! of course, nobody would like to work in those terms. They only person who would take it would have to be practically living next door! Tell them to shove it up their arses!
Don't worry, there should be another one just right for you. It's stupid to make you wait for so long only for you to find out their measly terms. I hope they get the measles. stupid people!

another hot day again here. everybody's practically melting. It makes me feel more tired than I really am.

I did see the promo. There's not much to tell about it. They're trying to keep it under wraps as much as possible. Which I like better. I'd rather be surprised! If i can't watch live, I'l try to stay the heck out of tumblr.

how are you?
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Hey :)

I know, I'm just worried about what the job centre is going to say. They say the basic amount of money to live on per week £56 and obviously that job didn't even give me that, but my personal adviser said that 'head honchos' might have to reevaluate my claim if I turn the job down because I was still going to get money, but I really couldn't afford to live on that.

We've had snow, so I will gladly take some of your heat! :)

Alice said that it was misleading so I'm definitely not freaking out about it, although I do have some theories about the episode. They haven't released the 30 sec promo yet, so I'm not sure they will at all.

I'm good thanks, how are you? :)
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
Sorry, I had to sneak out of the house to grab a burger and milkshake. Hungry! Mind you its after 12midnight so I had to be careful. i took my brother's bicycle. That was fun! I haven't biked in ages. ;D

You could argue that 12 hours pay. It's not even enough for cost of daily living, let alone an entire week! You're gonna end up spending more for food, bus or petrol money than what they're gonna be paying you. Plus that 70 that will come out of your pocket. You'll end up working for free! stupid head honchos if they don't see that!

Alice said the same thing with the Shabbat Shalom episode that it was misleading especially the end part of the promo, and it was. I'll reserve my freaking outs until I've actually seen the episode. I'm even thinking that what they're hyping up is not as big. Ziva's hunt will only be a side story in it. I think it will be in Berlin where it will be put on the front burner. Especially Mossad will be popping up again in there.

I was hungry but now I'm not. ;D

It's looking ok that I might be able to see Chasing Ghosts live on wednesday morning and be able to fangirl as usual without being the party pooper that night. So fingers cross! ;D

I'm still deciding if i'm going to laugh or be annoyed at the over-over-over reactions in tumblr. Right now it's me annoyed. Especially comparing it with the AliyahArc? Geez, take a chill pill dude! *sighs*
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
I definitely agree with you about the promo. I know there's some talk that people are feeling like they're not giving the Ziva dealing with Eli's death situation enough attention and I think the promo was just their way of telling people that it's finally being dealt with, at least in a way in CG.

I've got my argument ready for the job centre LOL.

I don't even think I'm gonna make it to watch it live. I was literally shaking in bed, watching the promo, goodness knows how I'm gonna cope when we see the actual thing. *crosses fingers for you*

I get that people are annoyed at the over reactions, but I get that people got that impression. Like, how are they meant to know the promo is misleading? They're only reacting to what they were shown. I think what bothers me is that they should know that GG wouldn't do that to us. Especially after how far Tony and Ziva have come, this season especially.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
But I mean, how could you decide and compare something to what we've seen probably a hundred times to one quick promo that was about really 15 seconds long? We don't even know who's she pointing the gun at, just because the previous frame was tony then we all just went, she's aiming her gun at tony!

Even the gibbs and vance conversation was I think edited.

But somehow, we couldnt really blame ourselves for going berserk. We are the "so near we could almost taste it' stage that one wrong move may cause everything to topple. plus we really didn't have the best in examples after what Don P. and Shane B. did before. This is a whole new level with GG and people are wary to trust.

But saying that, I trust GG with all my heart and so far, based on his interviews he hasn't led us astray yet this season and I'm loving it. When hiatus comes, I'm gonna watch Season 9 and 10 immediately because it will be so beautiful to see that build up between them. ;D

are we suppose to be getting the 30 sec promo today? i can see people waiting for it.
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
I understand what you mean, for all we know, Tony could already be inside and someone else is at the door! We'll just have to wait and see.

I don't think so, although we never really know when they'll bring out the promo, they bring it out whenever they want LOL.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
I really wanna see this episode though, is i so bad i want tomorrow to be monday again? so we're nearer to wednesday. lol! ;D

but wait we must. I'll do my 20icons probably over the weekend. Though I'm working on saturday though. No rest for the wicked. ;D

I'm holding out for some more new good scenes that we can play around with that's why I'm holding off on the "project" (the one where I asked you and jenna to send me your fave photos) until season 10 ends. I was thinking you might want to add them if we get good ones from the remaining episodes. What do yo think? ;)
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
shouldn't have had that milkshake, it's making me sleepy!

i'll be back tomorrow night. goodnight! ;)
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
GIRLS! I think I might be dead.
last edited over a year ago
GIRLS! I think I might be dead.
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
When?! Why?! How?! I'm freaking outttt! Where exactly did it come from?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
sweet jesu! I was just going to fire off an important email when I decided to check this and tumblr.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
guys, we're going to get our dance that we didn't get from Jimmy's wedding one year later!!

WE'RE GETTING THE DANCE!! *dies again*
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
big smile
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
yay! more beautiful babies! They're my real life fanfiction, except that in ff it's tony and ziva but in real life its MW and Bojana. ;D

over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
ps. did anybody ever find out what's the hidden message? I don't have a clue!
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
I have no clue. I've been wondering what it could be all day!
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
i was so distracted at work because i kept staring at that photo! i wa trying to decipher the hidden message. all i could come up with is the man behind with a bow tie has something to do with it. not romantic at all.

I was screaming like madness epitomized this morning! you wouldn't believe my screams when i saw that photo! Like nearly crying and giddy at the same time! this is crazy!

How are you?
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
I'm surprised you didn't hear us screaming, we could've broken the sound barrier!

I feel like crap, but IDC because this photo and Baby Weatherly!
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
It's so funny because i got up at 11am from a phone call from my boss. something needed sorting out, and I had to send an email immediately. I thought, let's peep in on fp and tumblr. an lo and behold.. i saw that. at first i kinda scrolled along past it thinking it was a manip. then i looked closely and thought, "this is great manip i couldn't see the lines!' Then I realized its REAL! then i just stared at it for like 10 seconds.. just stared at it.. then i screamed, screamed, and screamed! Giddy and jumping all over my bed. Oh my sweet heavens! you should have seen me! I was a sight for sore eyes! email and everything forgotten. until i got a text from my boss asking me send her the email as well that i only remembered.

Imagine us when we get the actual episode! I have to find a way again to be absent or at least go on half day when it shows!

Then i stumbled and nearly fell from the escalator because i was staring at my phone and i missed 2 steps. no regrets! ;D

have a bit of headache too.. but i'm happy! ;D
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
HAHA! I was shaking and my stomach was practically convulsing and I couldn't scream because my family were there and OMG THE FEELINGS.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
goodness, we've really lost our marbles, haven't we? and it's only a single photo. imagine when the sneak peeks and extended promos comes out. We're really gonna go bananas. as if we haven't already! haha!

Now I know why they put in breaks between the episodes. to give us time to recover.. so they can kill us all over again!
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
I still cannot believe they even released it! Like, what if there is even bigger stuff to come? I can't.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
Oh there will be bigger stuff, especially the finale arc is going to be about Ziva/Bodnar/Mossad.

need to go for a bit. phone call. will be back.
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
O geez! I'm still freaking out!

Danyell went to NJ this morning. She's not quite there yet. Still on her second flight.

I should be working on schoolwork, this Scientific essay is killing me. Can't even get started. Tiva keeps distracting me...

And... LOVE that Michael & Bojana are expecting again! =D What great news!!!
O geez! I'm still freaking out!

Danyell went to NJ this morning. She's not quite there yet. Still
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
If you weren't in love then you are now. I cannot wait for this episode!
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Hey guys! :D
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Hi sweets!
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Hey Jenna! How are you doing?
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi guys! I was gonna change my icon, but if i do we'll have the same one! LOL! ;D

still not over that photo.. and we even haven't seen the episode!

that photo made me miss 2 steps on the escalator and i stumbled and nearly fell!
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
That would be cool though! :D

over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi dannii! i'm fine. just my ego bruised because it was lunchtime inside the shopping mall. I was staring at my phone and I didn't see that there was another step that came up and i miscalculated mid-step and lost my footing. I was able to grab the railing though.

but sweet jesu, those 2 are hazardous to my health!

and i found out that i might be able to get the EW magazine! I found a shop here that carries them but delivery won't be until tomorrow monday. I might get it on tuesday. I already begged them to reserved one for me, left my mobile number and everything. I can't wait!

how are you?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…

OMG SAME! Izzy offered and she said that she's gonna send me one! :)

I'm good thanks. Did you see the new promo pics?
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
I'm alright. caught up on sleep most of the day.

so far, I'm good for wednesday. I might be able to catch live. I'll just tell the boss that i need thursday morning off from work to do something. She always gives in anyway if there's no clients. I need wednesday night to fangirl (meaning i wont get to bed til about 5am thursday)

problem right now is Berlin. i'll think of a way. ;D

yay! I'll post a pic when i get it. Precious possession!

I did! and the one bed did not escape my eye. I saw a couch though. I have this feeling that Paris will come up there.

and Tony in short sleeves shirt! *swoons.. faints*
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
At least you have 16 days to think of something LOL.

I'm hoping it does too, but I don't wanna get my hopes up LOL. If we get more on top of the dance, the fandom will be dead with no hope of return!

IKR? Jesus wept.
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
I have to find a way.. a whole lot of ways until the finale! ;D

I'm trying to keep my hopes under wraps but it's so damn hard especially with what we are getting and you wonderful guys making your edits and gifs. Its so freaking hard!

getting a new ventolin inhaler. my old one's running low. getting ready for the it all! with that I should get an oxygen tank as well!

I dont know if i should expect tears or flailing.. probably both! lol ;D
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
yay! they're showing a replay of a basketball match i missed earlier on tv, my team won ;D
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi guys! are we ready yet for chasing ghosts? 'D
over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…

Did you see the post last night saying that Tony and Ziva are sharing a bed in Berlin? Like I know Michael tweeted it, but I thought he was just trolling! HAHA.

How are you?
over a year ago Lady_Ziva said…
hi Dannii! i saw somebody posted a EW mag signed by MW from the Red Cross ball and he said that they're gonna share a bed in Berlin and that the circumstances that brought it about he can't say and we have to wait for the episode to be shown. is that the same one?

sweet jesu, I'm gonna die! they don't have to sex on it, but just being together on ONE bed, and they're probably talking to each other. Gah!

bit of good news/slight bit of bad news:

good news: I can watch live (technically one hour later since I have to wait for the links to show up) on wednesday

bad news: I have an early client on thursday. but feck it! I don't care if I only have 2 hours of sleep on wednesday night. i'm gonna be here fangirling! Its only one client anyway so i can go home by lunch time and nap after. just gonna grab the biggest cup of coffee i could find in starbucks. ;D

They are right you know, we won't be getting any proper sleep until May! but who cares! as Gibbs said, you can sleep when you're dead! hahaha! ;D

how are you?

over a year ago tonyziva1234 said…
Yes, that was the one!

How comes you can't just watch a livestream?

I'm good thanks!